I Call Upon All USMB Liberals To Answer This Question >>>

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Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

I would have taken him out of the vehicle and detained him.

Awesome question.

And if he had a gun, he'd have shot you in the face. I hope your children would have liked their new step father

Are you sure about that? You seem very sure? It is as if every person who ever reaches inside a car takes out a gun and
shoots someone in the face. Crazy world we live in.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
He wasn't "racing" he was walking and the cops were right next to him the entire time.

The woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her you're defending was clearly walking to get to the car door.

Do it. Grab a dangerous guy from behind safely. Try it and report back
You forgot the aggressively charging part. Somebody who is running away is different
I didn't forget anything. What "aggressively charging" ? Somebody (a felon) who is running away, can legally be shot in the back, to prevent escape, and harm to the community.
Hmmm, no. The cops can't shoot you just because you are running away. They can only shoot you if they feel you are a threat to their lives.
Thank you. Can’t believe I’m actually agreeing with you in something. Glad to see some sense of reason within you. Perhaps there’s hope for you yet
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?
I would rely on my training and experience. Seven shots in the back is recommended in police training? Really?

Any other response is recommended before you discharge your weapon such as in Kenosha.

Police are trained to fire until the subject goes down, they don't count or have a specific number of rounds in mind. Also they tasered the guy twice, shooting was the only option left.


Seven times in the back is excessive by any standard.
Blake didn't have a gun, he was unarmed.
This is why BLM was formed in the first place.
UNARMED Black men getting shot/murdered at disproportionate rates than whites.
Try to soak that into your thick skull.

Seven times in the back is excessive by any standard - that's for the investigation

Blake didn't have a gun - true
he was unarmed - false

This is why BLM was formed in the first place - false. BLM was formed as a Marxist terrorist organization

UNARMED Black men getting shot/murdered at disproportionate rates than whites - false. Stop making up shit and do your research

Try to soak that into your thick skull - My think skull rejects your lies, that's why it's thick

"he was unarmed - false"

That's what the policeman's union is saying.
Their job is to get any bad cop off of any charges, regardless of what the charges are, period, the end.

Investigators have not explained why officers moved to arrest Blake or why Sheskey fired so many times.
The agency said Blake told authorities that he had a knife in his possession. Investigators later recovered a knife from the driver's side floorboard of Blake's vehicle. The Wisconsin DOJ has not said whether Blake was holding that knife during his interaction with police."""

Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?
I’d wrap his arms from behind and take him down to the ground. Then have one of my fellow officers cuff him. People should be respectful and obedient to cops and should not run. If they do they can be arrested but they certainly do not deserve 7 bullets in the back, that is inexcusable

You forgot the flying slow motion flying karate chop changing direction in mid air you'd use to disarm him first
You are referring to a round house punch.... My default method for take downs are flying kick punches.

Cops are people though. It's sick how you're trying to get them murdered for some sort of political benefit you think that gives you
I don’t want cops murdered nor am I trying to get them Murdered. You are lying.

I am good friends with my local sheriff and have worked with him on community efforts on several occasions. I have tremendous respect for good cops and the Hard work they do.

Of course you want cops to be murdered. When you advocate policies that would murder them, you want to get them murdered. You're also defending a big man who preys on women.

Blake could have ensured both walked away by obeying the cop. The cop had no such choice. You let people go into their cars and the cop has to sit and wait are dead. You obviously know nothing about guns that you think the cop could react by the time he saw something to react to
No I don’t let any of that happen nor do I advocate anything that would promote murdering cops. You’re lying again. Why do you do that? Can’t you just have an honest discussion?

Bull shit. You're specifically arguing that the cop had to sit and wait to see if Blake had a gun and that if he did, the cop should die because you are preventing him from doing anything until he was dead. You're clear as day
Show where I said the cop had to sit and wait to see if Blake had a gun. Show the quote because I’m calling that a straight up lie. I’ve actually said the opposite of that. Go ahead and show the quote where I said that. Otherwise I’ll accept your apology for lying about me once again.

You're playing word games. You advocated the flying magic karate chop disabling and disarming him and said no way should he have been shot. Now where did you advocate an adult, real world way to stop him.

You watch too much TV. You think the real world is like TV where the cops are the bad ass fighters. The reality is that cops wresting bad guys is a very dangerous thing and a potentially deadly melee. Like in Atlanta where two cops wrestled the black guy and he grabbed one of their tasers and shot it at them. He could have had a knife in his hand. And the cops were behind him walking quickly to his car. You act like they let him walk past them.

As long as you're advocating Iron Man, yeah, you own the consequence of your stupid shit
I saw what happened, it was on video. No way that guy deserved 7 bullets in his back. Our cops need to do better than that

Saying that without a solution is empty. I personally will wait for the investigation to be complete on the seven shots.

You just wanted cops to get into a wrestling match from behind which is not an answer
Yes, I would like to see multiple trained cops be able to non lethally handle an unarmed man who’s kids were sitting in the car watching... even if the man tries to resist and run away. Arrest him, don’t shoot him 7 times in the back

OK. So test it. Have you and several of your friends stand behind someone who is six feet or so from the door of their car. Say go and he takes off for the door. Then stop him before he gets there from standing behind him.

I thought you said you watched the tape? It was another lie, huh?

would you want the police to shoot and kill a white conservative so quickly?

let's say some 17 year old WHITE kid
out after curfew (breaking the law!)
with a gun he LEGALLY can't possess (breaking ANOTHER law)

and instead of the police saying HI! to him and letting him kill people....what if the police SHOT HIM DEAD!....no questions asked....no chance for him to fire at the officers......just shot dead....

would that please you?

OK, racist Democrat. I don't give a shit what color his skin is. I'm not like you. But I'm not voting for a flaming racist like you and I don't belong to a party with a long history of racism like you do.

If he were white, none of us on the cops side now would flip positions. All you Democrats would. You want the race war because you think it helps Democrats somehow. Democrats cause a problem, then you pump Democrats to vote for you to fix it. It's sick.

A white conservative who was a woman beater ignoring a court order to stay away from her like the guy you're protecting would be a fucking moron if they walked away from the cops and went into their car like he did and they would deserve the same fate
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?

He didn't race anywhere. He purposely walked from the middle of the front of the vehicle to the drivers side door. When I worked as a Correctional Custody Officer, I had to do one takedown on a person attacking one of my Officers during a live training exercise. I was the Training Officer. This guy was FUGE. The problem isn't taking them down, it's keeping them down. One person can take another down quite easily if they know how. But it takes numbers to keep him down and restrain him if he really doesn't want to be restrained without getting anyone really hurt. You do that with numbers. And they had the numbers on the Cops side. Again, good police procedure would have been for them to take him down when he was still in front of the vehicle, get the restraints on him, and either leave him on the ground or, better yet, get him into the back seat of a Cruiser. Then sort things out. It's better to have to apologize for that if a mistake is made than have to be tried for shooting someone 7 times in the back.

You can justify anything but this is a clear cut case of extremely poor police procedure that should not be tolerated.
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

I would have taken him out of the vehicle and detained him.

Awesome question.

And if he had a gun, he'd have shot you in the face. I hope your children would have liked their new step father
Walking away from cops is illegal but it does not make you a lethal threat to the cops and justify 7 bullets in the back. To imply such things is ridiculous
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
It didn’t take 1/2 a second to walk around the car, you forget we can all see the video
and the video only shows a portion of the entire event

Right, but again you're the one claiming that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down. Where is the video showing that?

So you don't think 2 cops could put one guy on the ground?

And FYI I already acknowledged that the guy had warrants and was not obeying lawful orders by the police.

The question is why didn't they take him to the ground and cuff him instead of letting him open the door of his car and reach in?

Because it's DANGEROUS. They had a poor angle and position and would have had to grab him from behind moving away from them. How do you people never put things together. What happened in Atlanta when that happened? Two cops got in a wrestling match. He grabbed a taser and shot it at them.

Also, being shot with a taser and not being affected is correlated with being on drugs, which makes him more dangerous.

This thing that they only needed to tackle him while reaching out from behind is flat our retarded.

WHAT HAPPENED IN ATLANTA? Seriously, you think they just wrestle him for a trophy or something?

Blake would have walked away and so would the cops if he OBEYED them. If he had a gripe, then take it up later
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

I would have taken him out of the vehicle and detained him.

Awesome question.

And if he had a gun, he'd have shot you in the face. I hope your children would have liked their new step father

Are you sure about that? You seem very sure? It is as if every person who ever reaches inside a car takes out a gun and
shoots someone in the face. Crazy world we live in.

Since you're stupid, I'll explain this to you.

Everyone reaching into a car doesn't have to have a gun for you to be dead. Only one person has to reach into a car having a gun for you to be dead.

See how that works?
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
It didn’t take 1/2 a second to walk around the car, you forget we can all see the video

You didn't. You think the cops could have stepped from behind a guy to in front of him who is going directly to his car and stopped him
I just counted 8 seconds that he was WALKING completely around the car to the drivers side door. Not 1/2 a second. Cops had plenty of time to apprehend him in several other non lethal ways

I didn't say 1/2 second. But it wasn't 8. You were counting pretty fast. Maybe 5. But the cops were multiple steps behind him.

They didn't know if the wife beater your'e protecting who violated the court order to stay away from the woman was armed, yet you're saying they just grab him and go into a wrestling match. Try it. Grab someone walking away from you who is dangerous safely from behind. Do it
I don’t know where you got this wrestling match line from or why you think my buddy’s and I should go play grab ass by a car but cops are trained to arrest and apprehend people. That’s their job and what they are trained to do. The guy was unarmed. Arrest him. If he was carrying a gun or weapon while walking to the car To get away then they would be justified to shoot him.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out

Bicker, bicker, that's what you're down to
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

First, your premise is false. Blake was not involved in a serious crime.

Second, until an officer clear sees a weapon he has no authority to shoot anyone. Guessing that someone might have a weapon is not valid reason to shoot them.

Third, in America it has always been considered an act of EXTREME cowardice to shoot a man in the back. Obviously, when a person's back is to you, they are no threat.
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

I would have taken him out of the vehicle and detained him.

Awesome question.

And if he had a gun, he'd have shot you in the face. I hope your children would have liked their new step father

Are you sure about that? You seem very sure? It is as if every person who ever reaches inside a car takes out a gun and
shoots someone in the face. Crazy world we live in.

Since you're stupid, I'll explain this to you.

Everyone reaching into a car doesn't have to have a gun for you to be dead. Only one person has to reach into a car having a gun for you to be dead.

See how that works?

Okay with that in mind, you want to stop them from reaching into the car in the first place, right? Now, using good police procedure (and common sense) you and your five buddies takes him down IN THE FRONT OF THE VEHICLE and restrains him. When someone wants to kill me, I don't wait for them to go to their truck and get their gun to react. Fight or Flight happens long before they start dragging out the old Hogleg.
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?
I would rely on my training and experience. Seven shots in the back is recommended in police training? Really?

Any other response is recommended before you discharge your weapon such as in Kenosha.

Police are trained to fire until the subject goes down, they don't count or have a specific number of rounds in mind. Also they tasered the guy twice, shooting was the only option left.


Seven times in the back is excessive by any standard.
Blake didn't have a gun, he was unarmed.
This is why BLM was formed in the first place.
UNARMED Black men getting shot/murdered at disproportionate rates than whites.
Try to soak that into your thick skull.

Seven times in the back is excessive by any standard - that's for the investigation

Blake didn't have a gun - true
he was unarmed - false

This is why BLM was formed in the first place - false. BLM was formed as a Marxist terrorist organization

UNARMED Black men getting shot/murdered at disproportionate rates than whites - false. Stop making up shit and do your research

Try to soak that into your thick skull - My think skull rejects your lies, that's why it's thick

"he was unarmed - false"

That's what the policeman's union is saying.
Their job is to get any bad cop off of any charges, regardless of what the charges are, period, the end.

Investigators have not explained why officers moved to arrest Blake or why Sheskey fired so many times.
The agency said Blake told authorities that he had a knife in his possession. Investigators later recovered a knife from the driver's side floorboard of Blake's vehicle. The Wisconsin DOJ has not said whether Blake was holding that knife during his interaction with police."""

I like how you call me a liar for saying he was armed, then you provided a link that said he was armed. How stupid are you?
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
It didn’t take 1/2 a second to walk around the car, you forget we can all see the video
and the video only shows a portion of the entire event

Right, but again you're the one claiming that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down. Where is the video showing that?

So you don't think 2 cops could put one guy on the ground?

And FYI I already acknowledged that the guy had warrants and was not obeying lawful orders by the police.

The question is why didn't they take him to the ground and cuff him instead of letting him open the door of his car and reach in?

Because it's DANGEROUS. They had a poor angle and position and would have had to grab him from behind moving away from them. How do you people never put things together. What happened in Atlanta when that happened? Two cops got in a wrestling match. He grabbed a taser and shot it at them.

Also, being shot with a taser and not being affected is correlated with being on drugs, which makes him more dangerous.

This thing that they only needed to tackle him while reaching out from behind is flat our retarded.

WHAT HAPPENED IN ATLANTA? Seriously, you think they just wrestle him for a trophy or something?

Blake would have walked away and so would the cops if he OBEYED them. If he had a gripe, then take it up later
Hahahahaha they had a poor angle?! Are you shitting me? You’ve resorted to pulling shit out of your ass and I must say... it stinks.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?

He didn't race anywhere. He purposely walked from the middle of the front of the vehicle to the drivers side door. When I worked as a Correctional Custody Officer, I had to do one takedown on a person attacking one of my Officers during a live training exercise. I was the Training Officer. This guy was FUGE. The problem isn't taking them down, it's keeping them down. One person can take another down quite easily if they know how. But it takes numbers to keep him down and restrain him if he really doesn't want to be restrained without getting anyone really hurt. You do that with numbers. And they had the numbers on the Cops side. Again, good police procedure would have been for them to take him down when he was still in front of the vehicle, get the restraints on him, and either leave him on the ground or, better yet, get him into the back seat of a Cruiser. Then sort things out. It's better to have to apologize for that if a mistake is made than have to be tried for shooting someone 7 times in the back.

You can justify anything but this is a clear cut case of extremely poor police procedure that should not be tolerated.

In a correctional facility, they wouldn't have shot you in the face like the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her you're protecting if they had a gun
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

I would have taken him out of the vehicle and detained him.

Awesome question.

And if he had a gun, he'd have shot you in the face. I hope your children would have liked their new step father

Are you sure about that? You seem very sure? It is as if every person who ever reaches inside a car takes out a gun and
shoots someone in the face. Crazy world we live in.
It is not every person but a violent criminal with an open warrant who is visibly resisting arrest. You are a liar.
  • Thanks
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