I Call Upon All USMB Liberals To Answer This Question >>>

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Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

not a liberal, but I'll answer. Tase...or choke hold.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
It didn’t take 1/2 a second to walk around the car, you forget we can all see the video
and the video only shows a portion of the entire event

Right, but again you're the one claiming that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down. Where is the video showing that?

So you don't think 2 cops could put one guy on the ground?

And FYI I already acknowledged that the guy had warrants and was not obeying lawful orders by the police.

The question is why didn't they take him to the ground and cuff him instead of letting him open the door of his car and reach in?

Because it's DANGEROUS. They had a poor angle and position and would have had to grab him from behind moving away from them. How do you people never put things together. What happened in Atlanta when that happened? Two cops got in a wrestling match. He grabbed a taser and shot it at them.

Also, being shot with a taser and not being affected is correlated with being on drugs, which makes him more dangerous.

This thing that they only needed to tackle him while reaching out from behind is flat our retarded.

WHAT HAPPENED IN ATLANTA? Seriously, you think they just wrestle him for a trophy or something?

Blake would have walked away and so would the cops if he OBEYED them. If he had a gripe, then take it up later

It's not more dangerous than letting a person open his car door and reach inside for a weapon.

He was unarmed outside of the car.

And the cops get paid to do a dangerous job so that is not an excuse
Don't hate the player, hate the game. They did what they were trained to do.

So cops are trained to let a criminal walk away from them, open a car door and reach for a weapon?

Nonsense question. They had no reason to believe that Blake was reaching for a weapon. Only that he was trying to get into his car. (That's what people usually do when they open their car doors.)

That the guy you're defending was a felon with a warrant, beats women, ignored a restraining order and ignored the cops trying to arrest him wasn't evidence he might have a gun.

Have you had an IQ test to see if you have one?
None of that matters as you can not shoot someone in the back......................

My IQ is 130, what is yours dopey
You may if you feel like they may turn and shoot you back. Mine was 148 but I was 26 when I took the test 13 yrs ago.
148?! Wow man you’re smart... mines only 69. I should probably start listening to you more. Do you have a blog I can follow?
Hmmm...try reading a book.
Any recommendations?
I would start with the Cat in the Hat. Ping me when you have completed it and we can go to the next step.
I tried the cat in the hat and I don’t get it
I saw what happened, it was on video. No way that guy deserved 7 bullets in his back. Our cops need to do better than that
It's not a matter of what Blake "deserved". It's a matter of what the cop had to do to protect himself. This has been explained a dozen times in this thread. Are you dense ?
I’m sure you’d call me dense, I don’t think I am.... the cop had ample opportunity to grab tackle, taz, billy club and cuff Blake. There was no need to jump to lethal force. We have thousands of Americans screaming in the streets because they feel abuse of power and excessive force from our police is a problem. The fact that this happened in the middle of these protests after the Floyd issue just shows the depth of the problem. They are calling for that to change. You are free to disagree but the video is a perfect example of what many feel is wrong.
They did IN FACT Taz him TWICE, it did not work.
They also said he was going for a knife in his car. Do you believe that too?
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

not a liberal, but I'll answer. Tase...or choke hold.
They tase him TWICE to no effect and choke holds are illegal.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
It didn’t take 1/2 a second to walk around the car, you forget we can all see the video
and the video only shows a portion of the entire event

Right, but again you're the one claiming that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down. Where is the video showing that?

So you don't think 2 cops could put one guy on the ground?

And FYI I already acknowledged that the guy had warrants and was not obeying lawful orders by the police.

The question is why didn't they take him to the ground and cuff him instead of letting him open the door of his car and reach in?

Because it's DANGEROUS. They had a poor angle and position and would have had to grab him from behind moving away from them. How do you people never put things together. What happened in Atlanta when that happened? Two cops got in a wrestling match. He grabbed a taser and shot it at them.

Also, being shot with a taser and not being affected is correlated with being on drugs, which makes him more dangerous.

This thing that they only needed to tackle him while reaching out from behind is flat our retarded.

WHAT HAPPENED IN ATLANTA? Seriously, you think they just wrestle him for a trophy or something?

Blake would have walked away and so would the cops if he OBEYED them. If he had a gripe, then take it up later

It's not more dangerous than letting a person open his car door and reach inside for a weapon.

He was unarmed outside of the car.

And the cops get paid to do a dangerous job so that is not an excuse
Don't hate the player, hate the game. They did what they were trained to do.

So cops are trained to let a criminal walk away from them, open a car door and reach for a weapon?

Nonsense question. They had no reason to believe that Blake was reaching for a weapon. Only that he was trying to get into his car. (That's what people usually do when they open their car doors.)

That the guy you're defending was a felon with a warrant, beats women, ignored a restraining order and ignored the cops trying to arrest him wasn't evidence he might have a gun.

Have you had an IQ test to see if you have one?
None of that matters as you can not shoot someone in the back......................

My IQ is 130, what is yours dopey
You may if you feel like they may turn and shoot you back. Mine was 148 but I was 26 when I took the test 13 yrs ago.
148?! Wow man you’re smart... mines only 69. I should probably start listening to you more. Do you have a blog I can follow?
Hmmm...try reading a book.
Any recommendations?
I would start with the Cat in the Hat. Ping me when you have completed it and we can go to the next step.
I tried the cat in the hat and I don’t get it
Maybe you need to watch the movie?
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Hell yeah, 3 trained cops can’t take down one guy? Really?? Remember there is a video. We can see that they didn’t attempt to take him down As he walked to his car, they pulled their guns and then one of them shot him in the back. Not cool in Dr Seuss land
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
It didn’t take 1/2 a second to walk around the car, you forget we can all see the video
and the video only shows a portion of the entire event

Right, but again you're the one claiming that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down. Where is the video showing that?

So you don't think 2 cops could put one guy on the ground?

And FYI I already acknowledged that the guy had warrants and was not obeying lawful orders by the police.

The question is why didn't they take him to the ground and cuff him instead of letting him open the door of his car and reach in?

Because it's DANGEROUS. They had a poor angle and position and would have had to grab him from behind moving away from them. How do you people never put things together. What happened in Atlanta when that happened? Two cops got in a wrestling match. He grabbed a taser and shot it at them.

Also, being shot with a taser and not being affected is correlated with being on drugs, which makes him more dangerous.

This thing that they only needed to tackle him while reaching out from behind is flat our retarded.

WHAT HAPPENED IN ATLANTA? Seriously, you think they just wrestle him for a trophy or something?

Blake would have walked away and so would the cops if he OBEYED them. If he had a gripe, then take it up later

It's not more dangerous than letting a person open his car door and reach inside for a weapon.

He was unarmed outside of the car.

And the cops get paid to do a dangerous job so that is not an excuse
Don't hate the player, hate the game. They did what they were trained to do.

So cops are trained to let a criminal walk away from them, open a car door and reach for a weapon?

Nonsense question. They had no reason to believe that Blake was reaching for a weapon. Only that he was trying to get into his car. (That's what people usually do when they open their car doors.)

That the guy you're defending was a felon with a warrant, beats women, ignored a restraining order and ignored the cops trying to arrest him wasn't evidence he might have a gun.

Have you had an IQ test to see if you have one?
None of that matters as you can not shoot someone in the back......................

My IQ is 130, what is yours dopey
You may if you feel like they may turn and shoot you back. Mine was 148 but I was 26 when I took the test 13 yrs ago.
148?! Wow man you’re smart... mines only 69. I should probably start listening to you more. Do you have a blog I can follow?
Hmmm...try reading a book.
Any recommendations?
I would start with the Cat in the Hat. Ping me when you have completed it and we can go to the next step.
I tried the cat in the hat and I don’t get it
Maybe you need to watch the movie?
Great idea... I am a fan of Jim Carey... yes I am
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Hell yeah, 3 trained cops can’t take down one guy? Really?? Remember there is a video. We can see that they didn’t attempt to take him down As he walked to his car, they pulled their guns and then one of them shot him in the back. Not cool in Dr Seuss land
Did you see it? They were smaller and one was a woman. In Atlanta two police officers couldn’t keep a drunk man down. Their training is not in h2h combat. So again, how would you take him down and not expose your weapon to him? Give me the exact move you would put on him. Thanks.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
It didn’t take 1/2 a second to walk around the car, you forget we can all see the video
and the video only shows a portion of the entire event

Right, but again you're the one claiming that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down. Where is the video showing that?

So you don't think 2 cops could put one guy on the ground?

And FYI I already acknowledged that the guy had warrants and was not obeying lawful orders by the police.

The question is why didn't they take him to the ground and cuff him instead of letting him open the door of his car and reach in?

Because it's DANGEROUS. They had a poor angle and position and would have had to grab him from behind moving away from them. How do you people never put things together. What happened in Atlanta when that happened? Two cops got in a wrestling match. He grabbed a taser and shot it at them.

Also, being shot with a taser and not being affected is correlated with being on drugs, which makes him more dangerous.

This thing that they only needed to tackle him while reaching out from behind is flat our retarded.

WHAT HAPPENED IN ATLANTA? Seriously, you think they just wrestle him for a trophy or something?

Blake would have walked away and so would the cops if he OBEYED them. If he had a gripe, then take it up later

It's not more dangerous than letting a person open his car door and reach inside for a weapon.

He was unarmed outside of the car.

And the cops get paid to do a dangerous job so that is not an excuse
Don't hate the player, hate the game. They did what they were trained to do.

So cops are trained to let a criminal walk away from them, open a car door and reach for a weapon?

Nonsense question. They had no reason to believe that Blake was reaching for a weapon. Only that he was trying to get into his car. (That's what people usually do when they open their car doors.)

That the guy you're defending was a felon with a warrant, beats women, ignored a restraining order and ignored the cops trying to arrest him wasn't evidence he might have a gun.

Have you had an IQ test to see if you have one?
None of that matters as you can not shoot someone in the back......................

My IQ is 130, what is yours dopey
You may if you feel like they may turn and shoot you back. Mine was 148 but I was 26 when I took the test 13 yrs ago.
148?! Wow man you’re smart... mines only 69. I should probably start listening to you more. Do you have a blog I can follow?
Hmmm...try reading a book.
Any recommendations?
I would start with the Cat in the Hat. Ping me when you have completed it and we can go to the next step.
I tried the cat in the hat and I don’t get it
Maybe you need to watch the movie?
Great idea... I am a fan of Jim Carey... yes I am
Well, First, what major felony did the police on-site claim to be aware of?
Second, police first claimed that Blake was armed, then faced with facts claimed he was reaching for one in the car...
Third, if as police claim if he was armed why did the cop who shot him 7 times reach in car to grab him like he wasn’t “armed”?
Fourth, 7 shots tells me that he was pissed and reacting outside of procedure.
Fifth, it’s clear you don’t know what happened.
What is clear is that you are either the biggest idiot in this forum, or you're a baldfaced liar (and not a very good one).

First, what felony the police were aware of, has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. Read the OP again......maybe this time, slower.

Second, Blake being armed or not is irrelevant to the police action, and even more irrelevant to the question of this thread, which you have cowardly DODGED.

Third, no cop in the video reached into the car. One cop grabbed Blake's shirt to pull him back from the car. Probably, so he wouldn't be forced to shoot Blake. You're welcome.

Fourth, if 7 shots tells you the cop was pissed, then that simply shows you know nothing about policing. Firing multiple shots, is commonly done to insure the stoppage of the suspect. Has nothing to do with an emotional status of the officer.

Fifth, if you had read the thread before posting, you would not have come in and made a fool out of yourself. Hope you earned your lesson.

I have learned that no white cop shooting of a black man is wrong in your eyes, but the reverse is.

First, YOU claimed that Jacob Blake was being questioned about a "serious crime" yet the police have not stated this.

Second, him being armed changes the whole situation. The police didn't claim that he was armed at any point merely that they found a knife in the car. Which doesn't a line with them trying to tazar him unarmed before he WALKED around to get in his car to drive away. They also found three of his children in his car.

Third, video clearly shows the officer who shot him 7 times reaching in the car to keep him from getting in his car. He grabbed and shot him.

Fourth, SEVEN shots clearly show that he was pissed.

Fifth, you clearly don't know the meaning of the word "bolt" or "reaching in" verses attempting to sit in his car.
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

not a liberal, but I'll answer. Tase...or choke hold.
They tase him TWICE to no effect and choke holds are illegal.

There were three cops. They could have tackled him. In saying that, he was being a jerk....
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Hell yeah, 3 trained cops can’t take down one guy? Really?? Remember there is a video. We can see that they didn’t attempt to take him down As he walked to his car, they pulled their guns and then one of them shot him in the back. Not cool in Dr Seuss land
Did you see it? They were smaller and one was a woman. In Atlanta two police officers couldn’t keep a drunk man down. Their training is not in h2h combat. So again, how would you take him down and not expose your weapon to him? Give me the exact move you would put on him. Thanks.
I would kick punch him and if that didn’t work I would use Mr Miyagis crane kick to the balls
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Hell yeah, 3 trained cops can’t take down one guy? Really?? Remember there is a video. We can see that they didn’t attempt to take him down As he walked to his car, they pulled their guns and then one of them shot him in the back. Not cool in Dr Seuss land
Did you see it? They were smaller and one was a woman. In Atlanta two police officers couldn’t keep a drunk man down. Their training is not in h2h combat. So again, how would you take him down and not expose your weapon to him? Give me the exact move you would put on him. Thanks.
I would kick punch him and if that didn’t work I would use Mr Miyagis crane kick to the balls
You joke but police officers aren’t trained to fight suspects. They are trained to mace, taze or draw weapons. That needs to change somewhat. Most police officers are not above average h2h combatants. You lost this debate.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Hell yeah, 3 trained cops can’t take down one guy? Really?? Remember there is a video. We can see that they didn’t attempt to take him down As he walked to his car, they pulled their guns and then one of them shot him in the back. Not cool in Dr Seuss land
Did you see it? They were smaller and one was a woman. In Atlanta two police officers couldn’t keep a drunk man down. Their training is not in h2h combat. So again, how would you take him down and not expose your weapon to him? Give me the exact move you would put on him. Thanks.
I would kick punch him and if that didn’t work I would use Mr Miyagis crane kick to the balls
You joke but police officers aren’t trained to fight suspects. They are trained to mace, taze or draw weapons. That needs to change somewhat. Most police officers are not above average h2h combatants. You lost this debate.
Lethal force should always be a last resort. There were three cops and one Unarmed man. From what I saw in the video they did not adequately attempt to restrain him and they needlessly shot him in the back.

You think I lost I think I won. Sounds like a win win to me.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Hell yeah, 3 trained cops can’t take down one guy? Really?? Remember there is a video. We can see that they didn’t attempt to take him down As he walked to his car, they pulled their guns and then one of them shot him in the back. Not cool in Dr Seuss land
Did you see it? They were smaller and one was a woman. In Atlanta two police officers couldn’t keep a drunk man down. Their training is not in h2h combat. So again, how would you take him down and not expose your weapon to him? Give me the exact move you would put on him. Thanks.
I would kick punch him and if that didn’t work I would use Mr Miyagis crane kick to the balls
You joke but police officers aren’t trained to fight suspects. They are trained to mace, taze or draw weapons. That needs to change somewhat. Most police officers are not above average h2h combatants. You lost this debate.
Lethal force should always be a last resort. There were three cops and one Unarmed man. From what I saw in the video they did not adequately attempt to restrain him and they needlessly shot him in the back.

You think I lost I think I won. Sounds like a win win to me.
They tased him twice. They aren’t trained to fight. What part of that do you not understand? How do they restrain him without exposing their guns to him? Are you acting stupid or are you just plain stupid?

Honestly, you cannot answer what you would do if you were one of the cops and you have had days to think about it. They had seconds.

So again. Do you agree or disagree that most police officers are not above average hand to hand combatants? It’s not as easy as you think to take someone down. Ever been in a fight?
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Hell yeah, 3 trained cops can’t take down one guy? Really?? Remember there is a video. We can see that they didn’t attempt to take him down As he walked to his car, they pulled their guns and then one of them shot him in the back. Not cool in Dr Seuss land
Did you see it? They were smaller and one was a woman. In Atlanta two police officers couldn’t keep a drunk man down. Their training is not in h2h combat. So again, how would you take him down and not expose your weapon to him? Give me the exact move you would put on him. Thanks.
I would kick punch him and if that didn’t work I would use Mr Miyagis crane kick to the balls
You joke but police officers aren’t trained to fight suspects. They are trained to mace, taze or draw weapons. That needs to change somewhat. Most police officers are not above average h2h combatants. You lost this debate.
Lethal force should always be a last resort. There were three cops and one Unarmed man. From what I saw in the video they did not adequately attempt to restrain him and they needlessly shot him in the back.

You think I lost I think I won. Sounds like a win win to me.
They tased him twice. They aren’t trained to fight. What part of that do you not understand? How do they restrain him without exposing their guns to him? Are you acting stupid or are you just plain stupid?

Honestly, you cannot answer what you would do if you were one of the cops and you have had days to think about it. They had seconds.

So again. Do you agree or disagree that most police officers are not above average hand to hand combatants? It’s not as easy as you think to take someone down. Ever been in a fight?
They said they tased him twice and they also said he went to his car to get a knife. Who the hell goes and gets a knife when three cops are pointing guns at them?! The story doesn’t add up so for now I’m going off what I can see in the video.... and in the video I see an unnecessary shooting.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Hell yeah, 3 trained cops can’t take down one guy? Really?? Remember there is a video. We can see that they didn’t attempt to take him down As he walked to his car, they pulled their guns and then one of them shot him in the back. Not cool in Dr Seuss land
Did you see it? They were smaller and one was a woman. In Atlanta two police officers couldn’t keep a drunk man down. Their training is not in h2h combat. So again, how would you take him down and not expose your weapon to him? Give me the exact move you would put on him. Thanks.
I would kick punch him and if that didn’t work I would use Mr Miyagis crane kick to the balls
You joke but police officers aren’t trained to fight suspects. They are trained to mace, taze or draw weapons. That needs to change somewhat. Most police officers are not above average h2h combatants. You lost this debate.
Lethal force should always be a last resort. There were three cops and one Unarmed man. From what I saw in the video they did not adequately attempt to restrain him and they needlessly shot him in the back.

You think I lost I think I won. Sounds like a win win to me.
They tased him twice. They aren’t trained to fight. What part of that do you not understand? How do they restrain him without exposing their guns to him? Are you acting stupid or are you just plain stupid?

Honestly, you cannot answer what you would do if you were one of the cops and you have had days to think about it. They had seconds.

So again. Do you agree or disagree that most police officers are not above average hand to hand combatants? It’s not as easy as you think to take someone down. Ever been in a fight?
They said they tased him twice and they also said he went to his car to get a knife. Who the hell goes and gets a knife when three cops are pointing guns at them?! The story doesn’t add up so for now I’m going off what I can see in the video.... and in the video I see an unnecessary shooting.
You are not answering my question. What would you do in their shoes? Let him get in the car and drive away? Let him pull out a potential weapon? Let him possibly hurt the kids in his car? He has an open arrest warrant for sexual assault and he is resisting arrest. Tasers didn’t work.

I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Hell yeah, 3 trained cops can’t take down one guy? Really?? Remember there is a video. We can see that they didn’t attempt to take him down As he walked to his car, they pulled their guns and then one of them shot him in the back. Not cool in Dr Seuss land
Did you see it? They were smaller and one was a woman. In Atlanta two police officers couldn’t keep a drunk man down. Their training is not in h2h combat. So again, how would you take him down and not expose your weapon to him? Give me the exact move you would put on him. Thanks.
I would kick punch him and if that didn’t work I would use Mr Miyagis crane kick to the balls
You joke but police officers aren’t trained to fight suspects. They are trained to mace, taze or draw weapons. That needs to change somewhat. Most police officers are not above average h2h combatants. You lost this debate.
Lethal force should always be a last resort. There were three cops and one Unarmed man. From what I saw in the video they did not adequately attempt to restrain him and they needlessly shot him in the back.

You think I lost I think I won. Sounds like a win win to me.
They tased him twice. They aren’t trained to fight. What part of that do you not understand? How do they restrain him without exposing their guns to him? Are you acting stupid or are you just plain stupid?

Honestly, you cannot answer what you would do if you were one of the cops and you have had days to think about it. They had seconds.

So again. Do you agree or disagree that most police officers are not above average hand to hand combatants? It’s not as easy as you think to take someone down. Ever been in a fight?
EMTs are trained to give medical aid. Fire fighters are trained to respond to accidents and fight fires. Cops are trained to respond to conflicts and make arrests. If three cops aren’t trained and capable to restrain and arrest an unarmed suspect without shooting him then they shouldn’t be out there.
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