I Call Upon All USMB Liberals To Answer This Question >>>

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They tased him twice. They aren’t trained to fight. What part of that do you not understand? How do they restrain him without exposing their guns to him? Are you acting stupid or are you just plain stupid?

Honestly, you cannot answer what you would do if you were one of the cops and you have had days to think about it. They had seconds.

So again. Do you agree or disagree that most police officers are not above average hand to hand combatants? It’s not as easy as you think to take someone down. Ever been in a fight?

I'm thinking if they couldn't take him down, maybe they should be in another line of work. He walked around the car, at any stage all three of them could have jumped on him and stopped him. Would have been a dodgy thing to do with all the other people surrounding them, but there were other options.

That aside, I'm sad for Blake that he is paralysed, but he was being a dick.
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

He should never have gotten to his car door. Simple as that. They already had weapons trained on him and they should have done a takedown before it went as far as it did. They had the numbers. And not seeing his hands isn't justification to pump 7 rounds point plank into his back. That had to be the most dangerous and sloppy police procedure (If you can call it that) I have ever seen. It endangered not only the perp but the cops themselves.

It's not a liberal or conservative or even a Party of the Rump, it's a Police Procedure and Safety thing and a cop who just wanted to kill someone in the heat of the moment.
And the shooting victim is still alive
I think if I'm liberal I'd try and relate to him, by calling him bro, black jive and that. I'd tell him how much I like black people. I'd just do what liberals always do, which is to act disingenuous around blacks, especially males. I'd let them know who has the upper hand, because I'm scared and a friendly.
They tased him twice. They aren’t trained to fight. What part of that do you not understand? How do they restrain him without exposing their guns to him? Are you acting stupid or are you just plain stupid?

Honestly, you cannot answer what you would do if you were one of the cops and you have had days to think about it. They had seconds.

So again. Do you agree or disagree that most police officers are not above average hand to hand combatants? It’s not as easy as you think to take someone down. Ever been in a fight?

I'm thinking if they couldn't take him down, maybe they should be in another line of work. He walked around the car, at any stage all three of them could have jumped on him and stopped him. Would have been a dodgy thing to do with all the other people surrounding them, but there were other options.

That aside, I'm sad for Blake that he is paralysed, but he was being a dick.

Do just like to say stupid shit?
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

Bolts? You call walking at a moderate pace bolts? Seriously? Every cop there was bigger. Each of the three cops was larger and heavier.

But we are supposed to believe they had no choice. Pepper spray on the belt. Nope. The gun is all that they could use.

Collapsible baton. And outnumbered bad guy. Nope. Got to use the gun. Idiots.
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

He should never have gotten to his car door. Simple as that. They already had weapons trained on him and they should have done a takedown before it went as far as it did. They had the numbers. And not seeing his hands isn't justification to pump 7 rounds point plank into his back. That had to be the most dangerous and sloppy police procedure (If you can call it that) I have ever seen. It endangered not only the perp but the cops themselves.

It's not a liberal or conservative or even a Party of the Rump, it's a Police Procedure and Safety thing and a cop who just wanted to kill someone in the heat of the moment.

Have you ever dealt with an individual, dusted on PCP or Meth?
They tased him twice. They aren’t trained to fight. What part of that do you not understand? How do they restrain him without exposing their guns to him? Are you acting stupid or are you just plain stupid?

Honestly, you cannot answer what you would do if you were one of the cops and you have had days to think about it. They had seconds.

So again. Do you agree or disagree that most police officers are not above average hand to hand combatants? It’s not as easy as you think to take someone down. Ever been in a fight?

I'm thinking if they couldn't take him down, maybe they should be in another line of work. He walked around the car, at any stage all three of them could have jumped on him and stopped him. Would have been a dodgy thing to do with all the other people surrounding them, but there were other options.

That aside, I'm sad for Blake that he is paralysed, but he was being a dick.
He was out of line for sure. I don’t know what people are thinking when they fight back against cops. Being respectful is always the best way to go. With that said, Blake did not deserve 7 shots in the back. The situation was mishandled by the police from what we can see on the video
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

Bolts? You call walking at a moderate pace bolts? Seriously? Every cop there was bigger. Each of the three cops was larger and heavier.

But we are supposed to believe they had no choice. Pepper spray on the belt. Nope. The gun is all that they could use.

Collapsible baton. And outnumbered bad guy. Nope. Got to use the gun. Idiots.

The police deployed their Taser guns twice with no effect to the assailant, he broke free from the restraining officers. He was shot after/while/when he reached into the SUV.
BTW, ever been involved in a shoot out, or even a simulated shoot out at the gun range and asked how many rounds did you fire?
Most LEO's are trained to fire two or three shot volleys at targets depending on the trainer.
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Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?
Only shoot if I see a weapon.

If you were a police officer and that is your criteria, you wouldn’t live a year.
That is SOP .

I forgot you are an expert. Where did you learn your skills of being a cop?
I come from a family of cops.
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

He should never have gotten to his car door. Simple as that. They already had weapons trained on him and they should have done a takedown before it went as far as it did. They had the numbers. And not seeing his hands isn't justification to pump 7 rounds point plank into his back. That had to be the most dangerous and sloppy police procedure (If you can call it that) I have ever seen. It endangered not only the perp but the cops themselves.

It's not a liberal or conservative or even a Party of the Rump, it's a Police Procedure and Safety thing and a cop who just wanted to kill someone in the heat of the moment.

Have you ever dealt with an individual, dusted on PCP or Meth?

You are still trying to argue piss poor cop that cost a Citizen his mobility and loads of pain and suffering. There is NO justification you can give on this one.
How many cases do ”suspects” reach into their cars and don't have a gun? Do.you know?
I never counted them, but I guess the police figure it's is enough times that they DID have a gun, to warrant the SOP that they have. Generally, cops are interested in shooting anybody unless they have to, to stay alive.

Have you answered the question of the OP ? At over 400 posts now, I forgot who has, and who hasn't.

You are a scared pussy, how would a man with a knife be able to kill a real man (not you) with a knife when the other man is holding a drawn weapon at point blank range.

This cop is toast, he is as dumb as you
I was hoping you were not going to make a complete fool of yourself, but in this thread, with a number of posters, I can see that is hopeless. Maybe if I go through this step by little baby step, you will be able to follow it, OK ? Read closely and SLOWLY.

At some point in time many years ago, it became apparent that cops who hesitated (even for ONE SECOND) with a suspect whose hands disappear, were being shot (many were killed). As we were taught in college > FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION. That's how things get designed to be the way they are.

In this case, the function is to stop having cops be killed by suspects whose hands disappear. And the form (remedy) then, is to not allow those suspects to shoot.

(Note: it takes a suspect with non-visible hands,1/2 second to point a gun and shoot you, whether you are pointing a gun at him or not. You have NO TIME to react, or defend yourself.)

So it became standard operating procedure (taught in all police academies) to shoot any suspect who is being questioned, if/whenever their hands disappear. It is also procedure for the first thing the cop to do is say "Show me your hands", as they always do.

And I am not a "pussy" just because I happen to be educating you about what your inept liberal schoolteachers failed to do. You're welcome.
The fools are morons shooting people in the back because they do not have the balls to face a potential enemy head on.

Keep babbling you triggered fool
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Hell yeah, 3 trained cops can’t take down one guy? Really?? Remember there is a video. We can see that they didn’t attempt to take him down As he walked to his car, they pulled their guns and then one of them shot him in the back. Not cool in Dr Seuss land
Did you see it? They were smaller and one was a woman. In Atlanta two police officers couldn’t keep a drunk man down. Their training is not in h2h combat. So again, how would you take him down and not expose your weapon to him? Give me the exact move you would put on him. Thanks.
I would kick punch him and if that didn’t work I would use Mr Miyagis crane kick to the balls
You joke but police officers aren’t trained to fight suspects. They are trained to mace, taze or draw weapons. That needs to change somewhat. Most police officers are not above average h2h combatants. You lost this debate.
Lethal force should always be a last resort. There were three cops and one Unarmed man. From what I saw in the video they did not adequately attempt to restrain him and they needlessly shot him in the back.

You think I lost I think I won. Sounds like a win win to me.
They tased him twice. They aren’t trained to fight. What part of that do you not understand? How do they restrain him without exposing their guns to him? Are you acting stupid or are you just plain stupid?

Honestly, you cannot answer what you would do if you were one of the cops and you have had days to think about it. They had seconds.

So again. Do you agree or disagree that most police officers are not above average hand to hand combatants? It’s not as easy as you think to take someone down. Ever been in a fight?
They should have let him go, then he would be arrested later as the body cam recorded everything

Cops do not have the right to shoot people who do not listen unless they are actually killing people
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

Tackle him.
Hit him with a baton
Taser him.

Come on, there were three cops and only one of him.

We can also add that it wasn't a "Serious" crime, it was a minor domestic dispute.

I'd also have enough sense to realize if he had three kids in his car, he probably wasn't going for a gun.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Hell yeah, 3 trained cops can’t take down one guy? Really?? Remember there is a video. We can see that they didn’t attempt to take him down As he walked to his car, they pulled their guns and then one of them shot him in the back. Not cool in Dr Seuss land
Did you see it? They were smaller and one was a woman. In Atlanta two police officers couldn’t keep a drunk man down. Their training is not in h2h combat. So again, how would you take him down and not expose your weapon to him? Give me the exact move you would put on him. Thanks.
I would kick punch him and if that didn’t work I would use Mr Miyagis crane kick to the balls
You joke but police officers aren’t trained to fight suspects. They are trained to mace, taze or draw weapons. That needs to change somewhat. Most police officers are not above average h2h combatants. You lost this debate.
Lethal force should always be a last resort. There were three cops and one Unarmed man. From what I saw in the video they did not adequately attempt to restrain him and they needlessly shot him in the back.

You think I lost I think I won. Sounds like a win win to me.
They tased him twice. They aren’t trained to fight. What part of that do you not understand? How do they restrain him without exposing their guns to him? Are you acting stupid or are you just plain stupid?

Honestly, you cannot answer what you would do if you were one of the cops and you have had days to think about it. They had seconds.

So again. Do you agree or disagree that most police officers are not above average hand to hand combatants? It’s not as easy as you think to take someone down. Ever been in a fight?
EMTs are trained to give medical aid. Fire fighters are trained to respond to accidents and fight fires. Cops are trained to respond to conflicts and make arrests. If three cops aren’t trained and capable to restrain and arrest an unarmed suspect without shooting him then they shouldn’t be out there.
Firefighter is one word. And police are trained to use force not fight h2h. You want to change their training and methodology? Me too. But how can you blame the police officers who followed their rules and their training and again you didn’t answer my question. What would you do? Firefighters and EMTs do not have to deal with combatants. You’re comparing apples and oranges.

Navy Seals train 18 mos for a six month mission. Cops train for three months and you expect them to be experts in hand to hand combat? LOL

Blame the system. Don’t blame the people who are playing by the rules the system set up.
My examples simply refer to jobs that people are trained for and cops are trained on how to arrest suspects and how to apprehend suspects that are running away. I don’t think the handbook says shoot if a suspect walks away. But if you are correct and the cops did exactly what they were trained to do then I’d say they shouldn’t be held accountable but the system sure as hell should be. Either way, what I saw in the video was unacceptable and many others agree
So you need to fix the system. Glad we agree. And don’t hire women....otherwise you get what your get. Women can do other roles on the force.
They tased him twice. They aren’t trained to fight. What part of that do you not understand? How do they restrain him without exposing their guns to him? Are you acting stupid or are you just plain stupid?

Honestly, you cannot answer what you would do if you were one of the cops and you have had days to think about it. They had seconds.

So again. Do you agree or disagree that most police officers are not above average hand to hand combatants? It’s not as easy as you think to take someone down. Ever been in a fight?

I'm thinking if they couldn't take him down, maybe they should be in another line of work. He walked around the car, at any stage all three of them could have jumped on him and stopped him. Would have been a dodgy thing to do with all the other people surrounding them, but there were other options.

That aside, I'm sad for Blake that he is paralysed, but he was being a dick.
Like not have women there or cops who aren’t trained in h2h combat? We went over this.
, it's a Police Procedure and Safety thing and a cop who just wanted to kill someone in the heat of the moment.
How do you ascertain that this cop "wanted to kill someone" ?

You are trying to justify the shooting. There can be NO way to justify it, ever.

NO way? So being the "PERFECT" being you are what would you do to uphold the law?
Blake fought the police. Tasering didn't work. The three cops said.. “They were also yelling drop the knife,” White told NBC News.

So what would YOU do Mr. Perfect oh yea being a perfect person you would simple command Blake to not resist!
The rest of us including the cops are plain simple humans. And a normal human reaction when someone is threatening us with a knife,
we "RESIST"!!! Now who has more of a right to "RESIST"? Blake who was being arrested for assaulting a woman warrant and was resisting
arrest? Of course being the "PERFECT" person you are you know such things so evidently you AREN"T perfect! And the FACTS point this out!
View attachment 383780

Here is a blowup of his hand.

View attachment 383807

That's not even a 2 rating on the Photoshop rating of 10. Try again. And the report said the knife was under the carpet IN the car.

So why did this person say what he heard?
The witness who recorded the shooting, 22-year-old Raysean White, has said he hadn’t seen a knife in Blake’s hand,
but that he heard the officers yell to him, “Drop the knife! Drop the knife!” before they shot Blake in front of his young children.

Aren't you just a little embarrassed believing the word of a person who is resisting arrest for his violent behavior that caused the arrest warrant?
Do you honestly believe this person over policemen?

One of the easiest things to do is to yell something like that when you intend to kill the person even if they don't have a knife. I'll make a final determination when all the facts officially come out. And not from a bunch of kooks from both sides that have political agendas.
I agree with your last statement EVERYONE should wait till all the facts come out.
The reason "Kooks" like me put up FACTS is that the MSM is allied with the Democrats/BLM/Antifa, et.al. and the MSM is NOT reporting fairly.
FACT regarding MSM reporting:
Google News search of "Jacob Blake" 19,800,000 results. Gofundme has $2.2 million raised for Blake.
Google News search of "Charles Nicholas Wall"1,640 results. No Gofundme...
So who is Charles Nicholas Wall ...he and his stepdaughter were shot by..
Ty Sheem Ha Sheem Walters III, 23, of Moncks Corner, is charged with two counts of murder and one count of attempted murder in connection to a shooting reported at the intersection of Indian Hut Road and Highmarket Street after 5 p.m. Monday,

Oh in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention Ty Sheem H Sheem Walters III is black"

So one black guy is alive (19,800,000 news results) and the other black guy is alive... who's dead? 2 WHITE people innocent people (1,640 results).

So yes let's wait for the facts but if YOU and your ilk can't recognize the extreme anti-white, BLM BIASED MSM presents YOU with the "limited"
FACTS... you are being grossly manipulated... all for one reason! The MSM lost their candidate in 2016 and have been pissed doing everything they
can to tear our country apart because Hillary lost!

The MSM donated 96% to Hillary and they have done EVERYTHING to hurt the millions of silent Americans like me who KNOW the truth!
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that
Cops were behind him... best position to restrain him. He walked to his car door... he didn’t race there as you incorrectly said. The cops did have a choice. Restrain him without using lethal force. We didn’t see what happened leading up to the video so we will have to see what witness testimony says since the cops weren’t wearing body cams.

can we agree that every cop should have an active body cam on during each arrest?
Restrain how? He brushed off two taser attacks. What specifically would you do. What do you mean by “restrain”?
Brushed off two taser attacks huh? That’s interesting. I guess they had no other choice but to put 7 in his back. Super logic!
You keep having one way conversations
At this point I don’t see the conversation going anywhere. We’ve both seen the same video. You saw one thing I saw another. It is what it is.
You won’t answer a simple question. If you’re one of the male police officers what would you do differently?
I would have tried to take him down when he walked around the car and had my partner cuff him. I didn’t see what happened before. I’ve heard a lot of crap like he was Tasered twice and he was going for a knife which doesn’t make sense and I wasn’t there so I dont really believe anything more than I can see in the video.
Tried to take him down....how would you do that? The man is bigger than you and is a dangerous criminal with a record. Your three months in the academy taught you that?
Hell yeah, 3 trained cops can’t take down one guy? Really?? Remember there is a video. We can see that they didn’t attempt to take him down As he walked to his car, they pulled their guns and then one of them shot him in the back. Not cool in Dr Seuss land
Did you see it? They were smaller and one was a woman. In Atlanta two police officers couldn’t keep a drunk man down. Their training is not in h2h combat. So again, how would you take him down and not expose your weapon to him? Give me the exact move you would put on him. Thanks.
I would kick punch him and if that didn’t work I would use Mr Miyagis crane kick to the balls
You joke but police officers aren’t trained to fight suspects. They are trained to mace, taze or draw weapons. That needs to change somewhat. Most police officers are not above average h2h combatants. You lost this debate.
Lethal force should always be a last resort. There were three cops and one Unarmed man. From what I saw in the video they did not adequately attempt to restrain him and they needlessly shot him in the back.

You think I lost I think I won. Sounds like a win win to me.
They tased him twice. They aren’t trained to fight. What part of that do you not understand? How do they restrain him without exposing their guns to him? Are you acting stupid or are you just plain stupid?

Honestly, you cannot answer what you would do if you were one of the cops and you have had days to think about it. They had seconds.

So again. Do you agree or disagree that most police officers are not above average hand to hand combatants? It’s not as easy as you think to take someone down. Ever been in a fight?
They should have let him go, then he would be arrested later as the body cam recorded everything

Cops do not have the right to shoot people who do not listen unless they are actually killing people
If they let him go and he kills someone then what? It’s not as easy as you make it sound.
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