I Call Upon All USMB Liberals To Answer This Question >>>

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Yet Rittenhouse was allowed to go home and be picked up later. So why is that NOT an option for Blake? And WHY is a person who ALREADY shot 3 people and is out after curfew holding an AR15 not an immediate danger to the police but another person NOT holding a weapon of any kind is so threatening it justifies SEVEN shots?

Condecent however much you want. Rittenhouse was NOT shot nor immediately apprehended. What justification is there for that?
OK, Mr Undereducated, very simple. It's because Blake allowed his hands to disappear from the cop's view. You do that, you die. Get it ?

Let me know when you're ready to answer the OP's question.

A. - You follow standard police procedure, to shoot a suspect whose hands disappear,


B. - You gamble with your life, to accomodate a criminal, who could shoot you in 1/2 second, if you don't shoot him first.
He didn't suddenly bold away from police. All he did was open his car door then tried to climb into the driver seat.

The cop immediately started shooting when Mr. Blake has his back turned.

Stop lying.

Show where he bolted, show were he was reaching in his car. He was getting in his car. Within seconds of him turning his back to the cops, the cop open fire.

Stop lying.

There is no lie. Yes, he did bolt away from the cops, and they had to go after him, just before he reached into his car.

And oh, "all he did" huh / HA HA HA. Spoken like a true undereducated, infomation -deprived liberal victim of liberal OMISSION media, and liberal OMISSION "educaton".

There is no lying. What are you talking about. Yes, Blake opened his car door, reached into the car (as the video shows-we've all seen it), and turned his back to the cops, and he got shot shot. Getting in, reaching in, irrelevant. What matters is he allowed his hands to disappear from the cops.

Well, of course he got shot. He was a suspect being questioned by police, and he allowed his hands to disappear from the cop's view -automatic shoot signal.

And if you do that, YOU will be shot too. Aren't you glad you got such a good education ? Not as good as the one you're getting here now.

So now Dana, are you going to answer the OP question, or are you going to wimp out of it like Camp ?

You didn't watch the video did you?

It very clearly shows him walking with the cops behind him holding their weapons on him.

He clearly is walking. Not bolting. He was standing still when the cop emptied 7 rounds into his back. Standing still isn't bolting. He was standing next to his vehicle with no place to go. The door of the vehicle was open so he couldn't bolt that way. The cops were behind him with weapons drawn. He couldn't bolt that way. He couldn't run forward, the vehicle was blocking is way. All he was doing was standing still. Within seconds the cop shot him 7 times in the back.

You are lying through your teeth and you know it.

The truth isn't on your side so you have to lie.

How typical and pathetic of people like you.
Yet Rittenhouse was allowed to go home and be picked up later. So why is that NOT an option for Blake? And WHY is a person who ALREADY shot 3 people and is out after curfew holding an AR15 not an immediate danger to the police but another person NOT holding a weapon of any kind is so threatening it justifies SEVEN shots?

Condecent however much you want. Rittenhouse was NOT shot nor immediately apprehended. What justification is there for that?
OK, Mr Undereducated, very simple. It's because Blake allowed his hands to disappear from the cop's view. You do that, you die. Get it ?

Let me know when you're ready to answer the OP's question.

A. - You follow standard police procedure, to shoot a suspect whose hands disappear,


B. - You gamble with your life, to accomodate a criminal, who could shoot you in 1/2 second, if you don't shoot him first.
Rittenhouse is SHOWN to hold his hand on the but of his rifle when moving towards the police. That doesn't illicit a response? Seems to me that going to a prone position when your hand is on the but of your rifle is a damn lot more simple and more accurate than going from bend over with your back turned to turned around and straight so you can attack.
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Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

He should never have gotten to his car door. Simple as that. They already had weapons trained on him and they should have done a takedown before it went as far as it did. They had the numbers. And not seeing his hands isn't justification to pump 7 rounds point plank into his back. That had to be the most dangerous and sloppy police procedure (If you can call it that) I have ever seen. It endangered not only the perp but the cops themselves.

It's not a liberal or conservative or even a Party of the Rump, it's a Police Procedure and Safety thing and a cop who just wanted to kill someone in the heat of the moment.
Really?... watch the video again (not in slow motion) and watch how few seconds it was from the moment he took off to go to the door and he was in it.
You think cops have 'wonder brains" and robot reflexes? They can react in split seconds and that reaction will always be the right one?
Bottom line.... 100% - 100% of dead/wounded blacks shot by cops - would not have been shot if they didn't resist arrest and would have simply cooperated.
A person who is running away and doesn't have any sort of weapon isn't any threat to that cop so there is no reason or need to pump 7 rounds into his back.
I started this thread to demonstrate the IGNORANCE of liberals regarding law enforcement & guns, and which is the cause of the death of Jason Blake (and many others >> Philando Castille, Daniel Shaver, Terrence Crutcher, etc, etc). This is in addition to the ignorance of of liberal schoolteachers from the 1st grade right up through the university undereducation. These teachers should be required to spend a couple of days in a police academy, learning police procedure.

Any suspect whose hands disappear from a cop's view is a lethal threat. Once the hand disappear, the suspect could suddenly point a gun and fire it. It takes him about 1/2 second to do that. The cop has no way of knowing if there is a gun in that hidden spot where the suspect is putting his hands (in a car, in a pocket, behind him, in a drawer, etc)

So the only way the cop can exercise self-defense is to shoot that suspect IMMEDIATELY. A delay of even one second could be fatal to the cop. It is literally, kill or be killed. Shoot or be shot. Police gambling with their lives is not an option.

As Sheriff Grady of Polk County, Florida says, > if an intruder breaks into your house, shoot and shoot a lot (ex. 7 shots)
Best recollection of the problem--skin color aside--is the level of breeze in the T-Shirt, according to the Trumped-Up mindset of the matter. The Trumped-Up uniform choked! In fact, Seven times!(?) And the two assisting caddies were not at all helpful(?)! There were likely still pedestrians and on-lookers yet to shoot--especially any off-white(?)!

And then there are the plane loads of thugs(?)! Even Protectionist-poster probably knows about those(?)! They're on their way--and everywhere(?)!

Contrasting, The Trumped-Up plane is on its way to restore some rational peace and order(?)!

Comparing and Contrasting again: Even the Trumped-Up White House resorts to yelling, screaming, ranting, and foaming at the Mouth! The time-frame likely matters. If the gun was drawn, intent to shoot was established. If the gun was not drawn, non-lethal methods were next to be put into play.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This here, in fact, is thought rational peace and order, too--Matt 25: 14-30!)
Knowing English is a prerequisite to posting here.
Protectionist-poster has finally managed to disqualify itself from posting! Time and time again Protectionist-poster puts any comment like this below into an ignore--no English--irrelevant category!
Comparing and Contrasting again: Even the Trumped-Up White House resorts to yelling, screaming, ranting, and foaming at the Mouth! The time-frame likely matters. If the gun was drawn, intent to shoot was established. If the gun was not drawn, non-lethal methods were next to be put into play.
"0:15 he bolts away from the cops,.......at 0:20 he reaches into the car. Are you blind ?" Lots of time to create attention--not too audible, and walking away looks like there was some permission given, in the matter.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken Not Stirred!"
(This here, in fact, is thought rational peace and order, too--Matt 25: 14-30!)
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Most cops are good cops. They are well trained, disciplined, emotionally stable, and able to operate under stress. Unfortunately, bad cops make it difficult for the good cops and the community in general.


I don't normally disagree with you... But the cops in US are pretty poorly trainied by international standards:

Looking there you can go from joe public to Cop in car solo with a gun in 9 months(4.5 month training/4-5 months supervision)...

In Europe becoming a Police Officer in some countries involves getting a Degree, I am looking at Ireland but I know Finland & Norway is definitely longer
  • BA in Applied Policing (2 years).... This is
  • 13 weeks training to carry a Gun,
  • 3 weeks training to break rules of the road (emergency driving)
US cops look like they a very undertrained by international standards...
Nope I'm talking about Kyle Rittenhouse. The feigned ignorance is amusing though.
There is nothing feigned, Relax, junior. You'll get a free education here. It doesn't make sense to say that Rittenhouse has not had ANYTHING (YOUR WORD) done to him.

He's been hit with one count of first-degree intentional homicide; one count of first-degree reckless homicide; one count of attempted first-degree intentional homicide; two counts of first-degree reckless endangerment and one count of possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18, all felonies, except the last one.

If convicted of intentional homicide, he could face a mandatory life sentence. That's a mighty LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time for a kid whose only 17 years old.

And I don't HAVE TO ask police "how they handle people who committed serious crimes and who might pose a threat" I KNOW how that handle it. If you read this thread you wouldn't have to ask me that. Just read Post # 26, 69, or 72. (same as in the Betty Shelby - Terrence Crutcher case in Tulsa, OK)
Yet Rittenhouse was allowed to go home and be picked up later. So why is that NOT an option for Blake? And WHY is a person who ALREADY shot 3 people and is out after curfew holding an AR15 not an immediate danger to the police but another person NOT holding a weapon of any kind is so threatening it justifies SEVEN shots?

Condecent however much you want. Rittenhouse was NOT shot nor immediately apprehended. What justification is there for that?
Maybe because he didn't present himself as an immediate threat? Derp!
Nope I'm talking about Kyle Rittenhouse. The feigned ignorance is amusing though.
There is nothing feigned, Relax, junior. You'll get a free education here. It doesn't make sense to say that Rittenhouse has not had ANYTHING (YOUR WORD) done to him.

He's been hit with one count of first-degree intentional homicide; one count of first-degree reckless homicide; one count of attempted first-degree intentional homicide; two counts of first-degree reckless endangerment and one count of possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18, all felonies, except the last one.

If convicted of intentional homicide, he could face a mandatory life sentence. That's a mighty LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time for a kid whose only 17 years old.

And I don't HAVE TO ask police "how they handle people who committed serious crimes and who might pose a threat" I KNOW how that handle it. If you read this thread you wouldn't have to ask me that. Just read Post # 26, 69, or 72. (same as in the Betty Shelby - Terrence Crutcher case in Tulsa, OK)
Yet Rittenhouse was allowed to go home and be picked up later. So why is that NOT an option for Blake? And WHY is a person who ALREADY shot 3 people and is out after curfew holding an AR15 not an immediate danger to the police but another person NOT holding a weapon of any kind is so threatening it justifies SEVEN shots?

Condecent however much you want. Rittenhouse was NOT shot nor immediately apprehended. What justification is there for that?
Maybe because he didn't present himself as an immediate threat? Derp!
Oh, a guy with an ar15, who has already shot 3 people is not an immediate threat, but a guy with 3 guns trained on him and an imaginary weapon is?
Did Blake have a knife in his hand when he walked around the SUV, and who was the registered owner of that vehicle?


"The Kenosha Professional Police Association, including the officers involved, believe the public deserves to know the truth.

"Here are the actual and undisputed facts: •

"The officers were dispatched to the location due to a complaint that Mr. Blake was attempting to steal the caller’s keys/vehicle. •

"Officers were aware of Mr. Blake’s open warrant for felony sexual assault (3rd degree) before they arrived on scene

"Mr. Blake was not breaking up a fight between two females when officers arrived on scene. •

"The silver SUV seen in the widely circulated video was not Mr. Blake’s vehicle. •

"Mr. Blake was not unarmed. He was armed with a knife. The officers did not see the knife initially. The officers first saw him holding the knife while they were on the passenger side of the vehicle.

"The 'main' video circulating on the internet shows Mr. Blake with the knife in his left hand when he rounds the front of the car. The officers issued repeated commands for Mr. Blake to drop the knife. He did not comply. •

"The officers initially tried to speak with Mr. Blake, but he was uncooperative. •

"The officers then began issuing verbal commands to Mr. Blake, but he was non-complaint. •

"The officers next went 'hands-on' with Mr. Blake, so as to gain compliance and control. •

"Mr. Blake actively resisted the officers’ attempt to gain compliance. •

"The officers then disengaged and drew their tasers, issuing commands to Mr. Blake that he would be tased if he did not comply. •

"Based on his non-compliance, one officer tased Mr. Blake. The taser did not incapacitate Mr. Blake. •

"The officers once more went 'hands-on' with Mr. Blake; again, trying to gain control of the escalating situation.
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?
I’d wrap his arms from behind and take him down to the ground. Then have one of my fellow officers cuff him. People should be respectful and obedient to cops and should not run. If they do they can be arrested but they certainly do not deserve 7 bullets in the back, that is inexcusable
Lol you and the cop are such pussies. I guess you feel tough with a gun - I don’t know. Either way, the guy didn’t have a gun so your point is stupid.
I didn't make a "point" I asked a QUESTION. And you haven't answered it.
Uh no. I would not shoot him. If there was information that indicated he had a gun, then yes. This is all basic common sense.

I hope your kids would end up liking their step father
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?
I’d wrap his arms from behind and take him down to the ground. Then have one of my fellow officers cuff him. People should be respectful and obedient to cops and should not run. If they do they can be arrested but they certainly do not deserve 7 bullets in the back, that is inexcusable

You forgot the flying slow motion flying karate chop changing direction in mid air you'd use to disarm him first
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?
I’d wrap his arms from behind and take him down to the ground. Then have one of my fellow officers cuff him. People should be respectful and obedient to cops and should not run. If they do they can be arrested but they certainly do not deserve 7 bullets in the back, that is inexcusable

You forgot the flying slow motion flying karate chop changing direction in mid air you'd use to disarm him first
You are referring to a round house punch.... My default method for take downs are flying kick punches.
Liberals who claim that Jason Blake was shot unjustly (which probably is all liberals in this forum), please answer this >.

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

Tased him.
Next stupid question......
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