'I can advocate killing babies & still take communion' - Pelosi 'At War' With Catholic Church

She isn't a Catholic then.

Pretty much one of the unbendable rules of being a Catholic that's chiseled into stone is abortion is really really really bad. A real Catholic doesn't get to be loosey goosey with that one.

She is just a Catholic so she gets to think she is a good person and have people see her as a good person. She wants to do whatever she wants but once a week pretend to be a good upstanding person.

That is not true. Initially even churches supported Roe vs Wade and a woman's right to make the decision. it was only in the early 1980s that abortion became a issue. Jerry Falwell did not even mention abortion. Paul Weyrich decided this would make a good wedge issue. It is all about politics. Churches should have their tax exempt status revoked for engaging in politics.
That is not true. Initially even churches supported Roe vs Wade and a woman's right to make the decision. it was only in the early 1980s that abortion became a issue. Jerry Falwell did not even mention abortion. Paul Weyrich decided this would make a good wedge issue. It is all about politics. Churches should have their tax exempt status revoked for engaging in politics.
Ultimately, it's their choice.
Why do you pretend that God is limited to the same authority as you are? I have the authority to kill you if you are trying to kill me, it's not murder. A policeman has the authority to kill you if you act like you're going to attack him, it's not murder. A soldier has the authority to kill an enemy combatant, it's not murder. An executioner has the authority to kill a condemned prisoner, and on it goes. Killing is not murder, and there are those with the authority to kill.
Were innocent Egyptians babies (first born, not first conceived btw) murdered during Passover or were their deaths justified by the deeds of their fathers?
Were innocent Egyptians babies (first born, not first conceived btw) murdered during Passover or were their deaths justified by the deeds of their fathers?
You tell us. The Egyptians had been given 9 previous plagues related directly to their oppression of the Jews and refusal to release them. That last plague was the only one that finally convinced them it wasn't worth trying to oppose God's plan for His people.

Also tell us, were the innocent lives snuffed out in Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified?
I'm just curious.

Does your god punish people for the sins other people commit?
I'm just curious.

Does your god punish people for the sins other people commit?
He has when it concerned the well-being of His chosen people. You know, in the Old Testament when a nation would rise up against the Israelis, that nation was punished as a collective whole.
He has when it concerned the well-being of His chosen people. You know, in the Old Testament when a nation would rise up against the Israelis, that nation was punished as a collective whole.
No wonder i don;t worship any gods then.

My point was if a person never had an abortion herself buy didn't stop anyone else from getting one why should any god punish the person who didn't get an abortion?
No wonder i don;t worship any gods then.

My point was if a person never had an abortion herself buy didn't stop anyone else from getting one why should any god punish the person who didn't get an abortion?
We do it all the time. Have you not seen the demands to punish parents of young people who shoot up schools, the demands to punish the weapons manufacturers who did not kill anyone? IOW, we hold people responsible for things they did not do.

Now, as to God punishing people for things they did not do, where other than nations being punished for trying to wipe out Israel has He done that?
What did Jesus say about it?

Be specific.
What if Mary had wanted an abortion? Then there would be no Jesus

I know, I know, Jesus should have been spared but not the rest of us, right?
What if Mary had wanted an abortion? Then there would be no Jesus

I know, I know, Jesus should have been spared but not the rest of us, right?
If is the most powerful word the the English language.
You tell us. The Egyptians had been given 9 previous plagues related directly to their oppression of the Jews and refusal to release them. That last plague was the only one that finally convinced them it wasn't worth trying to oppose God's plan for His people.

Also tell us, were the innocent lives snuffed out in Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified?

Did the Lord God (supernatural good guy and alleged author of the 10 Commandments) cause the WWII firebombing of civilians or the nuclear explosions?
Did the Lord God (supernatural good guy and alleged author of the 10 Commandments) cause the WWII firebombing of civilians or the nuclear explosions?
Now you're answering questions with questions, IOW, dodging. Answer what I posed to you, and we can move forward. The key points are this:

1. We justify killing innocent lives all the time and seem to have no problem with it.
2. There are levels of responsibility and authority that allow people to kill other people and we seem to have no problem with it.

Why then do you presume to judge God when He kills?
If you justify or support the loss of innocent lives in WWII to stop an evil from growing, why do you judge God for doing the same?
Why then do you presume to judge God when He kills?

I can't judge a being that exists outside of space and time. Just pointing out the contradiction in the alleged 10 Commandments when the Holy Ghost took the lives of the firstborn of Egypt. Or as someone pointed out the other plagues he sent to ravage the people of Egypt in a sort of a collective punishment. I know, that was before the 10 Commandments were etched in stone. So Saul Goodman.
I can't judge a being that exists outside of space and time. Just pointing out the contradiction in the alleged 10 Commandments when the Holy Ghost took the lives of the firstborn of Egypt. Or as someone pointed out the other plagues he sent to ravage the people of Egypt in a sort of a collective punishment. I know, that was before the 10 Commandments were etched in stone. So Saul Goodman.
It is not a contradiction that humans don't have the same authority and responsibility that God does, any more than it is a contradiction that an executioner is not only allowed to, but is expected to, kill prisoners. If you entered a death row cell and shot the prisoner dead, you would be charged with murder, yes? Yet, a half an hour later, an executioner can pump the prisoner full of deadly poison, and he faces nothing. Is that a contradiction?

Likewise, God has authority and responsibility that man simply doesn't have. Another example, it's not a contradiction that a toddler has rules he must follow, such as predetermined nap times, predetermined eating times, a menu dictated by his parents, scheduled play times, etc. that an adult does not. A toddler is not an adult, nor is a human God.

Oh, and it was the Angel of Death, not the Holy Spirit, that killed the firstborn in Egypt.
It is not a contradiction that humans don't have the same authority and responsibility that God does, any more than it is a contradiction that an executioner is not only allowed to, but is expected to, kill prisoners. If you entered a death row cell and shot the prisoner dead, you would be charged with murder, yes? Yet, a half an hour later, an executioner can pump the prisoner full of deadly poison, and he faces nothing. Is that a contradiction?

Likewise, God has authority and responsibility that man simply doesn't have. Another example, it's not a contradiction that a toddler has rules he must follow, such as predetermined nap times, predetermined eating times, a menu dictated by his parents, scheduled play times, etc. that an adult does not. A toddler is not an adult, nor is a human God.

Oh, and it was the Angel of Death, not the Holy Spirit, that killed the firstborn in Egypt.

Angel of Death huh?

"On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn--both men and animals--and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD. The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt."

Does it matter if it orders another supernatural to do the deed?

Do as I say, not as I do?
Angel of Death huh?

"On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn--both men and animals--and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD. The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt."

Does it matter if it orders another supernatural to do the deed?

Do as I say, not as I do?
It is absolutely correct to do as He says, not as He does. For example, Dad tells his three-year-old son, "Do NOT touch that gun, it is dangerous". Dad picks up the gun, takes it outside, loads it and shoots a deer which they eat for dinner. Is Dad being a hypocrite? Absolutely not, because he has full authority to tell his child to not do what he does. Should the child do as Dad says, not as he does? Again, absolutely.

Another example, a policeman goes to the closed door of a house and yells, "Police, open this door or I will smash it open and release my K-9 unit into your house. You will be bitten if you do not cooperate".
You go to your neighbor's house, bang on their closed front door and yell, "Open this door or I will smash it open and release my dog inside your home. You will be bitten if you do not cooperate".

Who gets a pat on the back for doing a stressful job successfully, and who goes to jail?

Likewise, God can tell us, "Do not kill each other", but He has authority to do so. I do not understand why we insist on trying to hold God to our standards instead of holding ourselves to His standards for us, and why we insist that God has to make everything He does understandable to us. Heck, we don't even hold ourselves to the same standards, allowing and justifying death all the time.
It is absolutely correct to do as He says, not as He does. For example, Dad tells his three-year-old son, "Do NOT touch that gun, it is dangerous". Dad picks up the gun, takes it outside, loads it and shoots a deer which they eat for dinner. Is Dad being a hypocrite? Absolutely not, because he has full authority to tell his child to not do what he does. Should the child do as Dad says, not as he does? Again, absolutely.

Another example, a policeman goes to the closed door of a house and yells, "Police, open this door or I will smash it open and release my K-9 unit into your house. You will be bitten if you do not cooperate".
You go to your neighbor's house, bang on their closed front door and yell, "Open this door or I will smash it open and release my dog inside your home. You will be bitten if you do not cooperate".

Who gets a pat on the back for doing a stressful job successfully, and who goes to jail?

Likewise, God can tell us, "Do not kill each other", but He has authority to do so. I do not understand why we insist on trying to hold God to our standards instead of holding ourselves to His standards for us, and why we insist that God has to make everything He does understandable to us. Heck, we don't even hold ourselves to the same standards, allowing and justifying death all the time.

Shooting a deer for food is not quite like using your awesome superpowers to murder all the first born creatures in a country, for whatever reason.

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