'I can advocate killing babies & still take communion' - Pelosi 'At War' With Catholic Church

Shooting a deer for food is not quite like using your awesome superpowers to murder all the first born creatures in a country, for whatever reason.
Yet you have no problem with us murdering many, many creatures via the indiscriminate applications of horrific bombing. If we can do that to stop evil, why do you insist God cannot do the same thing?

The example does, moreover, illustrate the authority differences between a child and his parents. Let's put it this way, do you have a moral imperative to not destroy a venomous snake den that you find in your yard where your children play? IOW, you have no idea what God is doing that you cannot see, and no idea why He is doing it. Your statement that you cannot judge a being that is outside our space and time is false, because that's exactly what you are doing when you try to hold Him to human standards.
Yet you have no problem with us murdering many, many creatures via the indiscriminate applications of horrific bombing. If we can do that to stop evil, why do you insist God cannot do the same thing?

The example does, moreover, illustrate the authority differences between a child and his parents. Let's put it this way, do you have a moral imperative to not destroy a venomous snake den that you find in your yard where your children play? IOW, you have no idea what God is doing that you cannot see, and no idea why He is doing it. Your statement that you cannot judge a being that is outside our space and time is false, because that's exactly what you are doing when you try to hold Him to human standards.

Why do you have to make up something so horrible as say I have no problem with indiscriminate bombings. What's next? You going to claim I have no problem slavery because my ancestors owned a plantation 200 years ago?

I'm obligated to keep my kids safe from all of natures nasty creatures.

It doesn't exist. It was created by men. It didn't magically kill the first born of Egypt.
What did Jesus say about it?

Be specific.
/———/ Funny how pagans try to use religion to justify their wickedness.
The term abortion is a modern one, the concept of ending a pregnancy was not around 2,200 years ago.

abortion (n.)​

1540s, "the expulsion of the fetus before it is viable," originally of deliberate as well as unintended miscarriages.

Jesus was a Rabbi and taught the Old Testament. God’s Law to the Israelites stated: “If men should struggle with each other and they hurt a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but no fatality results, the offender must pay the damages imposed on him by the husband of the woman; and he must pay it through the judges. But if a fatality does occur, then you must give life for life.”—Exodus 21:22, 23. *
/———/ Funny how pagans try to use religion to justify their wickedness.
The term abortion is a modern one, the concept of ending a pregnancy was not around 2,200 years ago.

abortion (n.)​

1540s, "the expulsion of the fetus before it is viable," originally of deliberate as well as unintended miscarriages.

Jesus was a Rabbi and taught the Old Testament. God’s Law to the Israelites stated: “If men should struggle with each other and they hurt a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but no fatality results, the offender must pay the damages imposed on him by the husband of the woman; and he must pay it through the judges. But if a fatality does occur, then you must give life for life.”—Exodus 21:22, 23. *
“I’m not going to tell you that you’re interpreting Scripture incorrectly,” .... “But don’t prescribe rules for me and my decisions based on your interpretation of your scripture.”

“I’m not going to tell you that you’re interpreting Scripture incorrectly,” .... “But don’t prescribe rules for me and my decisions based on your interpretation of your scripture.”

/-----/ I simply pointed out that you were asking a idiotic question, "What did Jesus say about it. (abortion.)" The term didn't exist in the language Jesus spoke 2,200 years ago. I also pointed out one Old Testement verse that addresses causing a woman to lose her baby. There are pleanty more describing how God values an unborn child. Guess you didn't like my answers, and lashed out.
I also pointed out one Old Testement verse that addresses causing a woman to lose her baby. There are pleanty more describing how God values an unborn child. Guess you didn't like my answers, and lashed out.

I'm not Jewish. It is they who have a problem with Christians interpreting their scriptures.

"It’s that the Jewish tradition has a distinctly different reading of the same texts. While conservative Christians use the Bible to argue that a fetus represents a human life, which makes abortion murder, Jews don’t believe that fetuses have souls and, therefore, terminating a pregnancy is no crime."

But hey Cupcake, if it really makes you feel like I was lashing out at you, all I can say is, hahahhahahaha.
I'm not Jewish. It is they who have a problem with Christians interpreting their scriptures.

"It’s that the Jewish tradition has a distinctly different reading of the same texts. While conservative Christians use the Bible to argue that a fetus represents a human life, which makes abortion murder, Jews don’t believe that fetuses have souls and, therefore, terminating a pregnancy is no crime."

But hey Cupcake, if it really makes you feel like I was lashing out at you, all I can say is, hahahhahahaha.
/——-/ If that helps you baby killers sleep at night - then go ahead arguing about a term that didn’t exist 2,200 years ago.
/——-/ If that helps you baby killers sleep at night - then go ahead arguing about a term that didn’t exist 2,200 years ago.

Cute cupcakes calling me a baby killer doesn't interfere with my sleep at all.

I don't believe in transubstantiation but just the idea sounds cannibalistic. Catholics are weird. If Jesus was a Jew then he likely didn't believe that a fetus (ops, did they us that term?) had a soul.
Request: could people please NOT put quotes around words they KNOW their victim did not say?????

'I can advocate killing babies & still take communion' - Pelosi​

Now you know Pelosi didn't say that. Quotation marks, please only use for actual quotes!! It's useful tool.

I'm seeing this device, fake quotes, more and more on this forum. :mad:
Shut the fuck up abortionist transgender pedophile. We know that's what Pelosi means.
Shut the fuck up abortionist transgender pedophile. We know that's what Pelosi means.
i think we need to shut up about pelousi

we need to pray for her (HARD to do, I know) but... nothing else can be done... and there are people in the world who are more deserving of our attention... just my thoughts
i think we need to shut up about pelousi

we need to pray for her (HARD to do, I know) but... nothing else can be done... and there are people in the world who are more deserving of our attention... just my thoughts
We pray for Christians and for the wicked to be destroyed. Read more Psalms and Proverbs and ditch this hippy shit Christianity. It's why America is plagued by evil.
We pray for Christians and for the wicked to be destroyed. Read more Psalms and Proverbs and ditch this hippy shit Christianity. It's why America is plagued by evil.
I don't consider that a good description of my Faith at all. If you have read any of my threads/posts, you know that I am not always very kind to these kinds of egregious sinners, especially the baby killers, esp those who call themselves CAtholic

But Jesus DID tell us to PRAY for...whom?

those we like? of course... But He said to pray for

Why do you have to make up something so horrible as say I have no problem with indiscriminate bombings. What's next? You going to claim I have no problem slavery because my ancestors owned a plantation 200 years ago?

I'm obligated to keep my kids safe from all of natures nasty creatures.

It doesn't exist. It was created by men. It didn't magically kill the first born of Egypt.
I asked you multiple times if you were okay with the indiscriminate bombings and you did not answer. I therefore filled in the blanks for you. So, are you okay with the deaths of millions of innocents that stopped Nazism in its tracks? Would you perhaps prefer that we not do that and let it grow?

You claim God doesn't exist. Why then are you asking all these questions and keep coming back to the plagues Egypt suffered because they insisted on keeping the Israelites in slavery? Seems to me that you certainly care about something to put forth the effort to discuss it. You brought up the deaths of the first-born, now you want to say it didn't happen. Interesting.
Why then are you asking all these questions and keep coming back to the plagues Egypt suffered because they insisted on keeping the Israelites in slavery?
Well we could talk about the massacre of the Canaanite women and children ordered by the apparently Angry God if you'd like?

Why don't you leave it between me and this so called God?
Well we could talk about the massacre of the Canaanite women and children ordered by the apparently Angry God if you'd like?

Why don't you leave it between me and this so called God?
Because I can answer your questions. I've seen this over and over again. An atheist gets all hung up on what God did for his chosen nation and somehow thinks he has standing to accuse God of whatever trendy thing he can think of accusing Him.

I find it interesting that you simultaneously claim no belief in God, yet express negative feelings about what He has done. If your disbelief was so profound, one would think that there was no reason for you to argue about it.

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