I can built it in a year!

Trump says he can build 722 miles of fence in a year. Only 315 is new the rest replacement or secondary wall.

One year.

It will take longer than that to get all the land from private owners.

Don't you want to save our crumbling infrastructure on the border?
Don't you want to save our crumbling infrastructure on the border?

I'd go with this in Minneapolis......what do YOU think?

There ain't gonna be no wall, there never WAS going to be such a wall, and only a freaking idiot would buy that snake oil in the first place.

But......but......aren't we getting periodic checks from mexico to build that wall???

I mean, Trump specifically told us..................never mind.
A 30-foot climbing rope and grappling hook cost less than $70 at Walmart.
One year.

It will take longer than that to get all the land from private owners.
Incorrect Poindexter .... :cool:

The Federal government by a 1907 law, owns a 60 ft wide strip of land that runs the entire length of the U.S. / Mexico border.

Roosevelt Reservation - Wikipedia

part of Proclamation 758 states

Further, that the said strips, tracts, or parcels of land, reserved as aforesaid, may be used for public highways but for no other purpose whatever, so long as the reservation of same under this proclamation shall continue in force.
part of Proclamation 758 states

Further, that the said strips, tracts, or parcels of land, reserved as aforesaid, may be used for public highways but for no other purpose whatever, so long as the reservation of same under this proclamation shall continue in force.
Trump says he can build 722 miles of fence in a year. Only 315 is new the rest replacement or secondary wall.

One year.

It will take longer than that to get all the land from private owners.

It would be good In the future to proofread your headline or, learn English.

Why are you opposed to securing our border? Specifically, please.

A wall is a stupid plan & does little for security.

Wrong and wrong.
Trump says he can build 722 miles of fence in a year. Only 315 is new the rest replacement or secondary wall.

One year.

It will take longer than that to get all the land from private owners.

It would be good In the future to proofread your headline or, learn English.

Why are you opposed to securing our border? Specifically, please.

A wall is a stupid plan & does little for security.

Wrong and wrong.

Really, where is your information source besides your ass?
I can build two buildings. Each a mile from the border on both sides. I can bring in a HDD rig & drill a 60" hole from each side & line it with casing. Who would know?
Trump says he can build 722 miles of fence in a year. Only 315 is new the rest replacement or secondary wall.

One year.

It will take longer than that to get all the land from private owners.
Santa Monica Freeway to Reopen on Tuesday : Recovery: The contractor will get a $14.5-million bonus for finishing earthquake repairs 74 days early.

Motivation is a crazy thing.........
Santa Monica Freeway to Reopen on Tuesday : Recovery: The contractor will get a $14.5-million bonus for finishing earthquake repairs 74 days early.
Don't you want to save our crumbling infrastructure on the border?

I'd go with this in Minneapolis......what do YOU think?


Great choice.

This collapse was proven to have been a DESIGN FLAW.

In addition, it is amusing that the same city where this collapse occurred, (Minneapolis/St. Paul) had to delay the groundbreaking ceremonies of their new Billion Dollar plus stadium for the Minnesota Vikings. For that, the counties had voted for a half-cent increase in their sales tax to pay for the stadium. They allocated NOTHING for the bridge.

The stadium cost a BILLION DOLLARS with the Vikings paying half and the state and city of Minneapolis splitting the other half.
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To those who oppose a wall for the reason they believe it will not work.

Why then, does it work in other countries? Isreal for example.

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