i can see this turning ugly

O good grief, Allie. I did not claim you claimed homosexuality is a mental illness. What I said was, the mental health profession sees homosexuality as normative. This is the nuget of information you seem unable to digest.
No one says her religious beliefs get to trump the standards of the profession, but, it is up to the licensing body to decide whether or not she is qualified and willing to abide by their code of ethics, not the school.

And according to her, she would not let her beliefs interfere with her job.

Are you claiming that all doctors have to believe the exact same things or they cannot practice medicine? If that is your claim, then how do you expect medicine to advance?

If all scientists had to believe the same thing, then we would still believe that the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth.

Ms. Keeton's belief that homosexuality is not genetic (although, I for one think she may very well be wrong with that belief) is not a crime and believing such does not make her an evil person. Nor does it mean that she would harm any student deliberately or otherwise.

Apparently, these professors want to force her to be something she is not. That is wrong and quite frankly, evil of them.


You are just wrong. It is up to the school do decide if she meets the standard for a degree that would allow her to be licensed.

That is absolutely the school's prerogative.

The issue here isn't Ms. Keeton's personal belief. It's Ms. Keeton's insistence that her personal beliefs be included into her professional academic work.

That's the difference.

Plenty of Doctors think abortion is wrong. Only a wingnut Dr. who believed that would berate a patient for having an abortion or editorialize to them about what they personally think.

Wrong. They cannot determine she doesn't meet the standard based on her stated religion. That is against the law. Period.

I agree. However, if she was trying to pass her religion off as appropriate academic work in her writing then she is not meeting the standard.

You don't get to turn academic writing into OPED.

That's just English 101 and is hardly limited to one's beliefs on homosexuality.

I suspect that is what has happened here. If you read the link from the Augusta paper, the school has said it is eager to respond when legally appropriate.

I have a feeling that Ms. Keeton isn't going to look so favorably when the other side of the story comes out.
Christians are retaded to a comical state. And I want to say thanks. Giving a bible answer and getting rightfully failed is failing for being wrong. Lofl

The above might qualify as the most poorly written post I have EVER read on ANY medium.

How do you POSSIBLY expect anyone to believe that you have an MBA? You're lack of grammar skills is beyond appalling and is only outweighed by your complete lack of honestly in ANY matter.
O good grief, Allie. I did not claim you claimed homosexuality is a mental illness. What I said was, the mental health profession sees homosexuality as normative. This is the nuget of information you seem unable to digest.

Lie. Again.

When was the last time you stated a truth, maddie?
Condouche I like that you want this idiot passed. Chistians are tooliusmaximus. Fuck you and your grammar Nazi alter boy significant other.
O good grief, Allie. I did not claim you claimed homosexuality is a mental illness. What I said was, the mental health profession sees homosexuality as normative. This is the nuget of information you seem unable to digest.

Lie. Again.

When was the last time you stated a truth, maddie?

Okie dokie then. If you can accept that the mental health field views homosexuality as normative, why then do you continue to insist that it is some form of religious persecution to refuse to graduate a student who does not accept this belief (or at least, cannot adhere to this principle during her professional life)?

Allie, if you are looking to be seen as compassionate and accepting, I'm all for that. If you feel I owe you an apology, fine by me. I would just like to hear what your real POV is...because so far, it seems to be a hatred of gays fueled by religion. If I am wrong about that, perhaps you'll explain further...and no one will be happier to be corrected than I.
Condouche I like that you want this idiot passed. Chistians are tooliusmaximus. Fuck you and your grammar Nazi alter boy significant other.

Ok, this post also made no sense , but I did glean something out of it, you seem to feel I'm a grammar Nazi.

A) I'm not a Nazi, and per Madeline, we shouldn't be using political terms which don't apply. Madeline I FULLY expect that someone as honest and full of integrity as yourself will now scold Topspin for his misuse of said political term? No? That's disappointing.

B) I generally don't pay much attention to grammar except for in TWO instances.

1. When people call others ignorant , stupid, retarded, or what have you in a post full of grammatical errors. That's just good irony.

2. When someone has attempted themselves off as being educated, which you certainly did when you came to the board. You claimed to have an MBA. No MBA candidate is ever going to put a sentence on paper, or screen, that is as poorly written as some of the garbage you have posted. Which proves you're a liar.
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O good grief, Allie. I did not claim you claimed homosexuality is a mental illness. What I said was, the mental health profession sees homosexuality as normative. This is the nuget of information you seem unable to digest.

Actually, there seems to be some debate on the matter.

Homosexuality and Mental Health Problems

Yeah, if you want to take "NARTH"'s word for it.

Did you read the "NARTH" mission statement?

We respect the right of all individuals to choose their own destiny. NARTH is a professional, scientific organization that offers hope to those who struggle with unwanted homosexuality. As an organization, we disseminate educational information, conduct and collect scientific research, promote effective therapeutic treatment, and provide referrals to those who seek our assistance.

NARTH upholds the rights of individuals with unwanted homosexual attraction to receive effective psychological care and the right of professionals to offer that care. We welcome the participation of all individuals who will join us in the pursuit of these goals.
O good grief, Allie. I did not claim you claimed homosexuality is a mental illness. What I said was, the mental health profession sees homosexuality as normative. This is the nuget of information you seem unable to digest.

Actually, there seems to be some debate on the matter.

Homosexuality and Mental Health Problems

Yeah, if you want to take "NARTH"'s word for it.

Did you read the "NARTH" mission statement?

We respect the right of all individuals to choose their own destiny. NARTH is a professional, scientific organization that offers hope to those who struggle with unwanted homosexuality. As an organization, we disseminate educational information, conduct and collect scientific research, promote effective therapeutic treatment, and provide referrals to those who seek our assistance.

NARTH upholds the rights of individuals with unwanted homosexual attraction to receive effective psychological care and the right of professionals to offer that care. We welcome the participation of all individuals who will join us in the pursuit of these goals.

I used them as but ONE example of the fact that there IS debate. I didn't say they were right, or wrong. This is no more my field than it is yours , Madeline's, nor Allie's . But the FACT that they dissent PROVES that Madeline's assertion that an entire field agrees on something was incorrect. No?
O good grief, Allie. I did not claim you claimed homosexuality is a mental illness. What I said was, the mental health profession sees homosexuality as normative. This is the nuget of information you seem unable to digest.

Actually, there seems to be some debate on the matter.

Homosexuality and Mental Health Problems
That's not exactly the most reliable source. Linking from an organization with an agenda isn't exactly the best way to make your argument.

That would be like me linking to GREEN Peace to prove that climate change exists.
It's hard to imagine a way to run up the suicide rate faster than by promising a homosexual that he or she can be altered through therapy.

If you are straight, ask yourself....just how easily could you be altered to feel homosexual desire?
O good grief, Allie. I did not claim you claimed homosexuality is a mental illness. What I said was, the mental health profession sees homosexuality as normative. This is the nuget of information you seem unable to digest.

Lie. Again.

When was the last time you stated a truth, maddie?

Okie dokie then. If you can accept that the mental health field views homosexuality as normative, why then do you continue to insist that it is some form of religious persecution to refuse to graduate a student who does not accept this belief (or at least, cannot adhere to this principle during her professional life)?

Allie, if you are looking to be seen as compassionate and accepting, I'm all for that. If you feel I owe you an apology, fine by me. I would just like to hear what your real POV is...because so far, it seems to be a hatred of gays fueled by religion. If I am wrong about that, perhaps you'll explain further...and no one will be happier to be corrected than I.

I don't care if I'm seen as compassionate and accepting. I object to people telling baldfaced lies and not getting called on it.

"normative". LOL!

So what degree do you hold?
As it happens, I hold several degrees Allie. None of them are in a mental health field, but I don't lack an education. I fail to see what that has to do with the issue at hand...are you suggesting that if I am a waitress with a high school diploma, I don't get to be heard or respected here?
Lie. Again.

When was the last time you stated a truth, maddie?

Okie dokie then. If you can accept that the mental health field views homosexuality as normative, why then do you continue to insist that it is some form of religious persecution to refuse to graduate a student who does not accept this belief (or at least, cannot adhere to this principle during her professional life)?

Allie, if you are looking to be seen as compassionate and accepting, I'm all for that. If you feel I owe you an apology, fine by me. I would just like to hear what your real POV is...because so far, it seems to be a hatred of gays fueled by religion. If I am wrong about that, perhaps you'll explain further...and no one will be happier to be corrected than I.

I don't care if I'm seen as compassionate and accepting. I object to people telling baldfaced lies and not getting called on it.

"normative". LOL!

So what degree do you hold?

Well, I do give Madeline credit for being smart enough to avoid me in a thread. She's having a hard time holding her own with you. I would totally destroy her. :lol:

and PS Madeline, even though you won't debate me, I will tell you that yes your degree DOES matter when you are trying to claim that an entire field believes something, if you're not in that field, you REALLY have no business making such statements.
It's hard to imagine a way to run up the suicide rate faster than by promising a homosexual that he or she can be altered through therapy.

If you are straight, ask yourself....just how easily could you be altered to feel homosexual desire?

Anyone can be altered to feel homosexual desire, nitwit. It happens all the time. It's an accepted part of life in prison.

Try again.

Still, this isn't about anyone trying to alter homosexuals.
It's hard to imagine a way to run up the suicide rate faster than by promising a homosexual that he or she can be altered through therapy.

If you are straight, ask yourself....just how easily could you be altered to feel homosexual desire?

Anyone can be altered to feel homosexual desire, nitwit. It happens all the time. It's an accepted part of life in prison.

Try again.

Still, this isn't about anyone trying to alter homosexuals.

BUT BUT BUT those are all rapes.................
So how long would you have to be in prison before you felt homosexual desire, Allie?

I'm guessing she would probably avoid the chance altogether, and stay out of prison.

But here's a more relevant question.

If people are just born gay, how do some just choose after being heterosexual to be gay, how do some gays go straight? What about bisexual people?

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