i can see this turning ugly

its based on her beliefs not her religion for the 1000th time. your constant use of the victim card is hilarious and shows you have no real argument

Blu, how can you seriously argue that? You know without doubt that her beliefs are based on her religious beliefs. Is that always the case? No, of course you are correct, plenty of people object to homosexuality for reasons other than religion, but a court won't take what other people might object to it for, they would ONLY consider whether THIS woman was denied something based on her religious beliefs.

Analogy. Let's say a black man goes into a restaurant and is refused service. He sues and the man who refused service to him claims that race had nothing to do with why he didn't serve him, he just didn't like the guy. Do you find him guilty of racism? I probably do, and I don't even agree with that part of the Civil Right Bill, but the law is the law.

blu can say that because, as a fascist, he lies about things to make them appear other than what they actually are. In that way he is able to oppress and take a stand against freedom and civil, and human, rights without actually coming out and saying that's what he's doing.

PS, I know what fascism is, dear.

Blu and I have had some go arounds, but also I've seen him be fair and honest, so unless he proves otherwise in THIS thread, I will attempt to give him the benefit of the doubt here.

And I'm sure you do, but you do use the term incorrectly on several occasions. The thing is though, MANY on this board do with a variety of political terms, so it's no big deal.

I would correctly identify Blu as a socialist democrat, just for example. He's not a fascist. He doesn't , I don't believe, conform to any of the standards associated with fascism. I doubt that many in America truly do.
its based on her beliefs not her religion for the 1000th time. your constant use of the victim card is hilarious and shows you have no real argument

Blu, how can you seriously argue that? You know without doubt that her beliefs are based on her religious beliefs. Is that always the case? No, of course you are correct, plenty of people object to homosexuality for reasons other than religion, but a court won't take what other people might object to it for, they would ONLY consider whether THIS woman was denied something based on her religious beliefs.

Analogy. Let's say a black man goes into a restaurant and is refused service. He sues and the man who refused service to him claims that race had nothing to do with why he didn't serve him, he just didn't like the guy. Do you find him guilty of racism? I probably do, and I don't even agree with that part of the Civil Right Bill, but the law is the law.

blu can say that because, as a fascist, he lies about things to make them appear other than what they actually are. In that way he is able to oppress and take a stand against freedom and civil, and human, rights without actually coming out and saying that's what he's doing.

PS, I know what fascism is, dear.

blah blah blah ad hominem all do
Blu, how can you seriously argue that? You know without doubt that her beliefs are based on her religious beliefs. Is that always the case? No, of course you are correct, plenty of people object to homosexuality for reasons other than religion, but a court won't take what other people might object to it for, they would ONLY consider whether THIS woman was denied something based on her religious beliefs.

Analogy. Let's say a black man goes into a restaurant and is refused service. He sues and the man who refused service to him claims that race had nothing to do with why he didn't serve him, he just didn't like the guy. Do you find him guilty of racism? I probably do, and I don't even agree with that part of the Civil Right Bill, but the law is the law.

blu can say that because, as a fascist, he lies about things to make them appear other than what they actually are. In that way he is able to oppress and take a stand against freedom and civil, and human, rights without actually coming out and saying that's what he's doing.

PS, I know what fascism is, dear.

blah blah blah ad hominem all do

again, for the 1000th time, her religious beliefs do not coincide with the private organization in which she wishes to join. the group shouldn't have to and won't change its views to accommodate every religion so shes either going to have to change her views during work hours or find another profession.

Blu, question. and I really don't remember if you were even in the thread, but how did you feel about the gays that wanted to join the Boy Scouts?

I don't ever remember that thread or issue coming up... got a link?

You bet, I didn't think you had been in that thread

Blu, how can you seriously argue that? You know without doubt that her beliefs are based on her religious beliefs. Is that always the case? No, of course you are correct, plenty of people object to homosexuality for reasons other than religion, but a court won't take what other people might object to it for, they would ONLY consider whether THIS woman was denied something based on her religious beliefs.

Analogy. Let's say a black man goes into a restaurant and is refused service. He sues and the man who refused service to him claims that race had nothing to do with why he didn't serve him, he just didn't like the guy. Do you find him guilty of racism? I probably do, and I don't even agree with that part of the Civil Right Bill, but the law is the law.

blu can say that because, as a fascist, he lies about things to make them appear other than what they actually are. In that way he is able to oppress and take a stand against freedom and civil, and human, rights without actually coming out and saying that's what he's doing.

PS, I know what fascism is, dear.

Blu and I have had some go arounds, but also I've seen him be fair and honest, so unless he proves otherwise in THIS thread, I will attempt to give him the benefit of the doubt here.

And I'm sure you do, but you do use the term incorrectly on several occasions. The thing is though, MANY on this board do with a variety of political terms, so it's no big deal.

I would correctly identify Blu as a socialist democrat, just for example. He's not a fascist. He doesn't , I don't believe, conform to any of the standards associated with fascism. I doubt that many in America truly do.

uh really? how do you figure that?
blu can say that because, as a fascist, he lies about things to make them appear other than what they actually are. In that way he is able to oppress and take a stand against freedom and civil, and human, rights without actually coming out and saying that's what he's doing.

PS, I know what fascism is, dear.

Blu and I have had some go arounds, but also I've seen him be fair and honest, so unless he proves otherwise in THIS thread, I will attempt to give him the benefit of the doubt here.

And I'm sure you do, but you do use the term incorrectly on several occasions. The thing is though, MANY on this board do with a variety of political terms, so it's no big deal.

I would correctly identify Blu as a socialist democrat, just for example. He's not a fascist. He doesn't , I don't believe, conform to any of the standards associated with fascism. I doubt that many in America truly do.

uh really? how do you figure that?

Just my opinion based off many of the threads I've read your opinions on. The only thing that really throws me for a loop is you almost go anarchist in your views on LEO.; but I know you don't truly want no law enforcement.
Con, I'm not going to argue over the definition of fascism. The definition is challenged all the time and at best is debated.

But the one thing everyone agrees on is that fascism is an expression of tyranny and depravity. Fascists tromp the freedom of the people.
Blu and I have had some go arounds, but also I've seen him be fair and honest, so unless he proves otherwise in THIS thread, I will attempt to give him the benefit of the doubt here.

And I'm sure you do, but you do use the term incorrectly on several occasions. The thing is though, MANY on this board do with a variety of political terms, so it's no big deal.

I would correctly identify Blu as a socialist democrat, just for example. He's not a fascist. He doesn't , I don't believe, conform to any of the standards associated with fascism. I doubt that many in America truly do.

uh really? how do you figure that?

Just my opinion based off many of the threads I've read your opinions on. The only thing that really throws me for a loop is you almost go anarchist in your views on LEO.; but I know you don't truly want no law enforcement.

i want very few laws with cops not treated as Gods. I also want extremely, small constitutional only government. get rid of every social program, take down the empire, and get rid of the federal reserve and I will start to be happy
Con, I'm not going to argue over the definition of fascism. The definition is challenged all the time and at best is debated.

But the one thing everyone agrees on is that fascism is an expression of tyranny and depravity. Fascists tromp the freedom of the people.

Oh, we definitely agree there. and like I said, no big deal to me, we see people mis labeled all the time on here. The only reason I mentioned it was b/c Madeline wants to get onto you for mislabeling while never saying anything to anyone on the left who does the same thing, which of course is a common tactic of hers and other loons.
The larger point is, your religious beliefs don't get to trump the standards of a profession you want to enter.

If you can't buy the Christian Scientist scenario, then how about this:

"You are a Jehovah's Witness in medical school who believes blood is sacred and refuses to do a transfusion on a patient."


"You are a Rastafarian in medical school that believes it's your religious right to walk around and see patients with a doobie hanging out of your mouth."

Jehovah's Witnesses actually have some sound medical studies backing them up about the transfusions, not that any of them will ever enroll in medical school.
And the even bigger point...our government and schools NEVER get to deny anything to anyone based on religion.


So you'd support a Wahhibist having a top secret security clearance and access to state secrets?

I didn't think so.

Why should I have a problem with that? Why do you have a problem with it?

In today's climate I can see the thought behind such sentiment. BUT the reality is that if someone has underwent the necessary top secret clearance procedures than their religious standings have been vetted to the max, so there shouldn't be a problem.
No, it is not "all in blu's head". It is accepted scientific fact, as I posted before. The fact that your bigotry towards gays makes you wish it were different does not alter that fact....and Allie, I hope no one you love is gay. I just cannot imagine the cruelty you'd heap on them, if the inflexibility and bigotry of your posts on this thread are indicative of your real feelings.
you have links to actual incidents yes? My google fu seems to be unable to find such fevered fantasies.

My point is that the hippies hegemony on pop culture, 20 years past due to fail, is about to b
ecause too many of them are dying off and/or people the Xers and Millenials are sick of being dictated to by their parents desires due to pure volume of that generation. What the boomers have tried to create cannot last because it is based on ideology that is hostile to the laws of economics and patterns of sociology.

I didn't say anything about homosexuality, I'm talking ethics, ideology and world view. The former hippies are about to reap the whirlwind of the parents curse on a generational level the same way their parents and grandparents had to suffer through the boomers specifically the hippies shitting on everything they held as good and decent.

nothing you can do to stop it, for centuries of history say this is to pass.

Mommy issues or Daddy issues, Big Fitz? Before you trash the hippies, look around and ask yourself...would you really be happier living in a sexually repressed culture that valued conformity and supported bigotry of every stripe?

If you find fault with the world, make a change. Stop blaming others for the problems and do what we did..move your ass to create change.

Oh good gravy! Pulling out your pocket freud? what a load of bollocks. You keep trying to make it about your sexual obsessions, like you invented the stuff. Shit, the Victorians had you free lovers beat for kink and perversion in society 100 years before you were a gleam in the milkman's eye. The only thing you did was go roman on their ass and drag sex into the public square. Quelle nouveau! :rolleyes: Someone alert Caligula he's been out done.

At least you proved you are clueless on history and seem to have taken personally to this insult. That makes me wonder if you aren't one of the aging hippies desperately clinging to the hope your ideology of evil will become justified for the horrific means you have used to implement them and an eternal change to the firmament of mankind?

News flash for you. they won't outlive your generation. Your kind will wash away like the political and philosophical tarballs you are in relatively short order through the normal action of society and time. After that, any evidence of your cultural existence will be like finding tar a few feet down and only a sheen in the hole where you dug for it. The aberration will be corrected and I will be able to enjoy it.

I also wonder if your hostile reaction towards those who do not agree with your pro gay agenda is because you have some closet reservations that you just may be wrong and there is a moral choice to be made there?

If we're gonna play projection here... let's just project big or go home, shall we?
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Yes indeedy, Big Fitz I am an aging hippie. Exactly which of the world's evils would you lay at my feet?

Er..he already laid them out.

Do you ever read the posts, or do you just float along in a cloud of progressive idealogy, never stopping to engage?
Allie, you seem to have developed a personal problem with me. It's unfortunate and I assure you, it is not mutual. But it is derailing the thread, which I think has value to others.

I'm asking you nicely, take your issues with me elsewhere.
Yes indeedy, Big Fitz I am an aging hippie. Exactly which of the world's evils would you lay at my feet?
Since you don't read my posts, only condemn them, or are incapable of understanding them, I doubt a list would help.
Allie, you seem to have developed a personal problem with me. It's unfortunate and I assure you, it is not mutual. But it is derailing the thread, which I think has value to others.

I'm asking you nicely, take your issues with me elsewhere.

Fuck off. I told you you didn't have what it takes, and you don't.

You could leave the threads I'm in. Otherwise, too bad.

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