“I Cannot Afford To Live”: Americans Get Emotional As The U.S. Economy Goes Off The Rails

Care to explain why Canada suffered far less from that crash than we did, Anton?
Who wants to buy up Canadian real estate as investments?

Foreign capital was primarily concentrated on American real estate. Chinese in particular were pouring in a lot of money.
That's not true.
GSE held tons of sub-prime loans, labeled as "Alt-A" loans. Freddie and Fannie were the biggest bailouts of the entire sub-prime crash.
View attachment 932591

Next time you post I suggest you actually address something in it.

Yes GSEs held sub-prime mortgage backed securities but VERY FEW OF THEM ORIGINATED UNDER CRA.

Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission conclusion: "the CRA was not a significant factor in subprime lending or the crisis."

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Coupons are coming back too. My dad is a coupon clipper and he freaked out when coupons stopped coming for awhile. Specials are back. Stop buying when things aren't on special.
Ohhhh...coupons! Yeah, boy, that'll cut the cost of groceries by at least 30-40%/

actually, biden has been great for us and on the whole, we do not want any kind of "river to the sea" or whatever, we want everyone there (and everyone else) to be treated justly and humanely.
aoc explained the "uncommitted" movement fairly well. they know that whatever the problems in israel trump would not be a policy improvement for either side.

we were a problem for hillary, but most progressives (and we are far more divided on isreal than any other faction) are kind of back on the reservation, at least through the election.

actually, biden has been great for us and on the whole, we do not want any kind of "river to the sea" or whatever, we want everyone there (and everyone else) to be treated justly and humanely.
So he will treat you like a guy that saved his life.

His was the man in Afghanistan that saved Biden’s life and Biden left him to die.

No thanks, Biden is as bad as Trump, you can have them both.
If "THEY" did it was to prove Trump couldn't lead us through a crisis.

Yea, he did alright as long as there were no problems to deal with.

On Friday I wondered what Trump would have done in response to Iran attacking Israel.

Simple, it would not have happened. Not surprisingly, President Biden lifted sanctions, allowing Iran to sell tens of billions of dollars of their oil, and Biden allowed UN sanctions preventing them from building drones and rockets.
Dummy did they tell you on FOX about Trump spending, current causes of record low unemployment, strong GDP and wage growth?
Nobody is buying the bullshit that things are great with Biden's economy, Anton! People know their bank accounts were bigger under Trump. They know they're struggling to pay their bills under Biden. Hard to spin that...but you keep on trying!

“I Cannot Afford To Live”:

Americans Get Emotional As The U.S. Economy Goes Off The Rails

10 Apr 2024 ~~ By Michael Snyder

As we approach what is likely to be the most chaotic presidential election in U.S. history, trouble signs are starting to erupt for the U.S. economy. In fact, CNN is actually admitting that “the long-predicted storm clouds in the economy may actually be forming”. I can’t remember the last time that I saw a CNN article with a headline like that. But at this point, it is becoming extremely difficult for the mainstream media to avoid the truth. Inflation is getting worse at the same time that many key sectors of our economy are slowing down. If you thought that the last couple of years were rough for the economy, just wait until you see what is coming next. Tremendous turmoil is on the horizon, and the American people are becoming increasingly emotional about our rapidly growing economic problems.
On Wednesday, we learned that prices jumped even more than expected during the month of March…
For example, Fox Business is reporting that the cost of energy “is up 36.9% from where it was in Jan. 2021″…
Tuesday’s inflation numbers punctuate what has been a dreadful three years for energy consumers. The overall cost of energy in March is up 36.9% from where it was in Jan. 2021, according to the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.​
Of course energy prices are going to go a lot higher than they are right now.
Just like me, so many of you can feel what is coming.
A tipping point has arrived, and the outlook for the months ahead is very bleak.
The U.S. economy is going off the rails, and the worse things get the more frustrated the American people are going to become.

Not according to our 46th president and his administration. We are doing so well, we don’t have to worry about the cost of illegals or of forgiving student loans, and we can freely help Ukraine with many hundreds of billions of dollars for something that could have been handled with a peace treaty.
Everything is fine!
Don't worry about housing, food, or fuel for heating, cooking or transportation. Our president has it covered.
Yes, The Rats in Washington have it covered. They tell us they won’t cut Social Security benefits, but they have no problem creating high inflation, or fudging the numbers to limit Social Security COLA’s for retirees.
The next round of inflation is going to be absolutely brutal. Many already on the brink who never would've considered crime will start to ponder it.
America's largely service sector economy will take a massive hit as what little discretionary spending still exists evaporates and near-minimum wage workers can barely afford to commute.
What happens when rural youth begin behaving like urban youth?
There is a level of hardship at which this starts to happen en-masse.

And like those in the past who did rain dances when there was drought, or who sacrificed people when things went badly, people will vote based on things they don't understand and change govt or not based on how well things are doing that day. Nothing else.

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