“I Cannot Afford To Live”: Americans Get Emotional As The U.S. Economy Goes Off The Rails

Tell that to Larry Summers, August! You remember Larry...right? Liberal economist? Barack Obama's guy when it came to economic policy? Good 'ole Larry warned Joe Biden that he was dumping way too much money into the system and that it was going to cause rampant inflation but Joe being Joe ignored that because Joe's a dumb ass who wouldn't know economic theory if it bit him on his bony white back side!
correction. larry summers = neo liberal economist.

his model is closer to the "public choice economics " favored by the kochs and american enterprise ist.
So basically what you're saying is that you've got "yours" and the working man can just shut up about being bled dry? How do you think that's going to play out in November, Harpy? "Let them eat cake!" is always such a good political strategy!

I do not give a fuck what happens in Nov.

My life will not change one iota based on who wins this election.

We have been given the choice between being shot or being poisoned and you fucks act like it matters which is chosen.
Hey Buddy have you checked interest rates on home loans lately? It was 2.2 % but has jumped to 7% and has fluctuated near 8% which MEANS people cannot afford the loans on say a $350,000 and above.
Let me get this straight… you think the housing market is tough and people can’t afford loans???? Then why are houses going for record prices and the market hasn’t crashed? It is because there is low supply so people are paying more for houses. If people couldn’t afford interest rates… prices would crash with low demand. Duh. You need an economics class.

Bidenflation Soars To 18.8%, Squeezing Americans​

Another moron calling himself “Doc” when we can tell he has no MD or PHD uses a study that has 2020 as the comparison baseline.. YEP THE COVID YEAR. Doc… are you that stupid or just naive? Show me a comparison to 2019 before the pandemic you simpleton.
One percenter continues to mock the pain felt by a large percentage of Americans, particularly younger Americans and minorities. But hey look at my 401K!!!! Typical Democrat supporter.
I mock crocodile tears from right wingers who oppose every single action to help those at the bottom and then post on here that they care about struggling bottom tier citizens while using flawed data. Which one of these do you support:

  • Minimum wage increases opposed by the GOP
  • Labor union protections opposed by the GOP?
  • National healthcare for those who can’t afford it opposed by the GOP?
  • Nutrition programs for kids who need supplemental assistance opposed by the GOP?
  • Credit relief for students opposed by the GOP?
  • Price gouging laws opposed by the GOP?
  • Investment in alternative energy to reduce dependence on oil price fluctuations opposed by the GOP?
What exactly are you for to help those the bottom? 100% chance you’ll flee the challenge.
I do not give a fuck what happens in Nov.

My life will not change one iota based on who wins this election.

We have been given the choice between being shot or being poisoned and you fucks act like it matters which is chosen.
You were "shot" or "poisoned" during the Trump term? When exactly did that happen? The truth is the economy was better under Trump for EVERYONE! The border was secure. The Middle East was as peaceful as it had been in a long time. Putin was behaving himself. The Chinese weren't saber rattling. We didn't have rampant inflation. We didn't have high energy prices. You may not like Donald Trump but he did the job of President very well. Joe Biden is exactly what Barack Obama warned us he'd be when he said not to underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up!
Biden put you in a higher tax bracket AND his kid owns a laptop. He needs to go!
Biden gave billions of dollars to both Putin and the Mullahs in Iran! He basically funded the wars that they then conducted against Ukraine and Israel. He's so clueless when it comes to foreign policy it's scary. Biden thinks you can appease people like the Mullahs and Putin by giving them things. He's a moron!
Inflation was and still is Global, Einstein. Biden`s fault? It`s kind of funny reading comments from those who bitch about socialism, who are now demanding that the president lower prices.

all the fault of the man made virus launch to steal the country back. Pay 100 million in the US not to work ? Many got paid and worked. Are you on dope? The GOVT is the cause of all crisis to gain more power/:
I mock crocodile tears from right wingers who oppose every single action to help those at the bottom and then post on here that they care about struggling bottom tier citizens while using flawed data. Which one of these do you support:

  • Minimum wage increases opposed by the GOP
  • Labor union protections opposed by the GOP?
  • National healthcare for those who can’t afford it opposed by the GOP?
  • Nutrition programs for kids who need supplemental assistance opposed by the GOP?
  • Credit relief for students opposed by the GOP?
  • Price gouging laws opposed by the GOP?
  • Investment in alternative energy to reduce dependence on oil price fluctuations opposed by the GOP?
What exactly are you for to help those the bottom? 100% chance you’ll flee the challenge.

All BS and in most cases will make matters worse. Then like always, you vanish and experts post “I told you so”. You’re outa you league up in here. You’re D league co-ed tops.
I mock crocodile tears from right wingers who oppose every single action to help those at the bottom and then post on here that they care about struggling bottom tier citizens while using flawed data. Which one of these do you support:

  • Minimum wage increases opposed by the GOP
  • Labor union protections opposed by the GOP?
  • National healthcare for those who can’t afford it opposed by the GOP?
  • Nutrition programs for kids who need supplemental assistance opposed by the GOP?
  • Credit relief for students opposed by the GOP?
  • Price gouging laws opposed by the GOP?
  • Investment in alternative energy to reduce dependence on oil price fluctuations opposed by the GOP?
What exactly are you for to help those the bottom? 100% chance you’ll flee the challenge.
Opposing all those things, is actually the best thing to help the bottom.
Minimum wage destroys jobs, and makes people unemployed. That harms the bottom.
The labor unions destroy jobs, and make people unemployed. That harms the bottom.
National health care will absolutely require a massive increase in taxes on the poorest people, likely in the range of 20%. That would harm the bottom.
Kids are fatter, and less healthy thanks to assistance programs, so that we have an obesity crisis. That harms the people at the bottom.
Credit relief would benefit the wealthy, and cost taxes on the poorest people. This is well documented that most college debt relief would help the affluent and rich. The poor would be the ones taxed to pay for it.
Price control laws universally result in shortages. Shortages will always harm the poorest more than the rich.
Investing in alternative energy is one of the prime reason that energy costs are going up, which inherently harms the poorest people more than the rich.

Everything you listed, is EXACTLY what I would point to, that we care for the poor and the bottom, more than the elites and left-wing that destroy the poor, while claiming to support them.
All BS and in most cases will make matters worse. Then like always, you vanish and experts post “I told you so”. You’re outa you league up in here. You’re D league co-ed tops.
Like I thought. Crocodile tears. You don’t care about struggling Americans because you support zero policies that help them so stop posting about people struggling when you don’t actually give a shit.
Opposing all those things, is actually the best thing to help the bottom.
Minimum wage destroys jobs, and makes people unemployed. That harms the bottom.
The labor unions destroy jobs, and make people unemployed. That harms the bottom.
National health care will absolutely require a massive increase in taxes on the poorest people, likely in the range of 20%. That would harm the bottom.
Kids are fatter, and less healthy thanks to assistance programs, so that we have an obesity crisis. That harms the people at the bottom.
Credit relief would benefit the wealthy, and cost taxes on the poorest people. This is well documented that most college debt relief would help the affluent and rich. The poor would be the ones taxed to pay for it.
Price control laws universally result in shortages. Shortages will always harm the poorest more than the rich.
Investing in alternative energy is one of the prime reason that energy costs are going up, which inherently harms the poorest people more than the rich.

Everything you listed, is EXACTLY what I would point to, that we care for the poor and the bottom, more than the elites and left-wing that destroy the poor, while claiming to support them.
Minimum wage hasn’t been a relevant wage level in decades and the bottom suffers today.

Labor unions are all time low enrollment and the bottom suffers today.

You actually posted that feeding kids and giving the poor healthcare is bad for them.

You actually oppose anything that helps the bottom so when you complain about prices how about I just give you a collective Fuck You from the bottom?
I think I’ve proven beyond a shadow of doubt the right has no interest in helping the bottom. Please lock the thread.
I forgot? LOL That's your talking point, Sealy? I "forgot" that it was bad under Trump before Covid? Seriously? I hate to point out the obvious here but you're out of your mind! Trump was giving us historically good economic numbers before Fauci and his Chinese buddies unleashed that pandemic on us! I haven't forgotten anything! It wasn't that long ago.

The economy was fine but it wasn't as great as you remember. Poor people weren't suddenly saving towards retirement. We were far from rebuilding the middle class. In fact, how much did playing wack a mole with illegals help? Not much as far as wages.

Trump started a trade war with China and in 2019 he had 2.2% GDP. He promised much better and said Obama sucked for having such numbers.

None of the different DOLLAR STORES, are actually $1.00 stores!!! What a rip off! :)
I refuse to go now. I was okay with it becoming $1.25 store. I was even okay with them adding things that cost $6. Fine, I'll just stick to the sponges, sardeens, toilet paper, pops, chocolates.

BUT THEN I noticed my bill was too high. 4 things should have been $5 plus 10 cents for the pop deposit. But it was more. I asked why. She said "oh, the pops are $1.85. OMG I can get those pops at Kroger for $1.25.

So I'm done. Maybe I'll go there for batteries or when I need something quick but I used to go in a lot. Fuck em.
The economy was fine but it wasn't as great as you remember. Poor people weren't suddenly saving towards retirement. We were far from rebuilding the middle class. In fact, how much did playing wack a mole with illegals help? Not much as far as wages.

Trump started a trade war with China and in 2019 he had 2.2% GDP. He promised much better and said Obama sucked for having such numbers.

Another BS post From the board dunce. The growth was real, steady, every measure heading up (But not due to GOVT spending or GOVT jobs). They knew that. Deep State cant allow success. So they launched the virus scam. Then everything got destroyed. Now $34T and no signs of real steady improvements. WW chaos and crime.

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