“I Cannot Afford To Live”: Americans Get Emotional As The U.S. Economy Goes Off The Rails

"Inflation is tepid"? What exactly does "tepid" describe, Gator? Inflation is eating people alive right now. Describing it as "tepid" is about as idiotic as Joe Biden's fiscal policies have been for the past 3 and 1/2 years! I hate to break this to you but the average blue collar worker in America isn't taking part in the stock market surge and most of them are raiding their 401K's to pay bills! They are literally living pay check to pay check and have maxed out their credit cards paying for groceries. The economy is NOT in good shape!
What you just described is untrue. Wages are up more than inflation since 2019. Credit card payments are a lower percent of income than they were in 2019 and they are at historically low levels. Prices are higher than 5 years ago but so are incomes. HOWEVER… if you have a program you’d like to implement to help those struggling I am sure you’d find willing supporters on the left:

  • Minimum wages
  • Guaranteed access to healthcare
  • Supplemental nutrition for impoverished children
  • Extending the child tax credit
  • Improved Federal funding for poor school districts
  • Unburdening college students from debt
  • Increases protections for workers and union protections
  • Federal housing funding for high density structures
  • More loan support for first time house buyers
Any of that register with you or are your tears crocodile tears?
Were watching a 14% inflation rate since 2020 while corporate profits are 75%, Reality denier. It`s called Greedflation. Read and learn.

I don't buy that crap for one minute.
The government is the only institution with the power to counterfeit (create) new money. So long as it continues to use that power, we will continue to suffer from inflation, even unto a runaway inflation that will utterly destroy the currency. Biden has DEVALUED THE CURRENCY

Take this lesson, free of charge. Your welcome This is BIDENOMICS.

What you just described is untrue. Wages are up more than inflation since 2019. Credit card payments are a lower percent of income than they were in 2019 and they are at historically low levels. Prices are higher than 5 years ago but so are incomes. HOWEVER… if you have a program you’d like to implement to help those struggling I am sure you’d find willing supporters on the left:

  • Minimum wages
  • Guaranteed access to healthcare
  • Supplemental nutrition for impoverished children
  • Extending the child tax credit
  • Improved Federal funding for poor school districts
  • Unburdening college students from debt
  • Increases protections for workers and union protections
  • Federal housing funding for high density structures
  • More loan support for first time house buyers
Any of that register with you or are your tears crocodile tears?

Bidenflation Soars To 18.8%, Squeezing Americans​

Economy is in good shape. Inflation is tepid. Employment high. 25-55 labor participation rate all time highs. Record 401ks. Record stock prices. Jobs everywhere.

You morons have predicted a recession since Nov 2020 when your god lost his election. Been wrong for 4 years. If you keep crying about a good economy imagine how gleeful you will be if it turns downward? So happy for you if it does.
One percenter continues to mock the pain felt by a large percentage of Americans, particularly younger Americans and minorities. But hey look at my 401K!!!! Typical Democrat supporter.
Economy is in good shape. Inflation is tepid. Employment high. 25-55 labor participation rate all time highs. Record 401ks. Record stock prices. Jobs everywhere.

You morons have predicted a recession since Nov 2020 when your god lost his election. Been wrong for 4 years. If you keep crying about a good economy imagine how gleeful you will be if it turns downward? So happy for you if it does.
Hey Buddy have you checked interest rates on home loans lately? It was 2.2 % but has jumped to 7% and has fluctuated near 8% which MEANS people cannot afford the loans on say a $350,000 and above.
Doc7505, you tagged my post with "Fake News".

Tell us, which is the fake news? The higher prices or the profits levels of companies?

And now progressive hunter trolling along. lol

Maybe one day you'll decide to participate in the actual discussion.
BIDENOMICS is a disaster. Refer to post 103 and get a lesson on the biggest disaster since the Carter Administration. It is OK to come out and say "I miss Trump". Truth be be told we were better off. sealybobo will tell you we are better off now. Bobo claims he makes 90K, but he knows that 90K went 30% further when Trump was President.

I am done with this thread.
The recession started in Dec of 2007. Who was the POTUS in Dec of 2007?
The reason they called it The Great Reccession, Harpy is that it took most of Barry's two terms to rebound. That's because his policy choices were almost as bad as Joe's. But then again...what should you expect? Most of Biden's White House Staff are former Obama people. They didn't have a clue back then and they REALLY don't have a clue now!
outside of inflation the numbers now are just as good or better.
That's like saying outside of the fact that we've sunk to the bottom of the ocean...the boat is in tip top shape! Inflation is literally stealing $1,400 a month out of the pockets of average Americans each and every month. My stock portfolio is doing great but most blue collar workers aren't invested in stocks. They're not seeing anything from those stock market gains so why do you think they should be excited to see them?
What you just described is untrue. Wages are up more than inflation since 2019. Credit card payments are a lower percent of income than they were in 2019 and they are at historically low levels. Prices are higher than 5 years ago but so are incomes. HOWEVER… if you have a program you’d like to implement to help those struggling I am sure you’d find willing supporters on the left:

  • Minimum wages
  • Guaranteed access to healthcare
  • Supplemental nutrition for impoverished children
  • Extending the child tax credit
  • Improved Federal funding for poor school districts
  • Unburdening college students from debt
  • Increases protections for workers and union protections
  • Federal housing funding for high density structures
  • More loan support for first time house buyers
Any of that register with you or are your tears crocodile tears?
You leftists amaze me. Are you REALLY so clueless that you don't understand that ALL of those Government spending programs are inflationary? Every single one of them! So your solution to rampant inflation is to pump more Government spending into the economy? Is there ANYONE on the left who took Economics in college? It's like basic Economic theories are something you've never seen!
Anytime any gub'mit lackey tells me the economy is ok, i got count heads in the barnyard......~S~
That's like saying outside of the fact that we've sunk to the bottom of the ocean...the boat is in tip top shape! Inflation is literally stealing $1,400 a month out of the pockets of average Americans each and every month. My stock portfolio is doing great but most blue collar workers aren't invested in stocks. They're not seeing anything from those stock market gains so why do you think they should be excited to see them?

never said anyone should be excited about anything. You spend too much time focused on emotions and lack any logic at all
You leftists amaze me. Are you REALLY so clueless that you don't understand that ALL of those Government spending programs are inflationary? Every single one of them! So your solution to rampant inflation is to pump more Government spending into the economy? Is there ANYONE on the left who took Economics in college? It's like basic Economic theories are something you've never seen!

So, did all the Govt spending during COVID have any impact on the inflation that followed it?
The reason they called it The Great Reccession, Harpy is that it took most of Barry's two terms to rebound. That's because his policy choices were almost as bad as Joe's. But then again...what should you expect? Most of Biden's White House Staff are former Obama people. They didn't have a clue back then and they REALLY don't have a clue now!

it only recovered (slowly) due to $1T annual stimulus baked into spending under continuing resolution (No budget). By 2015 2016 the stimulus petered out due to other costs rising and the economy went sideways. Despite $11.5T spent but nothing to show for it but debt and communism in the GOVT.
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