I can't believe Obama would goto Texas and NOT visit the crisis on the border

He can't go and speak to the people on the front lines of this invasion. He can't see that the majority of invaders aren't children but young men. He needs plausible deniability. He can't see for himself the extent of the damage and then claim he didn't know anything about it. He found out when he read it in the press, just like everyone else. Except that he's muzzling the press too.
"the number jumped to 13,625,"

20 MILLION illegals in this country and the RW's are going to have a stroke over 13K .... I seriously hope they do so they'll stfu ...

And how many since October last year? I see you skipped that part.....

I posted what the woman quoted ... YOU print the # since Oct last year if your so worried about me skipping it ..

whatever the # was I'm pretty sure you had the same reaction about it didn't you?
Right! If Obama went to the border and had his picture taken with a lot of illegal immigrants, THAT would solve the problem! Kind of like when Bush was photographed looking out the window of Air Force One at flooded New Orleans....
Right! If Obama went to the border and had his picture taken with a lot of illegal immigrants, THAT would solve the problem! Kind of like when Bush was photographed looking out the window of Air Force One at flooded New Orleans....

BUSH sent in the national guard...

what has OBAMA DONE but blame Republicans for this mess
Not sure he wants anyone to get a chance at photographing him next to a shithole.
But he can be photographed playing pool and being offered pot...

THATS why he doesn't want or need to go .. Idiots ^^^^^ know how to type.

Republicans in Congress should go. They're the ones stalling the $$.

Obama has a pen and a phone, so what's the problem? The problem is if he bypasses congress, he will totally own this. I mean it is ALL of his fault, but if he can con congress into approving the money. He can blame them, as usual. He has bypassed congress several times, he can do it again. The bad part is he will only make his problem worse as usual.
If this isn't reason for this nasty man to be impeached, failing in his DUTY to protect us from all harm

I don't know what more we can stand
Not sure he wants anyone to get a chance at photographing him next to a shithole.
But he can be photographed playing pool and being offered pot...

THATS why he doesn't want or need to go .. Idiots ^^^^^ know how to type.

Republicans in Congress should go. They're the ones stalling the $$.

Get educated idiot. Out of the 3.7 billion requested only 100 million is allocated for border security.

Who in their right mind would vote for that?
"the number jumped to 13,625,"

20 MILLION illegals in this country and the RW's are going to have a stroke over 13K .... I seriously hope they do so they'll stfu ...

Obama is wanting almost 4 billion dollars for those illegals, and there has been over 53,000 illegals crossing the border since October, because of him. You really cannot be as blind as you make out. Stupid maybe. Don't you get tired of sticking up for a failure?
That is exactly why he doesn't go. To go is owning this mess and admitting to the people what a screw up he is. And I said that politely.

He's making November 2014 look like a cake walk.

so why are all the RW's bitching ?

Because it's morally wrong. Because it's frustrating to see the coward turn to politics instead of working for the country. Certainly in the long run it works in favor of the Republicans, but one can help but feel badly for the country when their leader shrugs his shoulders again and just walks away from his job.

this "coward" has had legislation sitting in front of Boehner to be passed by the House .... even if the POTUS does go what's he supposed to do to get the $$ he needs to address the issue?? ... simpletons think all the Government has to do is say go home children

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What the hell is Obama going to do at the border? A photo op?

Sorry guys, but he needs to stay away from the border, all Obama's presence would do is take time and efforts away from the children and put the attention on Obama.

I'm all for him staying away from a problem, all he could do is make it worse.
"the number jumped to 13,625,"

20 MILLION illegals in this country and the RW's are going to have a stroke over 13K .... I seriously hope they do so they'll stfu ...

Obama wants to appropriate almost 4 billion dollars to take care of these kids. were already cutting food stamps for americans, cutting our military , we have our own poor here already, the border agencies get tied down and they cant do their other duties,
whats wrong with these Latin American countries? let them take care of their kids. You really think 4 billion is about 13K kids?

4 billion but you know this is only the begining, and how much of that money will be grafted off and stolen like it always is people are pissed about that. Little kids in our poor communities can just sit farther to the back of the bus. Thats ok with you though right rais emore taxes on Americans, weve made to much money already right. just add it to the gasoline tax. its going to be the little guy who gets hurt, not the Obamas of the world
so why are all the RW's bitching ?

Because it's morally wrong. Because it's frustrating to see the coward turn to politics instead of working for the country. Certainly in the long run it works in favor of the Republicans, but one can help but feel badly for the country when their leader shrugs his shoulders again and just walks away from his job.

this "coward" has had legislation sitting in front of Boehner to be passed by the House .... even if the POTUS goes what's he supposed to do to get the $$ he needs to address the issue?? ... simpletons think all the Government has to do is say go home children


We need to get the children healthy and then fly them home to reunite with their parents, that where they belong.
so why are all the RW's bitching ?

Because it's morally wrong. Because it's frustrating to see the coward turn to politics instead of working for the country. Certainly in the long run it works in favor of the Republicans, but one can help but feel badly for the country when their leader shrugs his shoulders again and just walks away from his job.

this "coward" has had legislation sitting in front of Boehner to be passed by the House .... even if the POTUS goes what's he supposed to do to get the $$ he needs to address the issue?? ... simpletons think all the Government has to do is say go home children


for 4 billion we could take each kid home in a taxi cab
Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama is a freaking coward. Look at the statistics, every time the administration runs into a crisis in leadership he runs away and plays golf or campaigns in front of a friendly audience. Hussein was so desperate to get out of town that he went to a fund raising in Colorado for a democrat senate incumbent but the senator didn't show up.
But he can be photographed playing pool and being offered pot...

THATS why he doesn't want or need to go .. Idiots ^^^^^ know how to type.

Republicans in Congress should go. They're the ones stalling the $$.

Get educated idiot. Out of the 3.7 billion requested only 100 million is allocated for border security.

Who in their right mind would vote for that?

0 is much better than anything ... Republican math ... IDIOTS
"the number jumped to 13,625,"

20 MILLION illegals in this country and the RW's are going to have a stroke over 13K .... I seriously hope they do so they'll stfu ...

Obama wants to appropriate almost 4 billion dollars to take care of these kids. were already cutting food stamps for americans, cutting our military , we have our own poor here already, the border agencies get tied down and they cant do their other duties,
whats wrong with these Latin American countries? let them take care of their kids. You really think 4 billion is about 13K kids?

4 billion but you know this is only the begining, and how much of that money will be grafted off and stolen like it always is people are pissed about that. Little kids in our poor communities can just sit farther to the back of the bus. Thats ok with you though right rais emore taxes on Americans, weve made to much money already right. just add it to the gasoline tax. its going to be the little guy who gets hurt, not the Obamas of the world

Not a dime of that almost 4 billion dollars is to secure the border which is why he's not going to get it. All that money, every dime, is to go to supporting the invasion.
Or the camps these children are being placed in. Instead he opts to shoot pool & funraise while near adult illegal teenage boys who speak no english & have 0 education are being shipped around the country to melt into the US. All under his orders.
The only conclusion one can draw from this is that Obama simply doesn't care about REAL Americans or enforcing the laws he swore to uphold.
It's like he wants as many illegals as possible to flood the country to ensure democratic votes in the future.

You RWnuts are just crying because the president didn't give you the chance to attack him for using the kids on the border as a photo op.
This is being put on us in a time we can LEAST afford this

YOU damn people need to wake to this man and his Democrat PARTY who took an OATH to protect us and this country

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