I can't believe Obama would goto Texas and NOT visit the crisis on the border

Republicans crying FOR a photo Op that doesnt do anything...thats funny

What's funny is you damn liberals were all for Obama going to the mudslide in Oso, Washington. All he did was tie up traffic and take away time from the rescue work.

Now, you are all for him not going to the border, at least now you have now learned your lesson that Obama doesn't help problems. He needs to stay away from problems and issues, he only makes them worse. Glad you figured out how useless he really is.
Not sure he wants anyone to get a chance at photographing him next to a shithole.
But he can be photographed playing pool and being offered pot...

THATS why he doesn't want or need to go .. Idiots ^^^^^ know how to type.

Republicans in Congress should go. They're the ones stalling the $$.
Total typical LIB bull shit lie. Of the money Bobo wants only 2% would go to 'fix' the border'. That money is available right now. All bobo has to do is pull his pen out of his ass and sign the bill.
He is in town today screwing up traffic...

If he really cared he would be there today...
THATS why he doesn't want or need to go .. Idiots ^^^^^ know how to type.

Republicans in Congress should go. They're the ones stalling the $$.

Get educated idiot. Out of the 3.7 billion requested only 100 million is allocated for border security.

Who in their right mind would vote for that?

0 is much better than anything ... Republican math ... IDIOTS

No, what is better is fixing the problem instead of pretending to fix it. Damn government bandaids aren't going to help. Fly the kids home to their parents and use the $3.6 billion on border security.

Get the priorities straight.
Nutters are much more concerned with making sure that Obama pays for this crisis that is years in the making........than with dealing with the crisis. It's very transparent.
Because it's morally wrong. Because it's frustrating to see the coward turn to politics instead of working for the country. Certainly in the long run it works in favor of the Republicans, but one can help but feel badly for the country when their leader shrugs his shoulders again and just walks away from his job.

this "coward" has had legislation sitting in front of Boehner to be passed by the House .... even if the POTUS goes what's he supposed to do to get the $$ he needs to address the issue?? ... simpletons think all the Government has to do is say go home children


We need to get the children healthy and then fly them home to reunite with their parents, that where they belong.

I totally agree the immigrants can't STAY, but there is a certain amount of humanity involved in this situation...
I can't believe Obama would goto Texas and NOT visit the crisis on the border

Sure you can. They're his tools not his donors
Right! If Obama went to the border and had his picture taken with a lot of illegal immigrants, THAT would solve the problem! Kind of like when Bush was photographed looking out the window of Air Force One at flooded New Orleans....

BUSH sent in the national guard...

what has OBAMA DONE but blame Republicans for this mess

Perry asked Bobo to send in the NG yesterday in person. Bobo responded by saying sending in the NG would just be a "temporary fix". SO FUCKING TEMPORARILY FIX IT!!!!!! ASS HOLE!!!!!!
Bobo knows the majority of these 'children' are young men headed for the gangs waiting with open arms for them. Bobo is even providing free air travel to get them to the gangs quicker.
this "coward" has had legislation sitting in front of Boehner to be passed by the House .... even if the POTUS goes what's he supposed to do to get the $$ he needs to address the issue?? ... simpletons think all the Government has to do is say go home children


We need to get the children healthy and then fly them home to reunite with their parents, that where they belong.

I totally agree the immigrants can't STAY, but there is a certain amount of humanity involved in this situation...

Getting them well is humanity isn't it?
Getting them to reunite with their parents is humanity isn't it?
What else would you like to do to add to the humanity?
So lets get this right....You want Obama to go there get his picture taken with little Mexican kids after you've been crying that Obama is promoting them coming here?

So when you see the picture you can turn around and cry MORE about Obama promoting and encouraging them to come here?

Do you want Obama to go there or not?

Gramps answer: Yes

I want Obama to see FIRSTHAND the fruit of his labor. This is his mess.

So you can cry about when he goes AND cry if he doesnt AND cry that he sneezed today

Are you saying Bush was not a bad President? Because it kinds sounds like you can't attack Bush for anything now that you support Obama for doing all of the same crap.

I seem to remember when Bush was not on the ground after Katrina hours after it happened and that made him just unbelievably horrible!!! But if he was (and he did go shortly after) it was unbelievable that he would do a photo op....

Bush: Golfing = bad
Obama: Golfing = good

Bush: wars = bad
Obama: wars = good and smart?

Bush: bail outs = bad
Obama: bail outs = greatest economic President in US history??

Guantanamo, patriot act, military spending and being a horrible speeker all bad for Bush but all great under Obama....
We need to get the children healthy and then fly them home to reunite with their parents, that where they belong.

I totally agree the immigrants can't STAY, but there is a certain amount of humanity involved in this situation...

Getting them well is humanity isn't it?
Getting them to reunite with their parents is humanity isn't it?
What else would you like to do to add to the humanity?

pretty much what I said isn't it?
I totally agree the immigrants can't STAY, but there is a certain amount of humanity involved in this situation...

Getting them well is humanity isn't it?
Getting them to reunite with their parents is humanity isn't it?
What else would you like to do to add to the humanity?

pretty much what I said isn't it?

You seriously now trying to take credit for what Papa said? :lol:
This is part of who is behind this mess, UNIONS people...mix in LARAZA, and your President sits back and puts the blame on guess who.?


Obama Faces Advocate Demands On Immigration
JIM KUHNHENN, Associated Press
ERICA WERNER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama faced immediate demands for bold action to stem deportations Tuesday, a day after declaring immigration legislation dead and announcing plans to act on his own.

At the same time GOP opposition to the president's go-it-alone strategy mounted, setting up an election-year clash with no certain outcome.

It will play out against the backdrop of an unfolding crisis on the Southern border, where unaccompanied Central American children have been showing up by the thousands, fleeing violence at home — an unforeseen development that both sides are trying to use to score political points. Obama says the flood of children at the border argues for the need for overhauling immigration laws while Republicans claim Obama's policies caused the problem.

At a panel on immigration at AFL-CIO headquarters Tuesday, the labor federation's president, Richard Trumka, told supporters their next task is to spur Obama to act expansively to curb deportations, which have reached record highs under his watch.

"If we stand together and we act boldly I believe the president will act boldly, and that bold action, my brothers and sisters, will lift our economy while making our country more just," Trumka exhorted. "Brothers and sisters, we have much work to do, I suggest we begin."

Panelists also pledged to punish Republicans politically for inaction on broad immigration legislation that passed the Democratic-controlled Senate a year ago but stalled in the GOP-run House.

"We will make sure everybody knows that the accountability lies directly at the feet of the House Republicans and Speaker (John) Boehner," said Janet Murguia, head of National Council of La Raza.

all of here
Obama Faces Advocate Demands On Immigration | Progress Illinois
So lets get this right....You want Obama to go there get his picture taken with little Mexican kids after you've been crying that Obama is promoting them coming here?

So when you see the picture you can turn around and cry MORE about Obama promoting and encouraging them to come here?

Do you want Obama to go there or not?

Gramps answer: Yes

Yup. .two minutes after we would have lgs and steph saying it was all staged..

That wouldnt be surprising when you consider every move he makes is scripted.
Although his writer appears to be a dunce.....
Obie could've, at the least, provided moral support for Border Patrol agents and help them change a few diapers.
The law which made it difficult to deport minors was enacted in 2008, that noted, Obama was not forced to take the job; he met with Perry, where Perry choose to meet. Had he gone to the border, it would have been no more than a photo op, he meets with those entering the US illegally, he would be accused of trying to arouse sympathy. A lose-lose scenario.
this man is a joke and damn danger to us...WHO is responsible for this? They want Amnesty and they are going TO GET IT ONE way or another..

Obama: My Amnesty Programs Not Luring 'Misinformed' Parents to Send Kids to US

by Tony Lee 9 Jul 2014 25 post a comment

President Barack Obama does not believe his temporary amnesty program for illegal immigrant children has exacerbated the border crisis even though the number of illegal immigrant kids crossing the border spiked the year after he unilaterally enacted the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in 2012.

In fact, Obama thinks programs like DACA and a comprehensive amnesty bill are ways to solve the border crisis.

Addressing the press Wednesday after meeting with Texas Governor Rick Perry to discuss the border crisis in Dallas, Obama, when asked if programs like DACA have caused or contributed to the crisis, claimed, "if you look at the pattern of immigration into our country, we are at a significantly lower level than when I took office."

Obama, though, conceded that parents who were sending their children to America from Central America were "misinformed." As Breitbart News has reported, even though "White House officials have gone on a public relations campaign to tell Central Americans that they will not receive amnesty, many illegal immigrants have said they traveled to America believing the Obama administration would never deport them if they made it across the U.S.-Mexico border."

And the number of illegal immigrant children crossing the border spiked the year after Obama enacted DACA in 2010:

According to the Christian Science Monitor, "during the decade preceding fiscal year 2012, the federal government agency tasked with caring for unaccompanied minors who cross the border illegally dealt with an average of 7,000 to 8,000 cases a year." In fiscal year 2011, there were 6,560, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.

Yet, as the Monitor noted, the following year, when Obama enacted DACA, "the number jumped to 13,625," and at least 50,000 have entered illegally since October of last year. Officials estimate at least 150,000-160,000 more will try next year.
Obama: My Amnesty Programs Not Luring 'Misinformed' Parents to Send Kids to US

Hey a cut and paste
So lets get this right....You want Obama to go there get his picture taken with little Mexican kids after you've been crying that Obama is promoting them coming here?

So when you see the picture you can turn around and cry MORE about Obama promoting and encouraging them to come here?

Do you want Obama to go there or not?

Gramps answer: Yes

I want Obama to see FIRSTHAND the fruit of his labor. This is his mess.

His labor? You mean the law passed in 2008?
Remember folks, NEVER let a good crisis GO TO WASTE...the Democrat/progressive party MOTTO

you don't think THIS WASN'T PLANNED?

THIS way Obama and his cohorts in crime can say how they NEED TO FIX IMMIGRATION reform

just like they did with health care reform...AND LOOK what you got
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