I can't believe Obama would goto Texas and NOT visit the crisis on the border

He's too busy...attending fundraisers, shooting pool, and bowling

Flashback: Obama Blasts Bush For Not Visiting Katrina Aftermath…

Obama Blast Bush For Flyover - YouTube

Difference here? Katrina was a natural disaster...THIS ONE he caused.

By following the law Bush signed in 2008. You left out the most important part.

written by a California democrat. guess this kind of proves bush wasn't a partisan scumbag like Obama.
It was probably too dangerous for him the go to the border. The Mexicans actually keep armed troops at their border.
Or the camps these children are being placed in. Instead he opts to shoot pool & funraise while near adult illegal teenage boys who speak no english & have 0 education are being shipped around the country to melt into the US. All under his orders.
The only conclusion one can draw from this is that Obama simply doesn't care about REAL Americans or enforcing the laws he swore to uphold.
It's like he wants as many illegals as possible to flood the country to ensure democratic votes in the future.

You can't believe it? I wouldn't believe anything other than this sort of un-presidential behavior from him at this point.
He doesn't need to. Him and his Party have orchestrated this disaster. They know that. There's no need for them to see it up close. Too many Vacations and cocktail parties to attend. This President should be Impeached. He's in violation of the oath he swore to. He sold the American People out. He's a criminal.

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