I can't breathe!...

I readily admit I do not know everything about the case, and am only going off of what I have seen on the short video and read in reports.

Whether or not your wife is a criminal or on parole, she and this criminal have rights. These rights are often violated by police officers, and it appears that this time it was caught on video, yet the police got away with it.

Funny how the only people getting their rights violated are criminals who make a habit of violating the rights of others.

No whats funnier is you are making excuses for police based on the victims past. My point is that everyone has rights and you, I guess, believe that "caring about a person" has something to do with whether or not that persons rights matter. I dont agree with you but I wont shrug when your rights get violated. You are the other type of guy...looking for excuses....Team America!

I'm not making excuses. I'm no fan of the cops and never have been but you can bet your fucking ass that if a cop was trying to take me in that I would not resist.

And if you did and he shot you I would still defend your rights from the asshole who says "oh well, he shouldnt have resisted" but I understand...

I would exercise every right I had by not saying a word, not answering questions and asking for an attorney.

And the guy was on parole which means he was still serving a prison sentence just not in prison he had an obligation as a condition of his parole to comply.

Comply with what? Grabbing? LOL

He didn't therefore he broke yet another law.

What law? Resisting a grabbing? Or you throwing in that mental telepathy "you're under arrest" the cop said with his mind
If a cop grabs you what the fuck do you think he's doing.

Grabbing me...So this is you admitting that he was never told he was under arrest after all these posts? Geez...better late than never

The cop was reaching for the cuffs I'm sure anyone who hasn't been arrested knows what it means when a cop reaches for his cuffs and you at the same time never mind an experienced arrestee like GArner.

Just to be clear, you are confirming that he was never told he was under arrest. Thanks

ANd I am in no fear of getting shot by a cop because I obey the law and I would not give a cop a reason to shoot me.

Of course there is no reason to shoot you..just anyone except you.
Funny how the only people getting their rights violated are criminals who make a habit of violating the rights of others.

No whats funnier is you are making excuses for police based on the victims past. My point is that everyone has rights and you, I guess, believe that "caring about a person" has something to do with whether or not that persons rights matter. I dont agree with you but I wont shrug when your rights get violated. You are the other type of guy...looking for excuses....Team America!

I'm not making excuses. I'm no fan of the cops and never have been but you can bet your fucking ass that if a cop was trying to take me in that I would not resist.

And if you did and he shot you I would still defend your rights from the asshole who says "oh well, he shouldnt have resisted" but I understand...

I would exercise every right I had by not saying a word, not answering questions and asking for an attorney.

And the guy was on parole which means he was still serving a prison sentence just not in prison he had an obligation as a condition of his parole to comply.

Comply with what? Grabbing? LOL

He didn't therefore he broke yet another law.

What law? Resisting a grabbing? Or you throwing in that mental telepathy "you're under arrest" the cop said with his mind
If a cop grabs you what the fuck do you think he's doing.

Grabbing me...So this is you admitting that he was never told he was under arrest after all these posts? Geez...better late than never

The cop was reaching for the cuffs I'm sure anyone who hasn't been arrested knows what it means when a cop reaches for his cuffs and you at the same time never mind an experienced arrestee like GArner.

Just to be clear, you are confirming that he was never told he was under arrest. Thanks

ANd I am in no fear of getting shot by a cop because I obey the law and I would not give a cop a reason to shoot me.

Of course there is no reason to shoot you..just anyone except you.
I'm admitting no such thing.

I didn't hear everything the cop said to GArner did you?

I was responding to your hypothetical

And besides GArner wasn't shot even though there were 5 cops with guns right there.
Don't break the law and your chances are slim to none that you will be gang tackled by a bunch of thugs with badges.

Slim, but not close enough to zero as it should be. He should have been verbally told of his arrest, and then talked into an arrest position. If he failed to follow those commands THEN the police should have gone active and forcefully arrested him.

Instead they just jumped him.
Did you watch the entire video fuck-witt?
The answer would be no.
The cops repeatedly asked Garner to comply with their commands. And YES they were commands!
They were dealing with a career criminal with over 30 convictions. They knew he had a probation violation warrant out for his arrest. So did he.
The walrus was 400 fucking pounds, 6'4".

I love excuses...there simply is no end to how many you can make

So what was Garners excuse for getting arrested over thirty times,being on parole,resisting arrest and selling illegal cigs?
And you're right about one thing....there would be no end to the excuses as to why fat boy led a life of crime.

Changing the subject
: debater is losing so he tries to redirect the attention of the audience to another subject area where he thinks he can look better relative to the person he is debating, but admits to no change of subject and pretends to be refuting the original on-subject statement of his opponent

So the guy being a career criminal has no bearing on the subject?
Moron: See ClosedCaption.
Thats what I said comply with the harrassment. Rights? Whats that? Just let them take you and trust me....even tho you are being harrassed now just let them put you in a box...it'll be fair right after they close the jail door

yeah because people with no criminal record routinely get locked away for nothing

You're right...the Justice system has been favorable to blacks. Thanks for setting the record straight

Keep trying to compare a career criminal on parole to any law abiding citizen of any color. It just makes your argument even weaker

I'm not you keep changing the subject tho and your sarcasm alludes to blacks having a hunky dorey time with the justice system....Its so silly that you changed the subject again

Sorry but Garner wasn't an innocent.

Once again rights arent only for the innocent and his innocence has nothing to do with anything we are discussing. But keep trying to make excuses tho

If this was some kid with no record on his way to a legit job I might agree with you.

No you wouldnt, you'd find another bullshit reason because being innocent, or being a kid or having a job you deem as "legit" doesnt change the fact that people have rights idiot

But This guy was a piece of shit who made his choices. They came back to bite him in his fat ass and it's no one's fault but his

I know...I know.
No whats funnier is you are making excuses for police based on the victims past. My point is that everyone has rights and you, I guess, believe that "caring about a person" has something to do with whether or not that persons rights matter. I dont agree with you but I wont shrug when your rights get violated. You are the other type of guy...looking for excuses....Team America!

I'm not making excuses. I'm no fan of the cops and never have been but you can bet your fucking ass that if a cop was trying to take me in that I would not resist.

And if you did and he shot you I would still defend your rights from the asshole who says "oh well, he shouldnt have resisted" but I understand...

I would exercise every right I had by not saying a word, not answering questions and asking for an attorney.

And the guy was on parole which means he was still serving a prison sentence just not in prison he had an obligation as a condition of his parole to comply.

Comply with what? Grabbing? LOL

He didn't therefore he broke yet another law.

What law? Resisting a grabbing? Or you throwing in that mental telepathy "you're under arrest" the cop said with his mind
If a cop grabs you what the fuck do you think he's doing.

Grabbing me...So this is you admitting that he was never told he was under arrest after all these posts? Geez...better late than never

The cop was reaching for the cuffs I'm sure anyone who hasn't been arrested knows what it means when a cop reaches for his cuffs and you at the same time never mind an experienced arrestee like GArner.

Just to be clear, you are confirming that he was never told he was under arrest. Thanks

ANd I am in no fear of getting shot by a cop because I obey the law and I would not give a cop a reason to shoot me.

Of course there is no reason to shoot you..just anyone except you.
I'm admitting no such thing.


Slim, but not close enough to zero as it should be. He should have been verbally told of his arrest, and then talked into an arrest position. If he failed to follow those commands THEN the police should have gone active and forcefully arrested him.

Instead they just jumped him.
Did you watch the entire video fuck-witt?
The answer would be no.
The cops repeatedly asked Garner to comply with their commands. And YES they were commands!
They were dealing with a career criminal with over 30 convictions. They knew he had a probation violation warrant out for his arrest. So did he.
The walrus was 400 fucking pounds, 6'4".

I love excuses...there simply is no end to how many you can make

So what was Garners excuse for getting arrested over thirty times,being on parole,resisting arrest and selling illegal cigs?
And you're right about one thing....there would be no end to the excuses as to why fat boy led a life of crime.

Changing the subject
: debater is losing so he tries to redirect the attention of the audience to another subject area where he thinks he can look better relative to the person he is debating, but admits to no change of subject and pretends to be refuting the original on-subject statement of his opponent

So the guy being a career criminal has no bearing on the subject?
Moron: See ClosedCaption.

On what subject? Career Criminals or Police abuse?
His fat ass knew the deal. He was going to jail...for what the 34th time?

Oh and you dont have to be "under arrest" to be handcuffed. You can be put into investigative detention if reasonable suspicion exists that you "might" be involved in unlawful activity...per supreme court case law Terry vs Ohio.

Im gonna start charging for these law 101 lessons.
Was he slapping them? I did not see that.
The cop reached for him and he knocked the cop's hand away

So the cop reached for him, without telling him he was under arrest.

That is assault by the police officer.

Think of it this way, if a police officer went up to your wife and during a discussion (that did NOT include telling her that she was under arrest) he grabbed her, she should have the right to remove his hands from her.

Of course, in today's society, she would then be charged with resisting arrest, despite that her resisting came BEFORE she knew she was being arrested.

These are fundamental rights that every citizen, even the criminals, have because when take those rights away from some people, it's easier to take them away from everyone else.
I didn't hear every word the cop said did you? What about before the tape was rolling.

Seems to me you are assuming facts not in evidence.

And my wife is not a criminal on parole.

Sorry but I cannot find any sympathy for this guy at all. Since he has been arrested over 30 times he knew the drill. Besides that he was on parole and he knew that parole brings another level of responsibility on his part.

If he had acted like an adult and not a petulant child he would still be alive today and still selling cigarettes to little kids.

I readily admit I do not know everything about the case, and am only going off of what I have seen on the short video and read in reports.

Whether or not your wife is a criminal or on parole, she and this criminal have rights. These rights are often violated by police officers, and it appears that this time it was caught on video, yet the police got away with it.

What rights were violated?

The police have the right to detain you and to arrest you if necessary. He has the right to remain silent, have an attorney present during questioning. He does not have the right to resist.

The police do NOT have the RIGHT to detain you or arrest you unless they have probable cause or a warrant.

He had a right to not be assaulted by the police. If, like the video appears to show, the police grabbed him without first commanding him to assume an arrestable position and informing him that he was under arrest, then they violated his rights.

I know you dont, and won't, get this...but our police have a special place in our society. They are the governments arm for forceful coercion. They can arrest you, use (deadly) force against you or your loved on. We also give their testimony special credence; if the cop says you were speeding, and you say you were not, the cop will be believed. We NEED to have this special social contract with police because it benefits us all.

However with all of these benefits SHOULD come with extra responsibility. They need to wield this power carefully, and when they exceed it then they need to be held to an even stricter standard.

In this case, it appears that the police went active on a guy who was not given a chance to be arrested without violence. If that is indeed the case, then they should have been held accountable.
Correct. But simply being armed, or being large, should not be cause for police to attacking you during an arrest.
When you are on parole you are to comply with the cops at all times or you can have your parole violated and be sent back to the slammer.

Garner was a career criminal who was on parole therefore any failure to cooperate with the cops was worthy of an arrest.

He's been a criminal his entire life so of course he knew that

Even when you're not on parole blacks need to learn that those so called "rights" are only to be exercised by certain people....namely anyone but blacks. America!
He had every right to shut his trap and comply didn't he?

Comply with harassment..yeah thats always an option. I mentioned rights tho

It's what I and every other law abiding citizen would have done.


If you're innocent then comply and press charges later. What do you get fucking with the cops or physically resisting?

Just shut the fuck up and comply. Later you are free to file charges against the police.

It's common sense.

Have you ever tried that? I did once, was an effort in futility. Who investigates the PD? Oh, yeah, guys in the same union.
Did you watch the entire video fuck-witt?
The answer would be no.
The cops repeatedly asked Garner to comply with their commands. And YES they were commands!
They were dealing with a career criminal with over 30 convictions. They knew he had a probation violation warrant out for his arrest. So did he.
The walrus was 400 fucking pounds, 6'4".

I love excuses...there simply is no end to how many you can make

So what was Garners excuse for getting arrested over thirty times,being on parole,resisting arrest and selling illegal cigs?
And you're right about one thing....there would be no end to the excuses as to why fat boy led a life of crime.

Changing the subject
: debater is losing so he tries to redirect the attention of the audience to another subject area where he thinks he can look better relative to the person he is debating, but admits to no change of subject and pretends to be refuting the original on-subject statement of his opponent

So the guy being a career criminal has no bearing on the subject?
Moron: See ClosedCaption.

On what subject? Career Criminals or Police abuse?

Ya know what...? You would think from experience alone the fat bastard would know what to do when confronted by the police.
He knew what to expect when he resisted,and he knew he was in poor health.
If you aint fit enough to run from the cops you sure as hell aint fit enough to fight five of em.
Dude made bad decisions his whole life...and this one ended up killing him.
I love excuses...there simply is no end to how many you can make

So what was Garners excuse for getting arrested over thirty times,being on parole,resisting arrest and selling illegal cigs?
And you're right about one thing....there would be no end to the excuses as to why fat boy led a life of crime.

Changing the subject
: debater is losing so he tries to redirect the attention of the audience to another subject area where he thinks he can look better relative to the person he is debating, but admits to no change of subject and pretends to be refuting the original on-subject statement of his opponent

So the guy being a career criminal has no bearing on the subject?
Moron: See ClosedCaption.

On what subject? Career Criminals or Police abuse?

Ya know what...? You would think from experience alone the fat bastard would know what to do when confronted by the police.
He knew what to expect when he resisted,and he knew he was in poor health.
If you aint fit enough to run from the cops you sure as hell aint fit enough to fight five of em.
Dude made bad decisions his whole life...and this one ended up killing him.

Are we still talking about police killing this guy or are you more interested in his body fat content?
So what was Garners excuse for getting arrested over thirty times,being on parole,resisting arrest and selling illegal cigs?
And you're right about one thing....there would be no end to the excuses as to why fat boy led a life of crime.

Changing the subject
: debater is losing so he tries to redirect the attention of the audience to another subject area where he thinks he can look better relative to the person he is debating, but admits to no change of subject and pretends to be refuting the original on-subject statement of his opponent

So the guy being a career criminal has no bearing on the subject?
Moron: See ClosedCaption.

On what subject? Career Criminals or Police abuse?

Ya know what...? You would think from experience alone the fat bastard would know what to do when confronted by the police.
He knew what to expect when he resisted,and he knew he was in poor health.
If you aint fit enough to run from the cops you sure as hell aint fit enough to fight five of em.
Dude made bad decisions his whole life...and this one ended up killing him.

Are we still talking about police killing this guy or are you more interested in his body fat content?
Surely the whole question is one of proportionate response?
Isn't that at the nub of the whole cop-assault debate?
Take race or a suspects actions or criminal record out of the equation and it's still the same.

Cops are given powers over citizens but with those powers comes the responsibility to use good judgement - to a higher standard than the rest of us.
If a cop can't use proper judgement then they're in the wrong job.
So what was Garners excuse for getting arrested over thirty times,being on parole,resisting arrest and selling illegal cigs?
And you're right about one thing....there would be no end to the excuses as to why fat boy led a life of crime.

Changing the subject
: debater is losing so he tries to redirect the attention of the audience to another subject area where he thinks he can look better relative to the person he is debating, but admits to no change of subject and pretends to be refuting the original on-subject statement of his opponent

So the guy being a career criminal has no bearing on the subject?
Moron: See ClosedCaption.

On what subject? Career Criminals or Police abuse?

Ya know what...? You would think from experience alone the fat bastard would know what to do when confronted by the police.
He knew what to expect when he resisted,and he knew he was in poor health.
If you aint fit enough to run from the cops you sure as hell aint fit enough to fight five of em.
Dude made bad decisions his whole life...and this one ended up killing him.

Are we still talking about police killing this guy or are you more interested in his body fat content?

Nope..I'm interested in the content of chubbys character. Turns out he was sorely lacking in that department.
....Here's a clue....stop resisting arrest. Protesting for the right to resist is really stupid. Not going to happen.

he couldn't breathe because he was 150 pounds overweight as well, had asthma and copd and something else.
Changing the subject: debater is losing so he tries to redirect the attention of the audience to another subject area where he thinks he can look better relative to the person he is debating, but admits to no change of subject and pretends to be refuting the original on-subject statement of his opponent

So the guy being a career criminal has no bearing on the subject?
Moron: See ClosedCaption.

On what subject? Career Criminals or Police abuse?

Ya know what...? You would think from experience alone the fat bastard would know what to do when confronted by the police.
He knew what to expect when he resisted,and he knew he was in poor health.
If you aint fit enough to run from the cops you sure as hell aint fit enough to fight five of em.
Dude made bad decisions his whole life...and this one ended up killing him.

Are we still talking about police killing this guy or are you more interested in his body fat content?

Nope..I'm interested in the content of chubbys character. Turns out he was sorely lacking in that department.

Oh then you should start a thread about it then because his character has nothing to do with killing him
So the guy being a career criminal has no bearing on the subject?
Moron: See ClosedCaption.

On what subject? Career Criminals or Police abuse?

Ya know what...? You would think from experience alone the fat bastard would know what to do when confronted by the police.
He knew what to expect when he resisted,and he knew he was in poor health.
If you aint fit enough to run from the cops you sure as hell aint fit enough to fight five of em.
Dude made bad decisions his whole life...and this one ended up killing him.

Are we still talking about police killing this guy or are you more interested in his body fat content?

Nope..I'm interested in the content of chubbys character. Turns out he was sorely lacking in that department.

Oh then you should start a thread about it then because his character has nothing to do with killing him

So you believe the cops should approach a known felon the same as say an old lady?
On what subject? Career Criminals or Police abuse?

Ya know what...? You would think from experience alone the fat bastard would know what to do when confronted by the police.
He knew what to expect when he resisted,and he knew he was in poor health.
If you aint fit enough to run from the cops you sure as hell aint fit enough to fight five of em.
Dude made bad decisions his whole life...and this one ended up killing him.

Are we still talking about police killing this guy or are you more interested in his body fat content?

Nope..I'm interested in the content of chubbys character. Turns out he was sorely lacking in that department.

Oh then you should start a thread about it then because his character has nothing to do with killing him

So you believe the cops should approach a known felon the same as say an old lady?

When did an old lady enter the equation? Oh right, when you ran out of rebuttals
Ya know what...? You would think from experience alone the fat bastard would know what to do when confronted by the police.
He knew what to expect when he resisted,and he knew he was in poor health.
If you aint fit enough to run from the cops you sure as hell aint fit enough to fight five of em.
Dude made bad decisions his whole life...and this one ended up killing him.

Are we still talking about police killing this guy or are you more interested in his body fat content?

Nope..I'm interested in the content of chubbys character. Turns out he was sorely lacking in that department.

Oh then you should start a thread about it then because his character has nothing to do with killing him

So you believe the cops should approach a known felon the same as say an old lady?

When did an old lady enter the equation? Oh right, when you ran out of rebuttals

You cant answer.
And thugs will continue to make bad decisions and get shot. Oh well....

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