I Can't Do It Anymore...


I am an easy-going guy. I don't get upset by all the horror in the world because horror has always been (and seems will always be) the human condition.

I see violence, I see suffering, I see cruelty every day in my job, I believed I was immured to it.

It turns out, there is a limit.

If you try to create a moral equivalency between Israelis defending the very lives of their citizens, if you try to rationalize the unthinkable cruelty of Hamas and their supporters among the Palestinian population, if you try to convince me there this is a two-sided conflict, I will ignore you.

I will not engage with you. I will ignore you.

I will maintain my friendships with Muslims (of which I have quite a few) and with those people of liberal persuasion, just as long as they NEVER mention the conflict in Israel.

That subject cannot be discussed in those terms and I will not pretend that it can.

If you support or defend Hamas, you want Jews dead, and that means you want me dead.

I am not afraid of those who want me dead, but I won't pay them the respect of trying to understand their reasons.

Feel free to try and sell your poison to anyone who will listen. But, I will not listen.
I’ve taken it even further. I’ve had to cut off an extended family member who has been marching in the anti-Israel protests - including going to the Capitol. Even if we don’t speak about it, just knowing that she is joining in with the antisemites who are screaming “Death to Jews’” is beyond more tolerance level.

And yes, she is “Jewish,” but her leftism comes first.
I took care of him long ago.

"Right" in what sense?

When you have a people who's soul existence is geared to eradicating another people then it's time for them to go away.

What, did you really think that their birth rate was just because they like to fuck a lot?

“Arafat had said that the womb of the Palestinian woman was a "biological weapon".​

So your solution is to eradicate 2 million Palestinians?
When Hamas attacked Israel killing 1500 civilians, Israel had the moral high ground.

But when Israel assumes ……kill as many Palestinians as you can and there will be some Hamas in there

They lose the moral high ground
When Hamas attacked Israel killing 1500 civilians, Israel had the moral high ground.

But when Israel assumes ……kill as many Palestinians as you can and there will be some Hamas in there

They lose the moral high ground
When the people of Gaza elect a terrorist organization funded by Iran to destroy Israel, the entire populace lost their moral high ground.
what does god have to do with this?
Do you even know what Zionism is?

Zionism: a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

With hundreds of wars raging across the globe, even ones with mass genocide, the world is only focused on Israel. Why? It is because the Left is only focused on destroying the Torah and all those who are associated with it, including Christians.

The cult of the Left has the God of the Bible as it's biggest competitor when it comes to securing the hearts and minds of voters.

This is why we hear false accusations about Israel being an apartheid state, when that is a lie.

We hear Israel is engaged in mass genocide against the people of Palestine and that is a lie.

Extended-protected article
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Demographics of Palestine" redirects here. For historical overview, see Demographic history of Palestine (region).
Demographics of State of Palestine

Population pyramid of the State of Palestine in 2020
Growth rate
  • 1.69% (West Bank – 2022 est.)
  • 2.02% (Gaza Strip – 2022 est.)
Birth rate
  • 24.42 births/1,000 population (West Bank – 2022 est.)
  • 27.67 births/1,000 population (Gaza Strip – 2022 est.)
Death rate
  • 3.4 deaths/1,000 population (West Bank – 2022 est.)
  • 2.91 deaths/1,000 population (Gaza Strip – 2022 est.)

If Israel is really engaged in mass genocide, they suck at it.

And we hear the lie that Gaza is an open-air prison. How does Iran then smuggle any weapon and money into Gaza they want to destroy Israel.

The entire facade of the Left is one big lie, but no one in the media takes them on because the Left owns the media. This Left-wing Frankenstein of the all-powerful unquestioned Left is what is creating the next Jewish Holocaust.
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There are two types of people in this world, those who are of God and those who aren't.
there are many more than 2 kinds of people in the world. not all are evil, but those who try to divide the world's people into "us and them" are well on their way. towards "evil."
there are many more than 2 kinds of people in the world. not all are evil, but those who try to divide the world's people into "us and them" are well on their way. towards "evil."
You evil dimtards are already there rumpart. There's the Reich, and there's the peasants.
You evil dimtards are already there rumpart. There's the Reich, and there's the peasants.
The Left will have us believe there is no such thing as evil..........until............January 6th.

Then all of a sudden jails and the police are necessary as they keep them locked away for 30 plus years.

hand you a hammer ,and you hit yourself on the head w/it Lisa!
That’s your reaction to a Jew who is seeing horrible antisemitism on the rise, and who tells you that young Jewish students are harassed when walking from their dorms to classes?

(More snark and hate from the liberals who welcome antisemitism.)

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