I Can't Do It Anymore...

So your solution is to eradicate 2 million Palestinians?
No, the Palestinians’ solution is to eradicate Israel, and after the barbarism their elected leaders perpetrated on innocent Jewish people, including children and babies, we are going to make sure HAMAS is eliminated.

The solution is to have the Hamas savages return all remaining hostages, and surrender to Israel.
Deserves has everything to do with it.
Plus, this crap about eliminating 2 million PalestinIans is a bunch of hooey. Thus far, 99% remain alive, and a good portion of the 15,000 killed were so because their own HAMAS leaders wouldn’t let them leave.
When Hamas attacked Israel killing 1500 civilians, Israel had the moral high ground.

But when Israel assumes ……kill as many Palestinians as you can and there will be some Hamas in there

They lose the moral high ground

You liberals are such liars. The Jews aren’t “killing as many as they can” - they are killing AS FEW as they can while still trying to eradicate the Muslim terrorists who have promised another Oct 7th.

Golda Meir was right when she said the world hates a Jew who hits back, and they like us only when we are pitied.

And how come you never mention the hostages they’ve taken. The innocent Palestinians are on HAMAS’ side, and in support of the Oct 7 massacre! They even returned an escaped hostage to HAMAS.
You liberals are such liars. The Jews aren’t “killing as many as they can” - they are killing AS FEW as they can while still trying to eradicate the Muslim terrorists who have promised another Oct 7th.

Golda Meir was right when she said the world hates a Jew who hits back, and they like us only when we are pitied.

And how come you never mention the hostages they’ve taken. The innocent Palestinians are on HAMAS’ side, and in support of the Oct 7 massacre! They even returned an escaped hostage to HAMAS.
Yet they are killing an unreasonable number of civilians in order to get Hamas.
Hamas killed 1500 Israelis mostly women and children
Israel has killed 15,000 Palestinians mostly women and children

Does the civilian population cover for Hamas?
Yes they do

Just like if you have the Mafia in your neighborhood. You should report what you saw, but if you do, you and your family can end up dead. So you keep your mouth shut.
Yet they are killing an unreasonable number of civilians in order to get Hamas.
Hamas killed 1500 Israelis mostly women and children
Israel has killed 15,000 Palestinians mostly women and children

Does the civilian population cover for Hamas?
Yes they do

Just like if you have the Mafia in your neighborhood. You should report what you saw, but if you do, you and your family can end up dead. So you keep your mouth shut.
In every war, civilians die and suffer.

However, Hamas openly admits to targeting civilians. Even the Nazis lied about purposefully targeting innocent civilians.

Hamas is open about murdering civilians on purpose, but the most chilling thing is, all the support on the Left for them anyway all around the world. But since the Left is a cult that can force you to believe men can have babies, I guess this is not so hard to understand after all.

There is no scenario of a Jewish state that is acceptable to Hamas or the people of Gaza.


Conversely, the Jewish state gave them Gaza and allowed them to hold their own elections.
You people are way to emotionally involved in war.
No, just about destroying Zionism.

They could care less about the myriad of other wars and genocides happening around the globe.

It's because of Jew hate.
When Hamas attacked Israel killing 1500 civilians, Israel had the moral high ground.

But when Israel assumes ……kill as many Palestinians as you can and there will be some Hamas in there

They lose the moral high ground

Israel has given warning of their attacks and just ended a 5 day pause, so why haven't the "innocent" Palestinians relocated?
Also how are you vetting Palestinians to determine they're not supporting Hamas or giving members of Hamas aid?
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Israel has given warning of their attacks and just ended a 5 day pause, so why haven't the "innocent" Palestinians relocated?
Also how are you vetting Palestinians to determine they're not supporting Hamas or giving members of Hamas aid?
They are too busy smuggling in rockets from Iran in their myriad of tunnels.
I am an easy-going guy. I don't get upset by all the horror in the world because horror has always been (and seems will always be) the human condition.

I see violence, I see suffering, I see cruelty every day in my job, I believed I was immured to it.

It turns out, there is a limit.

If you try to create a moral equivalency between Israelis defending the very lives of their citizens, if you try to rationalize the unthinkable cruelty of Hamas and their supporters among the Palestinian population, if you try to convince me there this is a two-sided conflict, I will ignore you.

I will not engage with you. I will ignore you.

I will maintain my friendships with Muslims (of which I have quite a few) and with those people of liberal persuasion, just as long as they NEVER mention the conflict in Israel.

That subject cannot be discussed in those terms and I will not pretend that it can.

If you support or defend Hamas, you want Jews dead, and that means you want me dead.

I am not afraid of those who want me dead, but I won't pay them the respect of trying to understand their reasons.

Feel free to try and sell your poison to anyone who will listen. But, I will not listen.
Israel has given warning of their attacks and just ended a 5 day pause, so why haven't the "innocent" Palestinians relocated?
Also how are you vetting Palestinians to determine they're not supporting Hamas or giving members of Hamas aid?

Where are they supposed to go?
How do they get there?
What facilities will be there to support them?
Where are they supposed to go?
How do they get there?
What facilities will be there to support them?
If Hamas had not slaughtered all those people, they would not have this problem

But Hamas is more popular than ever there, so they must enjoy it.
Yet they are killing an unreasonable number of civilians in order to get Hamas.
Hamas killed 1500 Israelis mostly women and children
Israel has killed 15,000 Palestinians mostly women and children

Does the civilian population cover for Hamas?
Yes they do

Just like if you have the Mafia in your neighborhood. You should report what you saw, but if you do, you and your family can end up dead. So you keep your mouth shut.
If the number is “unreasonable,” it’s because HAMAS is using them to hide behind, and placed their tunnels under hospitals and residences.

And stop with the numbers: it’s not a matter of total killed. HAMAS intentionally sought as as many Jews as they could find to torture to death in the most agaonizing ways. Jews are trying to limit Muslim killings by providing them safe passage. The reason so many have been killed is because HAMAS wants the Palestinians killed, in order to further the liberals’ Israel-hate.

And you, like a good little brainwashed liberal, are falling right for it,
Where are they supposed to go?
How do they get there?
What facilities will be there to support them?
What about when the ARABS kicked out nearly 1 million Jews from their homes. Did anyone care about that?

I say the Muslims should make their way to another Muslim country. What’s that, you say? Egypt doesn’t want them? Jordan doesn’t want them? Ever ask yourself WHY?
If the number is “unreasonable,” it’s because HAMAS is using them to hide behind, and placed their tunnels under hospitals and residences.

And stop with the numbers: it’s not a matter of total killed. HAMAS intentionally sought as as many Jews as they could find to torture to death in the most agaonizing ways. Jews are trying to limit Muslim killings by providing them safe passage. The reason so many have been killed is because HAMAS wants the Palestinians killed, in order to further the liberals’ Israel-hate.

And you, like a good little brainwashed liberal, are falling right for it,
I'm pretty sure Israel only exists to try and murder Gazans.

That is what the Left wants us to believe anyway.

If the number is “unreasonable,” it’s because HAMAS is using them to hide behind, and placed their tunnels under hospitals and residences.

And stop with the numbers: it’s not a matter of total killed. HAMAS intentionally sought as as many Jews as they could find to torture to death in the most agaonizing ways. Jews are trying to limit Muslim killings by providing them safe passage. The reason so many have been killed is because HAMAS wants the Palestinians killed, in order to further the liberals’ Israel-hate.

And you, like a good little brainwashed liberal, are falling right for it,
Hamas is bad
Killing innocent civilians is bad

The end doesn’t justify the means

Israel needs to look at the end game. They had the worlds sympathy and held the moral high ground when Hamas attacked
They have lost that moral high ground and needs to start looking like the good guys again.

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