I can't help but notice the lack of unity in the speaker debacle...

The dichotomy in the Republican party isn't exactly as laid out.

Ideologues and propagandists is a better way of explaining the two sides.

Ideologues want to create an environment good for businesses to flourish...meaning less big government (kinda) and less involvement by government. But these policies have allowed corporate and Wall St giants to essentially overrun the average person and write legislation. Individual rights are not on the agenda for this group.

Propagandists just want what is popular and conservative sounding. Very fluid guidelines. Usually interested only in lining their pockets. These want Trump because he is popular. Not that they actually believe in Trump but he has become the symbolic poster boy for the party. They are interested in individual rights but only because it's great PR.

(Democrats believe that big taxes and big taxes can tax big businesses and people alike and there are no consequences for doing so. They don't have to make a friendly environment for businesses as they flourish anyway...however they have a big amount of propagandists too which support social reforms and are ok with anything so long as they get personally wealthy in the process)

I’ll give you an extreme example to illustrate why your comment is bullshit:

Suppose the pre World War II government of Germany had a majority political Party whose objectives included waging war against neighboring lands based on ancient grievances. And suppose the same majority Party expressed an open desire to exterminate the Jews and Gypsies and gay people.

Now suppose a member of that Party fervently believes that the Party’s stated goals are abominable. So he and a few others speak-out to stymie the Party.

Your objection would be: this leads to “dysfunction!” Oh no! The Horror! The Horror!
Who in Congress is proposing genocide?

Your extreme example has no relevance to the actual issue. We aren’t talking about violating fundamental human rights. We are talking about size and scope of government.

If you can’t have a rational conversation, you’re part of the dysfunction.
We're seeing the battle between the ascendant populists and the Bushbot neocon dinosaurs....For better or worse, the old guard of squishes, sellouts, and stealth (D)s are being flushed out into the open.
Yeah I kind of had that suspicion that the battle was about that particular thing.
Don't give a flying fuck what you believe.

Do you occasionally swerve anywhere near coherency?
If you don't vote then you don't really matter. It doesn't matter what you think. It's like a baby retard. You and a baby retard are both American citizens. But you aren't productive members of society. You aren't a good citizen. The bare minimum would be to vote in order to qualify as a good productive member of our society. You are the uni bomber writing letters.

Like I said, your stupid ass would vote for Trump if gun to your head. So I should be rejoicing.

I will continue to say I don't believe it. Not because I care if you do or not. I think Republicans say the kind of shit you say in order to discourage others from voting.

Consider how Republicans tell blacks "what have Democrats done for you?" They aren't telling blacks to vote for them. They're just trying to discourage them from voting at all. Lots of blacks don't vote. Like you, they aren't good citizens. Fact.
Your propagandistic attempt to restate what I actually posted is sophomoric of you. Are you really so massively stupid as to believe that my advocacy on behalf of the “minority” group within the Republican Party — attempting to correct the course of the Republican Party — is somehow the same as being for the rule by a minority? Because they are a minority they have no right to try to do that?

You’re a shallow thinker.
Whenever a minority seeks to overrule the majority, even in a republic, for them to succeed, it's minority rule.
Who in Congress is proposing genocide?

Your extreme example has no relevance to the actual issue. We aren’t talking about violating fundamental human rights. We are talking about size and scope of government.

If you can’t have a rational conversation, you’re part of the dysfunction.

'Size and scope of government' has a direct correlation to human rights. In the past, the bigger the size and scope, the more human rights violations occurred.
Bush lied about Iraq having WMD's and ties to 9-11. That cost thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.
Hundreds of thousands of lives. Maybe over 1 million. And Republicans can't say they only care about American lives because they claim to care about all human life. Even the seed in my belly.
If you don't vote then you don't really matter. It doesn't matter what you think. It's like a baby retard. You and a baby retard are both American citizens. But you aren't productive members of society. You aren't a good citizen. The bare minimum would be to vote in order to qualify as a good productive member of our society. You are the uni bomber writing letters.

Like I said, your stupid ass would vote for Trump if gun to your head. So I should be rejoicing.

I will continue to say I don't believe it. Not because I care if you do or not. I think Republicans say the kind of shit you say in order to discourage others from voting.

Consider how Republicans tell blacks "what have Democrats done for you?" They aren't telling blacks to vote for them. They're just trying to discourage them from voting at all. Lots of blacks don't vote. Like you, they aren't good citizens. Fact.
I'm in the majority, dumbfuck.

In every election, the greatest number of eligible people don't vote at all.

I’ll give you an extreme example to illustrate why your comment is bullshit:

Suppose the pre World War II government of Germany had a majority political Party whose objectives included waging war against neighboring lands based on ancient grievances. And suppose the same majority Party expressed an open desire to exterminate the Jews and Gypsies and gay people.

Now suppose a member of that Party fervently believes that the Party’s stated goals are abominable. So he and a few others speak-out to stymie the Party.

Your objection would be: this leads to “dysfunction!” Oh no! The Horror! The Horror!
Another example is a government that had a majority political party whose objectives included slavery of an entire race of people, manifest destiny against the native Americans, including their extermination.

Now suppose there were members of that party that believed that parties stated goals are abominable.

That disfunction would have been the end of forming a constitutional government. Or the country we know today.
Your talking points are lies.

The Republican Speaker fight is NOT about Trumpers vs Never-Trumpers, its about Budget Cutters vs Not-Cutting the Budget.

The Great 8 are holding fast for cutting spending to save the US, and the "kick the can" boyz want to keep spending money we don't have.

We need to cut spending. Trump's 2021 Budget was $4T. Biden's Budget is about $7T. See what the fight is over?
Unfortunately, those Republicans that claim to be budget cutters are also election denier cultists.
I'm in the majority, dumbfuck.

In every election, the greatest number of eligible people don't vote at all.
Sad. You just proved my point then. This is why those people make so little income. Imagine if they exercised their only power and voted. Then the politicians would have to appeal to the majority of us. Right now the right caters to the extreme right because they aren't worried about you.
Sad. You just proved my point then. This is why those people make so little income. Imagine if they exercised their only power and voted. Then the politicians would have to appeal to the majority of us. Right now the right caters to the extreme right because they aren't worried about you.
The Democrat party has zero Conservatives. They appeal to fags, freaks, pedophiles, and Communists like you.
The Democrat party has zero Conservatives. They appeal to fags, freaks, pedophiles, and Communists like you.
Nonsense. I'm a white, educated, man, straight, successful.

Sounds like the Democratic party has a big inclusive tent. Your tent only allows white men in. I don't want to be in your tent. Nazi.

Do you think all white men in Germany 1939 supported the Nazi party?
September 11 was all on Clinton. He had Osama's head on a silver platter and horseface Reno would not prosecute.
The "decider" was told on August 6th 2001, that the boogie man will get you if you don't watch out.
Bush ignored their advice.
The Democrat party has zero Conservatives. They appeal to fags, freaks, pedophiles, and Communists like you.
Republicans were lead by Dennis Hastert. In fact the longest service republican speaker of the house. Service years in the house, and 13 months in the big house.

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