I can't help but notice the lack of unity in the speaker debacle...

Us voting for a young, inexperienced black junior senator only proves how bad GW Bush and McCain were.

Hey, I just realized something. Us looks like US. Has anyone ever noticed that before?
At least Bush was a better leader, and that's not saying much, than Barry.
That's right!....Get in line and march, mere prole!

Nice try. But that's a section of the Republican party.
But you keep on with your visis and memes. :auiqs.jpg:
Us voting for a young, inexperienced black junior senator only proves how bad GW Bush and McCain were.

Hey, I just realized something. Us looks like US. Has anyone ever noticed that before?
You voting for a young, inexperienced black junior Senator shows that you'd vote for a fucking turnip if it had a (D) next to it's name.
At least Bush was a better leader, and that's not saying much, than Barry.
You must be a right wing Republican if you believe that. He was absolutely horrible. You do realize that Carter no longer holds the title of worst president ever? Bush gets that. Even after Trump, Bush still has that title because he led us into a Great Recession and lied us into a 20 year war. And he loved illegals.
You must be a right wing Republican if you believe that. He was absolutely horrible. You do realize that Carter no longer holds the title of worst president ever? Bush gets that. Even after Trump, Bush still has that title because he led us into a Great Recession and lied us into a 20 year war. And he loved illegals.
And Barry kisses AlQuaeda ass.
You voting for a young, inexperienced black junior Senator shows that you'd vote for a fucking turnip if it had a (D) next to it's name.

I certainly didn't vote for Bush v Gore after Clinton gave us an amazing decade. And a surplus. Bush gave his surplus away via tax breaks and Haloburton.

And you voted for Bush twice. Which proves you're projecting bro.
Wrong. Just look at Trumps "tweet" that derailed Tom Emmer
Trump comes out against Emmer for Speaker: ‘Would be a tragic
‘I killed him': How Trump torpedoed Tom Emmer’s speaker bid
Tom Emmer Drops Out of House Speaker Race After Trump
Trump didn't knock Emmer out, Emmer's Soros connected support of the popular vote sunk him.
It’s unhealthy when you combine it with a total unwillingness to compromise.

That leads to dysfunction.

I’ll give you an extreme example to illustrate why your comment is bullshit:

Suppose the pre World War II government of Germany had a majority political Party whose objectives included waging war against neighboring lands based on ancient grievances. And suppose the same majority Party expressed an open desire to exterminate the Jews and Gypsies and gay people.

Now suppose a member of that Party fervently believes that the Party’s stated goals are abominable. So he and a few others speak-out to stymie the Party.

Your objection would be: this leads to “dysfunction!” Oh no! The Horror! The Horror!
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That’s not actually true. McCarthy was a budget cutter, and negotiated deals with Dems to actually achieve the goal.
If you read your link the term "status quo" means no cuts.
The wording fight is that "the deal" put in "caps" on spending, which means they could be lowered.
I certainly didn't vote for Bush v Gore after Clinton gave us an amazing decade. And a surplus. Bush gave his surplus away via tax breaks and Haloburton.

And you voted for Bush twice. Which proves you're projecting bro.
You didn't vote for Chimpola McShrub because he had an (R) by his name...It's no more involved than that.

I haven't voted since 2000, when my last vote was cast for Harry Browne, fool.
There is no way to spin this as a positive. It's the election deniers taking over the GOP. Don't expect Democrats to help. Nominate a moderate who's not a conspiracy theorist who doesn't go on record saying they supported the coup and maybe they'll vote for that guy.

This is not going to help Republicans in 2023. They've put all their marbles in one basket. Hoping inflation is still a think this time next year.
Sure there is. It is democracy in action, instead of the Biden crime family having a grip on power, forcing everyone to bend to the Borg Collective.
You didn't vote for Chimpola McShrub because he had an (R) by his name...It's no more involved than that.

I haven't voted since 2000, when my last vote was cast for Harry Browne, fool.

I don't believe it. And if it's true, then Republicans have won. Their goal is to win your vote but if they can't then the next best thing is if you vote 3rd party or just stay home. They've convinced you it doesn't matter.

I'm glad if you don't vote because if you argue with me, chances are if you went and voted you'd vote for the wrong party. We have a 2 party system. If you can't figure out which one's for you, what's wrong with you? How can anyone be conflicted they are so different?
Sure there is. It is democracy in action, instead of the Biden crime family having a grip on power, forcing everyone to bend to the Borg Collective.
The Biden crime family? Who can take you seriously? You are trying to win the hearts and minds of American idiots. Stop trying to pass that crap off here as serious.
Democrats would vote for a dead animal if told to.
Republicans are inefficient at just about everything they do. Even something simple like this.
There is no compliment at all. Their schtick is so old, idk if its even an insult anymore. It just is.
I don't think that is true. The Democrats have some huge divisions between the progressives and the liberals or the moderates.

Remember when Democrats took power under Joe Biden, they could not get critical bills passed because the squad type progressives wanted more, and the moderates wanted much less....everyone thought the house was dysfunctional.....what in the heck was taking so long to get the legislation passed, both sides had their feet cemented in the ground, we democrats were all wondering....what the heck?

An expert Speaker of the House, is what solved the issue... She worked with both sides on the issues to come to common ground, both sides could agree on.... Neither side got all that they wanted.... this is governing, in action.

This is what a good Speaker of the House, is there to do....let's hope Republicans choose wisely.....and not a my way, or the highway type of guy.
I don't believe it. And if it's true, then Republicans have won. Their goal is to win your vote but if they can't then the next best thing is if you vote 3rd party or just stay home. They've convinced you it doesn't matter.
Don't give a flying fuck what you believe.
I'm glad if you don't vote because if you argue with me, chances are if you went and voted you'd vote for the wrong party. We have a 2 party system. If you can't figure out which one's for you, what's wrong with you? How can anyone be conflicted they are so different?
Do you occasionally swerve anywhere near coherency?
I doubt that we would see this on the left.
Now I'm not sure if this is a compliment or an insult. It may be that we're seeing genuine free choice decision making instead of lockstep obedience. Having said that however it is impossible to ignore the implications of pure functionality. There is efficacy in unity....

The lockstep obedience to Trump is falling apart. For way too long, the spineless lickspittles in Congress who knew Trump was bad for America cowered in the corner out of fear of Trump weaponizing his weak-minded followers into going after them.

Little by little, one by one, they are losing their fear of the naked Emperor. Finally.

As for the Democrats, I am old enough to remember the Reagan years when the Democrats were just as disorganized and inept. We used to say the Democrats had a knack for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. :lol:

I guess it's the GOP's turn.

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