I Can't Imagine a God...

I love you sealybobo, as I love myself. Therefore, what I tell you is from love. I talk to you and myself as well. I'm a bad and terrible human being. I'm not good, and neither are you sealybobo. We're both sinners, sinning constantly because we love to sin. Our sins condemn us and we truly deserve God's Holy Justice and eternal punishment in Hell.

Yet, it was God's grace alone that He granted me salvation from Hell by giving me the faith of Jesus Christ. It was God's grace, with no work from me, so I can not boast about myself. I am sure that I never did anything good to deserve God's grace. I'm a terrible sinner, beneath contempt. Sthat I did anything you to treat me. I love God above all else. Let His will be done, and not mine.
I think people like you write this shit to be snarky. Its very offensive and insulting.

What causes you to hate the only people that love you unconditionally?

My parents love me unconditionally. Even they have conditions actually.

Maybe you christians need to worry about being lovable not loving others.

Real Christians aren't suppose to worry about those things. I'm not a hypocrite and I tell people the same things as I tell my family. For example, I tell my Dad, who is an atheist, that he's going to go to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ. I wouldn't bother if I didn't love him. It's frustrating because he's very stubborn and simply doesn't believe in God. I don't know why he doesn't. I know he's going to Hell for sure without Jesus. God already twice saved his life last couple years. My prayers were answered before I knew to pray them, which was awesome. I pray that God will have mercy on my dad and grant him salvation from Hell by giving him faith in Jesus Christ. Everything is in God's hand.

Father, I pray for your blessing. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine.
Your dad isnt going to hell and there is no heaven. Your dads smarter than you. Usually we are smarter than our parents. You're an exception.

I wish that he is not going to Hell, but I know he is. I'm a lot smarter than him. However, he's very stubborn and illogical. Pretty much like you sealybobo.

I'll remember to call him today and tell him that he's going to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ.
Christians get to commit adultery in their hearts and still go to heaven. You guys even get to murder. How many christian woman have gotten abortions and were very sad and sorry about it and ask god for forviveness and so christians even think they can murder their own babies and still go to heaven? What a brilliant cult story.
so you would prefer that once a woman gets an abortion she just go to hell?.......
Free pass on murder. What a great religion!

God condemns sinners to eternal punishment in Hell because his good nature and holy justice requires him to justly punish sinners for their sins. Sins are crimes against done to an infinite God. Thus, sins are infinitely horrible and get infinite punishment in Hell.

Then your imaginary friends a sadistic fuck. I love you.
I think people like you write this shit to be snarky. Its very offensive and insulting.

What causes you to hate the only people that love you unconditionally?

My parents love me unconditionally. Even they have conditions actually.

Maybe you christians need to worry about being lovable not loving others.

Real Christians aren't suppose to worry about those things. I'm not a hypocrite and I tell people the same things as I tell my family. For example, I tell my Dad, who is an atheist, that he's going to go to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ. I wouldn't bother if I didn't love him. It's frustrating because he's very stubborn and simply doesn't believe in God. I don't know why he doesn't. I know he's going to Hell for sure without Jesus. God already twice saved his life last couple years. My prayers were answered before I knew to pray them, which was awesome. I pray that God will have mercy on my dad and grant him salvation from Hell by giving him faith in Jesus Christ. Everything is in God's hand.

Father, I pray for your blessing. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine.
Your dad isnt going to hell and there is no heaven. Your dads smarter than you. Usually we are smarter than our parents. You're an exception.

I wish that he is not going to Hell, but I know he is. I'm a lot smarter than him. However, he's very stubborn and illogical. Pretty much like you sealybobo.

I'll remember to call him today and tell him that he's going to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ.
I hope he writes you out of the will. Lovingly of course.

But don't worry about retirement. You'll have fun after you die. Lol

Love ya.
What causes you to hate the only people that love you unconditionally?

My parents love me unconditionally. Even they have conditions actually.

Maybe you christians need to worry about being lovable not loving others.

Real Christians aren't suppose to worry about those things. I'm not a hypocrite and I tell people the same things as I tell my family. For example, I tell my Dad, who is an atheist, that he's going to go to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ. I wouldn't bother if I didn't love him. It's frustrating because he's very stubborn and simply doesn't believe in God. I don't know why he doesn't. I know he's going to Hell for sure without Jesus. God already twice saved his life last couple years. My prayers were answered before I knew to pray them, which was awesome. I pray that God will have mercy on my dad and grant him salvation from Hell by giving him faith in Jesus Christ. Everything is in God's hand.

Father, I pray for your blessing. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine.
Your dad isnt going to hell and there is no heaven. Your dads smarter than you. Usually we are smarter than our parents. You're an exception.

I wish that he is not going to Hell, but I know he is. I'm a lot smarter than him. However, he's very stubborn and illogical. Pretty much like you sealybobo.

I'll remember to call him today and tell him that he's going to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ.
I hope he writes you out of the will. Lovingly of course.

But don't worry about retirement. You'll have fun after you die. Lol

Love ya.

It's tough to know your dad is going to Hell if he dies this moment. I am going to move close to them and teach him more about Jesus when I visit on weekends.
My parents love me unconditionally. Even they have conditions actually.

Maybe you christians need to worry about being lovable not loving others.

Real Christians aren't suppose to worry about those things. I'm not a hypocrite and I tell people the same things as I tell my family. For example, I tell my Dad, who is an atheist, that he's going to go to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ. I wouldn't bother if I didn't love him. It's frustrating because he's very stubborn and simply doesn't believe in God. I don't know why he doesn't. I know he's going to Hell for sure without Jesus. God already twice saved his life last couple years. My prayers were answered before I knew to pray them, which was awesome. I pray that God will have mercy on my dad and grant him salvation from Hell by giving him faith in Jesus Christ. Everything is in God's hand.

Father, I pray for your blessing. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine.
Your dad isnt going to hell and there is no heaven. Your dads smarter than you. Usually we are smarter than our parents. You're an exception.

I wish that he is not going to Hell, but I know he is. I'm a lot smarter than him. However, he's very stubborn and illogical. Pretty much like you sealybobo.

I'll remember to call him today and tell him that he's going to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ.
I hope he writes you out of the will. Lovingly of course.

But don't worry about retirement. You'll have fun after you die. Lol

Love ya.

It's tough to know your dad is going to Hell if he dies this moment. I am going to move close to them and teach him more about Jesus when I visit on weekends.
Lucky him
I can't imagine a God so small that He could be contained in The Torah, The New Testament AND The Koran as the last Word on God, let alone any one of the three as a stand alone.

I must be a Monkey ahead of my Time.

No? With 10 sextillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) other star systems in the universe, some of which more likely than not have intelligent worshippers on them, why wouldn't something this particular system came up with just 2000-3500 years ago be the beginning and end of God? :)
My parents love me unconditionally. Even they have conditions actually.

Maybe you christians need to worry about being lovable not loving others.

Real Christians aren't suppose to worry about those things. I'm not a hypocrite and I tell people the same things as I tell my family. For example, I tell my Dad, who is an atheist, that he's going to go to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ. I wouldn't bother if I didn't love him. It's frustrating because he's very stubborn and simply doesn't believe in God. I don't know why he doesn't. I know he's going to Hell for sure without Jesus. God already twice saved his life last couple years. My prayers were answered before I knew to pray them, which was awesome. I pray that God will have mercy on my dad and grant him salvation from Hell by giving him faith in Jesus Christ. Everything is in God's hand.

Father, I pray for your blessing. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine.
Your dad isnt going to hell and there is no heaven. Your dads smarter than you. Usually we are smarter than our parents. You're an exception.

I wish that he is not going to Hell, but I know he is. I'm a lot smarter than him. However, he's very stubborn and illogical. Pretty much like you sealybobo.

I'll remember to call him today and tell him that he's going to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ.
I hope he writes you out of the will. Lovingly of course.

But don't worry about retirement. You'll have fun after you die. Lol

Love ya.

It's tough to know your dad is going to Hell if he dies this moment. I am going to move close to them and teach him more about Jesus when I visit on weekends.
If you really believed it you'd be much more frantic about it.

And I'll give you credit. You seem to be the christian on usmb who is at all concerned that so many of their friends and family are doomed. When you get to heaven ask god what's his problem. How could he be so cruel?

And if it is so obvious why do Mormons Muslims and Jews see it so differently?

Long before your monkey ancestors took their foot steps out your caves my Greek ancestors were philosophers and poets and story tellers. Homer for example. We wrote your bible. Please don't try to translate what we wrote. You swallow a story my ancestors made up after reading the old testament. Gotcha! Tell your dad not to worry. He was very lucky to be born at all. I could go impregnate a woman today but because I won't that person will never be born. Missed the boat. And some kid will be born and die in 1 day. Just like other animals but if we are lucky we get 100 and hopefully they are good ones.

Heaven for you and hell forever for others not like you doesn't exist. You may as well be telling me the earth is flat or 6500 years old. Get a grip.
I can't imagine a God so small that He could be contained in The Torah, The New Testament AND The Koran as the last Word on God, let alone any one of the three as a stand alone.

I must be a Monkey ahead of my Time.

No? With 10 sextillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) other star systems in the universe, some of which more likely than not have intelligent worshippers on them, why wouldn't something this particular system came up with just 2000-3500 years ago be the beginning and end of God? :)
I think the number you're referring to is a google?
My parents love me unconditionally. Even they have conditions actually.

Maybe you christians need to worry about being lovable not loving others.

Real Christians aren't suppose to worry about those things. I'm not a hypocrite and I tell people the same things as I tell my family. For example, I tell my Dad, who is an atheist, that he's going to go to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ. I wouldn't bother if I didn't love him. It's frustrating because he's very stubborn and simply doesn't believe in God. I don't know why he doesn't. I know he's going to Hell for sure without Jesus. God already twice saved his life last couple years. My prayers were answered before I knew to pray them, which was awesome. I pray that God will have mercy on my dad and grant him salvation from Hell by giving him faith in Jesus Christ. Everything is in God's hand.

Father, I pray for your blessing. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine.
Your dad isnt going to hell and there is no heaven. Your dads smarter than you. Usually we are smarter than our parents. You're an exception.

I wish that he is not going to Hell, but I know he is. I'm a lot smarter than him. However, he's very stubborn and illogical. Pretty much like you sealybobo.

I'll remember to call him today and tell him that he's going to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ.
I hope he writes you out of the will. Lovingly of course.

But don't worry about retirement. You'll have fun after you die. Lol

Love ya.

It's tough to know your dad is going to Hell if he dies this moment. I am going to move close to them and teach him more about Jesus when I visit on weekends.
Have you told Delta force embassy he's going to hell? I want to see what he says.
I can't imagine a God so small that He could be contained in The Torah, The New Testament AND The Koran as the last Word on God, let alone any one of the three as a stand alone.

I must be a Monkey ahead of my Time.

No? With 10 sextillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) other star systems in the universe, some of which more likely than not have intelligent worshippers on them, why wouldn't something this particular system came up with just 2000-3500 years ago be the beginning and end of God? :)
What do say to someone who says you and even his own father are going to burn forever but they love you?
A google is a LOT more than 10 sextillion. :) They guesstimate there's only about 10 to the 60th or so atoms in the whole universe, whereas a google is 10 to the 100th power. By comparison 10 sextillion is 10 to the 20th or whatever. Too lazy to work it out. :)
God condemns sinners to eternal punishment in Hell because his good nature and holy justice requires him to justly punish sinners for their sins. Sins are crimes against done to an infinite God. Thus, sins are infinitely horrible and get infinite punishment in Hell.

And you are surprised that thinking people do not believe you and would never worship any such a being as described by you? "God condemns sinners to eternal punishment in Hell because his good nature.. " LOL

God does not punish or send anyone to hell. the Law is not about crime and punishment. The way to life has been made clear. Do this, don't do that. The Law is about cause and effect.

If you disregard the instruction and instead fill your head with irrational beliefs that defile and contaminate your mind, you are bound to become confused and say and do stupid things that injure yourself and the people you love and if you suffer as a consequence you have no one to blame but yourself for failing to stand guard over the purity of your own mind. You cannot blame God for any misfortune consequent to what you have done or have failed to do..

If the addled condition of your mind is a reflection of the existence of hell, I'm sure that many people will be astonished at the cost of "just believing" and do whatever it takes to avoid such a terrible fate.

Thanks for the warning!
Christians get to commit adultery in their hearts and still go to heaven. You guys even get to murder. How many christian woman have gotten abortions and were very sad and sorry about it and ask god for forviveness and so christians even think they can murder their own babies and still go to heaven? What a brilliant cult story.
so you would prefer that once a woman gets an abortion she just go to hell?.......
Free pass on murder. What a great religion!

God condemns sinners to eternal punishment in Hell because his good nature and holy justice requires him to justly punish sinners for their sins. Sins are crimes against done to an infinite God. Thus, sins are infinitely horrible and get infinite punishment in Hell.

Then your imaginary friends a sadistic fuck. I love you.
And you are a sad fool to rely on the words of posters to tell you who God is. Even if the posters claim to know the Christian faith.

Put it this way --- if anyone tells you they know someone deserves hell or is going to hell they are in a sad state themselves. Do not revert your disgust towards God over that.

You are accountable for your choices, for what you do and for what you choose not to do. And if you choose not to care enough to understand or seek the one true God that could be a problem. Do not rely on posters to explain it all to you.
I can't imagine a God so small that He could be contained in The Torah, The New Testament AND The Koran as the last Word on God, let alone any one of the three as a stand alone.

I must be a Monkey ahead of my Time.



:dunno: Who needs a god?
/shrugs......he's the guy who created whats in the pictures......so I guess the answer is you do.....

/shrugs.....useless argument. We will continue to disagree. We will say all of the things that have been said before. We will end up being crappy to each other.

I'll buy you a cup of coffee and let's hit the trails.
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I can't imagine a God so small that He could be contained in The Torah, The New Testament AND The Koran as the last Word on God, let alone any one of the three as a stand alone.

I must be a Monkey ahead of my Time.

God did give us enough intelligence to discern the truth. We are not blind without any clue what it's all about. God has revealed enough. You reject the Bible because you think God could never operate that way? You need a better reason than that, imo. How much do you demand before you take the first step?

Chesterton described paganism as such: “an attempt to reach the divine reality through the imagination alone.”
I can't imagine a god who in its' holy text had a willingness to micromanage human affairs, but ever since has left its' very existence up to faith. :)
That's the thing.

You can't imagine.

Your mind cannot conceive of God..and it's not because you are superior or because God doesn't exist. It's because your mind is small, and you will not open it.
Real Christians aren't suppose to worry about those things. I'm not a hypocrite and I tell people the same things as I tell my family. For example, I tell my Dad, who is an atheist, that he's going to go to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ. I wouldn't bother if I didn't love him. It's frustrating because he's very stubborn and simply doesn't believe in God. I don't know why he doesn't. I know he's going to Hell for sure without Jesus. God already twice saved his life last couple years. My prayers were answered before I knew to pray them, which was awesome. I pray that God will have mercy on my dad and grant him salvation from Hell by giving him faith in Jesus Christ. Everything is in God's hand.

Father, I pray for your blessing. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine.
Your dad isnt going to hell and there is no heaven. Your dads smarter than you. Usually we are smarter than our parents. You're an exception.

I wish that he is not going to Hell, but I know he is. I'm a lot smarter than him. However, he's very stubborn and illogical. Pretty much like you sealybobo.

I'll remember to call him today and tell him that he's going to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ.
I hope he writes you out of the will. Lovingly of course.

But don't worry about retirement. You'll have fun after you die. Lol

Love ya.

It's tough to know your dad is going to Hell if he dies this moment. I am going to move close to them and teach him more about Jesus when I visit on weekends.
If you really believed it you'd be much more frantic about it.

And I'll give you credit. You seem to be the christian on usmb who is at all concerned that so many of their friends and family are doomed. When you get to heaven ask god what's his problem. How could he be so cruel?

And if it is so obvious why do Mormons Muslims and Jews see it so differently?

Long before your monkey ancestors took their foot steps out your caves my Greek ancestors were philosophers and poets and story tellers. Homer for example. We wrote your bible. Please don't try to translate what we wrote. You swallow a story my ancestors made up after reading the old testament. Gotcha! Tell your dad not to worry. He was very lucky to be born at all. I could go impregnate a woman today but because I won't that person will never be born. Missed the boat. And some kid will be born and die in 1 day. Just like other animals but if we are lucky we get 100 and hopefully they are good ones.

Heaven for you and hell forever for others not like you doesn't exist. You may as well be telling me the earth is flat or 6500 years old. Get a grip.
Why be frantic? I am only required to pray and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. God is sovereign. He elected His people before the foundation of the world. God predestined His elected people to be saved by grace alone as gifts of faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
God is good and just. Who are you o man to slander God's good character?

Satan slandered God. The punishment for Satan's crime is eternal, Satan will suffer the maximum of pain in the lake of fire.
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Christians get to commit adultery in their hearts and still go to heaven. You guys even get to murder. How many christian woman have gotten abortions and were very sad and sorry about it and ask god for forviveness and so christians even think they can murder their own babies and still go to heaven? What a brilliant cult story.
so you would prefer that once a woman gets an abortion she just go to hell?.......
Free pass on murder. What a great religion!

God condemns sinners to eternal punishment in Hell because his good nature and holy justice requires him to justly punish sinners for their sins. Sins are crimes against done to an infinite God. Thus, sins are infinitely horrible and get infinite punishment in Hell.

Then your imaginary friends a sadistic fuck. I love you.
And you are a sad fool to rely on the words of posters to tell you who God is. Even if the posters claim to know the Christian faith.

Put it this way --- if anyone tells you they know someone deserves hell or is going to hell they are in a sad state themselves. Do not revert your disgust towards God over that.

You are accountable for your choices, for what you do and for what you choose not to do. And if you choose not to care enough to understand or seek the one true God that could be a problem. Do not rely on posters to explain it all to you.
What does the RCC teach happens to those who are not baptize? What is the RCC doctrine of original sin? How about mortal sins done by unrepentant people?

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