I Can't Imagine a God...

Another silly thread from someone who doesn't believe in a God that he's obsessed talking about.

Nobody says that God is "fully contained" in the Bible. He simply reveals what His creation NEEDS to know about Him. We don't have to know everything about Him to believe in Him; trust in Him; communicate with Him; and know Him.

Where do I say that I don't believe God is possible?

I'm simply stating that limiting one's concept of God to The God of Abraham, As defined in The Torah, The New Testament and The Qur'an seems short-sighted, and, considering the role played by those three ancient Arab tales in Monkey History, I think God would agree with me.

And why can't that God be compatible with the same God behind all these other things, too?
Why is there assumed to be some contradiction there?

Just because SOME people get closeminded about this
doesn't mean you have to see it that way. Most people I know who understand the meaning don't have this issue you are debating and negating.

It is only an issue for people who don't get the universality of God. So it shouldn't be an issue for you unless you have a gripe with certain people? over how THEY teach the Bible? So don't teach it that way, and you can join with the rest of the people who don't teach it limited either!

I've decided that I don't have a problem with God per se, but I find the continued use of the ancient stories to justify selfish politics and various 'isms' around the globe to be a deterrent to peace. This is my motivation to write tonight.

But God nor the vast majority of believers in God are to blame for the actions of a few unscrupulous men (and/or women).
As I said... I don't blame God, I blame The Books and their use through history.

God won't be contained by mere Monkeys, even when we try using words to do it.

Humans are not monkeys, we just share a common ancestor with monkeys.

The Bible is inspired by God. That's why many people claim the Bible is God's Word. The Bible is true.

All other "books" teaching differently from the Bible are demon inspired. Koran, Book of Mormon, etc. all demonic.
Father, I ask for forgiveness of my sins in Jesus Christ. I love you very much. I love Jesus very much. I love the Holy Spirit very much. Please bless me and my family and help me better serve your purpose for me. Please guide me with your Holy Spirit, and help me do my tasks that you ask of me. Father, let your hand be with me always, that I can know your infinite love and peace always. Please protect me and my family from evil. I pray that you would see fit to grant mercy to dead sinners as you please. If it's your will Father, please grant sealybobo salvation from Hell by faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine. Amen.

This is what I hate about christians. Even if you truly want to help its super obnoxious.

All praise Allah. Allah Akbar habibi. Wolla on the Koran.

I love you sealybobo, as I love myself. Therefore, what I tell you is from love. I talk to you and myself as well. I'm a bad and terrible human being. I'm not good, and neither are you sealybobo. We're both sinners, sinning constantly because we love to sin. Our sins condemn us and we truly deserve God's Holy Justice and eternal punishment in Hell.

Yet, it was God's grace alone that He granted me salvation from Hell by giving me the faith of Jesus Christ. It was God's grace, with no work from me, so I can not boast about myself. I am sure that I never did anything good to deserve God's grace. I'm a terrible sinner, beneath contempt. Sthat I did anything you to treat me. I love God above all else. Let His will be done, and not mine.
I think people like you write this shit to be snarky. Its very offensive and insulting.

What causes you to hate the only people that love you unconditionally?
I don't hate you. I don't believe you love anyone but yourselves and I've heard your annoying schpeal from other christians who like you couldn't talk facts so instead you resort to this approach. Well my god shenu loves you but because you don't believe your going to hell.

I love you unconditionally too. Why do you doubt the truth?

It'll be to late when you are freezing in shenu hell.
I see God in the vastness of the cosmos. He isn't restricted to a book, he is the master of this universe. Oh ye of little faith!

Big right? Vast. Cosmos vast. Biggest there is, and God is bigger.

When you put it all in proper perspective, it makes the way modern Monkeys continue to bleed over ancient stories positively silly, no?

I don't understand. What are you getting at?

If God is, doesn't it make sense that He's bigger than all of the ancient stories put together, let alone any one of them that claim to be the last word on God?

Isn't it odd that the age of the miraculous is unrepeatable history?
Who said it's all in the Book? Your argument is seriously flawed.

Its all in the Koran or book of Mormons too.
Father, I ask for forgiveness of my sins in Jesus Christ. I love you very much. I love Jesus very much. I love the Holy Spirit very much. Please bless me and my family and help me better serve your purpose for me. Please guide me with your Holy Spirit, and help me do my tasks that you ask of me. Father, let your hand be with me always, that I can know your infinite love and peace always. Please protect me and my family from evil. I pray that you would see fit to grant mercy to dead sinners as you please. If it's your will Father, please grant sealybobo salvation from Hell by faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine. Amen.

This is what I hate about christians. Even if you truly want to help its super obnoxious.

All praise Allah. Allah Akbar habibi. Wolla on the Koran.

I love you sealybobo, as I love myself. Therefore, what I tell you is from love. I talk to you and myself as well. I'm a bad and terrible human being. I'm not good, and neither are you sealybobo. We're both sinners, sinning constantly because we love to sin. Our sins condemn us and we truly deserve God's Holy Justice and eternal punishment in Hell.

Yet, it was God's grace alone that He granted me salvation from Hell by giving me the faith of Jesus Christ. It was God's grace, with no work from me, so I can not boast about myself. I am sure that I never did anything good to deserve God's grace. I'm a terrible sinner, beneath contempt. Sthat I did anything you to treat me. I love God above all else. Let His will be done, and not mine.
I think people like you write this shit to be snarky. Its very offensive and insulting.

What causes you to hate the only people that love you unconditionally?

My parents love me unconditionally. Even they have conditions actually.

Maybe you christians need to worry about being lovable not loving others.
Father, I ask for forgiveness of my sins in Jesus Christ. I love you very much. I love Jesus very much. I love the Holy Spirit very much. Please bless me and my family and help me better serve your purpose for me. Please guide me with your Holy Spirit, and help me do my tasks that you ask of me. Father, let your hand be with me always, that I can know your infinite love and peace always. Please protect me and my family from evil. I pray that you would see fit to grant mercy to dead sinners as you please. If it's your will Father, please grant sealybobo salvation from Hell by faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine. Amen.

This is what I hate about christians. Even if you truly want to help its super obnoxious.

All praise Allah. Allah Akbar habibi. Wolla on the Koran.

I love you sealybobo, as I love myself. Therefore, what I tell you is from love. I talk to you and myself as well. I'm a bad and terrible human being. I'm not good, and neither are you sealybobo. We're both sinners, sinning constantly because we love to sin. Our sins condemn us and we truly deserve God's Holy Justice and eternal punishment in Hell.

Yet, it was God's grace alone that He granted me salvation from Hell by giving me the faith of Jesus Christ. It was God's grace, with no work from me, so I can not boast about myself. I am sure that I never did anything good to deserve God's grace. I'm a terrible sinner, beneath contempt. Sthat I did anything you to treat me. I love God above all else. Let His will be done, and not mine.
I think people like you write this shit to be snarky. Its very offensive and insulting.

What causes you to hate the only people that love you unconditionally?
I don't hate you. I don't believe you love anyone but yourselves and I've heard your annoying schpeal from other christians who like you couldn't talk facts so instead you resort to this approach. Well my god shenu loves you but because you don't believe your going to hell.

I love you unconditionally too. Why do you doubt the truth?

It'll be to late when you are freezing in shenu hell.

I'm well versed with the facts. I try to keep my words true.

Thanks for your love. I know you don't hate me. You hate my Lord God, Jesus Christ. All those who are perishing hate Jesus Christ.
I can't imagine a God so small that He could be contained in The Torah, The New Testament AND The Koran as the last Word on God, let alone any one of the three as a stand alone.

I must be a Monkey ahead of my Time.



:dunno: Who needs a god?
/shrugs......he's the guy who created whats in the pictures......so I guess the answer is you do.....
This is what I hate about christians. Even if you truly want to help its super obnoxious.

All praise Allah. Allah Akbar habibi. Wolla on the Koran.

I love you sealybobo, as I love myself. Therefore, what I tell you is from love. I talk to you and myself as well. I'm a bad and terrible human being. I'm not good, and neither are you sealybobo. We're both sinners, sinning constantly because we love to sin. Our sins condemn us and we truly deserve God's Holy Justice and eternal punishment in Hell.

Yet, it was God's grace alone that He granted me salvation from Hell by giving me the faith of Jesus Christ. It was God's grace, with no work from me, so I can not boast about myself. I am sure that I never did anything good to deserve God's grace. I'm a terrible sinner, beneath contempt. Sthat I did anything you to treat me. I love God above all else. Let His will be done, and not mine.
I think people like you write this shit to be snarky. Its very offensive and insulting.

What causes you to hate the only people that love you unconditionally?
I don't hate you. I don't believe you love anyone but yourselves and I've heard your annoying schpeal from other christians who like you couldn't talk facts so instead you resort to this approach. Well my god shenu loves you but because you don't believe your going to hell.

I love you unconditionally too. Why do you doubt the truth?

It'll be to late when you are freezing in shenu hell.

I'm well versed with the facts. I try to keep my words true.

Thanks for your love. I know you don't hate me. You hate my Lord God, Jesus Christ. All those who are perishing hate Jesus Christ.
I don't hate god I don't believe one exists. Big difference. The fact you don't know that tells me you're wrong. If you're so wrong about me you must be wrong about the god you think exists.
This is what I hate about christians. Even if you truly want to help its super obnoxious.

All praise Allah. Allah Akbar habibi. Wolla on the Koran.

I love you sealybobo, as I love myself. Therefore, what I tell you is from love. I talk to you and myself as well. I'm a bad and terrible human being. I'm not good, and neither are you sealybobo. We're both sinners, sinning constantly because we love to sin. Our sins condemn us and we truly deserve God's Holy Justice and eternal punishment in Hell.

Yet, it was God's grace alone that He granted me salvation from Hell by giving me the faith of Jesus Christ. It was God's grace, with no work from me, so I can not boast about myself. I am sure that I never did anything good to deserve God's grace. I'm a terrible sinner, beneath contempt. Sthat I did anything you to treat me. I love God above all else. Let His will be done, and not mine.
I think people like you write this shit to be snarky. Its very offensive and insulting.

What causes you to hate the only people that love you unconditionally?
I don't hate you. I don't believe you love anyone but yourselves and I've heard your annoying schpeal from other christians who like you couldn't talk facts so instead you resort to this approach. Well my god shenu loves you but because you don't believe your going to hell.

I love you unconditionally too. Why do you doubt the truth?

It'll be to late when you are freezing in shenu hell.

I'm well versed with the facts. I try to keep my words true.

Thanks for your love. I know you don't hate me. You hate my Lord God, Jesus Christ. All those who are perishing hate Jesus Christ.
You don't even know what love or hate is.
Another silly thread from someone who doesn't believe in a God that he's obsessed talking about.

Nobody says that God is "fully contained" in the Bible. He simply reveals what His creation NEEDS to know about Him. We don't have to know everything about Him to believe in Him; trust in Him; communicate with Him; and know Him.

Where do I say that I don't believe God is possible?

I'm simply stating that limiting one's concept of God to The God of Abraham, As defined in The Torah, The New Testament and The Qur'an seems short-sighted, and, considering the role played by those three ancient Arab tales in Monkey History, I think God would agree with me.

You're painting with a broad brush. You seem to assume that everyone who believes in the "God of Abraham" limits Him to the Bible only. That's not the case. I believe that God is far greater in scope than the bible reveals but I don't believe that I must know the level of His greatness in order to believe in Him.
I want to know the truth before I worship something

You'll never know the truth as long as you deny it.

I want to believe.
no, you want to be provided by so much evidence that you would have to be a fool NOT to accept it..........
Christians get to commit adultery in their hearts and still go to heaven. You guys even get to murder. How many christian woman have gotten abortions and were very sad and sorry about it and ask god for forviveness and so christians even think they can murder their own babies and still go to heaven? What a brilliant cult story.
so you would prefer that once a woman gets an abortion she just go to hell?.......
Father, I ask for forgiveness of my sins in Jesus Christ. I love you very much. I love Jesus very much. I love the Holy Spirit very much. Please bless me and my family and help me better serve your purpose for me. Please guide me with your Holy Spirit, and help me do my tasks that you ask of me. Father, let your hand be with me always, that I can know your infinite love and peace always. Please protect me and my family from evil. I pray that you would see fit to grant mercy to dead sinners as you please. If it's your will Father, please grant sealybobo salvation from Hell by faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine. Amen.

This is what I hate about christians. Even if you truly want to help its super obnoxious.

All praise Allah. Allah Akbar habibi. Wolla on the Koran.

I love you sealybobo, as I love myself. Therefore, what I tell you is from love. I talk to you and myself as well. I'm a bad and terrible human being. I'm not good, and neither are you sealybobo. We're both sinners, sinning constantly because we love to sin. Our sins condemn us and we truly deserve God's Holy Justice and eternal punishment in Hell.

Yet, it was God's grace alone that He granted me salvation from Hell by giving me the faith of Jesus Christ. It was God's grace, with no work from me, so I can not boast about myself. I am sure that I never did anything good to deserve God's grace. I'm a terrible sinner, beneath contempt. Sthat I did anything you to treat me. I love God above all else. Let His will be done, and not mine.
I think people like you write this shit to be snarky. Its very offensive and insulting.

What causes you to hate the only people that love you unconditionally?

My parents love me unconditionally. Even they have conditions actually.

Maybe you christians need to worry about being lovable not loving others.

Real Christians aren't suppose to worry about those things. I'm not a hypocrite and I tell people the same things as I tell my family. For example, I tell my Dad, who is an atheist, that he's going to go to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ. I wouldn't bother if I didn't love him. It's frustrating because he's very stubborn and simply doesn't believe in God. I don't know why he doesn't. I know he's going to Hell for sure without Jesus. God already twice saved his life last couple years. My prayers were answered before I knew to pray them, which was awesome. I pray that God will have mercy on my dad and grant him salvation from Hell by giving him faith in Jesus Christ. Everything is in God's hand.

Father, I pray for your blessing. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine.
Christians get to commit adultery in their hearts and still go to heaven. You guys even get to murder. How many christian woman have gotten abortions and were very sad and sorry about it and ask god for forviveness and so christians even think they can murder their own babies and still go to heaven? What a brilliant cult story.
so you would prefer that once a woman gets an abortion she just go to hell?.......
Free pass on murder. What a great religion!
This is what I hate about christians. Even if you truly want to help its super obnoxious.

All praise Allah. Allah Akbar habibi. Wolla on the Koran.

I love you sealybobo, as I love myself. Therefore, what I tell you is from love. I talk to you and myself as well. I'm a bad and terrible human being. I'm not good, and neither are you sealybobo. We're both sinners, sinning constantly because we love to sin. Our sins condemn us and we truly deserve God's Holy Justice and eternal punishment in Hell.

Yet, it was God's grace alone that He granted me salvation from Hell by giving me the faith of Jesus Christ. It was God's grace, with no work from me, so I can not boast about myself. I am sure that I never did anything good to deserve God's grace. I'm a terrible sinner, beneath contempt. Sthat I did anything you to treat me. I love God above all else. Let His will be done, and not mine.
I think people like you write this shit to be snarky. Its very offensive and insulting.

What causes you to hate the only people that love you unconditionally?

My parents love me unconditionally. Even they have conditions actually.

Maybe you christians need to worry about being lovable not loving others.

Real Christians aren't suppose to worry about those things. I'm not a hypocrite and I tell people the same things as I tell my family. For example, I tell my Dad, who is an atheist, that he's going to go to Hell without faith in Jesus Christ. I wouldn't bother if I didn't love him. It's frustrating because he's very stubborn and simply doesn't believe in God. I don't know why he doesn't. I know he's going to Hell for sure without Jesus. God already twice saved his life last couple years. My prayers were answered before I knew to pray them, which was awesome. I pray that God will have mercy on my dad and grant him salvation from Hell by giving him faith in Jesus Christ. Everything is in God's hand.

Father, I pray for your blessing. Let your will be done, Father, and not mine.
Your dad isnt going to hell and there is no heaven. Your dads smarter than you. Usually we are smarter than our parents. You're an exception.
Christians get to commit adultery in their hearts and still go to heaven. You guys even get to murder. How many christian woman have gotten abortions and were very sad and sorry about it and ask god for forviveness and so christians even think they can murder their own babies and still go to heaven? What a brilliant cult story.
so you would prefer that once a woman gets an abortion she just go to hell?.......
Free pass on murder. What a great religion!

God condemns sinners to eternal punishment in Hell because his good nature and holy justice requires him to justly punish sinners for their sins. Sins are crimes against done to an infinite God. Thus, sins are infinitely horrible and get infinite punishment in Hell.

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