I Can't Understand Not Telling the American People the Truth on Benghazi...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
...from the very Beginning.

It was the 11th Anniversary of the 11th and on that Day in the Situation Room they KNEW what was going on there.

Why Lie... Repeatedly about it and try to make it about some Obscure YouTube video that was Released MONTHS earlier?...

2 weeks later in front of the UN Obama was still Lying about it and that point the Public had the Information Available that Exposed that Lie.

Was Benghazi intended to be a Distraction from something else?

Obviously Newtown was a Distraction from Benghazi...

But why not just say that day that it Appears we have been Attacked by Terrorists on the Anniversary of 9/11 and then follow-up with how you are going to Bring the Terrorists to Justice?...

The Benghazi thing has NEVER made sense to me Politically.

All of the way up to HILLARY!'s "what difference does it make" outburst last week.

Any thoughts?


...from the very Beginning.

It was the 11th Anniversary of the 11th and on that Day in the Situation Room they KNEW what was going on there.

Why Lie... Repeatedly about it and try to make it about some Obscure YouTube video that was Released MONTHS earlier?...

2 weeks later in front of the UN Obama was still Lying about it and that point the Public had the Information Available that Exposed that Lie.

Was Benghazi intended to be a Distraction from something else?

Obviously Newtown was a Distraction from Benghazi...

But why not just say that day that it Appears we have been Attacked by Terrorists on the Anniversary of 9/11 and then follow-up with how you are going to Bring the Terrorists to Justice?...

The Benghazi thing has NEVER made sense to me Politically.

All of the way up to HILLARY!'s "what difference does it make" outburst last week.

Any thoughts?


I think that to expose the truth, the administration will be admitting to deliberate dereliction of duty to protect embassies, setting the stage for the attack (Obama went into Libya to depose their leader) and essentially to at least four counts of outright MURDER.
...from the very Beginning.

It was the 11th Anniversary of the 11th and on that Day in the Situation Room they KNEW what was going on there.

Why Lie... Repeatedly about it and try to make it about some Obscure YouTube video that was Released MONTHS earlier?...

2 weeks later in front of the UN Obama was still Lying about it and that point the Public had the Information Available that Exposed that Lie.

Was Benghazi intended to be a Distraction from something else?

Obviously Newtown was a Distraction from Benghazi...

But why not just say that day that it Appears we have been Attacked by Terrorists on the Anniversary of 9/11 and then follow-up with how you are going to Bring the Terrorists to Justice?...

The Benghazi thing has NEVER made sense to me Politically.

All of the way up to HILLARY!'s "what difference does it make" outburst last week.

Any thoughts?


They STILL do not know everything that went on that day....

MANY PROTESTS took place that day which DID involve the movie they thought was blasphemous....WHY PRETEND those didn't happen on sept 11th as well? Why do you ignore them mal?

On September 11, 2012, a series of protests and violent attacks began in response to a YouTube trailer for a film called Innocence of Muslims, considered blasphemous by many Muslims. The reactions began at U.S. diplomatic mission in Cairo, Egypt, and quickly spread across the Muslim world to additional U.S. and other countries' diplomatic missions and other locations, with issues beyond the offense at the movie trailer becoming subjects of protest. In Cairo, Egypt a group scaled the embassy wall and tore down the American flag to replace it with a black Islamic flag.
9/11 anniversary: Muslim protesters burn US flag outside embassy in London

A group of Muslim protesters set fire to an American flag outside the US embassy in London during a minute's silence to mark the moment that the first hijacked airliner hit the World Trade Center 10 years ago.

9/11 anniversary: memorial services and protests in London and around the world - Telegraph
these protests were going on throughout the world....to initially think they could have somehow been linked is understandable, isn't it?
...from the very Beginning.

It was the 11th Anniversary of the 11th and on that Day in the Situation Room they KNEW what was going on there.

Why Lie... Repeatedly about it and try to make it about some Obscure YouTube video that was Released MONTHS earlier?...

2 weeks later in front of the UN Obama was still Lying about it and that point the Public had the Information Available that Exposed that Lie.

Was Benghazi intended to be a Distraction from something else?

Obviously Newtown was a Distraction from Benghazi...

But why not just say that day that it Appears we have been Attacked by Terrorists on the Anniversary of 9/11 and then follow-up with how you are going to Bring the Terrorists to Justice?...

The Benghazi thing has NEVER made sense to me Politically.

All of the way up to HILLARY!'s "what difference does it make" outburst last week.

Any thoughts?


They STILL do not know everything that went on that day....

MANY PROTESTS took place that day which DID involve the movie they thought was blasphemous....WHY PRETEND those didn't happen on sept 11th as well? Why do you ignore them mal?

On September 11, 2012, a series of protests and violent attacks began in response to a YouTube trailer for a film called Innocence of Muslims, considered blasphemous by many Muslims. The reactions began at U.S. diplomatic mission in Cairo, Egypt, and quickly spread across the Muslim world to additional U.S. and other countries' diplomatic missions and other locations, with issues beyond the offense at the movie trailer becoming subjects of protest. In Cairo, Egypt a group scaled the embassy wall and tore down the American flag to replace it with a black Islamic flag.
9/11 anniversary: Muslim protesters burn US flag outside embassy in London

A group of Muslim protesters set fire to an American flag outside the US embassy in London during a minute's silence to mark the moment that the first hijacked airliner hit the World Trade Center 10 years ago.

9/11 anniversary: memorial services and protests in London and around the world - Telegraph
these protests were going on throughout the world....to initially think they could have somehow been linked is understandable, isn't it?

It would be besepha the Fact that they Knew better at the end of that day and yet Barry went before the UN two weeks later and Continued to Lie and also Lament the Restrictions that our Constitution apparently puts on him to deal with those who would DARE to Illustrate Islam as what it is in the form an Obscure YouTube Video.


All of the way up to HILLARY!'s "what difference does it make" outburst last week.

Watergate, "what difference does it make"
Iran-Contra, "what difference does it make"
Fast and Furious, "what difference does it make"
Whitewater, "what difference does it make"
The economy was not the Obama admins shining star, but there was little criticism on their foreign policy...nobody wanted to rock that boat right before the election.
...from the very Beginning.

It was the 11th Anniversary of the 11th and on that Day in the Situation Room they KNEW what was going on there.

Why Lie... Repeatedly about it and try to make it about some Obscure YouTube video that was Released MONTHS earlier?...

2 weeks later in front of the UN Obama was still Lying about it and that point the Public had the Information Available that Exposed that Lie.

Was Benghazi intended to be a Distraction from something else?

Obviously Newtown was a Distraction from Benghazi...

But why not just say that day that it Appears we have been Attacked by Terrorists on the Anniversary of 9/11 and then follow-up with how you are going to Bring the Terrorists to Justice?...

The Benghazi thing has NEVER made sense to me Politically.

All of the way up to HILLARY!'s "what difference does it make" outburst last week.

Any thoughts?


They STILL do not know everything that went on that day....

MANY PROTESTS took place that day which DID involve the movie they thought was blasphemous....WHY PRETEND those didn't happen on sept 11th as well? Why do you ignore them mal?

9/11 anniversary: Muslim protesters burn US flag outside embassy in London

A group of Muslim protesters set fire to an American flag outside the US embassy in London during a minute's silence to mark the moment that the first hijacked airliner hit the World Trade Center 10 years ago.

9/11 anniversary: memorial services and protests in London and around the world - Telegraph
these protests were going on throughout the world....to initially think they could have somehow been linked is understandable, isn't it?

It would be besepha the Fact that they Knew better at the end of that day and yet Barry went before the UN two weeks later and Continued to Lie and also Lament the Restrictions that our Constitution apparently puts on him to deal with those who would DARE to Illustrate Islam as what it is in the form an Obscure YouTube Video.


Uhhh, I don't believe Obama mentioned Benghazi when he was talking at the UN about the other protests/attacks that happened september 11th. Can you show where he specifically mentioned Benghazi?
They STILL do not know everything that went on that day....

MANY PROTESTS took place that day which DID involve the movie they thought was blasphemous....WHY PRETEND those didn't happen on sept 11th as well? Why do you ignore them mal?

these protests were going on throughout the world....to initially think they could have somehow been linked is understandable, isn't it?

It would be besepha the Fact that they Knew better at the end of that day and yet Barry went before the UN two weeks later and Continued to Lie and also Lament the Restrictions that our Constitution apparently puts on him to deal with those who would DARE to Illustrate Islam as what it is in the form an Obscure YouTube Video.


Uhhh, I don't believe Obama mentioned Benghazi when he was talking at the UN about the other protests/attacks that happened september 11th. Can you show where he specifically mentioned Benghazi?

YouTube the speech. :thup:


...from the very Beginning.

It was the 11th Anniversary of the 11th and on that Day in the Situation Room they KNEW what was going on there.

Why Lie... Repeatedly about it and try to make it about some Obscure YouTube video that was Released MONTHS earlier?...

2 weeks later in front of the UN Obama was still Lying about it and that point the Public had the Information Available that Exposed that Lie.

Was Benghazi intended to be a Distraction from something else?

Obviously Newtown was a Distraction from Benghazi...

But why not just say that day that it Appears we have been Attacked by Terrorists on the Anniversary of 9/11 and then follow-up with how you are going to Bring the Terrorists to Justice?...

The Benghazi thing has NEVER made sense to me Politically.

All of the way up to HILLARY!'s "what difference does it make" outburst last week.

Any thoughts?



Peace. But, I have a question here. A piddly one. Where was all this healthy skepticism of the current regime, when back in 03’ when then president Bush used that faulty questionable data to justify the invasion of Iraq? And that lead to the deaths of thousands of innocent people and American service men. Where is the sense of outrage at THAT?
...from the very Beginning.

It was the 11th Anniversary of the 11th and on that Day in the Situation Room they KNEW what was going on there.

Why Lie... Repeatedly about it and try to make it about some Obscure YouTube video that was Released MONTHS earlier?...

2 weeks later in front of the UN Obama was still Lying about it and that point the Public had the Information Available that Exposed that Lie.

Was Benghazi intended to be a Distraction from something else?

Obviously Newtown was a Distraction from Benghazi...

But why not just say that day that it Appears we have been Attacked by Terrorists on the Anniversary of 9/11 and then follow-up with how you are going to Bring the Terrorists to Justice?...

The Benghazi thing has NEVER made sense to me Politically.

All of the way up to HILLARY!'s "what difference does it make" outburst last week.

Any thoughts?


They STILL do not know everything that went on that day....

MANY PROTESTS took place that day which DID involve the movie they thought was blasphemous....WHY PRETEND those didn't happen on sept 11th as well? Why do you ignore them mal?

On September 11, 2012, a series of protests and violent attacks began in response to a YouTube trailer for a film called Innocence of Muslims, considered blasphemous by many Muslims. The reactions began at U.S. diplomatic mission in Cairo, Egypt, and quickly spread across the Muslim world to additional U.S. and other countries' diplomatic missions and other locations, with issues beyond the offense at the movie trailer becoming subjects of protest. In Cairo, Egypt a group scaled the embassy wall and tore down the American flag to replace it with a black Islamic flag.
9/11 anniversary: Muslim protesters burn US flag outside embassy in London

A group of Muslim protesters set fire to an American flag outside the US embassy in London during a minute's silence to mark the moment that the first hijacked airliner hit the World Trade Center 10 years ago.

9/11 anniversary: memorial services and protests in London and around the world - Telegraph
these protests were going on throughout the world....to initially think they could have somehow been linked is understandable, isn't it?

Except the white House knew within a couple hours the attack had nothing to do with the movie, they had the intel that told them it was a preplanned and coordinated attack staged on that day for that purpose. Yet for 2 weeks Obama, Rice and Clinton claimed it was because of the movie. Even after the press reported the FACTS Obama and Rice for over a week claimed it was because of the Movie.

Obama knew the first day, so why claim otherwise for 2 weeks? Why make the claim even after the press outed the real facts? Why lie to the Un and the American People?
...from the very Beginning.

It was the 11th Anniversary of the 11th and on that Day in the Situation Room they KNEW what was going on there.

Why Lie... Repeatedly about it and try to make it about some Obscure YouTube video that was Released MONTHS earlier?...

2 weeks later in front of the UN Obama was still Lying about it and that point the Public had the Information Available that Exposed that Lie.

Was Benghazi intended to be a Distraction from something else?

Obviously Newtown was a Distraction from Benghazi...

But why not just say that day that it Appears we have been Attacked by Terrorists on the Anniversary of 9/11 and then follow-up with how you are going to Bring the Terrorists to Justice?...

The Benghazi thing has NEVER made sense to me Politically.

All of the way up to HILLARY!'s "what difference does it make" outburst last week.

Any thoughts?



Peace. But, I have a question here. A piddly one. Where was all this healthy skepticism of the current regime, when back in 03’ when then president Bush used that faulty questionable data to justify the invasion of Iraq? And that lead to the deaths of thousands of innocent people and American service men. Where is the sense of outrage at THAT?

Bush said clearly the Saddam Hussein was a ticking bomb and he would not wait for him to explode. And the captured documents from his Government prove he was right. Saddam Hussein kept his nuclear science team together, he hide equipment to restart the program and he was just waiting for France, China and Russia to lift sanctions. Further his Biological chemical factories were dual use and he maintained stockpiles of precursors to return to mass production, all proven conclusively by captured documents.
...from the very Beginning.

It was the 11th Anniversary of the 11th and on that Day in the Situation Room they KNEW what was going on there.

Why Lie... Repeatedly about it and try to make it about some Obscure YouTube video that was Released MONTHS earlier?...

2 weeks later in front of the UN Obama was still Lying about it and that point the Public had the Information Available that Exposed that Lie.

Was Benghazi intended to be a Distraction from something else?

Obviously Newtown was a Distraction from Benghazi...

But why not just say that day that it Appears we have been Attacked by Terrorists on the Anniversary of 9/11 and then follow-up with how you are going to Bring the Terrorists to Justice?...

The Benghazi thing has NEVER made sense to me Politically.

All of the way up to HILLARY!'s "what difference does it make" outburst last week.

Any thoughts?



Peace. But, I have a question here. A piddly one. Where was all this healthy skepticism of the current regime, when back in 03’ when then president Bush used that faulty questionable data to justify the invasion of Iraq? And that lead to the deaths of thousands of innocent people and American service men. Where is the sense of outrage at THAT?

109 facilities Sealed by UN were Empty by the time were done playing footsies with the French at the UN...



Peace. Sadam lied to intimidate Iran. A bluff. No WMD, and he managed to dupe our intelligence community with THAT. Hmm. Now we have North Korea, with verifiable WMD's. We didn't attack them before during or after they actually developed DWM’s. That is not speculation. What happened in Libya was in comparison trivial . Sad, perhaps preventable. Hindsight is always 20/20.
Peace. Sadam lied to intimidate Iran. A bluff. No WMD, and he managed to dupe our intelligence community with THAT. Hmm. Now we have North Korea, with verifiable WMD's. We didn't attack them before during or after they actually developed DWM’s. That is not speculation. What happened in Libya was in comparison trivial . Sad, perhaps preventable. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Then the UN Lied also... is that your Contention?...


...from the very Beginning.

It was the 11th Anniversary of the 11th and on that Day in the Situation Room they KNEW what was going on there.

Why Lie... Repeatedly about it and try to make it about some Obscure YouTube video that was Released MONTHS earlier?...

2 weeks later in front of the UN Obama was still Lying about it and that point the Public had the Information Available that Exposed that Lie.

Was Benghazi intended to be a Distraction from something else?

Obviously Newtown was a Distraction from Benghazi...

But why not just say that day that it Appears we have been Attacked by Terrorists on the Anniversary of 9/11 and then follow-up with how you are going to Bring the Terrorists to Justice?...

The Benghazi thing has NEVER made sense to me Politically.

All of the way up to HILLARY!'s "what difference does it make" outburst last week.

Any thoughts?



It was a election year the Obama administration had been pushing the Al-Qaeda is decimated Bin Laden is dead G.M. is alive slogans having a terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda on the 9-11 anniversary puts a kink in that. Yes they should have just come out with the truth about this from the start it would saved them a lot of future trouble and embarrassment the ironic thing is looking back at the election results telling the truth about Benghazi from the start would have made no difference in the outcome.
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Peace. Sadam lied to intimidate Iran. A bluff. No WMD, and he managed to dupe our intelligence community with THAT. Hmm. Now we have North Korea, with verifiable WMD's. We didn't attack them before during or after they actually developed DWM’s. That is not speculation. What happened in Libya was in comparison trivial . Sad, perhaps preventable. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Then the UN Lied also... is that your Contention?...



Mal, you're falling for the deflection trap.;)

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