I can't vote for Donald Trump

I was a dumb brainwashed Leftard.

I was raised by ex hippy parents and voted Democrat as an aside, more interested in beaver in my 20s.

And, let's face it, before Trump the Republicans were all globalist shills.

The second worse Administration of my life time was W.

Yep, even worse than the Black Jesus.

Without Cheney's Orwellian takeover of Washington and the "WAR ON TERROR", Obummer wouldn't have had the infrastructure in place to commit about 90 percent of his crimes.

But you tell Trump and I to both fuck off.

Makes perfect sense.

Sorry man, but you're an imbecile.
Trump just got done dissing the pro-life movement as destroying the GOP's chances for winning elections, the group that got him elected in the first place, in fact, the only ones on his side these days.

And you call me an imbecile?


Dude, you voted for the anti-Christess.
I've posted for months that I am not voting for Trump, Desantis, Haley, or RFK Jr. I am voting for the removal of The Democrat Regime.
The bottom line is they gotta get outta there before they destroy everything, then the Republican party needs a cleansing.
Trump just got done dissing the pro-life movement as destroying the GOP's chances for winning elections, the group that got him elected in the first place, in fact, the only ones on his side these days.

And you call me an imbecile?

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Dude, you voted for the anti-Christess.

OK don't vote for him then loser.

Who cares?

We took over the Party.

MAGA is legion.

Enjoy the wilderness. ;)
So what?

So Trump played the political game as realtor back before MAGA when the entire GOP sucked as bad - or worse - than the Dems - and then he saved America from the Wicked Witch of the West.

That is literally the dumbest fucking form of "logic" I've ever heard.

What an eejit.
You don't have to like him. You do need to like what he wants for this country. He wants to close our border. If some one doesn't we are going to end up like Sweden, Italy, and the rest of the no border countries. Crime ridden, chaotic destruction.

But the most important election of the USA is next year. There is only one person in this country that the WEF said would set them back another 4 years. That's Trump.
Agenda 21 wasn't implemented because Hillary was suppose to finish the takeover. Trump stopped it. Let the man stop it again, because another Democrat will make sure that the WEF will succeed within the next 7 years. That is all the longer we have.
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So what?

So Trump played the political game as realtor back before MAGA when the entire GOP sucked as bad - or worse - than the Dems - and then he saved America from the Wicked Witch of the West.

That is literally the dumbest fucking form of "logic" I've ever heard.

What an eejit.
Politics, like religion, is not a game.
You're outvoted, sunshine.

By like 50 points.

Them the breaks, kid.
I'm aware. I think Trump is a pretty sure loser if he's nominated. He's too old, too divisive, too immature and too dishonest.

I also don't think for a second the democrats are really running Biden. They're playing games, like they always do.

I've never liked the man before he entered politics. He was a life long democrat who cozied up to the Clintons.

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And cozied up to the rest of the Left
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He also gave Chuck Schumer and the democrats millions in donations while in New York.

I've never trusted the man.

Part of me things he is cahoots with the DNC to completely destroy all political opposition to them.

I couldn't get past him PRAISING the Clintons on multiple occasions. But that was just one reason out of many for me.

"I really like them both a lot."

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That is far too kind for the ideologically empty, intelectually shallow, almost purely ego driven man that he is.
You people created him. One got passed the goalie.

You get what you deserve as you prop up a demented child abuser who raped one of his staffers with a crime syndicate family to run against him.

As bad as Donald may be, you kids always seem to out bad him.
You don't have to like him. You do need to like what he wants for this country. He want to close our border. If some one doesn't we are going to end up like Sweden, Italy, and the rest of the no border countries. Crime ridden, chaotic destruction.

But the most important election of the USA is next year. There is only one person in this country that the WEF said would set them back another 4 years. That's Trump.
Agenda 21 wasn't implemented because Hillary was suppose to finish the takeover. Trump stopped it. Let the man stop it again, because another Democrat will make sure that the WEF will succeed within the next 7 years. That is all the longer we have.
Trump had 2 solid years to build the wall with a GOP Congress and did nothing.


Sometimes you don't get a second chance.
The biggest misconception about Trump is if you extract his larger than life personality from the equation, he actually turns out to be quite reasonable.

A mere 10 years ago most Democrats would have even voted for his agenda.

Now they're brain damaged conformist lemmings who have been sold the third rate ruse that he's the second coming of Hitler
So far .. Trump is the most logical choice for freedom loving Americans but for the emotional types dedicated to uncivilized behaviors, lawlessness and a quicker speed over the economic cliff .. Biden is your man.
I will vote for DeSantis.

You will to if it is not a vote for a man anymore.

If the fate of the nation depends on an elderly man who has only 4 more years, at best, as President, then we are all doomed anyway.

What, you want to see him impeached 20 more times? What exactly will he do this time he did not do last time?

Funny, he won't even debate this time.

DeSantis is political class. If you vote for him, the Republic is truly dead.

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