I can't vote for Donald Trump

Those will probably be your only two choices
So, let's say both candidates support the Holocaust, only, one wants to kill all Jews and the other wants to set an age limit.

Who do you vote for?

I vote for neither.

Thanks for playing.
So, let's say both candidates support the Holocaust, only, one wants to kill all Jews and the other wants to set an age limit.
I dont think either biden or trump want to kill Jews
Is abortion murder?

Yes or no?
Murder is a loaded term

Abortion takes an innocent human life and is certainly wrong

Its an act of selfishness

But calling it murder is going too far
Good for you. Btw, some people might not know this but he is on the record being for late-term / partial birth abortion. I know what the response to that will be: "That was in the past, when he was a Democrat." Well, people running for office say a lot of things, have we not learned anything from previous presidents? I don't think he truly went from liberal NY Democrat to conservative Republican, but whatever, people can believe what they want.

Obviously Trump was lost and he had a come to Jesus moment and repented his sins... He place placed himself at the lords feet and asked for forgiveness...

Ahh, Bollix... He just a lying ****...
Apparently even you say it is not up until six weeks.
Trump says he will push for a nationwide law on abortion.

Trump just appointed SCOTUS to send it to the states.

This is just inexcusable and infantile. He was just trying to take shots at DeSantis is all.

I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.

I could possibly vote for Haley, if she came around to supporting a natl law codifing a right to abortion up too .... 12 weeks? I said I'd never vote for a natl office goper until Dobbs was DEAD, but ... compromise is the way Americans have gotten along, with only one civil war.

And imo Haley could compromise for a balanced budget.
Murder is a loaded term

Abortion takes an innocent human life and is certainly wrong

Its an act of selfishness

But calling it murder is going too far
So, you don't view them as human beings with rights.

When do they earn those rights, when they are born?
So, you don't view them as human beings with rights.

When do they earn those rights, when they are born?
What is it about my post that “Abortion takes an innocent human life and is certainly wrong” thet you dont understand?
Trump says he will push for a nationwide law on abortion.

Trump just appointed SCOTUS to send it to the states.

This is just inexcusable and infantile. He was just trying to take shots at DeSantis is all.
What about you saying it is alright to murder a fetus up to six weeks?

I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.

You're missing out on the big picture over one topic. You're letting emotions dictate your rational decision.

I mean it's completely up to you who you vote for and why. But I'm voting for trump for a dozen big reasons and dozens of small reasons. I won't let one thing change my mind because I think voting for him is what's best overall for the country

I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.

I warned the rubes in 2016 that Donald Trump is a far left Democrat limousine liberal and would lead them all into the far left cave like the Pied Piper.

No one listened.

When Trump pretended to be pro-life, he had no idea how the thinking of a pro-lifer worked. He totally bungled his responses when asked questions about his pro-life beliefs.

This is a guy who spends us into debt like a liberal, who commits serial adultery like a liberal, lies like a liberal, supports a KGB thug's invasion of a sovereign democracy like a liberal, consorts with criminals like a liberal, attacks the police like a liberal, commits fraud like a liberal, attacks Republicans like a liberal, supports protectionist trade tariffs like a liberal.

Has no one noticed Biden has happily kept Trump's tariffs in place?

And STILL, no one is listening.

I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.

Abortion is an election loser. Most people are pro choice.
I don't think that single issue voting is a good strategy.

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