I can't vote for Donald Trump

This is not about liking Trump or not liking him. That is not how I vote.

Again, his suggestion for a national abortion law that he would support and negotiate with democrats essentially is Roe vs Wade returned is the issue.
Trump is not the final word

He will go along with what his supporters want to do
LOL. So, who do you vote for?

The last person I voted for was Ron Paul. After I saw what they did to him, I realized that there's no way a decent, honest person who genuinely cares about freedom, our founding principles, and people will EVER be allowed to get to the Oval Office. To get to the highest level, you got to be "in the club." But you can believe what you want. :dunno:
Trump is not the final word

He will go along with what his supporters want to do

Sure he will... Like he did with "lock her up!"

(watch it all the way through, the important part is at the very end)

The last person I voted for was Ron Paul. After I saw what they did to him, I realized that there's no way a decent, honest person who genuinely cares about freedom, our founding principles, and people will EVER be allowed to get to the Oval Office. To get to the highest level, you got to be "in the club." But you can believe what you want. :dunno:
2012? As a Republican? What do you believe "they" "did to him"?

I will admit I voted for Mitt Romney. 🫢
On that, I'll admit I was duped
Trump is not the final word

He will go along with what his supporters want to do
Up to a point. He will not go against his own sense of ethics in matters of government. There were some issues involving foreign policy that I'm sure most of us would have opposed had we been asked. But in almost all cases, Trump's instincts about what needed to be done were yielding good results.

But he does see his role as representing those who elected him and also those who did not. He worked for policy that benefitted pretty much everybody and not just the whims and ideology of a dogmatic faction. He is neither partisan nor ideologue which frustrated many. He is a problem solver who wants real beneficial results rather than just give lip service to things. And if that didn't fit with a person's ideology, so be it.

Ideology is not necessarily a bad thing. But when one becomes fixed and unyielding in it to the point it becomes counter productive, that is not something we should aspire to or defend.
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Not to cause any uproar, but Ms Gabbard would make a decent candidate. A good part of the voters could accept her easily.
Trump was the best President of modern times.

He is also an obnoxious New Yorker. We see a lot of them here in Florida.

However, he undid a lot of the damage done by Gay Barry, make progress toward making America great again, sealed the border, gave me a tax decrease and dispatched the Crooked Hillary witch so he gets my vote in the general election if he is on the ballot.

Of course none of this makes any difference because the Democrat filth have learned how easy it is steal elections by creating fraudulent ballots in Democrat controlled swing district. The fix is in and we have lost our Constitutional Republic. We couldn't keep it like Ben warned us about.

Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.
The last person I voted for was Ron Paul. After I saw what they did to him, I realized that there's no way a decent, honest person who genuinely cares about freedom, our founding principles, and people will EVER be allowed to get to the Oval Office. To get to the highest level, you got to be "in the club." But you can believe what you want. :dunno:
So, you don't vote but then bitch about who wins.
Biden doesn't care who he KILLS with his DEADLY open borders policies. My brother wasn't Jewish, but he's DEAD killed by Biden and Dem's flood of lawless illegals.
So sorry for your loss. I haven't lost anybody personally to illegals yet, but know people who have. And the administration turns a blind eye and deaf ear to the tragedy of brutal mistreatment and death of so many women and children migrants they continue to encourage to come here or the migrants who die trying to come here--more than 800 dead in the last 12 months alone.

And that doesn't count the Americans who are injured, robbed, assaulted, murdered by some very dangerous people among the migrants or the tens of thousands of Americans dying from illegal fentanyl they are bringing in. Or the massive resources the millions of new migrants are draining from Americans who need those resources each and every day, the crisis situations developing in many U.S. cities, the fear that thousands of Americans are enduring because the government will not enforce our laws.
RFK is pro-choice.

So, if abortion is an important topic for you, you should know that.

If society cannot protect the most innocent and vulnerable people within society, which are children, they are not worth their salt.

This extends to the groomers as well with their gender thingy.

Someone needs to stand up for them, even though it seems to be at times futile. After all, abortion is a billion-dollar industry, and most women have abortions for financial reasons. The love of money truly is the root of all evil.

And grooming children is a big money machine as well. These people will need medical care for the rest of their lives, injecting hormones, having to constantly alter their newly formed genitals, having constant counseling, etc., and all paid for by the state, a real economic boom to the medical establishment.

We all know that money controls politics.

Is he pro-choice or pro-abortion? There is a difference.
RFK is pro-choice.

So, if abortion is an important topic for you, you should know that.

If society cannot protect the most innocent and vulnerable people within society, which are children, they are not worth their salt.

This extends to the groomers as well with their gender thingy.

Someone needs to stand up for them, even though it seems to be at times futile. After all, abortion is a billion-dollar industry, and most women have abortions for financial reasons. The love of money truly is the root of all evil.

And grooming children is a big money machine as well. These people will need medical care for the rest of their lives, injecting hormones, having to constantly alter their newly formed genitals, having constant counseling, etc., and all paid for by the state, a real economic boom to the medical establishment.

We all know that money controls politics.

RFK needs to have a modicum of sanity before anyone will vote for him. It's always telling when the members of a candidate's own family are telling people he's crazy and please don't encourage his insanity by voting for him.

Wash rinse and repeat for Paul Gozar, and Donald J. Trump.
So sorry for your loss. I haven't lost anybody personally to illegals yet, but know people who have. And the administration turns a blind eye and deaf ear to the tragedy of brutal mistreatment and death of so many women and children migrants they continue to encourage to come here or the migrants who die trying to come here--more than 800 dead in the last 12 months alone.

And that doesn't count the Americans who are injured, robbed, assaulted, murdered by some very dangerous people among the migrants or the tens of thousands of Americans dying from illegal fentanyl they are bringing in. Or the massive resources the millions of new migrants are draining from Americans who need those resources each and every day, the crisis situations developing in many U.S. cities, the fear that thousands of Americans are enduring because the government will not enforce our laws.

His brother died of a fentynal OD Foxfyre. That has nothing to do with refugee claimants.

Then I woke up and voted for Trump and will never vote Democrat again as long as I live.

But, you would say I should just leave the Republican MAGA contingent floundering without my vote because of past sins.

It's not only a losing argument, it's a losing strategy.

Right outta the gate.

When someone has an epiphany and joins your team, you take the win.

You don't play the snobbish purist who is actually anything but.

How did you vote for both of them? They ran against each other in 2016.
I won't vote for him in the primary, but it's likely to come down to the choice of Biden or Trump.
In that scenario, there is no question, I will not hesitate to vote for Trump!!!
His brother died of a fentynal OD Foxfyre. That has nothing to do with refugee claimants.
While most of the illegal fentanyl comes through ports of entry and is undetected, most of those apprehended with illegal fentanyl--that would be a miniscule number of all doing it but involving hundreds of pounds--backpacked it across an open border with Mexico. The illegal fentanyl they don't apprehend--which is most of it--is killing tens of thousands of Americans every year.

An administration that gave a damn would have done as much as it could to address both problems by now.

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