I can't vote for Donald Trump

I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.


I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.

I'm likewise considering withdrawing my support for Trump.
RFK Jr. might be the most honest candidate running for President.
:yes_text12::TH_WAY~113: exactly,what NOBODY understands on here is that RFK is working with Trump to have him elected.he says untrue things like he is for abortion and stuff like that to get everybody to swing their vote from the dems to trump. how quickly everybody always forgets that the best president of the 20th century JFK was totally opposed to abortions being a catholic and all. does anybody on here seriously believe that RFK would dishonor his uncle and his father by being for abortion? how quickly everybody forgets that Trump was very good friends with JFK jr.

I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.

Sorry, that would be a sily reason not to vote for Trump if he is the nominee.....you would be a vote to put the democrats back in charge

I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.

I am voting for Desantis....if Trump wins the nomination, I am voting, happily, for Trump....any republican is better than the best democrat. Justices Thomas and Alito may very well die or retire in the next Presidential term.....and not voting for Trump would mean helping put a democrat President in charge of replacing them.....giving the court back to the left and spineless Justice Roberts. Not going to do that....

I will vote for any republican over the democrat.
:yes_text12::TH_WAY~113: exactly,what NOBODY understands on here is that RFK is working with Trump to have him elected.he says untrue things like he is for abortion and stuff like that to get everybody to swing their vote from the dems to trump. how quickly everybody always forgets that the best president of the 20th century JFK was totally opposed to abortions being a catholic and all. does anybody on here seriously believe that RFK would dishonor his uncle and his father by being for abortion? how quickly everybody forgets that Trump was very good friends with JFK jr.

Yeah...RFK jr. is for abortion.....

But his campaign subsequently said Kennedy did not mean to support any federal limits on abortion.

“Today, Mr. Kennedy misunderstood a question posed to him by a NBC reporter in a crowded, noisy exhibit hall at the Iowa State Fair,” his campaign said. “Mr. Kennedy’s position on abortion is that it is always the woman’s right to choose. He does not support legislation banning abortion.”

Trump is an oppurtunist.

He once asked Oprah to be his VP, and we all know what kind of person she is.

Trump also made fun of conservatives wanting to secure the border like Pat Buchanon.

This is an important video to watch.

Trump called Pat Buchanon Hitler and xenophobic, etc., for wanting to secure the border back in the 1990's when he wanted to run in the Reform Party.

He put 3 normal Justices on the court.......that is all I need to vote for him, considering what the democrats are doing to this country...just stopping them for 4 years is enough.
Roe was bad law. It should never have been a federal law. The states should have their own laws from the beginning.
Roe was never a law. It was never voted upon by congress or signed into law by a president. It was merely a court decision that bypassed congress and the president. That's why I was always against it.
He was building the wall, but more importantly, he kept the illegals in Mexico.
This is incorrect. He's talked about how he sealed the borders enough times that some people believe it, but remember this man is as pathological liar and will state as fact whatever he thinks is to his advantage regardless of whether it is actually true.

2019 was a huge year for arrests along the US border, a spike in numbers that surpassed any year of the Obama administration. However, got-aways is the better metric for who is stopping illegal crossers. From Cato (yeah, I know):

"Yet despite this supposed focus, the government records show that Border Patrol was observing more immigrants sneaking into the country than when President Trump took office. In fiscal year 2016, Border Patrol agents witnessed about 100,000 successful entries. By 2018, the number had risen to nearly 128,000. In 2019, it hit 150,000. Through four months of 2020, it was on pace to hit almost 156,000."

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Justices Thomas and Alito may very well die or retire in the next Presidential term.....and not voting for Trump would mean helping put a democrat President in charge of replacing them…

Look at the last two Democrapic picks for the Supreme Court. Obama picked Garland, who fortunately was not approved, and now, as AG, is clearly showing us what a corrupt asshole he is. And now Biden's one pick so far, a mentally-retarded bimbo who is openly sympathetic to pedophiles, and doesn't know what a woman is.

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