I can't vote for Donald Trump

Thank you. I think?
Well, I was just looking for a hint of comment for what my post was about. Interesting to know that rape in prisons has little to do with homosexuality and more about control. It’s the same as for women outside. This is why while male control over women's health is egregiously inappropriate. .
I went to jail for two days. I was put in protective custody but I was scared of this prison rape propaganda. I did some research to protect myself in case I ever ended up in jail again.
I look at things differently. I would avoid going to jail to begin with, for what ever reason. Its not propaganda in some populations.
I look at things differently. I would avoid going to jail to begin with, for what ever reason. Its not propaganda in some populations.
When I went to jail they gave me a pamphlet about this very subject. There are strict measures in place in my state to prevent rape among inmates.
“psychological projection”

I knew this had to have a term. My family talked about this a lot but we never knew what it was called. We always called it the “Katy Bland Syndrome”. We had a friend named, “Katy Bland” (not her real name). “Katy” dressed like a complete slut all the time but bombastically criticized women who dressed slutty. Then I started looking at other people’s tendency to accuse others of their own flaws. I knew I wasn’t the most brilliant psychologist to ever live so I figured this phenomenon was recognized somewhere in science. Now I have the real name for the “Katy Bland Syndrome”. This has been like a 15 year search for me and I found the answer here.
When I went to jail they gave me a pamphlet about this very subject. There are strict measures in place in my state to prevent rape among inmates.
That’s good to hear. But still, the Next ime they want to protect you by throwing you in the lock up, I’d ask what they are protecting you from. Personally I’d carry my CWP and ask if I could sleep armed.
Do you wish the same for pro-life women?
. because all women, have an honest stake in the outcome of pregnancy.

Men are completely out of touch with reality and have no say in the outcome of any pregnancy unless asked by the woman whose healthcare needs to be addressed. It’s a personal DECISION. Do you want all woman everywhere with a vote for only GOVERNMENT declaration to decide your options that you have no say over, in treating your ED or prostate cancer ? That seems ridiculous to me.
Nope, it’s women and your adolescent fantasies about them that breeds your stupid posts.

You're the one with the gay prison rape fantasies. We all know what it means that you openly expressed such a fantasy earlier in this thread. You might as well change your name to OP.

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That’s good to hear. But still, the Next ime they want to protect you by throwing you in the lock up, I’d ask what they are protecting you from. Personally I’d carry my CWP and ask if I could sleep armed.

I was a locally elected official branded by the local media as a racist. The jailers in processing thought that put me at a higher risk of danger than the average prisoner.
I was a locally elected official branded by the local media as a racist.

I've seen the news articles about you.

I do not remember seeing anything that suggested that you were racist.

The woman whom you were convicted of stalking and harassing, she's white, isn't she? What does racism have to do with any of it?

On further searching, I find that you were accused of posting something rather blatantly racist, but that doesn't seem to be related to the issues that resulted in you being tried and convicted of criminal behavior.

I've seen the news articles about you.

I do not remember seeing anything that suggested that you were racist.

The woman whom you were convicted of stalking and harassing, she's white, isn't she? What does racism have to do with any of it?

On further searching, I find that you were accused of posting something rather blatantly racist, but that doesn't seem to be related to the issues that resulted in you being tried and convicted of criminal behavior.

View attachment 861069

I don’t think the mods will like you talking about this. I don’t mind but I think they will start deleting stuff. If you want to discuss this we can but USMessageBoard admins aren’t going to allow it. I have over a hundred pounds literally of legal documents that I’d gladly share with anybody. I just don’t think this is the place. I don’t think the mods will like you talking about this.
I've seen the news articles about you.

I do not remember seeing anything that suggested that you were racist.

The woman whom you were convicted of stalking and harassing, she's white, isn't she? What does racism have to do with any of it?

On further searching, I find that you were accused of posting something rather blatantly racist, but that doesn't seem to be related to the issues that resulted in you being tried and convicted of criminal behavior.

View attachment 861069
It’s a fascinating story. I’d be glad to share.
It’s a fascinating story. I’d be glad to share.

I wouldn't call it fascinating. It does indicate that in real life, you're even creepier than you come across as being in this forum.

On this forum, you come across as someone who is mentally and socially a bit unstable, but not really as the sort that would engage in the kind of behavior that you've apparently been engaging in in real life.
Assuming I get the chance to do so, will be happy to vote for Trump.

If for any reason Trump is unable to proceed, however, I wouldn’t have a great deal of trouble voting for DeSantis, instead.

It is not exactly enlightening to read that Trump has said stupid stuff. He has. But, I can’t think of any candidate who hasn’t.

Also, I don’t assume that I would agree with any given candidate on every position (unless I were that candidate and I have zero plan to ever run for office). But, in considering the thrust of what Trump has said and done, before, I am willing to take my chance with him this time.

One key matter is going to be who he picks as his running mate. If he ever did have to vacate office, I don’t want some mealy mouthed running mill typical “go along to get along” Republican Party hack to take over.

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