I can't vote for Donald Trump

I could possibly vote for Haley, if she came around to supporting a natl law codifing a right to abortion up too .... 12 weeks? I said I'd never vote for a natl office goper until Dobbs was DEAD, but ... compromise is the way Americans have gotten along, with only one civil war.

And imo Haley could compromise for a balanced budget.
There should never be a national law regarding abortion as it would be unconstitutional for the feds to exercise control over a state issue.
So do the other republicans running.

Do you think they wouldn't say the same thing about some of the other republicans if Trump wasn't 50 points ahead?
Nope. They aren't concerned about any of the others, Rep. or Dem. Trump has the track record of telling them no, and will continue to tell them no. He is the only one they can't bribe. Unlike Biden, needed to sell classifieds for millions, Trump already has millions.
He really is the only thing standing in the way of the 2030 takeover. He is big on the dollar. They are big on the voucher that controls every move you make. Choose to keep our country free for a little while longer...
While most of the illegal fentanyl comes through ports of entry and is undetected, most of those apprehended with illegal fentanyl--that would be a miniscule number of all doing it but involving hundreds of pounds--backpacked it across an open border with Mexico. The illegal fentanyl they don't apprehend--which is most of it--is killing tens of thousands of Americans every year.

An administration that gave a damn would have done as much as it could to address both problems by now.

But yet they're doing nothing to stop the Chinese from supplying the Mexicans with ingredients. Not now or in under past Presidents.

Not to mention the closed border did NOTHING to stop the flow of Fentynal into the USA. The deaths continued unabated and even increased when Trump had supposedly closed the border.
Votto said: I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

What you will be voting for since you don't like orange:

So sorry for your loss. I haven't lost anybody personally to illegals yet, but know people who have. And the administration turns a blind eye and deaf ear to the tragedy of brutal mistreatment and death of so many women and children migrants they continue to encourage to come here or the migrants who die trying to come here--more than 800 dead in the last 12 months alone.

And that doesn't count the Americans who are injured, robbed, assaulted, murdered by some very dangerous people among the migrants or the tens of thousands of Americans dying from illegal fentanyl they are bringing in. Or the massive resources the millions of new migrants are draining from Americans who need those resources each and every day, the crisis situations developing in many U.S. cities, the fear that thousands of Americans are enduring because the government will not enforce our laws.
In a just society these politicians would be in prison for what they have done.
But yet they're doing nothing to stop the Chinese from supplying the Mexicans with ingredients. Not now or in under past Presidents.

Not to mention the closed border did NOTHING to stop the flow of Fentynal into the USA. The deaths continued unabated and even increased when Trump had supposedly closed the border.

Remember that the Democrats refused to give Trump any money to use to close the border so he did the best he could with what he had to work with. If he was President now I'm pretty sure he would have cut a deal with Mexico to stop it from their end or else. Just as he got Mexico to put 25,000+ of their military on their southern border to stop the migrants from coming north.

Fentanyl deaths by year. More than 100,000 in 2022 and will almost certainly be more in 2023. Source Statista.com
Remember that the Democrats refused to give Trump any money to use to close the border so he did the best he could with what he had to work with. If he was President now I'm pretty sure he would have cut a deal with Mexico to stop it from their end or else. Just as he got Mexico to put 25,000+ of their military on their southern border to stop the migrants from coming north.

Fentanyl deaths by year. More than 100,000 in 2022 and will almost certainly be more in 2023. Source Statista.com
So fentanyl deaths TRIPLED under Obama Biden
So fentanyl deaths TRIPLED under Obama Biden
In fairness they did increase under Trump, especially in 2020 when all government resources were redirected to deal with the pandemic. We would need a great deal of sleuthing to determine if that was to hurt Trump by China and/or Mexico or some other or was just a coincidental escalation of illegal fentanyl in general. But deaths have taken a HUGE jump under Biden who is doing little or nothing to stop it and only recently has even acknowledged it.
In fairness they did increase under Trump, especially in 2020 when all government resources were redirected to deal with the pandemic. We would need a great deal of sleuthing to determine if that was to hurt Trump by China and/or Mexico or some other or was just a coincidental escalation of illegal fentanyl in general. But deaths have taken a HUGE jump under Biden who is doing little or nothing to stop it and only recently has even acknowledged it.
Covid is over. And you said 2022 deaths are 100,000. Biden has no excuse for these numbers except at best, incompetents
Covid is over. And you said 2022 deaths will be 100,000. Because den has no excuse for these numbers except at best, incompetents
Covid wasn't over in 2020 and the huge lion's share of the increase in the debt in the Trump administration was to deal with it while much of the country was completely shut down. And the border was far less of a priority than to make sure Americans had cash for food, shelter, etc. A lot of that money was wasted of course due to Pelosi's agenda to not let a crisis go to waste so to get money for Americans, Trump had to agree to a lot of wasteful, mostly useless projects/pork demanded by the Democrats. Meanwhile there were fewer resources for the border and I am sure that accounts for the jump in fentanyl deaths that year.

But what I said is that 2022 deaths exceeded 100,000 and deaths this year are on course to be much higher.
Remember that the Democrats refused to give Trump any money to use to close the border so he did the best he could with what he had to work with. If he was President now I'm pretty sure he would have cut a deal with Mexico to stop it from their end or else. Just as he got Mexico to put 25,000+ of their military on their southern border to stop the migrants from coming north.

Fentanyl deaths by year. More than 100,000 in 2022 and will almost certainly be more in 2023. Source Statista.com

It actually went up more in 2020 - when Trump closed the border, than it went up in 2021. Drug and alcohol abuse both increased during the lockdowns. Bored people with little to do.

People asked why liquor stores were declared "essential services". Because they didn't need a bunch of detoxxing alcoholics showing up at hospital, that's why.

Covid is over. And you said 2022 deaths are 100,000. Biden has no excuse for these numbers except at best, incompetents

The deaths are in red states with low vaccination rates. And once again, the death rate is "only in America". Other countries aren't still experiencing this level of covid or of deaths.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?
Maybe because many women don't even suspect they are pregnant until well into their 4th or 5th week.

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?
Because RvW was unconstitutional. Nothing was overturned, the decision was simply moved back to the local state governments nearest the people to decide.

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.
You think TRUMP is an idiot, so you are going to give your vote to the flaming asshole Biden and all he's done these past three years? Then you deserve him. But the rest of us do NOT.

I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.

Sorry if this has been asked already, but you'd vote for Biden over Trump?
Actually, a super majority of Americans are opposed to abortions after the first trimester. Even people who call themselves "pro-choice".

Roe v. Wade allowed for abortions on demand through the second trimester, so pro-choice people who are against second trimester abortions are actually opposed to Roe v. Wade and probably don't even know that.
It "allowed" for abortions up until the moment of birth.
Up to a point. He will not go against his own sense of ethics in matters of government. There were some issues involving foreign policy that I'm sure most of us would have opposed had we been asked. But in almost all cases, Trump's instincts about what needed to be done were yielding good results.

But he does see his role as representing those who elected him and also those who did not. He worked for policy that benefitted pretty much everybody and not just the whims and ideology of a dogmatic faction. He is neither partisan nor ideologue which frustrated many. He is a problem solver who wants real beneficial results rather than just give lip service to things. And if that didn't fit with a person's ideology, so be it.

Ideology is not necessarily a bad thing. But when one becomes fixed and unyielding in it to the point it becomes counter productive, that is not something we should aspire to or defend.
Trump will have to compromise with his base before seeking a compromise with the libs

Libs want him to dictate to his supporters and that is not going to happen
It actually went up more in 2020 - when Trump closed the border, than it went up in 2021. Drug and alcohol abuse both increased during the lockdowns. Bored people with little to do.

People asked why liquor stores were declared "essential services". Because they didn't need a bunch of detoxxing alcoholics showing up at hospital, that's why.

The deaths are in red states with low vaccination rates. And once again, the death rate is "only in America". Other countries aren't still experiencing this level of covid or of deaths.

If it makes you happy to believe that DL power to you. Bless your heart.
Trump will have to compromise with his base before seeking a compromise with the libs

Libs want him to dictate to his supporters and that is not going to happen
Trump is not a dictator. He is a negotiator. And negotiation by definition requires some compromise. That's something some Patriots can't seem to get through their heads and they condemn him for it. And the left/Democrats WANT authoritarian government in every aspect of life so long as it doesn't prevent them from doing what they want to do.

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