I can’t wait until the general election. The debates are going to be out of this world.

I get the feeling that President Trump isn't going to do debates hosted by CNN, or MSNBC, etc. Something just tells me he's going to tell them to go pound sand.
Yeah, the old guy would absolutely suck at trying to debate anyone. He's only capable of doing his rambling ME ME ME soliloquies.

I could see Trump ducking the debates

Not like he is going to win anyone over
I get the feeling that President Trump isn't going to do debates hosted by CNN, or MSNBC, etc. Something just tells me he's going to tell them to go pound sand.
Yeah, the old guy would absolutely suck at trying to debate anyone. He's only capable of doing his rambling ME ME ME soliloquies.
Lol! How soon we forget past losings.

View attachment 261241
Only 4 of 10 people approve of the horse's ass. Given a better option, even a lot of them would probably rather get rid of the clown. Anything he has done, like Paul Ryan's tax cuts, that are straight conservative ideals, came from the Republican Party, not Trump. His ideas have been half assed and routinely kicked out by the courts or voted down by his own party.
Are you autistic ? Or do you believe what you just wrote
It's true.
Vladimir Putin


Tax Evasion

North Korea


Healthcare and pre-existing conditions

Tax cuts for billionaires



Good jobs

Racism And white supremacists

Hate speech

Babies in cages and teargassing children

Torturers and rapists get 10 years but doctors get life

NATO being destroyed.

Iran starting its nuclear program back up

Every one of these subjects will be part of the debates. I can’t wait to hear how Trump tries to spin this sh!t.

If the Democratic candidate can’t work with this much material, then they deserve to lose.

I think the key issues will be immigration, healthcare and abortion

Have to see if the Democrats can generate the turn out they did in 2018

If they do, Republicans at all levels are doomed

If Democrats continue to tilt socialist, they will lose. And if they lose, the US might not recover.
I get the feeling that President Trump isn't going to do debates hosted by CNN, or MSNBC, etc. Something just tells me he's going to tell them to go pound sand.
Yeah, the old guy would absolutely suck at trying to debate anyone. He's only capable of doing his rambling ME ME ME soliloquies.
Lol! How soon we forget past losings.

View attachment 261241
Only 4 of 10 people approve of the horse's ass. Given a better option, even a lot of them would probably rather get rid of the clown. Anything he has done, like Paul Ryan's tax cuts, that are straight conservative ideals, came from the Republican Party, not Trump. His ideas have been half assed and routinely kicked out by the courts or voted down by his own party.
Are you autistic ? Or do you believe what you just wrote
It's true.
Take your meds.. many a family member will call you lol
Yeah, the old guy would absolutely suck at trying to debate anyone. He's only capable of doing his rambling ME ME ME soliloquies.
Lol! How soon we forget past losings.

View attachment 261241
Only 4 of 10 people approve of the horse's ass. Given a better option, even a lot of them would probably rather get rid of the clown. Anything he has done, like Paul Ryan's tax cuts, that are straight conservative ideals, came from the Republican Party, not Trump. His ideas have been half assed and routinely kicked out by the courts or voted down by his own party.
Aww bullcrap, you're strictly fed by media crap polls that have been lying to you for decades. Open wide, swallow it whole!
Convenient when you can just say "fake news" to any polling you don't like. The polls said Hillary was more popular, and guess what--she was.
But I never said fake news, why do you parrots all lie?
Some of us are such good readers that you don't have to use those exact words to mean the same thing. Which you did and I'm not wasting my time arguing with you about it.
I get the feeling that President Trump isn't going to do debates hosted by CNN, or MSNBC, etc. Something just tells me he's going to tell them to go pound sand.
Yeah, the old guy would absolutely suck at trying to debate anyone. He's only capable of doing his rambling ME ME ME soliloquies.
Lol! How soon we forget past losings.

View attachment 261241
Imagine if the media is so amazed that a TV star is running, they give him billions in free air time.

Trump's $4.6 billion in free media

Donald trump rode $5 billion in free media to the white house

With that much free media, a TOASTER could win.
Since Clinton has not even achieved toaster status, how could she loose to that bumpkin Trump who had the support of all the media, the FBI, the Russians, and you name it? How? lol!
It's easy when you are all they show on TV. I retired a few months before the election. And for the first time in my life, I got to watch a presidential campaign up close.

If Trump gave four speeches in four days in four different cities, they played all four speeches from beginning to end. But most of the time when they played Hillary, it was just a clip and it was nearly always about Trump.

I was writing right here, between bans, that I thought Trump would win because that's all you saw on TV.

Remember the Infomercial Scottish Golf Course reporting? An hour of following Trump at his golf course. Played by Fox, CNN, MSNBC and just about everywhere else.

Then there was the Trump infomercial at his DC Hotel that lasted an hour and a half where Trump wondered around his hotel pointing out the good stuff where he ended with this statement:

Like I said, with daily coverage that lasted all day, a toaster could have won. You can buy a LOT of air time with five billion dollars.

Like I said, with that much coverage, a toaster could win.
Vladimir Putin


Tax Evasion

North Korea


Healthcare and pre-existing conditions

Tax cuts for billionaires



Good jobs

Racism And white supremacists

Hate speech

Babies in cages and teargassing children

Torturers and rapists get 10 years but doctors get life

NATO being destroyed.

Iran starting its nuclear program back up

Every one of these subjects will be part of the debates. I can’t wait to hear how Trump tries to spin this sh!t.

If the Democratic candidate can’t work with this much material, then they deserve to lose.

I think the key issues will be immigration, healthcare and abortion

Have to see if the Democrats can generate the turn out they did in 2018

If they do, Republicans at all levels are doomed

If Democrats continue to tilt socialist, they will lose. And if they lose, the US might not recover.
Dems will shift towards the middle
They always do
The debates are all about format, who the moderator is, and what s/he lets them get away with.

Unfortunately, they are run by news outlets that want to maximize viewership, so they are not really looking for content, but rather entertainment value.

Astute people watching the "debates" of prior elections can only walk away pissed off that the candidates were able to avoid answering questions, answer questions that were not asked, and to go off bloviating about irrelevancies.

Honestly, it's less painful to just watch YouTube during the debates and read about it in the WSJ the next morning.
I get the feeling that President Trump isn't going to do debates hosted by CNN, or MSNBC, etc. Something just tells me he's going to tell them to go pound sand.
Yeah, the old guy would absolutely suck at trying to debate anyone. He's only capable of doing his rambling ME ME ME soliloquies.
Lol! How soon we forget past losings.

View attachment 261241
Imagine if the media is so amazed that a TV star is running, they give him billions in free air time.

Trump's $4.6 billion in free media

Donald trump rode $5 billion in free media to the white house

With that much free media, a TOASTER could win.
Since Clinton has not even achieved toaster status, how could she loose to that bumpkin Trump who had the support of all the media, the FBI, the Russians, and you name it? How? lol!
It's easy when you are all they show on TV. I retired a few months before the election. And for the first time in my life, I got to watch a presidential campaign up close.

If Trump gave four speeches in four days in four different cities, they played all four speeches from beginning to end. But most of the time when they played Hillary, it was just a clip and it was nearly always about Trump.

I was writing right here, between bans, that I thought Trump would win because that's all you saw on TV.

Remember the Infomercial Scottish Golf Course reporting? An hour of following Trump at his golf course. Played by Fox, CNN, MSNBC and just about everywhere else.

Then there was the Trump infomercial at his DC Hotel that lasted an hour and a half where Trump wondered around his hotel pointing out the good stuff where he ended with this statement:

Like I said, with daily coverage that lasted all day, a toaster could have won. You can buy a LOT of air time with five billion dollars.

Like I said, with that much coverage, a toaster could win.

Judy Woodruff admitted during the campaign that she was conflicted about that--everyone, even PBS, wanted the ratings, yet she knew that by covering every Trump sighting and rumbling, they were giving him free coverage.
Well, I don't necessarily believe that either. I think when it comes to Trump, you either like him or you don't, there really isn't any middle, and the people that voted for him before, are going to do so again, and I believe he's also picked up support since then. People are better off, they see the country is better off, regardless of what the unhinged leftists say.
Your bubble seems pretty claustrophobic

Obviously you have no response.

Do you folks always live in make believe?

In order to deal with and talk to liberals there is no other realm.

Another MORON who thinks I'm a leftist lol.

You've been here SIX YEARS and you still don't understand my political positions. Sad

Six months actually....
And yes I'm still getting around
I'll take your word for it
Spent the last six years over at PJ

The debates are all about format, who the moderator is, and what s/he lets them get away with.

Unfortunately, they are run by news outlets that want to maximize viewership, so they are not really looking for content, but rather entertainment value.

Astute people watching the "debates" of prior elections can only walk away pissed off that the candidates were able to avoid answering questions, answer questions that were not asked, and to go off bloviating about irrelevancies.

Honestly, it's less painful to just watch YouTube during the debates and read about it in the WSJ the next morning.
The only thing painful about the debates was the stupid number of Republicans in the debates for the nomination. Everyone got three minutes to set forth their stance on a complex issue; it might as well not happened at all. It did give face recognition to some of them, I guess.
The ones with Trump and Hillary went okay, I thought, although the only winner I recall was Chuck Wallace, moderator of debate #3, who did a spectacular job.
Vladimir Putin


Tax Evasion

North Korea


Healthcare and pre-existing conditions

Tax cuts for billionaires



Good jobs

Racism And white supremacists

Hate speech

Babies in cages and teargassing children

Torturers and rapists get 10 years but doctors get life

NATO being destroyed.

Iran starting its nuclear program back up

Every one of these subjects will be part of the debates. I can’t wait to hear how Trump tries to spin this sh!t.

If the Democratic candidate can’t work with this much material, then they deserve to lose.

I think the key issues will be immigration, healthcare and abortion

Have to see if the Democrats can generate the turn out they did in 2018

If they do, Republicans at all levels are doomed

If Democrats continue to tilt socialist, they will lose. And if they lose, the US might not recover.
Dems will shift towards the middle
They always do
I’ve never been able to figure out what that means. Healthcare is radical?. Health care for children is radical? Education is radical? Protecting the environment is radical? Voter protections is radical? Following the constitution is radical? See what I mean?
Vladimir Putin


Tax Evasion

North Korea


Healthcare and pre-existing conditions

Tax cuts for billionaires



Good jobs

Racism And white supremacists

Hate speech

Babies in cages and teargassing children

Torturers and rapists get 10 years but doctors get life

NATO being destroyed.

Iran starting its nuclear program back up

Every one of these subjects will be part of the debates. I can’t wait to hear how Trump tries to spin this sh!t.

If the Democratic candidate can’t work with this much material, then they deserve to lose.

I think the key issues will be immigration, healthcare and abortion

Have to see if the Democrats can generate the turn out they did in 2018

If they do, Republicans at all levels are doomed

If Democrats continue to tilt socialist, they will lose. And if they lose, the US might not recover.
Dems will shift towards the middle
They always do
I’ve never been able to figure out what that means. Healthcare is radical?. Health care for children is radical? Education is radical? Protecting the environment is radical? Voter protections is radical? Following the constitution is radical? See what I mean?

See what I mean?
If Democrats continue to tilt socialist, they will lose. And if they lose, the US might not recover.
Dems will shift towards the middle
They always do

I don't think Democrats learned anything from 2016. They're doubling down on the kind of intrusive, "we know better" government that is alienating middle America.
Intrusive? You want to force women to have unwanted babies and you’re saying that it’s the Democrats who are intrusive?
How exactly does that work?
I don't think Democrats learned anything from 2016. They're doubling down on the kind of intrusive, "we know better" government that is alienating middle America.
Intrusive? You want to force women to have unwanted babies and you’re saying that it’s the Democrats who are intrusive?

No. Your stereotypes fail you again.
If Democrats continue to tilt socialist, they will lose. And if they lose, the US might not recover.
Dems will shift towards the middle
They always do

I don't think Democrats learned anything from 2016. They're doubling down on the kind of intrusive, "we know better" government that is alienating middle America.
With 25 candidates, everyone is looking for an issue that makes them stand out
As those candidates drop out, so will their radical issue
Vladimir Putin


Tax Evasion

North Korea


Healthcare and pre-existing conditions

Tax cuts for billionaires



Good jobs

Racism And white supremacists

Hate speech

Babies in cages and teargassing children

Torturers and rapists get 10 years but doctors get life

NATO being destroyed.

Iran starting its nuclear program back up

Every one of these subjects will be part of the debates. I can’t wait to hear how Trump tries to spin this sh!t.

If the Democratic candidate can’t work with this much material, then they deserve to lose.

I think the key issues will be immigration, healthcare and abortion

Have to see if the Democrats can generate the turn out they did in 2018

If they do, Republicans at all levels are doomed

If Democrats continue to tilt socialist, they will lose. And if they lose, the US might not recover.
Dems will shift towards the middle
They always do
I’ve never been able to figure out what that means. Healthcare is radical?. Health care for children is radical? Education is radical? Protecting the environment is radical? Voter protections is radical? Following the constitution is radical? See what I mean?
All are popular with the public

Republicans have shown their hand on Healthcare, Abortion, Immigration, Environment

They will have to answer in 2020

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