I cell phone is not a necessity then why do they get them free when your on welfare

That is the last straw!

Why should I pay for Internet service for the poor?
Let them pay for their own porn


They should pay for their car
oh wait a minute, some states already do

Free cars for poor

The Patrick administration decided last month to funnel an additional $30,000 to the nearly $400,000 annual car ownership program.

The program, which is provided by the State Department of Transitional Assistance, gives out about 65 cars a year

The state pays for the car’s insurance, inspection, excise tax, title, registration, repairs and a AAA membership for one year at a total cost of roughly $6,000 per car.

I bet it is an Escalade

Why would it matter what kind of car?
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That is the very reason we should not have welfare programs. If some people abuse it, we should make all pay. That is the only way they will learn.
Make the poor people suffer and they will go out and get jobs. The more we make them suffer, the better jobs they will get

so in other words....just ignore the abusers....right?....

This country loses more money from tax abusers than welfare abusers. Do we just ignore tax abusers?

do you have stats on that one?
What qualifies as a tax abuser?

They should pay for their car
oh wait a minute, some states already do

Free cars for poor

The Patrick administration decided last month to funnel an additional $30,000 to the nearly $400,000 annual car ownership program.

The program, which is provided by the State Department of Transitional Assistance, gives out about 65 cars a year

The state pays for the car’s insurance, inspection, excise tax, title, registration, repairs and a AAA membership for one year at a total cost of roughly $6,000 per car.

I bet it is an Escalade

Why would it matter what kind of car?

Because the poor only drive Escalades
so in other words....just ignore the abusers....right?....

This country loses more money from tax abusers than welfare abusers. Do we just ignore tax abusers?

do you have stats on that one?
What qualifies as a tax abuser?

How many people file taxes vs how many people are on welfare?
How much money is funneled through IRS vs the welfare system?

Billionaires skim more off of taxes than a welfare queen could ever dream of. Only difference is they have million dollar lawyers protecting them
Great deal for the country, and costs almost nothing- Fox/Rush/Pubbots!! LOL

Try complaining about Cell and internet rate thievery...
This country loses more money from tax abusers than welfare abusers. Do we just ignore tax abusers?

do you have stats on that one?
What qualifies as a tax abuser?

How many people file taxes vs how many people are on welfare?
How much money is funneled through IRS vs the welfare system?

Billionaires skim more off of taxes than a welfare queen could ever dream of. Only difference is they have million dollar lawyers protecting them

So, loon, support a simple flat system with no loopholes, deductions, etc... so that there is nothing that you would consider 'skimming'.... and still go after any welfare abuser til we can get things done to eliminate entitlements from government all together
Lets see your Fact check from the left leaning site
is from 2009 and might need an update or you need some better
crazy left wing web sites

US News (no doubt part of the right wing cabal)

Feb 8, 2012

FCC Wants $25 Million for Cell Phone Subsidy Program 'Fraught with Fraud'

A decades-old FCC program, one the government concedes is easy to cheat, wants $25 million in funding for a new initiative to provide low-income families with free broadband Internet access—and the funds will come from your cell phone bill.

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

That is the last straw!

Why should I pay for Internet service for the poor?
Let them pay for their own porn


They should pay for their car
oh wait a minute, some states already do

Free cars for poor

The Patrick administration decided last month to funnel an additional $30,000 to the nearly $400,000 annual car ownership program.

The program, which is provided by the State Department of Transitional Assistance, gives out about 65 cars a year

The state pays for the car’s insurance, inspection, excise tax, title, registration, repairs and a AAA membership for one year at a total cost of roughly $6,000 per car.

All that and a freakin' triple-A membership! Yeah, fukin' "poor" people...cry me a river. I'm willing to send some of these "poor" people on a nice one-way flight to say, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, or why not Afghanistan? Then let them see how many freebies they get. Of course, they'll have to learn how to make a living in order to earn their air fare back...or not.
That is the very reason we should not have welfare programs. If some people abuse it, we should make all pay. That is the only way they will learn.
Make the poor people suffer and they will go out and get jobs. The more we make them suffer, the better jobs they will get

so in other words....just ignore the abusers....right?....

This country loses more money from tax abusers than welfare abusers. Do we just ignore tax abusers?

We've tried not to ignore them, but they keep getting appointed to high government positions.
well compared to poor elsewhere yea the US poor seem to have all those things....now let me ask you a question RW.....what is your opinion of those "poor" people who take advantage of other peoples generosity and abuse the fuck out of what they are getting?.....do you make excuses for them or are you in favor of telling them they are on their own....and dont tell me they dont exist,or they are very rare.....they exist,and there are more out there then most people know.....some have been doing it for years and look at it like a job....

That is the very reason we should not have welfare programs. If some people abuse it, we should make all pay. That is the only way they will learn.
Make the poor people suffer and they will go out and get jobs. The more we make them suffer, the better jobs they will get

Three generations on welfare which is no than a "sugar coated" slavery
Tell you how to live, give you your food, shelter - tries to kill the individual spirit
What we do know for sure, the left's system is not working

These poor people become dependent on the Democrats for survival and the Democrats on them for votes. This is the true suffering

Nothing more than a modern day version of "bread and circuses" (panem et circenses)
for the people

A symbiotic relationship between two parasites that live off the host body comprised of people who work for a living. Eventually the parasites kill the host.
We will always have the poor among us said Jesus and he told us to help them. All poor people are not lazy and not working. The new poor since Bush is what used to be middle class. 14 million people are unemployed for no reason of their own. Million of children are homeless. etc.
Many cannot afford a home phone and it save life in case of emergencies. There has always been freebies since the beginning. Adam and Eve received freebies until they disobeyed GOD then they become independent and has to work for a living. Still GOD aranged for the poor to be taken care of by the haves. Muslims do not complain and don't have to be forced to take care of their poor. They give freely and when there is a need people are given freely.
we are a group of greedy selfish people. We got 200 years of free labor off the backs of slave and still don't want to give them a few food stamps? They did not even inherit the 40 acres and a mule that was promised them. You know where I am going so no need to expand on it.
That is the very reason we should not have welfare programs. If some people abuse it, we should make all pay. That is the only way they will learn.
Make the poor people suffer and they will go out and get jobs. The more we make them suffer, the better jobs they will get

Three generations on welfare which is no than a "sugar coated" slavery
Tell you how to live, give you your food, shelter - tries to kill the individual spirit
What we do know for sure, the left's system is not working

These poor people become dependent on the Democrats for survival and the Democrats on them for votes. This is the true suffering

Nothing more than a modern day version of "bread and circuses" (panem et circenses)
for the people

A symbiotic relationship between two parasites that live off the host body comprised of people who work for a living. Eventually the parasites kill the host.

Have not happened in the 6 thousand years of giving to the poor by the wealthy. How did the host make his money if not off the parasites? No one chose to be poor and no one lives of welfare and food stamps. It is mere existence.
Most people on food stamps and subsidies or working.

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