I Completed My Tests Today

Math annoys me, too. It's actually my worst subject. If I could, I'd go back in time to meet whoever added all of this filler to school, and hit him with my mother's purse(I think she keeps a spare vehicle in there, I don't even know.). Then again, I could blame this stuff on college level work, since what I'm doing now is preparing me for it, maybe I should hit that guy with my mother's purse instead? I don't know, someone needs to get hit with my mother's purse... specifically.
Any ideas what major you'll choose in college?
Probably graphic design or Video Game development, and Business Management. I've already practiced some computer art and a little bit of coding. I have a short demonstration of what my practice has achieved if you'd like me to PM it to you.
I am a graphic designer. I didn't go to school for it but I taught myself everything and get better by the day. I would love to go to school for it. The possibilities are endless!
Do you enjoy your job? Do you have much say in what you do with your skills? I'm curious about whatever details you are willing to share about your job.
I love it. Yeah, I would say so. They give me an idea and a lot of times, they let me do what I want. I send them a file and if they like it, I make it. A lot of people just put their faith in you.
I always wondered who did the Hello Kitty website...
Any ideas what major you'll choose in college?
Probably graphic design or Video Game development, and Business Management. I've already practiced some computer art and a little bit of coding. I have a short demonstration of what my practice has achieved if you'd like me to PM it to you.
I am a graphic designer. I didn't go to school for it but I taught myself everything and get better by the day. I would love to go to school for it. The possibilities are endless!
Do you enjoy your job? Do you have much say in what you do with your skills? I'm curious about whatever details you are willing to share about your job.
I love it. Yeah, I would say so. They give me an idea and a lot of times, they let me do what I want. I send them a file and if they like it, I make it. A lot of people just put their faith in you.
I always wondered who did the Hello Kitty website...
I don't do websites and such. I do signs, license plates, banners stuff like that. I can take a family picture and do anything with it. I can even make custom drapes. You want that 1500$ set of drapes at bath and beyond? Holler at me. Ill do it for 30 bucks :D lol
After this thread, I just can't help shipping Pogo and Alex. together. You guys should be true to your feelings~<3
I L-U-V-S Pooky Pogo, his voice gets shrilly and he squeals when he gets pwn'd as I have done to him many times.

More on point to your OP, I am a Professor, in addition to others things in RL, I admire those who takes pride in their school work and strives to be better than they were yesterday as you have done in this battery of tests!:thup:
Math annoys me, too. It's actually my worst subject. If I could, I'd go back in time to meet whoever added all of this filler to school, and hit him with my mother's purse(I think she keeps a spare vehicle in there, I don't even know.). Then again, I could blame this stuff on college level work, since what I'm doing now is preparing me for it, maybe I should hit that guy with my mother's purse instead? I don't know, someone needs to get hit with my mother's purse... specifically.
Any ideas what major you'll choose in college?
Probably graphic design or Video Game development, and Business Management. I've already practiced some computer art and a little bit of coding. I have a short demonstration of what my practice has achieved if you'd like me to PM it to you.
I am a graphic designer. I didn't go to school for it but I taught myself everything and get better by the day. I would love to go to school for it. The possibilities are endless!
Do you enjoy your job? Do you have much say in what you do with your skills? I'm curious about whatever details you are willing to share about your job.
I love it. Yeah, I would say so. They give me an idea and a lot of times, they let me do what I want. I send them a file and if they like it, I make it. A lot of people just put their faith in you.
That actually sounds significantly neater than I expected. I had thought that one would just be told what to make, and then one remakes it until it's exactly what they want.
that explains so much....

what are you, 15?

Yes, she is. What about it?
Because a child shouldn't pretend to know more than the grown ups.

Unlike like yourself, PR doesn't have to pretend to be smart. :lol:

that's kind of funny given that she and you aren't particularly smart at all. but i expect nothing less from trumpsters. :cuckoo:

she's a child...she can still learn. you, however, are hopeless.

Sometimes children know more than their elders... I know you know everything, walk on water, and can save the world with one word, but us mere mortals learn from each other and are not as great as the divine individual you believe you are!

she doesn't appear to know more than anyone.

and she's nasty to boot.... my only point was that her posts are childish and ignorant. her age just confirmed what i knew.
Any ideas what major you'll choose in college?
Probably graphic design or Video Game development, and Business Management. I've already practiced some computer art and a little bit of coding. I have a short demonstration of what my practice has achieved if you'd like me to PM it to you.
I am a graphic designer. I didn't go to school for it but I taught myself everything and get better by the day. I would love to go to school for it. The possibilities are endless!
Do you enjoy your job? Do you have much say in what you do with your skills? I'm curious about whatever details you are willing to share about your job.
I love it. Yeah, I would say so. They give me an idea and a lot of times, they let me do what I want. I send them a file and if they like it, I make it. A lot of people just put their faith in you.
That actually sounds significantly neater than I expected. I had thought that one would just be told what to make, and then one remakes it until it's exactly what they want.
Some people are like that. The thing about my business is, a lot of people don't really know what they want. They might know a "central theme" or something but that's it.
Good job! But don't let the Liberals know you only made a 97% in math. Although they don't know what math is, they will try to shame you.

Why do you take my fun away!

I was going to give her a hard time over that 97% and ask her if she was Chinese and if so 97% is a failing grade...:ack-1:

However the only one I was truly worried about was my math exam. I worried a bit more when the proctor didn't allow me to bring any notes into the exam room.

However, I'm pleased to announce that I got a perfect score on all of my tests, except math, which I got a 97 on.

Of course, I plan to do even better on my next math test, but this is fine for now, I think.

The few questions you got wrong are most likely something you knew and just brain farted at the moment... Still be proud and remember being perfect is soooo boring!:scared1:
The ones I got wrong were a set of simplification questions, worth 1.5 each, which I ended up missing a step on. The most disappointing part of that is that I properly worked the two before them. I forget which step I missed, but I'll just have to remember studying simplification harder next time. I had a reminder in my notes, and that would have allowed me to get a perfect score, but I was allowed to bring my notes, and wasn't informed ahead of time that their policy on notes had changed. Still, I suppose I should have asked beforehand.

Thank you~

My proverbial hat is off to you. Personally math makes my brain hurt. But next time I need the proportional dimensions for a scaled rhombus -- you're hired. :)
Math annoys me, too. It's actually my worst subject. If I could, I'd go back in time to meet whoever added all of this filler to school, and hit him with my mother's purse(I think she keeps a spare vehicle in there, I don't even know.). Then again, I could blame this stuff on college level work, since what I'm doing now is preparing me for it, maybe I should hit that guy with my mother's purse instead? I don't know, someone needs to get hit with my mother's purse... specifically.

Rue the day when Satan put the alphabet into math!!!!

See that? For me that's the only part that makes sense. Al-gebra is the easiest math.

I like letters over numbers. WAY more sensual.
Probably graphic design or Video Game development, and Business Management. I've already practiced some computer art and a little bit of coding. I have a short demonstration of what my practice has achieved if you'd like me to PM it to you.
I am a graphic designer. I didn't go to school for it but I taught myself everything and get better by the day. I would love to go to school for it. The possibilities are endless!
Do you enjoy your job? Do you have much say in what you do with your skills? I'm curious about whatever details you are willing to share about your job.
I love it. Yeah, I would say so. They give me an idea and a lot of times, they let me do what I want. I send them a file and if they like it, I make it. A lot of people just put their faith in you.
That actually sounds significantly neater than I expected. I had thought that one would just be told what to make, and then one remakes it until it's exactly what they want.
Some people are like that. The thing about my business is, a lot of people don't really know what they want. They might know a "central theme" or something but that's it.
Oh, I guess I understand that. I suppose it makes sense that most people wouldn't already have an image in mind.
After this thread, I just can't help shipping Pogo and Alex. together. You guys should be true to your feelings~<3


Define "shipping". :uhh:

The difference between he and I is obvious --- every time Alex posts, he has a period.
Why do you take my fun away!

I was going to give her a hard time over that 97% and ask her if she was Chinese and if so 97% is a failing grade...:ack-1:

The few questions you got wrong are most likely something you knew and just brain farted at the moment... Still be proud and remember being perfect is soooo boring!:scared1:
The ones I got wrong were a set of simplification questions, worth 1.5 each, which I ended up missing a step on. The most disappointing part of that is that I properly worked the two before them. I forget which step I missed, but I'll just have to remember studying simplification harder next time. I had a reminder in my notes, and that would have allowed me to get a perfect score, but I was allowed to bring my notes, and wasn't informed ahead of time that their policy on notes had changed. Still, I suppose I should have asked beforehand.

Thank you~

My proverbial hat is off to you. Personally math makes my brain hurt. But next time I need the proportional dimensions for a scaled rhombus -- you're hired. :)
Math annoys me, too. It's actually my worst subject. If I could, I'd go back in time to meet whoever added all of this filler to school, and hit him with my mother's purse(I think she keeps a spare vehicle in there, I don't even know.). Then again, I could blame this stuff on college level work, since what I'm doing now is preparing me for it, maybe I should hit that guy with my mother's purse instead? I don't know, someone needs to get hit with my mother's purse... specifically.

Rue the day when Satan put the alphabet into math!!!!

See that? For me that's the only part that makes sense. Al-gebra is the easiest math.

I like letters over numbers. WAY more sensual.

It was a joke, you dunce.

Full disclosure: I'm Asian....with the whole stereotype: math team, exemptions from final exam, etc.
Yes, she is. What about it?
Because a child shouldn't pretend to know more than the grown ups.

Unlike like yourself, PR doesn't have to pretend to be smart. :lol:

that's kind of funny given that she and you aren't particularly smart at all. but i expect nothing less from trumpsters. :cuckoo:

she's a child...she can still learn. you, however, are hopeless.

Sometimes children know more than their elders... I know you know everything, walk on water, and can save the world with one word, but us mere mortals learn from each other and are not as great as the divine individual you believe you are!

she doesn't appear to know more than anyone.

and she's nasty to boot.... my only point was that her posts are childish and ignorant. her age just confirmed what i knew.

"...her posts are childish and ignorant."

Ever hear that 'pot and kettle' thing?
However the only one I was truly worried about was my math exam. I worried a bit more when the proctor didn't allow me to bring any notes into the exam room.

However, I'm pleased to announce that I got a perfect score on all of my tests, except math, which I got a 97 on.

Of course, I plan to do even better on my next math test, but this is fine for now, I think.

Keep up the good work. You have a bright future ahead of you. :)
Yes, she is. What about it?
Because a child shouldn't pretend to know more than the grown ups.

Unlike like yourself, PR doesn't have to pretend to be smart. :lol:

that's kind of funny given that she and you aren't particularly smart at all. but i expect nothing less from trumpsters. :cuckoo:

she's a child...she can still learn. you, however, are hopeless.

Sometimes children know more than their elders... I know you know everything, walk on water, and can save the world with one word, but us mere mortals learn from each other and are not as great as the divine individual you believe you are!

she doesn't appear to know more than anyone.

and she's nasty to boot.... my only point was that her posts are childish and ignorant. her age just confirmed what i knew.
It sounds to me like you're just trying to convince yourself that I'm not smarter and better informed than you. It's okay, admitting it is the first step to bettering yourself. Just work hard at it and follow my example, and one day you may be half as smart and well-informed as me, but significantly older~

Anyway, with that problem solved, don't you have Liberal propaganda to spew? There are enough threads for that already, so run along now~
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After this thread, I just can't help shipping Pogo and Alex. together. You guys should be true to your feelings~<3


Define "shipping". :uhh:

The difference between he and I is obvious --- every time Alex posts, he has a period.

I've never ever heard of that. Where did you get it?
It's a word common among the anime community, though usually used jokingly. For example, if a character carries a shovel around, people would jokingly say "I ship Kurumi and Shovel-chan!".

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