I Dare You Biden Voters To Agree


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
You voted for this insanity....and I dare......

....no.....I double dog dare ya' to post your agreement.

"Consultant Hired by Loudoun County Says Public Education Should Not Focus on ‘Learning’

The co-founding partner of the consulting firm hired by Loudoun County Public Schools to incorporate equity and inclusion initiatives into school curricula admitted in a recent lecture that he believes public education should not focus primarily on “learning.”

“I think the thing that public education offers…because I certainly don’t think we offer learning… are relationships…What historically high schools were for was dissemination of information very quickly…Well actually the internet is better than the high school is…Truthfully, the teacher in relation to the dissemination of information is obsolete. But the teacher in relationship to relationship is the thing,” Equity Collaborative leader Jamie Almanzán said.

In 2019, LCPS signed a contract with Equity Collaborative, paying over $500,000 in taxpayer funds to apply CRT to the curriculum, according to the consultant report card compiled by non-profit Parents Defending Education.

The contract provisions included an eight-day “Systemic Equity Assessment” presented to county staff, students and community members and led by three Equity Collaborative consultants who were paid $5,000 per day per consultant."
Where education has failed us is in examples like this. People see one person say something and the thinking goes that everyone that one can lump into some contrived group believes the exact same thing.

I live in WV.....in the Southern most part of the state there are still a couple churhes that practice snake handling. Should I blame every Christian for the pastors that have been killed handling snakes while using the argument "because you support this"?
You voted for this insanity....and I dare......

....no.....I double dog dare ya' to post your agreement.

"Consultant Hired by Loudoun County Says Public Education Should Not Focus on ‘Learning’

The co-founding partner of the consulting firm hired by Loudoun County Public Schools to incorporate equity and inclusion initiatives into school curricula admitted in a recent lecture that he believes public education should not focus primarily on “learning.”

“I think the thing that public education offers…because I certainly don’t think we offer learning… are relationships…What historically high schools were for was dissemination of information very quickly…Well actually the internet is better than the high school is…Truthfully, the teacher in relation to the dissemination of information is obsolete. But the teacher in relationship to relationship is the thing,” Equity Collaborative leader Jamie Almanzán said.

In 2019, LCPS signed a contract with Equity Collaborative, paying over $500,000 in taxpayer funds to apply CRT to the curriculum, according to the consultant report card compiled by non-profit Parents Defending Education.

The contract provisions included an eight-day “Systemic Equity Assessment” presented to county staff, students and community members and led by three Equity Collaborative consultants who were paid $5,000 per day per consultant."

There's nothing in the article you referenced about CRT.

So he's not teaching anyone CRT.
Where education has failed us is in examples like this. People see one person say something and the thinking goes that everyone that one can lump into some contrived group believes the exact same thing.

I live in WV.....in the Southern most part of the state there are still a couple churhes that practice snake handling. Should I blame every Christian for the pastors that have been killed handling snakes while using the argument "because you support this"?

Are you oblivious????

This is standard Democrat policy......even after they were defeated in Virginia because of this insanity.

The problem is that they are fanatics, they are a death cult, and their views of the defeat is to move further Left.

These are not normal people......they are the Japanese Kamikaze pilots, the Palestinian suicide bombers.....


"Former Obama campaign manager says Democrats need to 'go on the offense' on CRT​

David Plouffe, a former Obama-Biden campaign manager, advised Democrats up for election in 2022 to "go on the offense" on critical race theory (CRT) in light of the Virginia gubernatorial election.

On Tuesday, Plouffe appeared on "MSNBC Live" to comment on the Virginia governor race between former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin. Youngkin managed to declare victory later that night following a campaign that was focused on parents’ growing concerns for their children’s education regarding school shutdowns, CRT and other progressive agendas.

Progressives have repeatedly claimed that Virginia schools never taught the curriculum, despite the state Department of Education website listing the phrase multiple times. Plouffe argued that McAuliffe and other Democrats should use a different strategy and "go on the offense" and defend critical race teachings."

"Former Obama campaign manager says Democrats need to 'go on the offense' on CRT

Former Barack Obama campaign manager David Plouffe urged Democrats to “go on the offense” regarding critical race theory in 2022 elections.


Stop licking the boot of the Democrat Party and admit the truth.
Guess Home Skool doesn’t teach that....

Biden has nothing to do with the Loudon County School System
This rage isn't about education!

I've written a letter to Daddy His address is Heaven above I've written "Dear Daddy, we miss you And wish you were with us to love" Instead of a stamp, I put kisses The postman says that's best to do I've written a letter to Daddy Saying "I love you"
You voted for this insanity....and I dare......

....no.....I double dog dare ya' to post your agreement.

"Consultant Hired by Loudoun County Says Public Education Should Not Focus on ‘Learning’

The co-founding partner of the consulting firm hired by Loudoun County Public Schools to incorporate equity and inclusion initiatives into school curricula admitted in a recent lecture that he believes public education should not focus primarily on “learning.”

“I think the thing that public education offers…because I certainly don’t think we offer learning… are relationships…What historically high schools were for was dissemination of information very quickly…Well actually the internet is better than the high school is…Truthfully, the teacher in relation to the dissemination of information is obsolete. But the teacher in relationship to relationship is the thing,” Equity Collaborative leader Jamie Almanzán said.

In 2019, LCPS signed a contract with Equity Collaborative, paying over $500,000 in taxpayer funds to apply CRT to the curriculum, according to the consultant report card compiled by non-profit Parents Defending Education.

The contract provisions included an eight-day “Systemic Equity Assessment” presented to county staff, students and community members and led by three Equity Collaborative consultants who were paid $5,000 per day per consultant."

Got a link to the actual report rather than what others have opined about it?
Where education has failed us is in examples like this. People see one person say something and the thinking goes that everyone that one can lump into some contrived group believes the exact same thing.

I live in WV.....in the Southern most part of the state there are still a couple churhes that practice snake handling. Should I blame every Christian for the pastors that have been killed handling snakes while using the argument "because you support this"?
I hear that in Chicago there are a few thousand people who practice shooting humans to death.
Generalize much?
Get lost, boot-licker.
Will do. But expect me to laugh anytime you say libs just accept what they are told. It appears to be just the opposite.

Which is the case(s):
  • the 'report' doesn't exist
  • the report doesn't say what you claim it says
  • the report is 500 scholarly pages of cogent, education-system evaluation and your source picked one sentence to take out of context
  • you have not seen or read the 'report' and are too embarrassed to admit it
Are you oblivious????

This is standard Democrat policy......even after they were defeated in Virginia because of this insanity.

The problem is that they are fanatics, they are a death cult, and their views of the defeat is to move further Left.

These are not normal people......they are the Japanese Kamikaze pilots, the Palestinian suicide bombers.....


"Former Obama campaign manager says Democrats need to 'go on the offense' on CRT​

David Plouffe, a former Obama-Biden campaign manager, advised Democrats up for election in 2022 to "go on the offense" on critical race theory (CRT) in light of the Virginia gubernatorial election.

On Tuesday, Plouffe appeared on "MSNBC Live" to comment on the Virginia governor race between former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin. Youngkin managed to declare victory later that night following a campaign that was focused on parents’ growing concerns for their children’s education regarding school shutdowns, CRT and other progressive agendas.

Progressives have repeatedly claimed that Virginia schools never taught the curriculum, despite the state Department of Education website listing the phrase multiple times. Plouffe argued that McAuliffe and other Democrats should use a different strategy and "go on the offense" and defend critical race teachings."

"Former Obama campaign manager says Democrats need to 'go on the offense' on CRT

Former Barack Obama campaign manager David Plouffe urged Democrats to “go on the offense” regarding critical race theory in 2022 elections.


Stop licking the boot of the Democrat Party and admit the truth.

Those that support things like most first world countries have, such as family leave are right. The problem is, they are the minority, not something "they all support".
Those that support things like most first world countries have, such as family leave are right. The problem is, they are the minority, not something "they all support".

You can run but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

There are only two choice in any nation election.

If you voted Democrat, you voted for schools that

"Should Not Focus on ‘Learning’"​

They are designed to focus on indoctrination.

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