I despair

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what you stated has been shown to be wrong...get over it.... and get some much needed help for all that hate you have for your fellow man...it is not good for your health...and please stop acting like you are a messenger sent to save the world...trust me, you arent
"please stop acting like you are a messenger sent to save the world"

Don't worry, you won't be included.
If its your world you are trying to save, I am not a part of it. and its not worth saving anyway...
The world I'm trying to save is very much worth saving. It's a world where people know their neighbors. It's a world where you can walk in to a store and be greeted with a friendly "hello." It's a world where little girls can play outside without fear of abduction. It's a world where little boys can join the Boy Scouts without fear of being molested. It's a world where you can leave your door open. Where you can board a plane without being strip searched. Where you can call for computer help and not be transferred to India. Where you dial 911 and get a clear-speaking, concerned white person instead of an attitude-flipping black woman. Where you don't have to wait for the Spanish version before getting to the English version. Where you don't have to watch interracial exposure gropings for your Superbowl halftime entertainment. Where the 10 Commandments can be displayed, if the judge wants to. Where you don't have to keep your windows rolled up as you roll through certain parts of town. Where your children don't have to listen to the foul lyrics of rap. Where grandparents are respected for their wisdom, where parents are obeyed, where children are good. Where men are men and women are women. Where the community comes to the aid of a good man who's down. Where the community frowns on a man who won't help himself. Where wife beaters get beaten. Where criminals go to jail instead of writing bestsellers.

Do I dream, jon?
a lot of what you say is up to the parents to decide....if you dont want to listen to rap...turn the channel, thats what the knob is there for. I dont lock my doors, I LEAVE my keys in the car...unlocked...there were sick bastards doing bad things to children before we were born and they will be doing it after we are gone..sad but true...you can thank OBL for the strip searches and I dont see that ending anytime soon, small price to pay for safety, just leave your cave a little early and you will be fine.Did that 2 second boob shoot really bother you...sign up for the law-suit with some dumb bitch from Tenn...should of had a delay instaed of live ...DUH.. the gropping isnt the issue, its that it was INTER_RACIAL...tough..Church and state are to be separate...as for men being men and woman being woman....I would guess this your slam on the gay people...if they are gay, they are gay...keep it inside and out of sight...the way a community acts as a whole is up to them not you or anybody else...you beat anybody you go to jail...the law is the law it is not up to you or me to be the judge ,jury and executioner...this world isnt perfect it wasnt before you or me..it wont be when we are gone....having an opinion or view and expressing it is great...indoctrination isnt...
Originally posted by William Joyce
The world I'm trying to save is very much worth saving. It's a world where people know their neighbors. It's a world where you can walk in to a store and be greeted with a friendly "hello." It's a world where little girls can play outside without fear of abduction. It's a world where little boys can join the Boy Scouts without fear of being molested. It's a world where you can leave your door open. Where you can board a plane without being strip searched. Where you can call for computer help and not be transferred to India. Where you dial 911 and get a clear-speaking, concerned white person instead of an attitude-flipping black woman. Where you don't have to wait for the Spanish version before getting to the English version. Where you don't have to watch interracial exposure gropings for your Superbowl halftime entertainment. Where the 10 Commandments can be displayed, if the judge wants to. Where you don't have to keep your windows rolled up as you roll through certain parts of town. Where your children don't have to listen to the foul lyrics of rap. Where grandparents are respected for their wisdom, where parents are obeyed, where children are good. Where men are men and women are women. Where the community comes to the aid of a good man who's down. Where the community frowns on a man who won't help himself. Where wife beaters get beaten. Where criminals go to jail instead of writing bestsellers.

Do I dream, jon?

And you're saying the Jewish people are blocking your attempt to acheive this world?
They're part of the problem, yes --- not all of them, but way too many for me to ignore pattern. But I hold responsible as well countless white men and women who have simply given up America for dead, content to cozy up in their gate communities and SUVs while the whole thing goes to rot. People like George W. Bush, who will never have to deal with the consequences of letting 10 million illegal Mexicans squat here without fear. It'll be you and me instead.
Originally posted by William Joyce
They're part of the problem, yes --- not all of them, but way too many for me to ignore pattern. But I hold responsible as well countless white men and women who have simply given up America for dead, content to cozy up in their gate communities and SUVs while the whole thing goes to rot. People like George W. Bush, who will never have to deal with the consequences of letting 10 million illegal Mexicans squat here without fear. It'll be you and me instead.

So then wouldn't it be more fair to say that we are all part of the problem rather than blame certain groups? I mean we elect our leaders, we choose to drive and allow people to drive SUV's. Aren't the problems for what I discern from your statement more issue oriented than say race oriented?
I only wish it were so. That would be far easier and less controversial. But in the end, I think it's a combination of race and issues. Right now, we pretend race has nothing to do with anything, but it clearly does. I think we're all just hiding our heads in the sand.
Originally posted by jon_forward
no william its folks that keep preaching lies and BS that I dont want anything to do with....you are pre-occupied/consumed with race and race based issues....give it a rest... i stated that your answer for everything is race-based...you stated that yes this is true.I stated that you had an agenda..racism....you agreed. game set match...end of story...

I'd say many on the left are also obsessed with race issues, woudn't you agree? They're obsessed with villainizing European/Caucasian culture, making out to be a pariah on the earth, something all whites should be ashamed of.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think racial separation is the key, but don't act like william is alone in his race obsession. The left refuses to stop classifying according to race as well. The left goes a step further and assigns a negative moral value to the white race. We are to be ashamed of ourselves and our achievements in the world.
What you say about the left's demonization of whites is true, but I would amend it slightly: it isn't the "left" that hates white people, it's non-whites who hate whites, in order, Jews, blacks and Hispanics. If you doubt this, just look at the movers and shakers of leftism: it's always Jews, Jews, Jews. I am confident many will dismiss this as anti-Semitism or racism, but if you pay attention to the patterns, they will become so overwhelming that you cannot ignore them.
I truly could care less whether it is the left or right that is judging a person by it's colour. I also could care less for the typical arguments of left versus right or whether people are judging in order to forgive or to condemn a group solely on their background. I only care that each individual is treated with equality and judged by his or her deeds. Nothing more, nothing less.

When people start judging an individual by his colour, creed or whatever, it sets a very dangerous precendent. A precedent that has caused hate, terror and downright evil for centuries in inumberable ways.

I will have no hand in, or even tolerance for such thoughts.
Originally posted by Isaac Brock
I truly could care less whether it is the left or right that is judging a person by it's colour. I also could care less for the typical arguments of left versus right or whether people are judging in order to forgive or to condemn a group solely on their background. I only care that each individual is treated with equality and judged by his or her deeds. Nothing more, nothing less.

When people start judging an individual by his colour, creed or whatever, it sets a very dangerous precendent. A precedent that has caused hate, terror and downright evil for centuries in inumberable ways.

I will have no hand in, or even tolerance for such thoughts.
well said Isaac my friend...very well said.....I saluate you...:clap: :clap: :clap:
It's not about "color," fellas. It's about race. And that's about life.

As Lenin said, "You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you."
"I will have no hand in, or even tolerance for such thoughts."

The most intolerant people are those who preach tolerance.
Originally posted by William Joyce
"I will have no hand in, or even tolerance for such thoughts."

The most intolerant people are those who preach tolerance.

The most intolerant people are those who preach tolerance. [/B][/QUOTE]

dont make any sense william....Kill em...kill em all...but be nice while you do it....WTF...
Originally posted by William Joyce
"I will have no hand in, or even tolerance for such thoughts."

The most intolerant people are those who preach tolerance.

Rubbish. I need not have tolerance for people who do not show tolerance themselves.

I can tolerate if you don't want to live in a black neighbourhood because of crime or drugs.
I can tolerate if you don't wish to participate or attend a Bar Mitsvah on theological grounds.
I can tolerate if you do not agree with the lifestyles of homosexuals.
I can tolerate many things that I don't agree with.

I cannot tolerate a person who will not tolerate another person simply because they were born a certain skin colour or raised a certain creed. To do would be in affront to the ideals of tolerance itself by accepting an person who believes it is his or her perceived right to judge a person by no other grounds than his or her background. The idea of judging and labeling a person without grounds is an inherint logical deficiency, not a grounds for tolerance.
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