I didn't care for Obama's politics, on healthcare or the stimulus or his elitist view of


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
moral superiority, but the racists continually fail to give him for having political courage. Hillary would have been elected in 2008 but for a speech Obama gave opposing Iraq, when there was no political upside for bucking the march to war, and it would have been easy for him to align with the neocons .... perhaps it would have been smart givn what happned in Iraq. but W bet on the Iraqis forming a nation, so ..... maybe we should leave them more or less to it.

There was little upside for him to issue the EO on the dreamers. Bipartisan legislation failed over and over in the congress. Immigration is NOT a hot button issue for latinos. Racism is. But they are basically no different from any other immigrant group. They want education and opportunity for THIER kids. (not somebody elses)

He did what he thought was right. I admire him. He's a better man than I am.

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