I discovered a nearby place with National Health Care and Strict Gun Control

We're on our way. Just a few minor inconveniences to clear up first.
I looked it up so I could join in the fun. What joy! Oh you get rep for this. :lol: Great little thread.

No puedo esperar. ¿Cuándo nos vamos a Cuba?
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CUBA! All aboard!

I've discovered a great place that has very little government interference and is as close to a completely free market society as there is. Welcome home to Somalia. Pack your bags for your capitalist paradise. I'm sure you will be rushing to move there.

See how easy it is to come up with extremes in stupidity?
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CUBA! All aboard!
Plus Great Britain, Australia, and about 50 other countries.

I hear austerity measures are coming.

Also, to be quite honest with you ... For Profit Healthcare = Bad

I would gladly welcome National Health Care, if every infringement on the 2nd Amendment was repealed in the United States. Without the 2nd Amendment, National Healthcare will used as a threat, something to take away, if you are no in compliance with the government.
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CUBA! All aboard!
Plus Great Britain, Australia, and about 50 other countries.

I hear austerity measures are coming.

Those measures will have nothing to do with healthcare. Conservatives in those countries support their healthcare systems and do not dare to even think about discussing getting rid of those systems.

The thing you guys on the right miss about those other countries is that the overwhelming majority of people in those countries love their healthcare system and the fact that they know that no matter what, if they get sick, they do not have to worry if they can afford to get the treatment they need. On the other hand, people in the US constantly have to worry if they will get the treatment they need. Even if you are employed and have insurance, all it takes for most people is to lose their job, and within a few months, the insurance is gone. Get sick during a stint between jobs without insurance, and you are doomed. On top of that, once you develop a pre-existing condition, it becomes much more difficult to get coverage even after you find a job. Even under employer funded policies, most pre-existing conditions require a waiting period before treatment for those conditions is covered.

Anyone who thinks we have the best system in the world is out of their mind.
Yup every other place on the planet is so much better then us at everything.
And we could have this great country where everything is perfect but unfortunately
we have republicans standing in the way.
Yup every other place on the planet is so much better then us at everything.
And we could have this great country where everything is perfect but unfortunately
we have republicans standing in the way.

Well, we are the retards of the Industrialized world.
N. Korea represents the ideal liberal/progressives utopian paradise.

Almost zero carbon footprint.

Everyone dresses in the same style of clothes.

Nobody owns anything.

And everyone equally shares in their misery as a sign of pride.

The state monitors every aspect of your life and there is no privacy.

Plus, there is an Obama like cult leader to worship as god on earth.......... :cool:
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Plus Great Britain, Australia, and about 50 other countries.

I wonder why they used to want to come here by the millions and not there?

The key thing is they USED to want to come here. Like 60 years ago when their own countries were in ruins.

They don't want to come here now. Now we are just some of the ignorant rabble of the world.

Nobody's stopping you from relocating somewhere that suits you better.

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