I discovered a nearby place with National Health Care and Strict Gun Control

I wonder why they used to want to come here by the millions and not there?

The key thing is they USED to want to come here. Like 60 years ago when their own countries were in ruins.

They don't want to come here now. Now we are just some of the ignorant rabble of the world.

Nobody's stopping you from relocating somewhere that suits you better.

Why should I do that when I can fix this country.

Added bonus, we get the pleasure of beating down the religious nuts and gun whacks in the process.
N. Korea represents the ideal liberal/progressives utopian paradise.

Almost zero carbon footprint.

Everyone dresses in the same style of clothes.

Nobody owns anything.

And everyone equally shares in their misery as a sign of pride.

The state monitors every aspect of your life and there is no privacy.

Plus, there is an Obama like cult leader to worship as god on earth.......... :cool:

Well no Sunni..

Because having one party and treating women like shit isn't very Liberal.

It's more up your alley.
Simple fact. Most of the other industrialized countries have discovered that running your nation by dingbat idealism simply doesn't work. Here, we are still trying to do that. And failing miserably in the process.

Look at the number of engineers that other nations are graduating compared to us. Look at the average lifespans and infant mortality in the other industrial nations compared to us. Look at the internet in South Korea and Japan, compared to that in the US. To cell phone coverage in Europe compared to the US. We continue to make our laws concerning commerce and education according to who is paying lobbyists the most, rather than what is good for the nation.

Look at the attitude toward science in the US. Pride in willful ignorance is the bane of American politics, and, if not corrected, will put us in the third world before 2050.

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