I do not feel sorry for European countries or the rest of the west (including us) for these attacks.

This all started under the Obama Administration !!!!
No, it started under Bush 41
It started before that, but who is to blame is much less important than what we do about it

Well, there are two aspects. There's how do you deal with it in the short term, and then in the long term. In the long term it seems simple, you get the fuck out of Muslim countries, stop interfering, stop bombing, stop all that crap.
Ok, let's say I agree we should GTFO of the middle east

What else?

To me, the answer is more drilling (and more importantly, more refineries) and tightening our borders

Trump's EOs would be a good start

Would tightening the borders do anything? How many terror attacks have happened in the US because of loose borders? Like 1 or 2, most of them aren't a border issue, the borders are tight enough as they are.

A different immigration policy might help, getting rid of the ability to be American simply because you're born there might help, but it might help have a sensible immigration policy, rather than prevent terrorism.
When reason fails, force remains. People of logic and common sense are willing to use both to defend themselves and their nation.

Unfortunately, much of western leadership falls outside that category.

Everyone should learn to defend themselves with weapons and without. This nonsense needs to stop
Europeans need to start demanding their guns back.
this is why Trump wanted to put a travel ban on those 6/7 nations, now Trump can have his way with those two or three judges that dont see a problem letting these unchecked muslims into our country

But what's the betting that if this is a terrorist attack, that the attacker wasn't from one of those 7 countries? The chances are like 95%.

Yeah just like no one from those countries was involved in the 9 -11 attack. Liberals are so stupid and shallow that they lie to themselves so someone will believe the shit they spout.

Do you want to debate, or do you just want to go around insulting and attacking? Either speak civilly or don't speak.
So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???
No, not on your life

They will whine and scream when Trump calls to push his travel EOs in front of SCOTUS

They will continue to call us intolerant racists

Fuck them

And to OP - enough Brits voted to leave the EU and enough Americans voted for Trump, so our 2 countries still have a chance, Britain is in a worse place & has more work to do than we do

But we'd best be getting to work

We need a SCOTUS ruling on travel bans RIGHT NOW

We don't need a single dimshit vote on anything right now, but the Republican "Trump won not me" assholes are siding against all of US with the shitocrat scum. It is time to wake them up and say "DO YOUR JOB, PUSH THE dimshitscum ASIDE and TAKE THEM OUT forever. UNDO EVERYTHING they have done for the past sixty years, Put the treasonist in the ground soros first, take all of THEIR money most of their lives and put the rest in jail forever. The congress can abolish the ninth circuit at will, It is time they did so.
if an tragedy of this kind happened during the Bush years, the rats would of tied it to Bush,,,if it happened around 2010/2011,,,,the rats would of blamed Bush,,,well, its 2017,,,who will the rats blame this time?

Bush started this whole thing, without Bush it wouldn't have happened. It's not that difficult to understand, is it?

BULLSHIT, your lack of REAL history from your liberal lying education is showing.
A different immigration policy might help, getting rid of the ability to be American simply because you're born there might help, but it might help have a sensible immigration policy, rather than prevent terrorism.

I have a good policy: Nobody else allowed in. I like that one.
if an tragedy of this kind happened during the Bush years, the rats would of tied it to Bush,,,if it happened around 2010/2011,,,,the rats would of blamed Bush,,,well, its 2017,,,who will the rats blame this time?

Bush started this whole thing, without Bush it wouldn't have happened. It's not that difficult to understand, is it?

BULLSHIT, your lack of REAL history from your liberal lying education is showing.
i dont recall Bush sending all of our soldiers in IRAQ home !!!
We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.
I agree that the George W Bush and the Tony Blair should not have destroyed Iraq causing a vacuum which was exploited by savage killers but what's done is done.
this is why Trump wanted to put a travel ban on those 6/7 nations, now Trump can have his way with those two or three judges that dont see a problem letting these unchecked muslims into our country

But what's the betting that if this is a terrorist attack, that the attacker wasn't from one of those 7 countries? The chances are like 95%.

Yeah just like no one from those countries was involved in the 9 -11 attack. Liberals are so stupid and shallow that they lie to themselves so someone will believe the shit they spout.

Do you want to debate, or do you just want to go around insulting and attacking? Either speak civilly or don't speak.

Why debate with someone who has no idea what they are posting BS about, and making assU(not)MEptions based on liberal lies. As for the insulting, no other poster has been as profane, and insulting as one of your previous posts, Well maybe one has. But when a judge writes an opinion you would at least expect him to know what he is referencing, just as you would like a debater to have at least background information before he cobbled up a lie.
different immigration policy might help, getting rid of the ability to be American simply because you're born there might help, but it might help have a sensible immigration policy, rather than prevent terrorism.

The auto citizenship laws were implemented to help former slaves after the War Between the States IIRC - we are way overdue to end that archaic law

More sensible immigration policy?

I'd be OK with "extreme vetting"

Just sayin
different immigration policy might help, getting rid of the ability to be American simply because you're born there might help, but it might help have a sensible immigration policy, rather than prevent terrorism.

The auto citizenship laws were implemented to help former slaves after the War Between the States IIRC - we are way overdue to end that archaic law

More sensible immigration policy?

I'd be OK with "extreme vetting"

Just sayin

Vetting is important. The problem is Trump wants to vet people from certain places a lot more than other places. Why? There are terrorists from the UK, France etc.
this is why Trump wanted to put a travel ban on those 6/7 nations, now Trump can have his way with those two or three judges that dont see a problem letting these unchecked muslims into our country

But what's the betting that if this is a terrorist attack, that the attacker wasn't from one of those 7 countries? The chances are like 95%.

Yeah just like no one from those countries was involved in the 9 -11 attack. Liberals are so stupid and shallow that they lie to themselves so someone will believe the shit they spout.

Do you want to debate, or do you just want to go around insulting and attacking? Either speak civilly or don't speak.

Why debate with someone who has no idea what they are posting BS about, and making assU(not)MEptions based on liberal lies. As for the insulting, no other poster has been as profane, and insulting as one of your previous posts, Well maybe one has. But when a judge writes an opinion you would at least expect him to know what he is referencing, just as you would like a debater to have at least background information before he cobbled up a lie.

Fine, you made it easy for me, I'll just stick you on the ignore list. I don't come on here to talk to people who have no interest in reality and just insult people. Bye.
19 dead and 50 injured in the suicide bombing attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. They invited this with their open border policy.

These radicals are turning on those who welcomed them with open arms. And the government responds by welcoming even more of them and continuing with the politically correct bullshit that protects them.

At least we didn't end up with Hillary or she would be working hard to end the 2nd amendment. We the people can and will protect ourselves against all enemies if the need arises.

View attachment 128228

So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???
Absolutely not.
this is why Trump wanted to put a travel ban on those 6/7 nations, now Trump can have his way with those two or three judges that dont see a problem letting these unchecked muslims into our country

But what's the betting that if this is a terrorist attack, that the attacker wasn't from one of those 7 countries? The chances are like 95%.

Yeah just like no one from those countries was involved in the 9 -11 attack. Liberals are so stupid and shallow that they lie to themselves so someone will believe the shit they spout.

Do you want to debate, or do you just want to go around insulting and attacking? Either speak civilly or don't speak.

Why debate with someone who has no idea what they are posting BS about, and making assU(not)MEptions based on liberal lies. As for the insulting, no other poster has been as profane, and insulting as one of your previous posts, Well maybe one has. But when a judge writes an opinion you would at least expect him to know what he is referencing, just as you would like a debater to have at least background information before he cobbled up a lie.

Fine, you made it easy for me, I'll just stick you on the ignore list. I don't come on here to talk to people who have no interest in reality and just insult people. Bye.

ooh, ooh....me too, me too.

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