I do not feel sorry for European countries or the rest of the west (including us) for these attacks.


The derps want to forget all the terrorist attacks that happened from 2001 to 2009. The worst of which was in 2001 when a Republican was president. And today a Republican is president.

Yet somehow they still want to blame someone else.

He is president of England?

When did that happen..
different immigration policy might help, getting rid of the ability to be American simply because you're born there might help, but it might help have a sensible immigration policy, rather than prevent terrorism.

The auto citizenship laws were implemented to help former slaves after the War Between the States IIRC - we are way overdue to end that archaic law

More sensible immigration policy?

I'd be OK with "extreme vetting"

Just sayin

Vetting is important. The problem is Trump wants to vet people from certain places a lot more than other places. Why? There are terrorists from the UK, France etc.
Ok maybe we can get somewhere

Right now, the biggest threat is Islamic radicals

100% of that group claim to be Muslim

Yet, our friends on the left call us racist for pointing out that fact...

Seriously, it's like I went to sleep and woke up in bizzarro world
We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.
I agree that the George W Bush and the Tony Blair should not have destroyed Iraq causing a vacuum which was exploited by savage killers but what's done is done.

They didn't destroy Iraq, They stopped a madman from killing people with chemical weapons. They removed the butcher of Bagdad. They also left enough troops there to HELP stabilize the region in time. Along comes the lying liberal news every night they post the picture of a soldier killed in the war and blame Bush alone for the death and oshitass is elected. soon the stabilizing troops are moved to another theatre and a greater number of troops are dying than before, BUT Mysteriously their pictures have vanished from the airwaves. The region becomes more unstable and the shit in a suit is dancing on their graves and laughing at the stupid people who elected him. Now we have isis with a limited area and a fairly small path to move supplies and ordinance so shit suit has to open a large area for them to resupply easily with a lot less chance of detection. They Need a much larger path to the Mediterranean so they can easily move freely from their home bases to many more countries undetected. Guess what he gives them the hundreds times larger Libyan coastline and a lot more of the Libyan army to recruit or kill. You need to get a history in warfare and military tactics or something to keep up or post about something you have at least a small smattering of knowledge about. HAHAHA debate HAHAHAHA. Call the nurse,, HAHAHAHA.
different immigration policy might help, getting rid of the ability to be American simply because you're born there might help, but it might help have a sensible immigration policy, rather than prevent terrorism.

The auto citizenship laws were implemented to help former slaves after the War Between the States IIRC - we are way overdue to end that archaic law

More sensible immigration policy?

I'd be OK with "extreme vetting"

Just sayin

Vetting is important. The problem is Trump wants to vet people from certain places a lot more than other places. Why? There are terrorists from the UK, France etc.
Ok maybe we can get somewhere

Right now, the biggest threat is Islamic radicals

100% of that group claim to be Muslim

Yet, our friends on the left call us racist for pointing out that fact...

Seriously, it's like I went to sleep and woke up in bizzarro world

Yes, but how many Islamic radicals are getting into the US?

No, the people on the left call you racist for saying ALL MUSLIMS are terrorists. It's been happening since 9/11. A friend of mine from Michigan who wears a head scarf was bullied by morons on the right for being a Muslim in the months after 9/11. Did she do anything wrong? No. So, people bullied her because they were xenophobic assholes.
different immigration policy might help, getting rid of the ability to be American simply because you're born there might help, but it might help have a sensible immigration policy, rather than prevent terrorism.

The auto citizenship laws were implemented to help former slaves after the War Between the States IIRC - we are way overdue to end that archaic law

More sensible immigration policy?

I'd be OK with "extreme vetting"

Just sayin

Vetting is important. The problem is Trump wants to vet people from certain places a lot more than other places. Why? There are terrorists from the UK, France etc.
Ok maybe we can get somewhere

Right now, the biggest threat is Islamic radicals

100% of that group claim to be Muslim

Yet, our friends on the left call us racist for pointing out that fact...

Seriously, it's like I went to sleep and woke up in bizzarro world

Yes, but how many Islamic radicals are getting into the US?

No, the people on the left call you racist for saying ALL MUSLIMS are terrorists. It's been happening since 9/11. A friend of mine from Michigan who wears a head scarf was bullied by morons on the right for being a Muslim in the months after 9/11. Did she do anything wrong? No. So, people bullied her because they were xenophobic assholes.
1. I have never said all Muslims are terrorists, and neither has Trump or any other credible conservative

2. You are aware that we have numerous reports that verify that terrorist groups are known to hide within refugee populations - right?

I'm sorry your friend had a hard time, but that type of story is far more frequent the other way
different immigration policy might help, getting rid of the ability to be American simply because you're born there might help, but it might help have a sensible immigration policy, rather than prevent terrorism.

The auto citizenship laws were implemented to help former slaves after the War Between the States IIRC - we are way overdue to end that archaic law

More sensible immigration policy?

I'd be OK with "extreme vetting"

Just sayin

Vetting is important. The problem is Trump wants to vet people from certain places a lot more than other places. Why? There are terrorists from the UK, France etc.
Ok maybe we can get somewhere

Right now, the biggest threat is Islamic radicals

100% of that group claim to be Muslim

Yet, our friends on the left call us racist for pointing out that fact...

Seriously, it's like I went to sleep and woke up in bizzarro world

Yes, but how many Islamic radicals are getting into the US?

No, the people on the left call you racist for saying ALL MUSLIMS are terrorists. It's been happening since 9/11. A friend of mine from Michigan who wears a head scarf was bullied by morons on the right for being a Muslim in the months after 9/11. Did she do anything wrong? No. So, people bullied her because they were xenophobic assholes.
1. I have never said all Muslims are terrorists, and neither has Trump or any other credible conservative

2. You are aware that we have numerous reports that verify that terrorist groups are known to hide within refugee populations - right?

I'm sorry your friend had a hard time, but that type of story is far more frequent the other way

No, I didn't say you did.

However there is a difference between what you say DIRECTLY and what you IMPLY.

Trump came up with a ban on people from certain countries. The reason it got struck down was because of the manner in which he was speaking on the election trail.

Donald Trump: ban all Muslims entering US

"Donald Trump, the leading contender to become the Republican party’s nominee for US presidential candidate, has called for a “total and complete shutdown” of the country’s borders to Muslims in the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist attack."

Okay, why? What message does this say to people? He didn't say "all Muslims are responsible", but he basically said "all Muslims are responsible", I mean, why would you prevent ALL MUSLIMS from entering the country if ALL MUSLIMS aren't responsible for terrorist acts?

This sort of thing has been going on for a long, long time. I've even watched films where Arabic music was played because the baddies appeared, they weren't even Arabic or Muslim baddies.
different immigration policy might help, getting rid of the ability to be American simply because you're born there might help, but it might help have a sensible immigration policy, rather than prevent terrorism.

The auto citizenship laws were implemented to help former slaves after the War Between the States IIRC - we are way overdue to end that archaic law

More sensible immigration policy?

I'd be OK with "extreme vetting"

Just sayin

Vetting is important. The problem is Trump wants to vet people from certain places a lot more than other places. Why? There are terrorists from the UK, France etc.
Because some people from some places are more driven to destroy the US due to their religious/political than kyothers. We need to be a bit more picky about who we allow to come here.
We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.
I agree that the George W Bush and the Tony Blair should not have destroyed Iraq causing a vacuum which was exploited by savage killers but what's done is done.

They didn't destroy Iraq, They stopped a madman from killing people with chemical weapons. They removed the butcher of Bagdad. They also left enough troops there to HELP stabilize the region in time. Along comes the lying liberal news every night they post the picture of a soldier killed in the war and blame Bush alone for the death and oshitass is elected. soon the stabilizing troops are moved to another theatre and a greater number of troops are dying than before, BUT Mysteriously their pictures have vanished from the airwaves. The region becomes more unstable and the shit in a suit is dancing on their graves and laughing at the stupid people who elected him. Now we have isis with a limited area and a fairly small path to move supplies and ordinance so shit suit has to open a large area for them to resupply easily with a lot less chance of detection. They Need a much larger path to the Mediterranean so they can easily move freely from their home bases to many more countries undetected. Guess what he gives them the hundreds times larger Libyan coastline and a lot more of the Libyan army to recruit or kill. You need to get a history in warfare and military tactics or something to keep up or post about something you have at least a small smattering of knowledge about. HAHAHA debate HAHAHAHA. Call the nurse,, HAHAHAHA.
Saddam kept a lid on Jihadists and Anglo-American deadly meddling in search of non-existent WMD has culminated in ISIS.
different immigration policy might help, getting rid of the ability to be American simply because you're born there might help, but it might help have a sensible immigration policy, rather than prevent terrorism.

The auto citizenship laws were implemented to help former slaves after the War Between the States IIRC - we are way overdue to end that archaic law

More sensible immigration policy?

I'd be OK with "extreme vetting"

Just sayin

Vetting is important. The problem is Trump wants to vet people from certain places a lot more than other places. Why? There are terrorists from the UK, France etc.
Because some people from some places are more driven to destroy the US due to their religious/political than kyothers. We need to be a bit more picky about who we allow to come here.

I agree.

Do not let savages in

Like these medieval Islamic religious scum the world left behind so long ago...

Do not let them in.
different immigration policy might help, getting rid of the ability to be American simply because you're born there might help, but it might help have a sensible immigration policy, rather than prevent terrorism.

The auto citizenship laws were implemented to help former slaves after the War Between the States IIRC - we are way overdue to end that archaic law

More sensible immigration policy?

I'd be OK with "extreme vetting"

Just sayin

Vetting is important. The problem is Trump wants to vet people from certain places a lot more than other places. Why? There are terrorists from the UK, France etc.
Because some people from some places are more driven to destroy the US due to their religious/political than kyothers. We need to be a bit more picky about who we allow to come here.

I agree.

Do not let savages in

Like these medieval Islamic religious scum the world left behind so long ago...

Do not let them in.

Don't let the southerners in then? Or the Texans.
We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.

You don't have to feel sorry, we all know just what a sorry piece of shit you are.
So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???

Hell, no. They will refuse to blame the radical Muslims and probably blame the "Islamophobes" for offending them and causing them to do this. They might even start a "hug a Muslim" day as their main plan to stop terrorism.

The only time they blame an entire group of people for something is when a shooter kills people.
Hell, no. They will refuse to blame the radical Muslims and probably blame the "Islamophobes" for offending them and causing them to do this. They might even start a "hug a Muslim" day as their main plan to stop terrorism.
Well, for most people, it's simply out of their hands. It's like a parent and child dying in a car accident caused by the drunk parent. Sure, the parent is reaping the consequences of their poor judgement, but the child is simply an innocent bystander, with no control in the situation.

When it comes to Islamic terrorism in the West, most of us are innocent bystanders, with zero control over the situation. We are, in no way, responsible for what is happening. I feel very sorry for these people.
this is why Trump wanted to put a travel ban on those 6/7 nations, now Trump can have his way with those two or three judges that dont see a problem letting these unchecked muslims into our country

Every Muslim being let into the US has been thoroughly vetted. For years. It takes, on average, two years and a LOT of vetting, to get those visas.
this is why Trump wanted to put a travel ban on those 6/7 nations, now Trump can have his way with those two or three judges that dont see a problem letting these unchecked muslims into our country

Every Muslim being let into the US has been thoroughly vetted. For years. It takes, on average, two years and a LOT of vetting, to get those visas.

this is why Trump wanted to put a travel ban on those 6/7 nations, now Trump can have his way with those two or three judges that dont see a problem letting these unchecked muslims into our country

Every Muslim being let into the US has been thoroughly vetted. For years. It takes, on average, two years and a LOT of vetting, to get those visas.

how about "hell no"

Immigrants Who Should Have Been Deported, Given Citizenship Instead

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