I do not feel sorry for European countries or the rest of the west (including us) for these attacks.

We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.
No, fuck you. You wanted a war with Islam and now you have it. F U C K, Y O U.
We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.
No, fuck you. You wanted a war with Islam and now you have it. F U C K, Y O U.
19 dead and 50 injured in the suicide bombing attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. They invited this with their open border policy.

These radicals are turning on those who welcomed them with open arms. And the government responds by welcoming even more of them and continuing with the politically correct bullshit that protects them.

At least we didn't end up with Hillary or she would be working hard to end the 2nd amendment. We the people can and will protect ourselves against all enemies if the need arises.

View attachment 128228

So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???

Learn never to trust the right.

Oh my.

I don't trust anyone.

But the Democrats I distrust and detest.

And I distrust both of them, but the Republicans, wow, they made this whole shit and now they're acting like we should get behind them and agree to all their shit, including taking away rights so we're safer from the shit they made.
The Patriot Act was horrible

But please tell me what rights anyone has proposed to take away and

Be specific if you can
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We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.
No, fuck you. You wanted a war with Islam and now you have it. F U C K, Y O U.
I'm not hiding under my bed deathly afraid of the scary Muzzies. Go fuck yourself, you feathered pussy.

The derps want to forget all the terrorist attacks that happened from 2001 to 2009. The worst of which was in 2001 when a Republican was president. And today a Republican is president.

Yet somehow they still want to blame someone else.

Really? So since 911 during the Bush years, what other terrorist attacks did we experience after that?

A followup question: how many domestic terrorist attacks did we suffer under DumBama?

The derps want to forget all the terrorist attacks that happened from 2001 to 2009. The worst of which was in 2001 when a Republican was president. And today a Republican is president.

Yet somehow they still want to blame someone else.

Really? So since 911 during the Bush years, what other terrorist attacks did we experience after that?

A followup question: how many domestic terrorist attacks did we suffer under DumBama?
i hope some time next week, Trump goes on live TV and asks those judges if they are proud of themselves now.
No, this has NOTHING to do with open borders.

This has to do with foreign policy, interfering in Muslim countries, going to war against Muslim countries, Iraq and Libya, interfering in Iran, Syria, Egypt etc.

They didn't fire rockets from the middle-east. They infiltrated their borders and are carrying out attacks in person. That doesn't happen unless you allow people to come into your country.

So, Iraq allowed the US into its country?

The British let in lots of Indians, Pakistanis etc in the 1960s and 1970s. Some of the CHILDREN of these people didn't particularly like the way the UK went to war with Muslim countries and it helped to radicalize them.

The four bombers of the 7/7 attack in London were:

Mohammad Sidique Khan, born 1974 in Leeds, England. His father was born in Pakistan. He worked in education in Leeds.

Shehzad Tanweer, born 1982 in Bradford, England. His father was born in Pakistan. He studied Sports Science at Leeds University.

Germaine Maurice Lindsay, born in 1985 in Jamaica. He moved to the UK at the age of 5. He married Samantha Lewthwaite, the "White Widow", who was born in Northern Ireland.

Hasib Hussain, born in 1985 in Leeds, England.

Yeah, not letting in Muslims after 2001 would have done NOTHING.

We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.
Wow, young kids enjoying a concert deserve to die because the crazy left is angry about the last election. Nuff said.
This all started under the Obama Administration !!!!
No, it started under Bush 41
It started before that, but who is to blame is much less important than what we do about it

Well, there are two aspects. There's how do you deal with it in the short term, and then in the long term. In the long term it seems simple, you get the fuck out of Muslim countries, stop interfering, stop bombing, stop all that crap.

The derps want to forget all the terrorist attacks that happened from 2001 to 2009. The worst of which was in 2001 when a Republican was president. And today a Republican is president.

Yet somehow they still want to blame someone else.

Really? So since 911 during the Bush years, what other terrorist attacks did we experience after that?

A followup question: how many domestic terrorist attacks did we suffer under DumBama?
i wonder if Whoopie Blowfart will tie the tragic event to Trump/Russians next week in front of her audience of braindead females with an average IQ of 34
No, this has NOTHING to do with open borders.

This has to do with foreign policy, interfering in Muslim countries, going to war against Muslim countries, Iraq and Libya, interfering in Iran, Syria, Egypt etc.

They didn't fire rockets from the middle-east. They infiltrated their borders and are carrying out attacks in person. That doesn't happen unless you allow people to come into your country.

So, Iraq allowed the US into its country?

The British let in lots of Indians, Pakistanis etc in the 1960s and 1970s. Some of the CHILDREN of these people didn't particularly like the way the UK went to war with Muslim countries and it helped to radicalize them.

The four bombers of the 7/7 attack in London were:

Mohammad Sidique Khan, born 1974 in Leeds, England. His father was born in Pakistan. He worked in education in Leeds.

Shehzad Tanweer, born 1982 in Bradford, England. His father was born in Pakistan. He studied Sports Science at Leeds University.

Germaine Maurice Lindsay, born in 1985 in Jamaica. He moved to the UK at the age of 5. He married Samantha Lewthwaite, the "White Widow", who was born in Northern Ireland.

Hasib Hussain, born in 1985 in Leeds, England.

Yeah, not letting in Muslims after 2001 would have done NOTHING.
Goes to prove, you can take the muslim out of the ME, but you can't take the terrorist out of the muslim.
This all started under the Obama Administration !!!!
No, it started under Bush 41
It started before that, but who is to blame is much less important than what we do about it

Well, there are two aspects. There's how do you deal with it in the short term, and then in the long term. In the long term it seems simple, you get the fuck out of Muslim countries, stop interfering, stop bombing, stop all that crap.
OK. I'll agree with that aspect. We leave their countries. The flip side is, we ban them from our countries. They stay on their side of the "line in the sand", we stay on ours. They come over here and commit terrorist acts, we get to shoot them dead.
This all started under the Obama Administration !!!!
No, it started under Bush 41
It started before that, but who is to blame is much less important than what we do about it

Well, there are two aspects. There's how do you deal with it in the short term, and then in the long term. In the long term it seems simple, you get the fuck out of Muslim countries, stop interfering, stop bombing, stop all that crap.
Ok, let's say I agree we should GTFO of the middle east

What else?

To me, the answer is more drilling (and more importantly, more refineries) and tightening our borders

Trump's EOs would be a good start
No, this has NOTHING to do with open borders.

This has to do with foreign policy, interfering in Muslim countries, going to war against Muslim countries, Iraq and Libya, interfering in Iran, Syria, Egypt etc.

They didn't fire rockets from the middle-east. They infiltrated their borders and are carrying out attacks in person. That doesn't happen unless you allow people to come into your country.

So, Iraq allowed the US into its country?

The British let in lots of Indians, Pakistanis etc in the 1960s and 1970s. Some of the CHILDREN of these people didn't particularly like the way the UK went to war with Muslim countries and it helped to radicalize them.

The four bombers of the 7/7 attack in London were:

Mohammad Sidique Khan, born 1974 in Leeds, England. His father was born in Pakistan. He worked in education in Leeds.

Shehzad Tanweer, born 1982 in Bradford, England. His father was born in Pakistan. He studied Sports Science at Leeds University.

Germaine Maurice Lindsay, born in 1985 in Jamaica. He moved to the UK at the age of 5. He married Samantha Lewthwaite, the "White Widow", who was born in Northern Ireland.

Hasib Hussain, born in 1985 in Leeds, England.

Yeah, not letting in Muslims after 2001 would have done NOTHING.
Goes to prove, you can take the muslim out of the ME, but you can't take the terrorist out of the muslim.

No, it doesn't Firstly, Pakistan isn't in the Middle East, secondly, it doesn't prove anything. There are enough terrorists in the US who aren't Muslim. Humans are violent, they resort to violence when things go wrong. It's a human thing, not a Muslim thing. But hey, you have an agenda you need to keep up, so, just blame Muslims, it worked for Hitler with the Jews.
and remember when we were generally at peace during the Bush years in comparison to the Obama years? {aside from 9/11,,,but that was planned during the Clinton Years !!!!}
this is why Trump wanted to put a travel ban on those 6/7 nations, now Trump can have his way with those two or three judges that dont see a problem letting these unchecked muslims into our country

But what's the betting that if this is a terrorist attack, that the attacker wasn't from one of those 7 countries? The chances are like 95%.

Yeah just like no one from those countries was involved in the 9 -11 attack. Liberals are so stupid and shallow that they lie to themselves so someone will believe the shit they spout.

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