I do not feel sorry for European countries or the rest of the west (including us) for these attacks.

if an tragedy of this kind happened during the Bush years, the rats would of tied it to Bush,,,if it happened around 2010/2011,,,,the rats would of blamed Bush,,,well, its 2017,,,who will the rats blame this time?

Bush started this whole thing, without Bush it wouldn't have happened. It's not that difficult to understand, is it?
We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.

Meanwhile our children and grandchildren have to live with the consequences.

Somehow I dont feel any better about being right.


And what do European politicians say when all too often these atrocities happen??

they say: "This is the way it is, this the new reality, you better get used to it. Period."

While they accept more and more islamic hordes into their countries!

European governments don't give a damn and that's the truth.
We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.

Women in Paris Protest Against ‘No Go Zones’ Where Immigrant Men Terrorize Them

Too weak to defend themselves as a nation or people. The globalists have won in Eurabia. It's a nice preview of what liberals want for us here in the US though.
Wait! Are you suggesting that mooslim slim might be infringing on women's' rights? I thought only the GOP infringed on women's rights?
if an tragedy of this kind happened during the Bush years, the rats would of tied it to Bush,,,if it happened around 2010/2011,,,,the rats would of blamed Bush,,,well, its 2017,,,who will the rats blame this time?

Bush started this whole thing, without Bush it wouldn't have happened. It's not that difficult to understand, is it?

Almost ten years later and it's still Bush's fault. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You liberals are so predictable.
And you can keep going back and back and back until you find that the root cause of the problem lies with British and French imperialism, which the US decided to take over, in a manner of speaking.
What a load of shit, same apologistic bullshit that Obama preached for 8 years

Time to change direction
When reason fails, force remains. People of logic and common sense are willing to use both to defend themselves and their nation.

Unfortunately, much of western leadership falls outside that category.

Everyone should learn to defend themselves with weapons and without. This nonsense needs to stop
this is why Trump wanted to put a travel ban on those 6/7 nations, now Trump can have his way with those two or three judges that dont see a problem letting these unchecked muslims into our country

But what's the betting that if this is a terrorist attack, that the attacker wasn't from one of those 7 countries? The chances are like 95%.

What are the odds that they are Muslim?

Answer: 99.9999%

Maybe it's just workplace violence????????
if an tragedy of this kind happened during the Bush years, the rats would of tied it to Bush,,,if it happened around 2010/2011,,,,the rats would of blamed Bush,,,well, its 2017,,,who will the rats blame this time?

Bush started this whole thing, without Bush it wouldn't have happened. It's not that difficult to understand, is it?

Almost ten years later and it's still Bush's fault. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You liberals are so predictable.
if this had happened in 2009, Barry would of declared it a workplace accident and would of eventually called out some of the gaurds of acting stupidly
19 dead and 50 injured in the suicide bombing attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. They invited this with their open border policy.

These radicals are turning on those who welcomed them with open arms. And the government responds by welcoming even more of them and continuing with the politically correct bullshit that protects them.

At least we didn't end up with Hillary or she would be working hard to end the 2nd amendment. We the people can and will protect ourselves against all enemies if the need arises.

View attachment 128228

So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???

Learn never to trust the right.

Of course don't trust the right. We're the ones that are trying to prevent events like that happening here.
No, this has NOTHING to do with open borders.

This has to do with foreign policy, interfering in Muslim countries, going to war against Muslim countries, Iraq and Libya, interfering in Iran, Syria, Egypt etc.
Closing borders would be a good start

One would have to be brain dead to disagree, seriously - please make an intelligent argument that clearly explains how keeping the people that are most likely to commit these acts out would not be helpful

19 dead and 50 injured in the suicide bombing attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. They invited this with their open border policy.

These radicals are turning on those who welcomed them with open arms. And the government responds by welcoming even more of them and continuing with the politically correct bullshit that protects them.

At least we didn't end up with Hillary or she would be working hard to end the 2nd amendment. We the people can and will protect ourselves against all enemies if the need arises.

View attachment 128228

So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???
to liberals, its no big deal....so a few people die...people die every day. thats how democrats think. hey, so long as they can win elections, these horrific events have no affect on them
Give it time. By then, when such events to affect them, it will be too late, though.

Uh huh.

I had a flight from Newark on the 18th September 2001. I was in Spain in 2004 Madrid bombing. I was in the UK for the 7/7 bombings, I flew from and too Brussels airport before and after the attacks, I went on the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway line about 4 months before a bomb blew that one up.

Too late? Yes, it's too late, Bush invaded Iraq, fucked up the whole country, made it a petri dish for Islamic extremism, allowed Islamic extremism to recruit like crazy. It's too late, in the 1990s there was hope in the world, hope the world would become a better place, that we'd learned from WW1, WW2 and the Cold War. Then Bush stepped up.
The Jewish Origins of the Open Borders Movement
Jews Unite Behind Push for Immigration Reform

I can find MANY more. Go look who was behind the 1965 immigration act in the US.

You stupid fuck! JJJJOOOOOSSSS has to be the JJJJOOOOOSSSS! The joooosss started
open borders, because they want 3rd world parasites who are more prone to antisemitism! Yea they makes a ton of sense. You must be half a retard!

Yearns Jews are responsible for bring Muslims into Europe. The Muslims who are pushing the Jews out of Europe and making Europe Jew free. Yea that makes a ton of senses. I take it back you are full retard

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No, this has NOTHING to do with open borders.

This has to do with foreign policy, interfering in Muslim countries, going to war against Muslim countries, Iraq and Libya, interfering in Iran, Syria, Egypt etc.

They didn't fire rockets from the middle-east. They infiltrated their borders and are carrying out attacks in person. That doesn't happen unless you allow people to come into your country.
give it a few days,,,then Maxine Waters will create her story of how this tragic event that took place in Scotland is tied to Trump, the Russians and the Koreans

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