I do not feel sorry for European countries or the rest of the west (including us) for these attacks.

FrigidWierdo you are aware that there is no "interfering" with an organization that says you are to be killed if you do not join them? You sound like a pseudo intellectual liar with a chip on the shoulder, shoved up your ass, aiding and abiding Islamists, and constantly attacking and demonizing the West.
No, this has NOTHING to do with open borders.

It has EVERYTHING to do with Open Borders.

This has to do with foreign policy, interfering in Muslim countries, going to war against Muslim countries, Iraq and Libya, interfering in Iran, Syria, Egypt etc.

Lol, yeah, like they had those same excuses when they were enslaving Europeans in the 1800's, going on murderous rampages across Africa and engaging in piracy for centuries?

No, this is a clash of cultures and we do not need to bring in more Salafist wack jobs to kill our children.
Just wanted to be clear and straightforward so there is not any confusion. Oh, is your conscious hurting you or something FrigidWeirdo? You seem to have flinched. Just checking
Well, it is good to know where you stand FrigidWeirdo. It obviously isn't with the U.S., freedom, capitalism, civilization, or humanity.

Oh, another attack. Wow, this is turning into an attack fest on anyone who doesn't have the same views as the alt-right.

No, fuck you. Fuck you and your ridiculous post.
No, he is exactly right.

It is the Hate-America-First left that is cheer leading all the Resist bullshit across this country, like the corporate stooges the left always ends up being.
19 dead and 50 injured in the suicide bombing attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. They invited this with their open border policy.

These radicals are turning on those who welcomed them with open arms. And the government responds by welcoming even more of them and continuing with the politically correct bullshit that protects them.

At least we didn't end up with Hillary or she would be working hard to end the 2nd amendment. We the people can and will protect ourselves against all enemies if the need arises.

View attachment 128228

So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???

Learn never to trust the right.
this is what happens when democrats open the borders, let anyone in,,no security check....!!!:iagree:
this is why Trump wanted to put a travel ban on those 6/7 nations, now Trump can have his way with those two or three judges that dont see a problem letting these unchecked muslims into our country

But what's the betting that if this is a terrorist attack, that the attacker wasn't from one of those 7 countries? The chances are like 95%.

What are the odds that they are Muslim?

Answer: 99.9999%
19 dead and 50 injured in the suicide bombing attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. They invited this with their open border policy.

These radicals are turning on those who welcomed them with open arms. And the government responds by welcoming even more of them and continuing with the politically correct bullshit that protects them.

At least we didn't end up with Hillary or she would be working hard to end the 2nd amendment. We the people can and will protect ourselves against all enemies if the need arises.

View attachment 128228

So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???

Learn never to trust the right.

Oh my.

I don't trust anyone.

But the Democrats I distrust and detest.
We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.

Women in Paris Protest Against ‘No Go Zones’ Where Immigrant Men Terrorize Them

Too weak to defend themselves as a nation or people. The globalists have won in Eurabia. It's a nice preview of what liberals want for us here in the US though.
Just wanted to be clear and straightforward so there is not any confusion. Oh, is your conscious hurting you or something FrigidWeirdo? You seem to have flinched. Just checking

Does this have anything to do with this debate?

Hey, I've had three posters already come and attack ME. No fucking argument, nothing like that, just plain and simple attacks because I didn't say what they wanted me to say.
19 dead and 50 injured in the suicide bombing attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. They invited this with their open border policy.

These radicals are turning on those who welcomed them with open arms. And the government responds by welcoming even more of them and continuing with the politically correct bullshit that protects them.

At least we didn't end up with Hillary or she would be working hard to end the 2nd amendment. We the people can and will protect ourselves against all enemies if the need arises.

View attachment 128228

No, this has NOTHING to do with open borders.

This has to do with foreign policy, interfering in Muslim countries, going to war against Muslim countries, Iraq and Libya, interfering in Iran, Syria, Egypt etc.

Is that how these murdering terrorist thugs got into England?
Liar. Try harder FrigidWeirdo. Just wanted to make clear what was going on. I'm allowed to attack someone who is attacking and undermining our society, civilization, and country and aiding and abiding our enemies.
19 dead and 50 injured in the suicide bombing attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. They invited this with their open border policy.

These radicals are turning on those who welcomed them with open arms. And the government responds by welcoming even more of them and continuing with the politically correct bullshit that protects them.

At least we didn't end up with Hillary or she would be working hard to end the 2nd amendment. We the people can and will protect ourselves against all enemies if the need arises.

View attachment 128228

So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???
Nah! They're too vested in their bullshit narrative.
19 dead and 50 injured in the suicide bombing attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. They invited this with their open border policy.

These radicals are turning on those who welcomed them with open arms. And the government responds by welcoming even more of them and continuing with the politically correct bullshit that protects them.

At least we didn't end up with Hillary or she would be working hard to end the 2nd amendment. We the people can and will protect ourselves against all enemies if the need arises.

View attachment 128228

So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???

Learn never to trust the right.

Oh my.

I don't trust anyone.

But the Democrats I distrust and detest.

And I distrust both of them, but the Republicans, wow, they made this whole shit and now they're acting like we should get behind them and agree to all their shit, including taking away rights so we're safer from the shit they made.
if an tragedy of this kind happened during the Bush years, the rats would of tied it to Bush,,,if it happened around 2010/2011,,,,the rats would of blamed Bush,,,well, its 2017,,,who will the rats blame this time?
So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???
No, not on your life

They will whine and scream when Trump calls to push his travel EOs in front of SCOTUS

They will continue to call us intolerant racists

Fuck them

And to OP - enough Brits voted to leave the EU and enough Americans voted for Trump, so our 2 countries still have a chance, Britain is in a worse place & has more work to do than we do

But we'd best be getting to work

We need a SCOTUS ruling on travel bans RIGHT NOW
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19 dead and 50 injured in the suicide bombing attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. They invited this with their open border policy.

These radicals are turning on those who welcomed them with open arms. And the government responds by welcoming even more of them and continuing with the politically correct bullshit that protects them.

At least we didn't end up with Hillary or she would be working hard to end the 2nd amendment. We the people can and will protect ourselves against all enemies if the need arises.

View attachment 128228

So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???
to liberals, its no big deal....so a few people die...people die every day. thats how democrats think. hey, so long as they can win elections, these horrific events have no affect on them
Give it time. By then, when such events to affect them, it will be too late, though.
When reason fails, force remains. People of logic and common sense are willing to use both to defend themselves and their nation.

Unfortunately, much of western leadership falls outside that category.
Thank God we have Trump

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