I do wonder when republicans will stop being in denial about the pandemic

You Trump supporters are pathetic. You are horrible losers. Quit your whining. Go and get the skills to get a good job. Quit blaming everybody and everything except yourself for your problems.

You are kidding right? You do know the bottom dwellers of society vote highly Democratic, right?

It is us Republican keeping Democrats above water.

America has treated you well, why are you retiring to a country that did not provide you the opportunity.

I can't speak for DigitalDrifter, but I am thinking about buying property in another country as well. The US has treated me well. Opportunity abounds for those that work for it. The problem is, the left wants that all evened up. Equity of outcome and all. I can see the writing on the wall. We allow fraudulent elections and the Democrats are quickly turning us into a dependent society. I prefer to get out while the gettin' is still good. No reason to wait for the left to distribute my wealth to somebody who didn't make the choice to work for it.
China did not stand in denial as the TRUMPvirus spread across the nation.
China did not spread misinformation about the TRUMPvirus

Trump did


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus


China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'
By Joe McDonald, Sam McNeil | Associated Press
On Friday, the United States declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump and an order barring entry to foreign nationals, other than immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents, who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’s longest incubation period.

'Unfriendly comments'
China criticized the U.S. controls, which it said contradicted the WHO’s appeal to avoid travel bans, and “unfriendly comments” that Beijing was failing to cooperate.

“Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the U.S. rushed to go in the opposite way. Certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva that despite the emergency declaration, there is “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'

China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'


Coronavirus: China’s 17 day delay in releasing genome sequence of COVID-19

Health authorities have issued a dire warning about coronavirus as it continues to spread rapidly across China and the world.
Staff writers and wire
news.com.au FEBRUARY 13, 20207:23AM


There was a 17 day delay in the release of critical information about coronavirus during the crucial early stages of the outbreak, it’s been revealed.

A group of scientists is now calling for changes in the way new viruses are reported.

In a letter to medical journal The Lancet, the scientists said one of the important lessons from the outbreak was a delay in releasing information.

“The Chinese authorities ruled out SARS and MERS, as well as a few other non-coronaviruses, on January 5, and confirmed a novel coronavirus as a potential cause on January 9,” they said in the Lancet.

“However, the genome sequence — crucial for rapid development of diagnostics needed in an outbreak response — was not released until January 12, 2020 — 17 days after the preliminary sequence data were obtained.”


Nolte: A Mere 8 Days Ago Joe Biden Was Still Attacking Trump’s Travel Bans
JOHN NOLTE 20 Mar 2020

A mere eight days ago, Joe Biden was still vocally opposing President Donald Trump’s travel bans from Europe, and even China, as racist. In other words, if Biden was the president, we can’t begin to imagine how much worse things would look in American today thanks to President Biden’s refusal to keep people out from the very same places where the Chinese coronavirus rages.



Journalists Forget Their Own Predictions: Millions of Americans to Die
Jeffrey Lord

May 30th, 2020 11:00 AM

From The New York Times on March 13: “As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die.”

From The New York Times on March 16: “Sweeping new federal recommendations announced on Monday for Americans to sharply limit their activities appeared to draw on a dire scientific report warning that, without action by the government and individuals to slow the spread of coronavirus and suppress new cases, 2.2 million people in the United States could die.”

From The Washington Post, March 19: “In the worst-case scenario, America is on a trajectory toward 1.1 million deaths.”

From MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, March 24: If Americans go to Easter services: “If that happened on Easter Sunday, just 19 days from now, then in May, you’d have millions of dead people all over the country. Millions,” O’Donnell said on his MSNBC show. “If you have packed churches all over the country, including California, on Easter Sunday, by May there could be a million dead people in California.”

From Andrew Slavitt, Barack Obama’s former acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): “Currently experts expect over one million deaths in the U.S. since the virus was not contained & we cannot even test for it.”

From infectious disease specialist Michael Osterholm to podcaster Joe Rogan the week of March 12: “We conservatively estimate that this could require 48 million hospitalizations, 96 million cases actually occurring, over 480,000 deaths that can occur over the next three to seven months…”

From CNN: “On State of the Union, Dr. Anthony Fauci tells Brianna Keilar that in a worst-case scenario millions of people in the US could die from the coronavirus.”

From Yahoo: "At the low end of the projection this would mean about 700,000 deaths. At the high end it would mean 1.5 million deaths.”

In other words? By this point, there were estimates aplenty in the media that there would be anywhere from almost a half million to 1.5 million to 2.2 million dead Americans. But mysteriously in all the stories about the 100,000 dead Americans there is no mention - zero - of earlier media predictions that there would be ten or twenty times that number of deaths.

Journalists Forget Their Own Predictions: Millions of Americans to Die


More? Okay!

Dr. Fauci Masks don’t work.


Europe's Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren't Helpful in Beating COVID-19
The top medical experts in the world can’t decide if masks are helpful in reducing the spread of COVID-19 or just make things worse.
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.

Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren’t wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren’t even recommending them.


CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
OCTOBER 12, 2020 By Jordan Davidson

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

A study conducted in the United States in July found that when they compared 154 “case-patients,” who tested positive for COVID-19, to a control group of 160 participants from health care facilities who were symptomatic but tested negative, over 70 percent of the case-patients were contaminated with the virus and fell ill despite “always” wearing a mask.

All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

I have a funny feeling the Pandemic doesn't exist until the second Biden is in charge....

Then suddenly Biden lack of leadership caused the pandemic...
The Democrats used the pandemic as a political weapon against Trump...claiming it was his non action that caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. It will be interesting how Democratic leaders respond to the pandemic NOW if it's no longer politically advantageous for them to shut down the nation! Will Governor Cuomo continue to refuse to allow New Yorkers to get a vaccine until Trump leaves office? How will he justify that if there is another Covid surge in New York?

How do you explain 250,000 deaths instead of the 52,000 our population would warrant?

We used to consider America to be Exceptional
We demanded to be the best in everything.

Under Trumps inept leadership, we have five times the deaths we should
The hard thing for me to understand, if your willing to take the risk of getting the virus & you spend your time with others who feel the same then guess its not my business (maybe) but how difficult could it be to wear a mask or stay six feet away from me in the grocery store? when you have a cold do you go to a friends house & cough around them???
The hard thing for me to understand, if your willing to take the risk of getting the virus & you spend your time with others who feel the same then guess its not my business (maybe) but how difficult could it be to wear a mask or stay six feet away from me in the grocery store? when you have a cold do you go to a friends house & cough around them???
Where is it written that everyone else has some obligation to live their lives based upon your irrational fears?
How do you explain 250,000 deaths instead of the 52,000 our population would warrant?

We used to consider America to be Exceptional
We demanded to be the best in everything.

Under Trumps inept leadership, we have five times the deaths we should

That simply emphasizes your ignorance or, just as likely, TDR.


When do accept facts? But this is just a game with you.


All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

I have a funny feeling the Pandemic doesn't exist until the second Biden is in charge....

Then suddenly Biden lack of leadership caused the pandemic...
The Democrats used the pandemic as a political weapon against Trump...claiming it was his non action that caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. It will be interesting how Democratic leaders respond to the pandemic NOW if it's no longer politically advantageous for them to shut down the nation! Will Governor Cuomo continue to refuse to allow New Yorkers to get a vaccine until Trump leaves office? How will he justify that if there is another Covid surge in New York?

How do you explain 250,000 deaths instead of the 52,000 our population would warrant?

We used to consider America to be Exceptional
We demanded to be the best in everything.

Under Trumps inept leadership, we have five times the deaths we should
It's a virus that attacks the elderly but more than anything else...it attacks people that have let themselves become vulnerable to a bad flu. People that are obese. People that smoke. You want to know why our population had so many deaths? It's not because of anything our President did or didn't do! It's because we've got so many unhealthy people! You want to make America "exceptional" again? How about people get a fucking clue about how their life choices put a big bullseye on their back whenever something like this happens! You want to be fat? Smoke like a chimney? Drink too much alcohol? Abuse drugs? Knock yourself out! But when the Grim Reaper knocks on your door don't be whining about how "unfair" it is that you're getting sick and dying because I don't want to hear it! I'm a firm believer in Natural Selection!
The first battle we had was convincing Conservatives that they need to wear masks and socially distance.

The second battle will be to convince them to get vaccinated
The first battle is still going on.

It's so bad that nurses in South Dakota are being screamed at in Covid wards by patients (some dying) that INSIST that they don't have Covid because it's not real.

They do this right up until they get intubated
Being against mask wearing because it shows "weakness" or "fear" is akin to not using oven mitts because it shows your "fear" of the oven
Being against mask wearing because it shows "weakness" or "fear" is akin to not using oven mitts because it shows your "fear" of the oven
Wearing oven mitts protects YOU from burning your hands. Wearing a mask doesn't protect YOU at all from Covid 19! Not your best attempt at an analogy, Lesh...just saying...
Wearing oven mitts protects YOU from burning your hands. Wearing a mask doesn't protect YOU at all from Covid 19! Not your best attempt at an analogy, Lesh...just saying...
Actually the CDC just said that it DOES protect you to a degree so...FAIL moron

And gee...what is your problem with doing something that protects others as much or more than it does you?

Do you hate your fellow man that much? Your friends? Your family?
It's not because of anything our President did or didn't do! It's because we've got so many unhealthy people! You want to make America "exceptional" again? How about people get a fucking clue about how their life choices put a big bullseye on their back whenever something like this happens!

Does that explain why Trump got COVID?
The hard thing for me to understand, if your willing to take the risk of getting the virus & you spend your time with others who feel the same then guess its not my business (maybe) but how difficult could it be to wear a mask or stay six feet away from me in the grocery store? when you have a cold do you go to a friends house & cough around them???

If you want to wear a mask and stay six feet away from anyone, please do. How that anyone else's responsibility? Just do it.

Yes, almost everyone has gone to work, shopping, or whatever with a cold or the flu. l bet you have too.

Why wear one anyway?

Dr. Fauci Masks don’t work.


Europe's Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren't Helpful in Beating COVID-19
The top medical experts in the world can’t decide if masks are helpful in reducing the spread of COVID-19 or just make things worse.
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.

Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren’t wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren’t even recommending them.


CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
OCTOBER 12, 2020 By Jordan Davidson

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

A study conducted in the United States in July found that when they compared 154 “case-patients,” who tested positive for COVID-19, to a control group of 160 participants from health care facilities who were symptomatic but tested negative, over 70 percent of the case-patients were contaminated with the virus and fell ill despite “always” wearing a mask.

All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

They don't need a reason. Rush downplays it, then Sean downplays it, then Trump downplays it. That's the order. Then the flock swallows it whole.
All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

The RWNJs know the number of daily cases is "fake news" so they don't worry about catching COVID. But, if they do, they'll beat the virus in three days, just like their big, orange hero.


I feel so sorry for you, just can’t face the reality that every option available was employed and it took longer then you believe it should to find a cure. I guess Joe would have had the magic cure, are you for real or just so warped in the head that reality is just too much to grasp?
All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

The RWNJs know the number of daily cases is "fake news" so they don't worry about catching COVID. But, if they do, they'll beat the virus in three days, just like their big, orange hero.


I feel so sorry for you, just can’t face the reality that every option available was employed and it took longer then you believe it should to find a cure. I guess Joe would have had the magic cure, are you for real or just so warped in the head that reality is just too much to grasp?
Would President Biden have a magic cure? No

Would he have listened to scientists and implemented available safety precautions and guidelines? Yes

Would he have lied about the threat, mocked those who wear masks or encouraged civil disobedience against COVID measures? No
A study conducted in the United States in July found that when they compared 154 “case-patients,” who tested positive for COVID-19, to a control group of 160 participants from health care facilities who were symptomatic but tested negative, over 70 percent of the case-patients were contaminated with the virus and fell ill despite “always” wearing a mask.
A very limited "study". Actually it was a questionnaire in which the respondents decided what "always" meant.

In a large number of cases those people who "always" wore a mask engaged in things like going to indoor bars and restaurants.

If anything it pointed out that BEHAVIOR was as important as mask wearing.

And oh yea...if you wear a mask but spend a great deal of time around those who don't...you wearing a mask is not going to protect you all that much.

Also the type of mask worn matters a great deal as well. As does how you wear it and the procedures you use.

Neck gaiters are just short of useless either to protect you or others

Wearing a mask below your nose is just stupid. It's "wearing a mask" in name only
Why are you leftists so afraid of death? Do you not know that life on this Earth is just a temporary gig? It's gonna happen...sometime.

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