I do wonder when republicans will stop being in denial about the pandemic

Why are you leftists so afraid of death? Do you not know that life on this Earth is just a temporary gig? It's gonna happen...sometime.
We are not afraid.....just not now
Now, tomorrow, ten years from now. Just a microcosm in the big picture. Ready yourself.
Self preservation is a basic human instinct.

The asshole SmokeALib is admitting that Trumpism is a death cult
Nobody is stopping you from preserving yourself. Go right ahead - to the detriment of the people surrounding you...
For those proclaiming Covid is not a Pandemic:

Yes, Covid is a Pandemic because it is spread across multiple continents and has infected millions.

I lean right and wear a damn mask and do my social distancing as much as I can and many of you can say what you want but until the vaccine is out I will continue to wear my mask and social distance!
Would President Biden have a magic cure? No

Would he have listened to scientists and implemented available safety precautions and guidelines? Yes

Would he have lied about the threat, mocked those who wear masks or encouraged civil disobedience against COVID measures? No

Your TDS is so severe that you won't admit that listening to experts doesn't just include the scientists but others and having to weigh what is best FOR ALL.

Dr. Fauci Masks don’t work.


Europe's Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren't Helpful in Beating COVID-19
The top medical experts in the world can’t decide if masks are helpful in reducing the spread of COVID-19 or just make things worse.
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.

Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren’t wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren’t even recommending them


CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
OCTOBER 12, 2020 By Jordan Davidson

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

A study conducted in the United States in July found that when they compared 154 “case-patients,” who tested positive for COVID-19, to a control group of 160 participants from health care facilities who were symptomatic but tested negative, over 70 percent of the case-patients were contaminated with the virus and fell ill despite “always” wearing a mask.

All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

You goofs are sooo influenced by your propaganda all the metrics about the actual seriousness have been improving for months now. We have dropped to 12th in deaths/million and have a 2.1% mortality rate now that falls every day. The critical case rate is less than a half a percent of all active cases. We have performed 171 million tests now so you think that will give us FEWER cases in libber math??
All I can say is, I’m glad that stupid sack of shit is about to be evicted out of the WH. Can you imagine if he was still in charge for another 4 years while a pandemic was going on?

“With COVID-19 cases increasing in 46 states, 10 of which broke single-day records for new cases on Thursday, America has officially entered what experts refer to as the “exponential” phase of spread — a rapid multiplying of cases that can’t be contained through traditional measures. On Thursday alone, the U.S. saw 160,000 new cases of the virus, more than any day since the pandemic began.”

You goofs are sooo influenced by your propaganda all the metrics about the actual seriousness have been improving for months now. We have dropped to 12th in deaths/million and have a 2.1% mortality rate now that falls every day. The critical case rate is less than a half a percent of all active cases. We have performed 171 million tests now so you think that will give us FEWER cases in libber math??
You're fucking delusional.

Infections are through the roof...hospitalizations are through the roof and deaths are climbing rapidly

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