I dont believe a country without faith in God has a future

Faith in God can be different. A religion that promotes chauvinism, slavery and obscurantism can and does form a "country of the future", but such a prospect is not very attractive. These "countries" are needed by the villains at the top, and not by the peoples who are there.
And do not forget the history of this "faith in God", the shamelessness of the priests, pornocraty, the bloody terror, mass genocides, the witch-hunt, the slavery, lawlessness and darkness in Europe.
If we condemn totalitarianism and extremism, then the exception for the church in this respect is pure political hypocrisy.
When you combine the state with religion, bad things happen. Why? Because if you combine the state with anything, bad things happen.

The persecution of the Jews in Europe is a prime example. Here you had a populace largely uneducated and unable to read, along with a populace who did not have access to religious texts. So they relied on priests to tell them how to earn their salvation, like buying their way out of purgatory which is unbiblical. You also had a Pope that acted more like a conquering king than a representative of God.

The thing that began to change things was the Guttenberg press and Martin Luther. People began to realize they were following false prophets. And although Martin Luther became increasingly anti-Semitic at the end of his life, the driving force of the systematic persecution of the Jewish people was the state. The Holocaust was simply the climax of such persecution from the state.

And if you look at the history of genocide historically, the state is a master at it. Presently in the US, over 50 million unborn have lost their lives.
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When you combine the state with religion, bad things happen. Why? Because if you combine the state with anything, bad things happen.

The persecution of the Jews in Europe is a prime example. Here you had a populace largely uneducated and unable to read, along with a populace who did not have access to religious texts. So they relied on priests to tell them how to earn their salvation, like buying their way out of purgatory which is unbiblical. You also had a Pope that acted more like a conquering king than a representative of God.

The thing that began to change things was the Guttenberg press and Martin Luther. People began to realize they were following false prophets. And although Martin Luther became increasingly anti-Semitic at the end of his life, the driving force of the systematic persecution of the Jewish people was the state. The Holocaust was simply the climax of such persecution from the state.
Have you forgotten that the Abrahamic scriptures are Jewish in origin, and it was there that it was written about the holy war, the extermination of the Gog-Magog clan, proclaimed the right of the Jews to dominate other nations, and told tales about creation in 7 days?
Have you forgotten that the Abrahamic scriptures are Jewish in origin, and it was there that it was written about the holy war, the extermination of the Gog-Magog clan, proclaimed the right of the Jews to dominate other nations, and told tales about creation in 7 days?
Not at all.

So you are a Jew who disagrees with the Bible. Understood.

Well let's look at people God decided to wipe off the face of the earth. Look at Sodom, for example. We get a glimpse of just how wicked they were as angels were sent to Lot in the city. But as they approached the city, the men of the city began to approach and follow them to Lot's house. And once they reached Lot's house, they demanded Lot hand the angels over so they could gang rape them.

Or look at those in Canaan who sacrificed their children to the god Molech, among other crimes against humanity. God has the right to wipe these people off the face of the earth if they have become so wicked, they need dealt with.

Or do you dispute that we needed to wipe out the Nazi regime off the face of the earth? And yes, I think God has his hand in that as well. If mankind reaches a certain level of wickedness, like Sadam wiping out an entire Kurdish city with WMD's, a line is drawn in the sand saying "No further".

As for the creation story, ancient Rabbinical writings indicate that these were not literal days. They came to this conclusion based only on expert interpretation of the Hebrew words used in Genesis, and passed down information. They came to the conclusion that the days of Genesis were much longer than the days we think of today, and all conclusions were reached premodern science.

When you combine the state with religion, bad things happen. Why? Because if you combine the state with anything, bad things happen.
In fact, the church stood over the state, it was a transnational institution that towered over the European autonomies and over their kings
This was not a merger with the state, but their takeover. Even kings paid to the church
In fact, the church stood over the state, it was a transnational institution that towered over the European autonomies and over their kings
This was not a merger with the state, but their takeover. Even kings paid to the church
The Catholic church is actually it's own country, with it's own land at the Vatican and even it's own army.

As such, they are no different than any other world king wielding worldly power.

Christ said that his kingdom was not of this world, nor could be. He even said that the god of this world was Satan himself, and judging by the condition of the world governments and populace, that sounds about right. He said this when questioned by Pilate who had the power to kill him. Christ said that if the world were his kingdom, his followers would take up arms to get him released which they did not, and he certainly would not have agreed to go to the cross.

But I reckon Constantine did not get the memo. In fact, Constantine continued to worship pagan gods even though he set up the Catholic church. Here is a man who murdered his own wife and son, although rumor has it he tried to convert to Christianity on his death bed.
thanks for the consultation, but I read the Bible and I know its origin and I know what is written there
As do I.

Funny how people can read the same text and get two different takes.

In fact, I don't read it the same as when I first did.
But I reckon Constantine did not get the memo. In fact, Constantine continued to worship pagan
This, too, by the way, is a deceitful manipulation. Those who celebrated the ceremony in the poganus temples were called pagans, this referred to the savages and commoners who lived in the forests of Europe. And the concept of polytheists referred to Eastern civilizations that created great cultures and science, mastered musical theory, and studied the sky in observatories, several thousand years before Christianity arose and Christians burned their sacred books together with their scientists
Christians equated one with the other.
Although in the very same scripture it was noted by the apostles that the "polytheists" thoroughly studied and comprehended nature, they were charged with the fact that they rejected the creator.
The Christian Eucharist inherits its sacrificial ritual precisely from the cults of Paganos. There was also an altar and an altar partition, only instead of the symbolic body of Christ, the flesh of animals and possibly people was eaten there.
And it's not a fact that at the beginning Christianity did not act the same way, because on the Gothic icons the Eucharist is not with Christ, but with the dismembered baby
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This, too, by the way, is a deceitful manipulation. Those who celebrated the ceremony in the poganus temples were called pagans, this referred to the savages and commoners who lived in the forests of Europe. And the concept of polytheists referred to Eastern civilizations that created great cultures and science, mastered musical theory, and studied the sky in observatories, several thousand years before Christianity arose and Christians burned their sacred books together with their scientists
Christians equated one with the other.
Although in the very same scripture it was noted by the apostles that the "polytheists" thoroughly studied and comprehended nature, they were charged with the fact that they rejected the creator.
The Christian Eucharist inherits its sacrificial ritual precisely from the cults of Paganos. There was also an altar and an altar partition, only instead of the symbolic body of Christ, the flesh of animals and possibly people was eaten there.
And it's not a fact that at the beginning Christianity did not act the same way, because on the Gothic icons the Eucharist is not with Christ, but with the dismembered baby
It is true that many of the pagan practices and religious days were tried to be incorporated into the Christian faith in order to try and convert them. For example, moving the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday because the religious holy day of the pagans was on a Sunday comes to mind. This is why Easter is celebrated on a Sunday when really Christ rose on the real Sabbath on Saturday, etc.

In the early days, many could not read, let alone have access to the religious texts that outline their faith, so they relied upon others to tell them which is problematic to say the least.
This is how the Eucharist was depicted, and this is far from the most terrible thing in Christian painting. Naturally now they all interpret this in the spirit of symbolism, but this is not surprising. There are many questions, and it is especially strange that they "symbolized" a 33-year-old man by a baby.
But of course there will be explanations for everything, don't bother, I have no doubt about it.
This is how the Eucharist was depicted, and this is far from the most terrible thing in Christian painting. Naturally now they all interpret this in the spirit of symbolism, but this is not surprising. There are many questions, and it is especially strange that they "symbolized" a 33-year-old man by a baby.
But of course there will be explanations for everything, don't bother, I have no doubt about it.
I understand, we are done here
This is a religion that 99% consists of only one excuse and abstruse explanations of why the darkness and horror that they created in Europe was needed.
The pope apologized for this on behalf of the church. How easy it is to destroy many innocent women, create a system of bloody wars, keep millions of people in horror, poverty and slavery for centuries, and then just apologize by the way, "I'm sorry, I accidentally
By the way, the Bolsheviks acted in about the same way. Trotsky declared: what can we oppose to art the management of the "old classes"? Only terror.
A country cannot have a "faith." A country is a collection of people. who don't necessarily all agree on anything. Only an individual can have faith. Why do you think that there are so many religions and subsets of these religions in the world?

I dont believe a country without faith in God has a future. In this century in Europe totalitarian systems, who propagated Godlesness, all failed.
Helmut Kohl 1994 in Bonn, Former German Chancellor.

Imagine a religious person talking about BELIEVING.

What is "believing"? It's accepting without knowing. Ridiculous really.
Imagine a religious person talking about BELIEVING.

What is "believing"? It's accepting without knowing. Ridiculous really.
Why not?
The same people believe in Trump, they're in the same "business".

The televangelist ruined any sense of christianity to day.

Jesse Duplantis, a televangelist with viewers across the globe, says God told him he needs a new jet.

Specifically, God told Duplantis he needs a Dassault Falcon 7X, a three-engine private jet capable of carrying 12 to 16 passengers at speeds up to 700 miles per hour. The Falcon 7X, which would be the fourth plane owned by Jesse Duplantis Ministries, has a range of almost 6,000 miles and costs about $54 million new, according to SherpaReport (although used ones are listed online for as little as $20 million).

"Now, some people believe that preachers shouldn't have jets," Duplantis said in a video posted last week. "I really believe that preachers ought to ... have every available outlet to get this Gospel preached to the world."

In fact, Duplantis said that "if Jesus was physically on the Earth today, he wouldn't be riding a donkey."

"He'd be in an airplane preaching the Gospel all over the world," he said.

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