"I dont believe that Kavagnagh assaulted Mrs Ford"

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Kavanaugh could rape a woman bloody in front of the nation, and conservatives would just salivate and beg for more
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Nope I doubt Susan Collins believes she was assaulted at all. She's playing politics and trying not to piss off the NE Rino voter. That's what happens when you pander to the insane
Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.
Conservatives would force them to have the baby if they were in power. Thank God for secularism.
Libbys would make the muslims citizens and elect them mayors of their capitol city.
If they embraced secularism and did not intend to force their beliefs on anybody, then I would gladly elect them over any evangelical nutjob.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.

“I tried to convince myself that because Brett did not rape me” - Dr. Ford’s testimony.

" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Kavanaugh could rape a woman bloody in front of the nation, and conservatives would just salivate and beg for more
I am not totally sold on that. But the process left a lot to be desired and that was predicated on their need to rush this character through before they lose control. It gave off a real stench.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Nope I doubt Susan Collins believes she was assaulted at all. She's playing politics and trying not to piss off the NE Rino voter. That's what happens when you pander to the insane
Her career is over. Long overdue, after watching her stumble through that speech like she was going to collapse at any minute. The life support that keeps that woman from falling apart must cost a fortune.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Kavanaugh could rape a woman bloody in front of the nation, and conservatives would just salivate and beg for more
Boy, Do you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by Hollywood types
Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.
Conservatives would force them to have the baby if they were in power. Thank God for secularism.
Libbys would make the muslims citizens and elect them mayors of their capitol city.
If they embraced secularism and did not intend to force their beliefs on anybody, then I would gladly elect them over any evangelical nutjob.
They're muslims. If they embraced secularism they would kill the baby themselves.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.

She had too many narratives and her story was too full of holes. In the end she lacked credibility and facts.

The kicker was she couldn't remember how she got home, as soon as I read that I knew she was fabricating the entire thing, for her to say how would have involved a witness and she couldn't produce anyone that remembers the event happening. The ones she did say knew didn't back her up in the least.

The other one is the second door...that absolutely killed her as it proved she was creating a narrative and she forgot or didn't know the building permits are a matter of record. Kicked her right in the gut that one did
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Kavanaugh could rape a woman bloody in front of the nation, and conservatives would just salivate and beg for more
You really need to take a chill pill. Even if you believe 100% of Dr. Ford's accusation, no rape occurred except the one in your wild imagination.
Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.
Conservatives would force them to have the baby if they were in power. Thank God for secularism.
Libbys would make the muslims citizens and elect them mayors of their capitol city.
If they embraced secularism and did not intend to force their beliefs on anybody, then I would gladly elect them over any evangelical nutjob.
They're muslims. If they embraced secularism they would kill the baby themselves.
Evangelical and Muslims would force any woman to have the baby with the threat of prison time. Another thing in the long list of things American conservatives have in common with radical Islam.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Kavanaugh could rape a woman bloody in front of the nation, and conservatives would just salivate and beg for more
You really need to take a chill pill. Even if you believe 100% of Dr. Ford's accusation, no rape occurred except the one in your wild imagination.
Other than the gang rapes. Ford escaped because the rapist couldn't control his alcoholism. In that case, we can be grateful that Brett is a blackout drunkard.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.

That's just what people who are afraid to speak out against the whole "believe survivors" mantra say. Just as it's politically incorrect to say that black people commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, it's also verboten to say that sometimes women lie.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.

She had too many narratives and her story was too full of holes. In the end she lacked credibility and facts.

The kicker was she couldn't remember how she got home, as soon as I read that I knew she was fabricating the entire thing, for her to say how would have involved a witness and she couldn't produce anyone that remembers the event happening. The ones she did say knew didn't back her up in the least.

The other one is the second door...that absolutely killed her as it proved she was creating a narrative and she forgot or didn't know the building permits are a matter of record. Kicked her right in the gut that one did
But they believe she was assaulted ?
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Blasey Fraud didn’t allege she was raped you fat twat.

Collins has been stalked by rabid screeching banshees for the last few weeks, and she is still being stalked by them. She probably prefers to not be physically attacked and therefore paid lip service to Frauds assertion that she was attacked. It’s really not that difficult to figure out.

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