"I dont believe that Kavagnagh assaulted Mrs Ford"

" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.

That you somehow think this can be reasonably resolved is stupid.

He said, she said from 40 years ago ?

Seriously ?

Stay out of our business.
You say four people were witnesses to your rape. None of them back up your story.

You say you have no memory of the date, place or how you got home, but remember you "escaped" Kavanaugh, a much stronger person.

You say you told your therapist it was Kavanaugh, but won't release the records.

You say you had no knowledge of lie detector procedures, yet coached a FBI recruit friend on how to pass the test. That same agent tried to get your other friend to change her testimony.

No wonder Feinstein sat on it for a month. The only use of it was to smear Kavanaugh at the last minute.
Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.

She knew the year, and he had it on his calendar, July 1st.
She didn’t narrow it down to that year until after demoquacks had interviewed Kav and spoken with her. But regardless of that, so what?
If I accuse you of something and pick a year, so what?
He had a calendar with July 1 st on it?
That’s nearly as compelling as you citing the house had stairs and a bathroom as evidence earlier!
This farce has really unhinged you!

She sited the house , the bedroom and the bathroom, and by the way she sited the year too. Listen to her interview or prosecutors questioning again. It was the summer when she was 15.
Those who say they believe she was assaulted are being politely kind. It's one of those keep the peace little white lies. Like no. Those stretch pants do not make your ass look big.
I think that you might be on the money there. Its just hypocrisy.
No, it’s an attempt to calm the rabid Left in view of the fact that the unhinged loons even threatened her staff with rape if Collins didn’t vote against Kav.
Oh the irony - to threaten rape. Leftards are lunatics.
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" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Yeah, if you don't believe it was Kavanaugh, it's pretty perplexing how you believe the rest of it.
I agree.
Mistaken identity never happens?

Happens all the time, but not when you are looking at the man straight on while attempting to rape you.
Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.

She knew the year, and he had it on his calendar, July 1st.
She didn’t narrow it down to that year until after demoquacks had interviewed Kav and spoken with her. But regardless of that, so what?
If I accuse you of something and pick a year, so what?
He had a calendar with July 1 st on it?
That’s nearly as compelling as you citing the house had stairs and a bathroom as evidence earlier!
This farce has really unhinged you!

She sited the house , the bedroom and the bathroom, and by the way she sited the year too. Listen to her interview or prosecutors questioning again. It was the summer when she was 15.

No, she provided vague generic descriptions, and was unable to identify the specific house. That's not very compelling.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Yeah, if you don't believe it was Kavanaugh, it's pretty perplexing how you believe the rest of it.
I agree.
Considering she allegedly couldn’t remember things from just weeks before the hearing, not really.
Considering she couldn’t remember, where, when, how she got there, how she got home, not really.

Considering she allegedly couldn’t remember things from just weeks before the hearing, not really.

And "The polygraph took forever, it felt like I recited my entire life story", but it was only 2 questions.
The whole Ford debacle is really a side-issue in Kav's long history of lying under oath, which makes him totally unfit for the gong.
But the Republicans have hopped on board the Liar-in-Chief's fantasy train, and think blatant lies are the new truth.
You say four people were witnesses to your rape. None of them back up your story.

You say you have no memory of the date, place or how you got home, but remember you "escaped" Kavanaugh, a much stronger person.

You say you told your therapist it was Kavanaugh, but won't release the records.

You say you had no knowledge of lie detector procedures, yet coached a FBI recruit friend on how to pass the test. That same agent tried to get your other friend to change her testimony.

No wonder Feinstein sat on it for a month. The only use of it was to smear Kavanaugh at the last minute.

You mean the guy involved and PJ. Of course they don't. Even her girlfriend might not of seen her run out.
As always, there are two sides to every story. It's Her story vs. His story. In most cases, neither at times, have "proof". It's almost always hearsay. Unless it can be "proven" otherwise. Having said that, I don't believe one word of Dr. Christine Ford. I will even go one step further: I believe she "staged" it. We already know they both have an indignant history. So, it's really no surprise, she would have some "agenda".

Let's break it down here:

  • This is the year that former District of Columbia Judge Brett Kavanaugh was soon-to-be nominated to the next SCOTUS bench. After President Trump had narrowed his list of potential judges to take over former Federal Judge Anthony Scalia. President Trump was looking for a Constitutionalist judge. One that would abide by and uphold the Constitution of the United States. So, President Trump chose Brett Kavanaugh. But it came at a hefty price.
  • But really started in 1996, when then-Judge Martha Kavanaugh (Brett's mother) dismissed a 1996 foreclosure action against Ralph and Paula Blasey (Christine's parents). So, this was no accident that twenty-two years later, she (Dr. Christine Blasey Ford) would get her revenge. But apparently, it didn't happen the way she wanted. So, I believe that she either "made up" the sexual assault story to make it so believable. Or she "coached" herself (as she was reported by her ex-boyfriend, that she coached to get pass any lie detector test.) to lie in front of the Senate Committee at the hearing last week. But we all know that her "story" had more holes than "my entire drawer of socks".
  • Then Senator Diane Feinstein (still to this day denies that she even leaked the letter from Dr. Christine Ford) decided instead of going to the Senate with the letter, she would keep it confidential. Meaning, if it was still kept "confidential", I am sure we would never get to "hear" what really happened. Dr. Christine Ford had no choice but to "reveal" herself (in more than one ways than one). And that is when the entire "Kavanaugh circus" began. She "felt" in order to stop Brett Kavanaugh of becoming the next SCOTUS judge, she would have to "lie her way". No matter what the cost. And it cost her big time.
  • After thirty-six years after this "alleged" sexual assault took place at a party, she picked a bad time to go after him (Kavanaugh).

I think even though, there are always two sides to every story, not ALL stories are what they seem to be.

Just my personal opinion. Take it with a grain of salt.
Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.

She knew the year, and he had it on his calendar, July 1st.
She didn’t narrow it down to that year until after demoquacks had interviewed Kav and spoken with her. But regardless of that, so what?
If I accuse you of something and pick a year, so what?
He had a calendar with July 1 st on it?
That’s nearly as compelling as you citing the house had stairs and a bathroom as evidence earlier!
This farce has really unhinged you!

She sited the house , the bedroom and the bathroom, and by the way she sited the year too. Listen to her interview or prosecutors questioning again. It was the summer when she was 15.
You really are dumber than a box of rocks. SMH.
She cited 4 different years, she said it was a house with stairs and a bathroom. Do I really have to remind you that most houses have stairs and bathrooms? Have you paid any attention to this case at all?
Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.

She knew the year, and he had it on his calendar, July 1st.
She didn’t narrow it down to that year until after demoquacks had interviewed Kav and spoken with her. But regardless of that, so what?
If I accuse you of something and pick a year, so what?
He had a calendar with July 1 st on it?
That’s nearly as compelling as you citing the house had stairs and a bathroom as evidence earlier!
This farce has really unhinged you!

She sited the house , the bedroom and the bathroom, and by the way she sited the year too. Listen to her interview or prosecutors questioning again. It was the summer when she was 15.

And that proves what ?

That she could have been in the same room with a female lover.
The whole Ford debacle is really a side-issue in Kav's long history of lying under oath, which makes him totally unfit for the gong.
But the Republicans have hopped on board the Liar-in-Chief's fantasy train, and think blatant lies are the new truth.

The New York Times’ Adam Liptak examines Kavanaugh’s personal and professional history. The profile depicts Kavanaugh as a decidedly conservative Washington insider but hardly a rank partisan. He’s known as a nuanced and careful thinker, and although his judicial opinions are often lauded by voices on the right, he has shied away from absolutist positions, at times to the chagrin of conservatives. He has “formed lifelong friendships with liberals, many of whom praise his intellect and civility,” and those who worked with him before he became a judge described him as “often a moderating force.”

NYT, June 2018
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
your OP doesn't make sense
wtf are you trying to say?
there is NO evidence supporting what she says or anything
You've just been tainted.
You say four people were witnesses to your rape. None of them back up your story.

You say you have no memory of the date, place or how you got home, but remember you "escaped" Kavanaugh, a much stronger person.

You say you told your therapist it was Kavanaugh, but won't release the records.

You say you had no knowledge of lie detector procedures, yet coached a FBI recruit friend on how to pass the test. That same agent tried to get your other friend to change her testimony.

No wonder Feinstein sat on it for a month. The only use of it was to smear Kavanaugh at the last minute.

You mean the guy involved and PJ. Of course they don't. Even her girlfriend might not of seen her run out.
They don’t even recollect the party and her friend said she’s never met Kav.
Try again.
You say four people were witnesses to your rape. None of them back up your story.

You say you have no memory of the date, place or how you got home, but remember you "escaped" Kavanaugh, a much stronger person.

You say you told your therapist it was Kavanaugh, but won't release the records.

You say you had no knowledge of lie detector procedures, yet coached a FBI recruit friend on how to pass the test. That same agent tried to get your other friend to change her testimony.

No wonder Feinstein sat on it for a month. The only use of it was to smear Kavanaugh at the last minute.

You mean the guy involved and PJ. Of course they don't. Even her girlfriend might not of seen her run out.
They don’t even recollect the party and her friend said she’s never met Kav.
Try again.
Here's who else Christine Blasey Ford says was at the high school party where Brett Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted her

and of course the 3 guys don't.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.

“I tried to convince myself that because Brett did not rape me” - Dr. Ford’s testimony.


Yeah I gots a question.

What's your point?
You say four people were witnesses to your rape. None of them back up your story.

You say you have no memory of the date, place or how you got home, but remember you "escaped" Kavanaugh, a much stronger person.

You say you told your therapist it was Kavanaugh, but won't release the records.

You say you had no knowledge of lie detector procedures, yet coached a FBI recruit friend on how to pass the test. That same agent tried to get your other friend to change her testimony.

No wonder Feinstein sat on it for a month. The only use of it was to smear Kavanaugh at the last minute.

You mean the guy involved and PJ. Of course they don't. Even her girlfriend might not of seen her run out.
They don’t even recollect the party and her friend said she’s never met Kav.
Try again.
Here's who else Christine Blasey Ford says was at the high school party where Brett Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted her

and of course the 3 guys don't.
And none of them corroborate a single thing Fraud says.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.

She had too many narratives and her story was too full of holes. In the end she lacked credibility and facts.

The kicker was she couldn't remember how she got home, as soon as I read that I knew she was fabricating the entire thing, for her to say how would have involved a witness and she couldn't produce anyone that remembers the event happening. The ones she did say knew didn't back her up in the least.

The other one is the second door...that absolutely killed her as it proved she was creating a narrative and she forgot or didn't know the building permits are a matter of record. Kicked her right in the gut that one did

Pretzel factory working overtime.

Number one, the ride home would have been inconsequential. I can think of any number of dramatic things that happened in life without being able to tell you how I got home. I can remember vividly how we heard about the Kennedy assassination in school; I can tell you where I was seated, what the day looked like outside, the exact words that came over the public address and exactly how they were delivered. But I coundn't tell you jack shit about how I got home that day, presumably by bus but that's just a guess. Because that's not the memorable part.

We pause here for a moment of "DUH".

And number two, nothing about the incident described has anything to do with door designs or freaking building permits.

Double Duh bus.

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