"I dont believe that Kavagnagh assaulted Mrs Ford"

Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.

She knew the year, and he had it on his calendar, July 1st.
She didn’t narrow it down to that year until after demoquacks had interviewed Kav and spoken with her. But regardless of that, so what?
If I accuse you of something and pick a year, so what?
He had a calendar with July 1 st on it?
That’s nearly as compelling as you citing the house had stairs and a bathroom as evidence earlier!
This farce has really unhinged you!

She sited the house , the bedroom and the bathroom, and by the way she sited the year too. Listen to her interview or prosecutors questioning again. It was the summer when she was 15.
Again, she changed her story about the house,

....Investigators also spoke with former classmates of Kavanaugh, including two men who showed staffers the “party houses” near the country club during the relevant time period. And the detailed description of the home interior Ford originally provided allowed investigators to compare her story to the layout of the homes of the individuals Ford identified. But then Ford changed her description of the house’s floor plan.

Since media leaks of Ford’s charges first broke, Kavanaugh and his supporters have stressed the impossibility of proving the negative: Kavanaugh could not prove he did not attack Ford. But Kavanuaugh could prove that Ford’s story could not possibly have happened by showing that none of the individuals at the supposed party lived in a house near the country club, and that none of their houses matched that described by Ford. Kavanaugh and investigators were poised to do so when Ford changed her story.

Open-minded Americans of all stripes should see that — emotions aside — Ford’s testimony is completely devoid of credibility: so much so, that Mitchell told the Senate this week that Ford’s allegations do not even meet the preponderance of evidence standard. That standard, which governs in civil litigation, asks whether it is more likely than not that an event occurred.

Christine Blasey Ford's changing Kavanaugh assault story leaves her short on credibility
You say four people were witnesses to your rape. None of them back up your story.

You say you have no memory of the date, place or how you got home, but remember you "escaped" Kavanaugh, a much stronger person.

You say you told your therapist it was Kavanaugh, but won't release the records.

You say you had no knowledge of lie detector procedures, yet coached a FBI recruit friend on how to pass the test. That same agent tried to get your other friend to change her testimony.

No wonder Feinstein sat on it for a month. The only use of it was to smear Kavanaugh at the last minute.

You mean the guy involved and PJ. Of course they don't. Even her girlfriend might not of seen her run out.
They don’t even recollect the party and her friend said she’s never met Kav.
Try again.
Here's who else Christine Blasey Ford says was at the high school party where Brett Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted her

and of course the 3 guys don't.

"In her testimony before the Judiciary Committee and in multiple letters Ford and her attorneys have sent to members of Congress and the committee, Ford accuses Kavanaugh of attacking her.

She specifically described walking up the stairs to go to the bathroom, only for Kavanaugh and Judge to push into a bedroom and lock the door behind her. She accuses Kavanaugh of pushing her onto the bed and attempting to remove her bathing suit and rape her while putting his hand over his mouth to stop her from crying out for help.

Ford says she was able to escape when Judge jumped on top of them, toppling them over and allowing her to escape and leave the situation."

I just quoted what Dr. Ford said in front of the Senate Committee at the day of the hearing. She later backtracked those statements. Saying that she doesn't remember who was even in the room. And that she cannot recall where she even was that night.

So which is it?
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.

No it is merely one possible explanation.

Mistaken identity has happened even deliberate misidentification.

Being sure of who while remembering nothing else is not very credible

Choosing to ignore all the details presented is not very credible either. Details like the outlay of the upstairs, the stairwell, the bed positioning, the music, the laughter.... you know, all the "nothing else" stuff described while you were going :lalala:

And why should that ignorance of detail be surprising coming from a Warren Commission apologist. :rolleyes:
Last edited:
You say four people were witnesses to your rape. None of them back up your story.

You say you have no memory of the date, place or how you got home, but remember you "escaped" Kavanaugh, a much stronger person.

You say you told your therapist it was Kavanaugh, but won't release the records.

You say you had no knowledge of lie detector procedures, yet coached a FBI recruit friend on how to pass the test. That same agent tried to get your other friend to change her testimony.

No wonder Feinstein sat on it for a month. The only use of it was to smear Kavanaugh at the last minute.

You mean the guy involved and PJ. Of course they don't. Even her girlfriend might not of seen her run out.
They don’t even recollect the party and her friend said she’s never met Kav.
Try again.
Here's who else Christine Blasey Ford says was at the high school party where Brett Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted her

and of course the 3 guys don't.

"In her testimony before the Judiciary Committee and in multiple letters Ford and her attorneys have sent to members of Congress and the committee, Ford accuses Kavanaugh of attacking her.

She specifically described walking up the stairs to go to the bathroom, only for Kavanaugh and Judge to push into a bedroom and lock the door behind her. She accuses Kavanaugh of pushing her onto the bed and attempting to remove her bathing suit and rape her while putting his hand over his mouth to stop her from crying out for help.

Ford says she was able to escape when Judge jumped on top of them, toppling them over and allowing her to escape and leave the situation."

I just quoted what Dr. Ford said in front of the Senate Committee at the day of the hearing. She later backtracked those statements. Saying that she doesn't remember who was even in the room. And that she cannot recall where she even was that night.

So which is it?

" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Kavanaugh could rape a woman bloody in front of the nation, and conservatives would just salivate and beg for more
You really need to take a chill pill. Even if you believe 100% of Dr. Ford's accusation, no rape occurred except the one in your wild imagination.
That was an example. Not a description of historical facts.
no rape occured
no sexual assault
nothing happened

Fine. Now prove that.

BUH bye now.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.

Well....belief is not evidence. That's how it works. No evidence, no witnesses, no memory, no crime. Of course we care if she was raped however, there is no evidence that Brett did it. None at all. The FBI found nothing after 6 investigations. You can't just make up crap about people.....unless.....of course....You're a libtard like those democrats.

And yet ----- you yourself got busted on exactly that last week, when you tried to claim Ford was "lying".

Apparently "belief is not evidence except when I say it is". Hypocrite.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.

No. At this point it's just "I don't give a fuck if she was raped or not", because shit happens.

You had your 15 minutes of fame, Mrs. Ford. Now please disappear.
You say four people were witnesses to your rape. None of them back up your story.

No one ever said that. Nor was there a rape.

When you have to make up "alternate facts" you're prolly standing in a heap of shit.
Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.

She knew the year, and he had it on his calendar, July 1st.
She didn’t narrow it down to that year until after demoquacks had interviewed Kav and spoken with her. But regardless of that, so what?
If I accuse you of something and pick a year, so what?
He had a calendar with July 1 st on it?
That’s nearly as compelling as you citing the house had stairs and a bathroom as evidence earlier!
This farce has really unhinged you!

She sited the house , the bedroom and the bathroom, and by the way she sited the year too. Listen to her interview or prosecutors questioning again. It was the summer when she was 15.

No, she provided vague generic descriptions, and was unable to identify the specific house. That's not very compelling.

The house didn't assault her, did it.

Not sure if you've heard about this but there are literally dozens of houses scattered all over the nation and the world that look just like each other. It's almost as if they were all built together by the same builder or sump'm.
Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.

She knew the year, and he had it on his calendar, July 1st.
She didn’t narrow it down to that year until after demoquacks had interviewed Kav and spoken with her. But regardless of that, so what?
If I accuse you of something and pick a year, so what?
He had a calendar with July 1 st on it?
That’s nearly as compelling as you citing the house had stairs and a bathroom as evidence earlier!
This farce has really unhinged you!

She sited the house , the bedroom and the bathroom, and by the way she sited the year too. Listen to her interview or prosecutors questioning again. It was the summer when she was 15.

No, she provided vague generic descriptions, and was unable to identify the specific house. That's not very compelling.

The house didn't assault her, did it.

Who knows? Her lawyers may suggest that in her ever evolving narrative.
You say four people were witnesses to your rape. None of them back up your story.

You say you have no memory of the date, place or how you got home, but remember you "escaped" Kavanaugh, a much stronger person.

You say you told your therapist it was Kavanaugh, but won't release the records.

You say you had no knowledge of lie detector procedures, yet coached a FBI recruit friend on how to pass the test. That same agent tried to get your other friend to change her testimony.

No wonder Feinstein sat on it for a month. The only use of it was to smear Kavanaugh at the last minute.

You mean the guy involved and PJ. Of course they don't. Even her girlfriend might not of seen her run out.

Seems to me if you're escaping from a house where you've just been assaulted and fear that they might be following you, you want to slip out quietly without being seen if you can.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Kavanaugh could rape a woman bloody in front of the nation, and conservatives would just salivate and beg for more
You really need to take a chill pill. Even if you believe 100% of Dr. Ford's accusation, no rape occurred except the one in your wild imagination.
That was an example. Not a description of historical facts.
no rape occured
no sexual assault
nothing happened

Fine. Now prove that.

BUH bye now.
prove what??
...in a our legal, FAIR court system, the accuser/claimer/etc has to prove it--not vice versa
you are way off base
Kavanaugh could rape a woman bloody in front of the nation, and conservatives would just salivate and beg for more
You really need to take a chill pill. Even if you believe 100% of Dr. Ford's accusation, no rape occurred except the one in your wild imagination.
That was an example. Not a description of historical facts.
no rape occured
no sexual assault
nothing happened

Fine. Now prove that.

BUH bye now.
prove what??
...in a our legal, FAIR court system, the accuser/claimer/etc has to prove it--not vice versa
you are way off base

Prove your ass-sertion, DUMBASS.

You forgot it already? Let's refresh your memory. Roll tape.

no rape occured
no sexual assault
nothing happened

That's two ass-sertions plus a sentence fragment loitering. Prove the first and third lines.

Go ahead and put a subject and verb on line 2 and prove that too. And they're all negatives, so you can be the first in history to prove a negative.

Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.

She knew the year, and he had it on his calendar, July 1st.
She didn’t narrow it down to that year until after demoquacks had interviewed Kav and spoken with her. But regardless of that, so what?
If I accuse you of something and pick a year, so what?
He had a calendar with July 1 st on it?
That’s nearly as compelling as you citing the house had stairs and a bathroom as evidence earlier!
This farce has really unhinged you!

She sited the house , the bedroom and the bathroom, and by the way she sited the year too. Listen to her interview or prosecutors questioning again. It was the summer when she was 15.
Again, she changed her story about the house,

....Investigators also spoke with former classmates of Kavanaugh, including two men who showed staffers the “party houses” near the country club during the relevant time period. And the detailed description of the home interior Ford originally provided allowed investigators to compare her story to the layout of the homes of the individuals Ford identified. But then Ford changed her description of the house’s floor plan.

Since media leaks of Ford’s charges first broke, Kavanaugh and his supporters have stressed the impossibility of proving the negative: Kavanaugh could not prove he did not attack Ford. But Kavanuaugh could prove that Ford’s story could not possibly have happened by showing that none of the individuals at the supposed party lived in a house near the country club, and that none of their houses matched that described by Ford. Kavanaugh and investigators were poised to do so when Ford changed her story.

Open-minded Americans of all stripes should see that — emotions aside — Ford’s testimony is completely devoid of credibility: so much so, that Mitchell told the Senate this week that Ford’s allegations do not even meet the preponderance of evidence standard. That standard, which governs in civil litigation, asks whether it is more likely than not that an event occurred.

Christine Blasey Ford's changing Kavanaugh assault story leaves her short on credibility

Maybe her friends husband didn't want her to get involved. He is a businessman. Of course the 3 guys would deny it and her friend said she did not recall but she believed Dr. Ford.

Rita interviews John Keyser, founder and principal of Common Sense Leadership | Blue Ocean
Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.

She knew the year, and he had it on his calendar, July 1st.
She didn’t narrow it down to that year until after demoquacks had interviewed Kav and spoken with her. But regardless of that, so what?
If I accuse you of something and pick a year, so what?
He had a calendar with July 1 st on it?
That’s nearly as compelling as you citing the house had stairs and a bathroom as evidence earlier!
This farce has really unhinged you!

She sited the house , the bedroom and the bathroom, and by the way she sited the year too. Listen to her interview or prosecutors questioning again. It was the summer when she was 15.
Again, she changed her story about the house,

....Investigators also spoke with former classmates of Kavanaugh, including two men who showed staffers the “party houses” near the country club during the relevant time period. And the detailed description of the home interior Ford originally provided allowed investigators to compare her story to the layout of the homes of the individuals Ford identified. But then Ford changed her description of the house’s floor plan.

Since media leaks of Ford’s charges first broke, Kavanaugh and his supporters have stressed the impossibility of proving the negative: Kavanaugh could not prove he did not attack Ford. But Kavanuaugh could prove that Ford’s story could not possibly have happened by showing that none of the individuals at the supposed party lived in a house near the country club, and that none of their houses matched that described by Ford. Kavanaugh and investigators were poised to do so when Ford changed her story.

Open-minded Americans of all stripes should see that — emotions aside — Ford’s testimony is completely devoid of credibility: so much so, that Mitchell told the Senate this week that Ford’s allegations do not even meet the preponderance of evidence standard. That standard, which governs in civil litigation, asks whether it is more likely than not that an event occurred.

Christine Blasey Ford's changing Kavanaugh assault story leaves her short on credibility

Maybe her friends husband didn't want her to get involved.



Penelope: Maybe her friends husband didn't want her to get involved.


" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
She wasn’t sure about anything. If you believe this lying sack you’re an idiot.
" But I do believe she was assaulted"

Ive seen this theory from a few people on the right now. Not least from Susan Collins.

What kind of crap is this ? How does this work ? Kav was the one thing she was sure about.

Let me translate for you:

" we dont give a fuck if she was raped or not but we have to put a face on to try and stop losing the womens vote".

Its just hypocrisy.
Kavanaugh could rape a woman bloody in front of the nation, and conservatives would just salivate and beg for more


Hey btw....since when does a hate America guy have a bald eagle for their avatar? What's up with that?
Choosing to ignore all the details presented is not very credible either. Details like the outlay of the upstairs, the stairwell, the bed positioning, the music, the laughter.... you know, all the "nothing else" stuff described while you were going :lalala:

and why should that ignorance of detail be surprising coming from a Warren Commission apologist. :rolleyes:

Yet none of the "witnesses" remember that party. Seems like a pool party would be easier to remember.
Usually when British women get gang raped by muslims they remember what decade it was.
Conservatives would force them to have the baby if they were in power. Thank God for secularism.
Libbys would make the muslims citizens and elect them mayors of their capitol city.
If they embraced secularism and did not intend to force their beliefs on anybody, then I would gladly elect them over any evangelical nutjob.
They're muslims. If they embraced secularism they would kill the baby themselves.
Evangelical and Muslims would force any woman to have the baby with the threat of prison time. Another thing in the long list of things American conservatives have in common with radical Islam.
You already said that. I responded that secularists would kill the baby.

Do you have anything new to add?
Hum. HMM. Had this accuser alleged this assault happened, I don't know within a span of 20 years, and there had been other accusers within that period of time, this might merit attention. 35 years later, we have no proof or any other allegations in the present tense of heavy drinking and/or sexual assaults by anyone. 35 years is a long time.

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