I dont get the confederate flag hysteria

Nope... that particular hornet's nest is now abroad in the world and looking for trouble... re-awakened by the departure of European Imperialism in the late 1940s.

Caliphates and theocratic autocracies and dictatorships based upon Islam are the matter which rushes in to fill the vacuum, and those are dangerous to The West.

Bullshit. We are talking about countries that have no aircraft carriers, no air forces, no military industry. The reason why they have any weapons at all is because "the West" as you say, was happy to make a quick buck selling to them.

"Help, help, the Hornets are stinging me?"

"You mean the hornets you genetically engineered to have sharper stingers,a nd then intentionally provoked?"

"Uh, yeah, those Hornets!"

Best to squash such beastly vulgarities as they arise, rather than waiting until they're too dug-in, and impossible to dislodge.

Pacifism, appeasement and delusional hiding of our heads in the sand are not the answer, for ourselves, nor our descendants.

War-making for its own sake - or for profit - are not the answer.

Neither is cowering under our collective bed, and pretending that a very serious threat-vector doesn't exist, or that it will leave us alone, if only we leave it alone.

Guy, there's a Mosque a few miles from my house. Nobody has emerged from it to launch an attack on me.

IN fact, it has a gate around it to protect it from dumb bubba-rednecks like you who want to test your bravery after a six pack of Milwaukee's Best.
Nope... that particular hornet's nest is now abroad in the world and looking for trouble... re-awakened by the departure of European Imperialism in the late 1940s.

Caliphates and theocratic autocracies and dictatorships based upon Islam are the matter which rushes in to fill the vacuum, and those are dangerous to The West.

Bullshit. We are talking about countries that have no aircraft carriers, no air forces, no military industry. The reason why they have any weapons at all is because "the West" as you say, was happy to make a quick buck selling to them...
Yeah, Joe, they're harmless, alright.

Don't look now, but... Pakistan has shared nuclear secrets with other countries, including North Korea, and Iran.

Iran is now fairly close to being able to produce a nuclear weapon of its own.

They already have regional-caliber ballistic missiles, and true intercontinental-range ICBM's are only a hop, skip and a jump away from that.


Large-scale bomber forces?

They don't need no stinking carriers.

That's why Allah invented ICBMs.

Nuclear-tipped ICBMs, under the control of a warrior-religion theocracy, which is beginning to project substantial regional power by proxy, and which has a history of encouraging its fighters and people to seek martrydom in the name of their godhead.

Uhhhhh... yeah... no problem.

And just what do you think the new Caliphate is going to do, once they've finished feasting on the bones of Iraq and Syria?

Not to mention Saudi Arabia, which is as rich as God, or even Indonesia, for that matter, as the various domains and key-players of Islam begin to cooperate and re-combine in order to project collective strength that they cannot always project individually.

And, we're not just talking today, oh-ye-of-little-vision, but tomorrow, as well.

We're not just talking about present-day capability, but present-day intentions, and future developments.

..."Help, help, the Hornets are stinging me?" "You mean the hornets you genetically engineered to have sharper stingers,a nd then intentionally provoked?" "Uh, yeah, those Hornets!"...

You do, indeed, seem to be a Charles Lindbergh type of character, once Lindy had 'outed' himself as an Isolationist... "Nazi Germany isn't so bad... c'mon, guys... if we stay out of Europe's troubles, and leave the Nazi beehive alone, they'll leave us alone, too, right?"

Yeah... right.

...Guy, there's a Mosque a few miles from my house. Nobody has emerged from it to launch an attack on me...
You're far too myopic and parochial to understand the threat-vector, and you haven't even bothered to make even a lightweight study of the belief-system so that you can reach reasonably-well-informed conclusions about its dogma and core behaviors and how those will impact upon its future behaviors and prospects for disturbing the peace.

...IN fact, it has a gate around it to protect it from dumb bubba-rednecks like you who want to test your bravery after a six pack of Milwaukee's Best.
Behave yourself, Shirley.
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Yeah, Joe, they're harmless, alright.

Don't look now, but... Pakistan has shared nuclear secrets with other countries, including North Korea, and Iran.

Iran is now fairly close to being able to produce a nuclear weapon of its own.

They already have regional-caliber ballistic missiles, and true intercontinental-range ICBM's are only a hop, skip and a jump away from that.

Nuclear-tipped ICBMs, under the control of a warrior-religion theocracy, which is beginning to project substantial regional power by proxy, and which has a history of encouraging its fighters and people to seek martrydom in the name of their godhead.

Keeping in mind only one country has ever used nukes on people, (that would be us) let's look at that.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has never started a war. They've either repelled invaders or assisted allies.

So let's say they get the ability to make a nuke. So they take out one or two Zionist cities and the Zionists wipe them off the map. That doesn't seem likely, but even so, still not our problem.

You do, indeed, seem to be a Charles Lindbergh type of character, once Lindy had 'outed' himself as an Isolationist... "Nazi Germany isn't so bad... c'mon, guys... if we stay out of Europe's troubles, and leave the Nazi beehive alone, they'll leave us alone, too, right?"

Actually, at the time, Hitler got away with what he got away with because the Western Democracies wanted to use him as a foil against Stalin. Up until the time he double-dealt them and cut a deal with Stalin to divide Eastern Europe. And if the Japanese hadn't bombed Pearl Harbor, we wouldn't have gotten involved.

You're far too myopic and parochial to understand the threat-vector, and you haven't even bothered to make even a lightweight study of the belief-system so that you can reach reasonably-well-informed conclusions about its dogma and core behaviors and how those will impact upon its future behaviors and prospects for disturbing the peace.

I'm still waiting for you to provide the Koran quotes that make your point. Other than that, their belief in sky fairies is just as silly as your belief in sky fairies to me.
...I'm still waiting for you to provide the Koran quotes that make your point...
And you will continue to wait.

Whatever in the world leads you to believe that I have any intention of playing this particular game with you?

Come up with a quote from the Q'uran proving that Islam is a warrior religion and hostile to The West and that is is now re-awakening after long years of domination by European Imperialists and that it is now re-militarizing globally and that as a dogma or belief-system that is poses a grave danger to The West and to the US and the peace of the world?

The Q'uran is absolutely saturated with clues about the future, and provides a wealth of reinforcing data as to its blood lust and intolerance and hostility to unbelievers.

A particular citation? Get off your ass and do your own research. You haven't done any serious reading on the subject. You're just parroting the Loony Leftist auto-defense.

And, as to equating present-day Christianity with present-day Islam... you don't know what you're talking about, but you're always good for a chuckle or two in the morning.
And you will continue to wait.

Whatever in the world leads you to believe that I have any intention of playing this particular game with you?

Come up with a quote from the Q'uran proving that Islam is a warrior religion and hostile to The West and that is is now re-awakening after long years of domination by European Imperialists and that it is now re-militarizing globally and that as a dogma or belief-system that is poses a grave danger to The West and to the US and the peace of the world?

The Q'uran is absolutely saturated with clues about the future, and provides a wealth of reinforcing data as to its blood lust and intolerance and hostility to unbelievers.

A particular citation? Get off your ass and do your own research. You haven't done any serious reading on the subject. You're just parroting the Loony Leftist auto-defense.

And, as to equating present-day Christianity with present-day Islam... you don't know what you're talking about, but you're always good for a chuckle or two in the morning.

So short version, you Islamophobia is not based on any understanding of the religion, it's based on your own paranoia.

"Waaaah, THe Muslims are fighting back when we try to steal their land and resources".
...So short version, you Islamophobia is not based on any understanding of the religion, it's based on your own paranoia. ..

Come back and find me again on this topic, once you've done some serious reading on the subject.

Until then, your juvenile automatic gainsay is not much more than background noise, and it's pointless.

..."Waaaah, THe Muslims are fighting back when we try to steal their land and resources".
The Clubhouse for Islamist Apologists, Islamic Useful Idiot Unbelievers, and American Fifth-Columnist Self-Haters, is right down the hall, fourth door on the Extreme Left.
The PC Police somehow don't see how they continue to exacerbate animosities, not reduce them.

Or maybe they do see it. Maybe that's the point of only attacking symbols while avoiding the critical underlying issues.

If they can increase the evils of racism, they can continue to divide. Political advantage.

The PC Police somehow don't see how they continue to exacerbate animosities, not reduce them.

Or maybe they do see it. Maybe that's the point of only attacking symbols while avoiding the critical underlying issues.

If they can increase the evils of racism, they can continue to divide. Political advantage.


Hey Mac......are you in favor of the confederate flag being flown on government buildings?

Come back and find me again on this topic, once you've done some serious reading on the subject.

Until then, your juvenile automatic gainsay is not much more than background noise, and it's pointless.

Yawn, guy, you are the one who is basing his opinions on racism and ignorance.

The Clubhouse for Islamist Apologists, Islamic Useful Idiot Unbelievers, and American Fifth-Columnist Self-Haters, is right down the hall, fourth door on the Extreme Left.

How about the club for "Tired of seeing rich people getting poor people to die for their profits" club. Put the rich on the front line, I bet you they won't see a "Muslim" threat anymore.

The PC Police somehow don't see how they continue to exacerbate animosities, not reduce them.

Or maybe they do see it. Maybe that's the point of only attacking symbols while avoiding the critical underlying issues.

If they can increase the evils of racism, they can continue to divide. Political advantage.

Or maybe we just wonder why a racist symbol is still being displayed proudly in 2015 by ANYONE.

Come back and find me again on this topic, once you've done some serious reading on the subject.

Until then, your juvenile automatic gainsay is not much more than background noise, and it's pointless.

Yawn, guy, you are the one who is basing his opinions on racism and ignorance. ..
1. Islam is not a race.

2. I have read Q'uran, and dabbled in Haddith and Sunnah, beginning on September 12, 2001, in order to better understand The Adversary.

3. You have done no such serious reading.

4. Your school-yard rock-throwing is, therefore, dismissed with prejudice.

...How about the club for "Tired of seeing rich people getting poor people to die for their profits" club. Put the rich on the front line, I bet you they won't see a "Muslim" threat anymore...
Please contact Doctor Who, to book passage on the Tardis, in order to warp back to the mid-1960s, where you will be happier, with an audience that is on the same wavelength.
1. Islam is not a race.

2. I have read Q'uran, and dabbled in Haddith and Sunnah, beginning on September 12, 2001, in order to better understand The Adversary.

And yet you still can't come up with that "Damning Verse"....

3. You have done no such serious reading.

4. Your school-yard rock-throwing is, therefore, dismissed with prejudice.

yes, I have. The point is, any belief in a Magic Sky Pixie can lead to violence. Our problem with the Islamic world is that the Europeans exploited them and now we are trying to pick up where they left off.

Unlike you, I try to understand the other side's point of view. You seem pretty incapable of that.

Please contact Doctor Who, to book passage on the Tardis, in order to warp back to the mid-1960s, where you will be happier, with an audience that is on the same wavelength.

No, if I had a TARDIS, there'd be much more interesting places to visit.

But the 1960's before Republican found it was easier to pander to racism than to maintain a middle class, would have been pretty sweet.

Before Nixon and Reagan and the Bush Crime Family fucked everything up.
...Unlike you, I try to understand the other side's point of view. You seem pretty incapable of that...

Is THAT how Tokyo Rose and Lord-Haw justified their turning against their own? Cool !!!

Yes... you despise the Stars and Bars, but are obsessed with defending the Crescent Moon.

Yeah, Joe, folks around here do, indeed, have your number.
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Is THAT how Tokyo Rose and Lord-Haw justified their turning against their own? Cool !!!

The Oil Companies and Zionists aren't "My Own".

I see a difference between the interests of big corporations and the interests of average Americans.

Again, put the rich on the front lines of the war, and then you will suddenly discover that the Muslims arent' the enemy anymore.

Come back and find me again on this topic, once you've done some serious reading on the subject.

Until then, your juvenile automatic gainsay is not much more than background noise, and it's pointless.

Yawn, guy, you are the one who is basing his opinions on racism and ignorance. ..
1. Islam is not a race.

2. I have read Q'uran, and dabbled in Haddith and Sunnah, beginning on September 12, 2001, in order to better understand The Adversary.

Right there is where you went off track --- looking for religious motivations for an act that was obviously and nakedly political.

It's like going to a McDonald's, noting that the food tastes like cardboard, and trying to figure out why that is by examining the wrapping paper.

When we heard of the OKC bombing, did we immediately ask what the perp's religion was?
Actually some did.
And when we found out he was Christian we dropped that criterion like a hot potato.

Think about it.
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

In a way you have a point. Dylan Roof didn't slaughter nine people in the name of a flag--- he slaughtered nine people because he's too fucking stupid to see through the bigoted hate bullshit he picked up dumpster-diving on the internet.

You know -- like the rest of your post here with that Muslim malarkey.

Riigghhht. Admit it asshole - you, and those mouth breathing liberals like you, are scared shitless of Muslims because, unlike Christians, they will lop your head off.

This idiotic, unwarranted fear of 'Muslims' is the sole purview of you and most others on the ridiculous right.

Go to hell hypocrite

Come back and find me again on this topic, once you've done some serious reading on the subject.

Until then, your juvenile automatic gainsay is not much more than background noise, and it's pointless.

Yawn, guy, you are the one who is basing his opinions on racism and ignorance. ..
1. Islam is not a race.

2. I have read Q'uran, and dabbled in Haddith and Sunnah, beginning on September 12, 2001, in order to better understand The Adversary.

Right there is where you went off track --- looking for religious motivations for an act that was obviously and nakedly political.

It's like going to a McDonald's, noting that the food tastes like cardboard, and trying to figure out why that is by examining the wrapping paper.

When we heard of the OKC bombing, did we immediately ask what the perp's religion was?
Actually some did.
And when we found out he was Christian we dropped that criterion like a hot potato.

Think about it.

"Right there is where you went off track"

This is where YOU went off the tracks dip shit.

They make no such differentiations dumbass.

It's always RELIGIOUS to Muslim's, you are too much of an idiot to even grasp that simple fact.
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

Admitting that Obama's war on terror has been a joke is not on the agenda.

The left likes it when racial tensions are high because it provides victims and an all-powerful government that must steal a few more liberties so it can save the day.

Many people own Confederate flags and they are not at all racist. By declaring that it is a symbol of racism, the left can now point their fingers at a large number of people and claim that the race war rages on and that something must be done. That something is always controlling more speech and allowing more reparations that buy votes. By passing laws saying that hate speech is a crime that carries a serious punishment, they can word it so any language they deem hate speech can get people arrested. Once they have any power over speech, they will take full advantage of it and start banning any negative comments against their agenda. It's all a trick, but ignorant and well meaning people will fall for it. Few will realize just what they are giving up to appear benevolent.

It's one of the oldest tricks in the book, long favored by dictators. You must agree to go along and cede liberty for the greater good or you will be targeted by government. People fear government these days, proving that tyranny exists, and will change their behavior in order to be left alone. Who wants government after them? It's scary and people realize that speaking out against the state could end badly for them with anything from scrutiny by government agencies to jail time if criticizing the administration is deemed hate speech. Considering that the left often levels accusations of racism on those who disagree with the left's agenda, you can see where this is going. Rally against higher taxes, same sex marriage, radical Islam, Obamacare, amnesty for illegals or affirmative action and you could potentially be charged with a hate crime if the left gets their way.

By banning the flag from federal buildings, the left has stopped short of making owning one illegal. Sales of the Confederate flag have increased, as a form of protest, and the left will point to this as a display of racism. They want people upset over the attack on freedom of speech and they are prepared to do battle by labelling each and every flag owner as being guilty of hate speech. Only a matter of time before it carries a stiff penalty and the sheep will agree to it because they are being fed so much propaganda that they will love seeing all those hateful racists get punishment. Haven't heard any liberals stand up for freedom of speech or admit that the last few generations haven't supported slavery or consider the flag a symbol of that. It's the left that attached that meaning to it and they could care less about the truth. Does anyone believe that the "Dukes of Hazzard" were openly showing racism? No. They see the flag as a symbol of the good ole country boys and don't attach a single racist thought to it. Such is the case with most, but that hardly helps the leftist agenda.

Personally, there is only one flag that I'd like to see burned and gone for good because it does stand for hatred and violence.

Sarah, here is all you need to know:

The democrats needed to manufacture racial strife because the shootings in charleston brought people together. So to cause problems at a difficult time, they attacked the flag.

To understand progressives, remember this: the democrats will manufacture a problem where it doesn't exist and then offer themselves or their policies as the solution.

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