I dont get the confederate flag hysteria


Come back and find me again on this topic, once you've done some serious reading on the subject.

Until then, your juvenile automatic gainsay is not much more than background noise, and it's pointless.

Yawn, guy, you are the one who is basing his opinions on racism and ignorance. ..
1. Islam is not a race.

2. I have read Q'uran, and dabbled in Haddith and Sunnah, beginning on September 12, 2001, in order to better understand The Adversary.

Right there is where you went off track --- looking for religious motivations for an act that was obviously and nakedly political.

It's like going to a McDonald's, noting that the food tastes like cardboard, and trying to figure out why that is by examining the wrapping paper.

When we heard of the OKC bombing, did we immediately ask what the perp's religion was?
Actually some did.
And when we found out he was Christian we dropped that criterion like a hot potato.

Think about it.

"Right there is where you went off track"

This is where YOU went off the tracks dip shit.

They make no such differentiations dumbass.

It's always RELIGIOUS to Muslim's, you are too much of an idiot to even grasp that simple fact.

The liberals seems almost giddy because they've managed to trample freedom of speech. It's a matter of time before Confederate flags are considered a reason to attack people. If you have one on your house and someone decides to burn the flag, or your house, the left will likely argue that you were asking for it. Same way of thinking with the radical Muslims.

The radical leftwing thugs are experts at getting people riled and convincing them that people are out to get them. They use rhetoric to incite anger, then sit back and watch the destruction, all the while blaming the victims. It takes so little these days to get some people to resort to violence and murder. Just do the smallest thing to "offend" and you quickly become a victim of violence. And the left says you were asking for it. Never blame those who attack or even kill people and enjoy it. Blame those who were politically incorrect. It's how past tyrants have controlled the population. I can't believe in this day and age, with all we know of history, that this bullshit still works like a charm. The leftists know what they are doing and the people refuse to see how they are being manipulated.

Pitting people against each other is a vital step in controlling them. If there wasn't so much division among the people, we would likely be more concerned about what the politicians in Washington are doing to us and we can't have that. While some of the most oppressive legislation and policies are being pushed through non-elected government bureaucrats, everyone is focused on some social issues that aren't really issues. The Confederate flag has been a non-issue for years until the left started implementing their radical policies to fundamentally change the country. I wish people could see that this flag banning will change nothing and is merely designed to distract us from the big picture. If anything, this flag issue will cause more division than unity. Obama is not even trying to unite as that wouldn't help him advance his agenda. He is dividing us deliberately and too many refuse to see it for what it is.
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

Hell if I know....Christians rampaged across Europe in a multitude of bloody wars, forced conversions among Native Americans...and killed unbelievers in the name of God....but there doesn't seem to be anyone wanting to ban the bible or churches despite that bloody heritage :dunno:
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

In a way you have a point. Dylan Roof didn't slaughter nine people in the name of a flag--- he slaughtered nine people because he's too fucking stupid to see through the bigoted hate bullshit he picked up dumpster-diving on the internet.

You know -- like the rest of your post here with that Muslim malarkey.

Please!!! Many more people have been murdered in the last 20 years here by people who revere Allah than by those who revere the confederacy. Lets ban both the confederate flag and Mosques!!

This is so retarded. You are comparing a flag that is identified with slavery, segregation and repression to a significant group of people with a world religion that varies around the world.
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

Hell if I know....Christians rampaged across Europe in a multitude of bloody wars, forced conversions among Native Americans...and killed unbelievers in the name of God....but there doesn't seem to be anyone wanting to ban the bible or churches despite that bloody heritage :dunno:

If you really believe that, you're not paying much attention.
Muslims murder thousands of americans in the name of Allah and the Koran, but there doesnt seem to be anyone wanting to ban the Koran or Mosques?

Hell if I know....Christians rampaged across Europe in a multitude of bloody wars, forced conversions among Native Americans...and killed unbelievers in the name of God....but there doesn't seem to be anyone wanting to ban the bible or churches despite that bloody heritage :dunno:
Maybe that's because Christians don't do that anymore on any appreciable scale and haven't for a very long time, whereas Muslims are still doing it, on a broad scale, at this very moment - and they are ramping-up to do it on an even larger scale in the future.

Maybe that's because when Christians fought those wars, they did so, hoodwinked by their rationalizing (Just War) leaders, but, when they fought, the actually did so in contravention to the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth...

Whereas when Muslims fight such wars, they do so in compliance with the teachings of Muhammed, who left behind a long, blood-soaked legacy of example and dogma suited to encouraging such things - requiring far less hoodwinking - and easily invoked by any street-corner mullah.

When your dogma requires peace and love and forgiveness, your belief-system always has a Reset Button that can be used, when your leaders cause you to stray too far from the Core Teachings of your belief system.

When your dogma encourages religious war and violence and intolerance and martyrdom, your belief system lacks the kind of Reset Button that its peer systems do.

A house (belief system) is only as good as its foundation (dogma).
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Come back and find me again on this topic, once you've done some serious reading on the subject.

Until then, your juvenile automatic gainsay is not much more than background noise, and it's pointless.

Yawn, guy, you are the one who is basing his opinions on racism and ignorance. ..
1. Islam is not a race.

2. I have read Q'uran, and dabbled in Haddith and Sunnah, beginning on September 12, 2001, in order to better understand The Adversary.

Right there is where you went off track --- looking for religious motivations for an act that was obviously and nakedly political.

It's like going to a McDonald's, noting that the food tastes like cardboard, and trying to figure out why that is by examining the wrapping paper.

When we heard of the OKC bombing, did we immediately ask what the perp's religion was?
Actually some did.
And when we found out he was Christian we dropped that criterion like a hot potato.

Think about it.

"Right there is where you went off track"

This is where YOU went off the tracks dip shit.

They make no such differentiations dumbass.

It's always RELIGIOUS to Muslim's, you are too much of an idiot to even grasp that simple fact.


Your capitulation is duly noted.

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